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Itc561 Cloud Computing- Database And Assessment Answers

Webb’s Stores is a successful regional retailer that operates stores in Australia and also in New Zealand. Webb’s sell a range of food stuffs as well as some speciality items. The company has two main data centres, one located in Sydney and the other in Melbourne. It also has a number of regional data centres located in Wagga, Bathurst, Port Macquarie, Brisbane and Auckland in New Zealand.

Webb’s Stores has engaged you as a consultant to advise them on the use of Cloud Computing in their daily operations. They have some 600 sales staff that work in their stores and 200 staff that work in their two main warehouses in Sydney and Melbourne.  Webb’s have been facing increasing issues with application and operational complexity and the management of their data. They have been advised that a move to using a Cloud based infrastructure would be an advantage to them.
Webb’s has recently taken over a group of small independent grocery retailers in regional Victoria. They need to integrate this new retailer into their operations as soon as possible. The Board of Directors of Webb’s has decided that they will use this new regional group of stores to test their strategy of using the Cloud to better integrate their operations.Your task is to:
1. Prepare a PowerPoint briefing for the Directors of Webb’s Stores. Your briefing should:

a. Describe the key concepts of Cloud Computing and why do you think that a move to the cloud will benefit Webb’s Store.
b. Explain how Webb’s could use either AWS or Azure to integrate their new regional group of stores into their existing operations. 
c. Explain which cloud architectures you could use to integrate these operations and the reasons for their use.
d. Each slide in the briefing must also include speaking notes in the notes section to explain the slide, and all images used in the briefing should be referenced. 
2. The Board of Webb’s is considering moving to a SaaS model for providing email and office automation services (this includes mainly word processing, spreadsheets and presentation software such as PowerPoint). There are a number of providers of these services that are now available and you are asked to recommend one of these services to Webb’s. You are to prepare a PowerPoint briefing for the Directors that includes:

a. The advantages that Webb’s can achieve if they use this type of SaaS service,

b. The disadvantages that Webb’s will face from using this type of service,

c. The SaaS service that you would recommend, including:
i. The name of the service
ii. How it is better than other similar services?
iii. What are its specific disadvantages?
3. Webb’s Stores has data centres in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane that run MS SQL Server 2012 R2 databases. These databases form the operational core of Webb’s. These data centres are linked by a fibre based WAN and data is replicated between the data centres daily. The 3 data centres each run x86 based servers attached to a HPE 3PAR SAN with 1PB of storage. The databases in each data centre are stored on the SAN. There is a copy of this database at the Auckland data centre, but they are having issues replicating data to Auckland because of latency and other issues. Webb’s is now considering moving its databases into the cloud to resolve this issue. But they are unsure of the issues that are involved with this migration. You are to write a report for the Webb’s board that:
a. Describes the differences between using:
i. An IaaS approach to migrating Webb’s database to the cloud, and
ii. A PaaS approach to migrating Webb’s database to the cloud.
iii. Create a table that shows the advantages and disadvantages of each approach,
iv. What is the approach that you would recommend and give your reasons for recommending this approach


1. a) Cloud computing is seen as the next evolution of the internet, where IT services and resources are delivered on-demand to users. These services are leased to customers which provide several benefits to business such as lowered operational cost and system conveniences (i.e. mobility, flexibility and scalability). In all, three broad categories of service subscription are given: one, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) where computational resources are given; Software as a service (SaaS) for application and software packages, and finally platform as a service (PaaS) where software development environments are given(Dowling, 2017).

Webb’s Store on integrating these technologies can acquire the following benefits:

  •    Cost saving – no setup or maintenance expenses are experienced.
  •    Flexibility and Mobility of resources
  •    Scalability of resources based on their immediate demands.
  •    Automation of office services(IBM, 2009).

Speaker note: Cloud computing – is a subscription service that offers users leased services based on their immediate resource needs.

By leasing resources, cloud computing makes IT resources cheap and affordable. Furthermore, it increases their mobility, flexibility and scalability.

Webb’s Stores can have the following benefits:

Cost saving: Flexibility and Mobility of resources, Scalability of resources & Automation of office services

b) To expand its business, Webb’s Stores has taken up some few stores within the Victoria region. Now, to manage the new location, all the acquired stores must be fitted with the support systems needed to run and coordinate the stores. This requires IT infrastructures as well as software packages. However, with Azure cloud services, the company can choose to host any operational services it requires. In general, Azure will provide three main services: Applications, Cloud and Virtual machines(Azure, 2017).

Now, using the applications service, Webb’s Stores can host management packages such as enterprise systems that collaborate the store’s activities. Moreover, using the cloud services, Webb’s Stores can host the same services but with an added benefit of extra controls over the operating systems. Finally, with the virtual machines service, they can have complete control over any resource they host with the CSP. In all, the company can migrate the resources hosted in their data centres so as to support the new branches without adding any new computational infrastructure (Azure, Azure Cloud Services, 2017).

Speaker notes: Azure provides several cloud service that can help facilitates Webb’s Stores expansion requirements.

They are Applications services, Cloud services and Virtual machines services.

Application services – using this service, the company can host management packages needed to support the business.

Cloud services – on the other hand, cloud services would offer more control as it provides back-end functionalities.

Finally, virtual machines services- offer complete control over the hosted resources.

In all, a cloud migration would eliminate the need for computation infrastructure, therefore, lower the expansion cost.

c) First, we have to consider the resources that are currently being used by Webb’s Stores. Moreover, there are other business branches in existence which also must be considered. In light of these outcomes, a hybrid architecture is necessary as it would combine the in-house resources stored at the existing branches with those of a service provider. Furthermore, remember that the new stores need to use the information stored in the data centres in Sydney and Melbourne. Therefore, these resources must be connected to the Victoria branch for optimal information systems (IS) operations (Nginx, 2015).


                                                                       Fig: Cloud computing Architecture

By using a hybrid architecture, the company can migrate these resources to the CSP which in combination with the on-premise equipment can serve the new branches. Moreover, this architecture would be served by a simple bursting technique that has minimal implementation risks and cost, a favourable outcome for the organization (Azure, Azure Cloud Services, 2017).

Speaker notes: Considering that the company already has other existing IT resources i.e. data centres and the lot, a hybrid architecture is chosen.

This structure would combine the resources owned by the CSP with the in-house facilities.

Furthermore, a simple bursting method would be used to deploy the architecture as it presents minimal risks as compared to other deployment models.

2. a) Software as a service (SaaS): this cloud based model will offer applications and software packages to subscribers through an online platform e.g. a browser. To date, it's still the most popular model used as it delivers front-end services to consumers, users who have little technical know-how for the rest of the cloud computing models. An example of SaaS, email services as offered by the likes of Google (Gmail) and Yahoo (Yahoo mail)(Satyanarayana, 2012).

Webb’s Stores would achieve the following advantages with SaaS

  • Resource accessibility – considering the access requirements are, internet enabled devices and the internet itself, the company can achieve an all round system access.
  • Operational resiliency – CSP host resources in several locations which guarantee the company will always have access to their resources.

Speaker notes: SaaS: a service model that offers software and application packages to users through online systems such as browsers.

It’s the most popular model as it's easy to use.

An example of SaaS, email services e.g. Gmail and Yahoo mail.

Advantages of SaaS:

Resource accessibility – access is done using the internet at any given location.

Operational resiliency – as the CSP has many redundancy protocols.

  • Upgradability – Webb’s Stores can easily choose to upgrade the systems they use since this requirement is conducted by the CSP.
  • Cost efficiency – Finally, this service is offered on a pay per use model which makes it affordable and compatible with any business operations (Software, 2015).
b) Nevertheless, while SaaS may offer many benefits and conveniences, it does also present several disadvantages most of which are caused by the data allocation techniques/ Methods.
  • Data security – data owned by the organization would be stored in unknown locations and using unknown security procedures. In essence, a third party is trusted with sensitive material, a big risk for the organization.
  • Loss of control – it’s also easy to lose track of the resources migrated online as they are operated using the internet.
  • Vendor-lock-in – a lot of resources are involved in the migration process which deters subscribers from switching service providers(Software, 2015).

Speaker notes: Cont.…

Upgradability – operational packages can be updated at any given time.

Cost efficiency – resources are never bought or maintained but leased.

Disadvantages of SaaS

Data security – data is stored in unknown locations.

Loss of control – the IT resources are accessed through the internet, a pervasive technology.

Vendor lock-in because of the size of the migrated resources.

c) The SaaS service

i. Google Apps.
ii. How is it better?

Features: Webb’ Stores requires an office package that would cover emails, online chat rooms and office automation. Google Apps provide all these services, plus the extended feature of practicality as many users are already familiar with the services more so through Gmail and its search engine (Otey, 2017).

Nevertheless, the following features make it the best option as compared to the rest.

  • Docs – the resource that hosts all automation services such as word processors and spreadsheets. Plus, these resources are provided on a real-time basis.
  • Google talk – a feature that enables facilitates such as chat rooms and messaging services.
  • Control panel – that enables the organization to manage its users’ accounts.
  • Domain integration – which makes it easy to use with the existing in-house systems

Speaker notes: The SaaS service: Google Apps

How is it better?

The service has many and extended features that set it apart from the rest, they include

Docs – offers office automation resources such as word processor and spreadsheets, all at real-time basis.

Google talk – facilitates live communication through chat rooms and messaging.

Control panel – facilitates the management of users’ accounts.

Domain integration – can be integrated with the existing online systems.

  • Start-up page – this feature allows an organization to customise the service into an in-house tool possessing the logos and other features of the organization.
  • Gadgets – extras features such as News feeds, media players and custom RSS readers(Otey, 2017).

These features are endless and will only continue to grow with time.

iii) Disadvantages
  • An online service – connectivity is required which limits offline activities.
  • Single source support – if Google services are interrupted, the company’s operations will be affected(Kazmeyer, 2017).

Speaker note: Cont…

Possesses a startup page that allows users to customise the service to include features such as logos etc.

Gadgets – that have added features such as media players and custom RSS readers.


It's solely an online service i.e. internet connection is a must.

It’s a single support service, therefore, if the CSP fails (Google) the company’s operation fails as well.

3. a) Database and cloud migration

                                                                            Fig: Cloud computing service models

i. The IaaS approach

As highlighted before, IaaS offers computational resources to subscribers where physical components (infrastructure) are leased to users based on their needs. Consider the problem facing Webb’s Stores, where data replication has been faced by many problems e.g. delays. Moreover, with the new branches, the company will require efficient systems that will deliver services to customers. Now, IaaS would offer the back-end resources such as servers, networking equipment and processors among many others (Capgemini, 2017).

These resources would be based in remote environments as established by the CSP. Webb’s Stores, on the other hand, would access the said resources through online systems which would designate them as virtual components of business operations. Furthermore, Webb’s Store would have to install and maintain the supporting software applications such as operating systems. This outcome would increase the company’s control over the resources it uses as the third party (CSP) would only handle the physical structures and not the supporting framework (Capgemini, 2017). Therefore, while the data centres are located in remote areas, the subscriber would have the ultimate control because the supporting framework is solely maintained by them through the virtual connection. In all, this is the best technique of hosting vital IT components such as database systems as they hold sensitive content  (Molnar & Schechter, 2006).

ii. The PaaS approach

Consider the diagram above, where a layout of the service models is given. By observing the diagram it’s clear to see the position held by PaaS services, where they act as intermediary resources wedged between IaaS and SaaS. This outcome is facilitated by their operational structure that requires the features held by the other two. Furthermore, PaaS acts as a compromise between the functionalities of IaaS (infrastructure resources) and SaaS (front end resources). In all, PaaS will provide subscribers with development environments for Softwares and applications (Cloud-council, 2015).

These environments will enable users to develop, test, deploy and maintain software solutions that are based on simple development frameworks. For instance, an App development firm can lease this service as compared to purchasing servers and machines for hosting the actual software development platforms. Furthermore, PaaS also offers front end services where resources are presented to the users using standardised GUIs (graphical user interface). This functionality complements the model’s services as they are similar to those offered by SaaS. In addition to this, PaaS will provide back-end functionalities that will include the maintenance of servers, networks and operating systems. Again, these functionalities complement those of IaaS (Cloud-council, 2015).

Pros and cons of both IaaS and PaaS




High levels of control (IT resources) – this benefit is attributed to the design structure of IaaS that enables subscribers to have back-end operations. This includes; maintaining the OS, servers and networks.

Geographical limitations – IaaS resources are heavy in nature thus cannot be ferried over long distances.

Guaranteed planning and expansion – CSP will offer unlimited resources as paid for by the subscriber, therefore Webb’s Stores can expand their resources at any given time.

Secondly, the services offered by IaaS are in the lower tier section.

Power efficiency – all infrastructure requirements e.g. power and security are handled by the CSP and are based on specialised models.

IaaS is very expensive owing to the amount of the leased resources.

Good security protocols that are based on single tenant systems.

Finally, the service model is very distractive to business operations (Sigma, 2017).


Automated updates – the platforms and features involved are automatically updates by the CSP.

Vendor-lock-in – PaaS is still the least utilised cloud service which has led to few service providers.

Cost efficiency – redundant hardware components are eliminated which saves lowers the development cost.

Scalability issues more so to a business environment.

Collaboration – developers can collaborate even when in different locations.

Compatibility issues, as the model, is still in its maturity stage (Patankar, 2015).


Webb’s Stores provides retail services to consumers, where foods and other speciality items are sold. These services do not require development platforms, in fact, they only require management systems (IS) that monitor and manage business operations. Moreover, e-business can be used to sell services and products online. Therefore, an IaaS model is favourable for this application as it provides all the necessary resources including storage for the data files and the access infrastructure (networks) needed for the online systems. In addition to this, IaaS offers Webb’s Stores the best control over their resources, a critical component of e-business as financial transactions are included.


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Capgemini. (2017). Infrastructure-as-a-Service. Infrastructure Services, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: .

Cloud-council. (2015). Practical Guide to Platform as a service version 1.0. Cloud standards customer council, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://www.cloud-council.org/CSCC-Practical-Guide-to-PaaS.pdf.

Dowling, J. (2017). Introduction to Cloud Computing. Royal Institute of Technology, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://www.kth.se/social/files/554fa451f276544829be2e5e/9-cloud-computing.pdf.

IBM. (2009). The Benefits of Cloud Computing. Dynamic Infrastructure, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://www.ibm.com/ibm/files/H300444G23392G14/13Benefits_of_Cloud_Computing_634KB.pdf.

Kazmeyer, M. (2017). The Pros & Cons of Google Apps. Chron, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-google-apps-27349.html.

Molnar, D., & Schechter, S. (2006). Self-Hosting vs. Cloud Hosting: Accounting for the security impact of hosting in the cloud. . Microsoft research. , Retrieved 27 April, 2017, from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/db9f/b8fbc92b74d3d84e02240bf98064170ef23a.pdf.

Nginx. (2015). 3 Cloud Architectures with NGINX Plus. Retrieved 27 April, 2017, from: https://www.nginx.com/blog/cloud-architectures/.

Otey, M. (2017). Features of Google Apps. ITPro Windows, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://windowsitpro.com/systems-management/features-google-apps.

Patankar, M. (2015). Moving to Cloud Platform as a Service – Pros and Cons. Developers Works India, Retrieved 21 August, 2017, from: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/96960515-2ea1-4391-8170-b0515d08e4da/entry/Moving_to_Cloud_Platform_as_a_Service_Pros_and_Cons?lang=en.

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