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Itc561 Cloud Computing: Case Study- Assessment Answers


SoftArc Engineering Ltd is a civil engineering company which works across Australia as well as in Indonesia, Timor Leste and Papua New Guinea. The company is considering moving some of its computer infrastructure into the Cloud. The SoftArc Engineering Board is contemplating this move as a way to increase the company’s flexibility and responsiveness, as well as to achieve some savings on the cost of maintaining their ICT infrastructure.

SoftArc Engineering has engaged you as a consultant to advise them on the use of Cloud Computing in their daily operations. They have some 200 engineering and support staff that work on different civil engineering projects in different parts of the Australia and neighbouring countries. They have been advised that a move to using a Cloud based infrastructure would be an advantage to them.

Your task is to:

  1. One of SoftArc Engineering’s first undertakings is to provide all their civil engineering staff with the ability to access office automation, such as email, word processing and spreadsheet capabilities, as well as online storage for their files, whether they are in the office, at home, or deployed on site in the field. The SoftArc Engineering board is very concerned to learn about the critical issues, other than cost, that may affect the supply of Cloud based office automation to their staff. You will need to prepare a report on the best way to provide office automation for SoftArc Engineering. Your report should:

    1. Provide SoftArc Engineering with TWO different approaches to providing office automation to their civil engineering staff;
    2. Outline the major benefits and issues for each approach;
    3. Provide a summary of your advice to this company along with your recommendation about which option to choose.

  2. SoftArc Engineering has a number of data centres in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. These data centres are linked by a fibre based WAN and data is replicated between the data centres daily. The 3 data centres each run x86 based servers attached to a HPE 3PAR SAN with 1PB of storage. They also have a series of RHEL 6 servers (Red Hat Enterprise Linux v6.0) that are used to host Web pages and various Web services. These are located only in the Sydney data centre. SoftArc Engineering is considering initially moving its Web infrastructure to an IaaS instance in a public Cloud, but they are unsure of the issues that are involved with this migration. You are to write a report for the SoftArc Engineering board that:

    1. Describes the difference between locally hosted infrastructure (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and infrastructure provided using an IaaS provider in a public Cloud.
    2. You will need to discuss the critical issues and factors, other than cost, that SoftArc Engineering will have to consider in choosing to migrate their Web infrastructure to an IaaS service provider. This part of your report should take no more than two pages.

  3. SoftArc Engineering is also considering whether to use PaaS or SaaS to provide services to its employees. SoftArc Engineering has deployed Microsoft SharePoint 2013 from its data centre as a collaboration and document management tool for its 250 employees. The SharePoint 2013 instance has been extensively customised to suit SoftArc Engineering’s needs and also runs Project Central, their Project Management tool as a separate application from within SharePoint. All employees have the Microsoft Office 2013 suite of office automation products installed on their respective desktops or laptops. SoftArc Engineering would like to move its SharePoint 2013 instance to the cloud to make it more accessible, particularly to its users in remote or overseas locations. SoftArc Engineering want you to report on:

    1. What are the major differences between the models IaaS, PaaS and SaaS?
    2. Recommend the model that you consider most appropriate for this service and discuss why this model is the most appropriate for the SharePoint service.
    3. What are the most likely problems that SoftArc Engineering will encounter with the model that you recommend? How would you advise SoftArc Engineering to deal with these issues?


Two approaches to provide office automation in SoftArc Engineering Company

The SoftArc Engineering Company wants to provide access of office automation to the staffs of civil engineering. The facility of office automation can be provided by utilizing either cloud computing or business intelligence (Almorsy, Grundy & Muller, 2016). These technologies will be helpful in accessing the automation system of the organization in context to word processing, spreadsheet capabilities, online storage board as well as emails. These technologies are considered advantageous for the SoftArc Engineering Company but it is analyzed that inappropriate utilization of this technologies creates numerous challenges for the organization.

Major benefits as well as issues of the approaches

 Benefits as well as disadvantages of Cloud computing is elaborated below:


 Rapid Elasticity: The vendors of cloud help in providing numerous range of virtual storage as well as inestimable on demand resources for its different users (Bacon et al., 2014).The various consumers of the system do not have to spend much time on forecasting various resources.

Cost efficiency: With the utilization of cloud computing, the consumers can share their resources. Depending on both the demand as well as requirement, the vendors are able to forward the cost-efficiency to the various consumers.

Recovery: It is identified that cloud computing helps in providing proper data recovery or data backup facility (Bruneo, 2014).  If any significant data related with the organization will get lost then they can be recovered easily.


 Problem with change management: Sudden and inappropriate change in the platform are very much difficult to handle and as a result they creates number of issues.

Control issues: The services, which are provided with the help of cloud, computing cannot be handled appropriately by the in-house staff and as a result number of problems related with control rises.

Bandwidth issues: The consumers of the organization need to plan efficiently for performing properly (Huo et al., 2016). t is identified that if in a small data centre, huge amount of servers as well as storage are stored then number of issues related with bandwidth rises.

The problems as well as benefits of business intelligence are provided below:

Benefits:  The business intelligence technology can be utilized for data integration and one of the significant business intelligence tool, which is referred as Hadoop, helps in accessing various types of data from the server appropriately (Bahrami & Singhal, 2015).  The technology is considered quite significant for business transformation. It can also be utilized in making proper decisions related to the consumers.

 Problems: If the data that are required for integration increases, then number of issues associated with business intelligence arises. If the employees of the organization lacks proper experiences then numerous technical issues rises in the organization (Hashem et al., 2015). Security is also considered as one of the disadvantage. If the servers does not utilize proper authentication or security then number of problems arises.

Summary of your advice to this company along with your recommendation

  It is analyzed that cloud-computing technology is considered as the most suitable as well as appropriate approach for the SoftArc Engineering organization. Cloud computing is considered as the most appropriate technology as it helps in enhancing both the revenue as well as quality of service of the organization at the same time (Furuncu & Sogukpinar, 2015). The staffs of the company can easily access the automation system of the organization without facing much challenges. The technology of cloud computing is considered beneficial as it helps in providing the recovery facility with which the organization can get data as well as information that they have lost earlier. Due to all this advantages, the organization “SoftArc Engineering” is suggested to utilize the technology of cloud computing.

Description of the difference between locally hosted infrastructure as well as infrastructure provided by utilizing IaaS provider

 The differences are illustrated below:

 Accessibility: The infrastructure, which is provided with the help of IaaS provider, is one of the most superior infrastructures. It is analyzed that they provide easy accessibility as compared to other infrastructure (Jo et al., 2015). It plays an important role in enhancing as well as by making proper improvement by achieving proper amount of data.

Cost: It is analyzed that cost is one of the most important factor between the locally hosted infrastructures as well as between the infrastructures, which is provided by the utilization of IaaS provider (Kavis, 2014).  It is identified that infrastructure that is provided with the utilization of IaaS cloud is considered to be most expensive. On the other hand, locally hosted infrastructures are very much cost effective in comparison to other infrastructures.

Security: It is analyzed that local hosted infrastructure assists in providing higher level of both privacy as well as security in comparison to the infrastructure that is provided with the help of IaaS Provider (Hwang et al., 2016). The different data as well as information, which are shared by the organization with the help of cloud services, does not provide appropriate security.

Discussion of critical factors as well as issues those are necessary for migrating from Web infrastructure to an IaaS provider

 The critical issues as well as factors are illustrated below:

 Improper flexibility: The various types of services as well as applications of IaaS infrastructure mainly run with the help of third party. Therefore the company must exercise proper control of execution on different hardware as well as software of the organization.

Technical problems: The SoftArc Engineering faces number of challenges due to the IaaS provider. The problems include outrage as well as downtime (Lewis, 2013). It is identified that the issues, which are mainly related with connectivity as well as network, assists in creating the entire system useless without proper internet connectivity.


Enhanced Vulnerability: The various types of risks of hacking which can be done by the malicious hackers or users from authorized access enhances after migrating to an IaaS provider from the  Web infrastructure.

Dependency on Vendor Lock in: The SoftArc Company should not depend on different services of cloud and if they are dependent, it is considered as an important concern (Wu et al., 2015). This concern is also known as vendor locks in and these problems, which are associated with dependency, must be resolved appropriately.

Major differences between the model of IaaS, PaaS, SaaS




 IaaS is abbreviated as infrastructure as a service which is mainly used in giving the facility of virtualized resources over the internet

 Software as a Service is defined as a model which is useful in delivering various types of applications over the internet as a service. The software can be accessed easily without paying much attention to installation as well as maintenance of software (Furuncu & Sogukpinar, 2015).

 PaaS is abbreviated as Platform as a Service which helps in delivering number of application on the internet. In the model of PaaS, the cloud provider generally helps in delivering both the software as well as hardware tools, which are generally required for the development of the application.

 In the model of IaaS, the hardware, server storage as well as software is hosted with the help of the third party provider (Huo et al., 2016).

 SaaS applications are also known as Web based software. The access of the application is managed by the provider, which include availability, security as well as performance.

PaaS providers generally assist in hosting both the software as well as hardware on their own infrastructure.

  In IaaS, all the different resources are generally available in various form of services (Kavis, 2014).

 The users of the application does not have to worry about the various types of software updates as well as applications of hardware

 The billing procedure as well as subscription can be managed by utilizing various types of tools (Hashem et al., 2015).

 It helps in allowing various types of dynamic scaling that is basically dependent on the infrastructure of the cost.

 Integration as well as third party application can be only completed due to the help of the application programming (Hwang et al., 2016).

 It helps in offering various integrated web services as well as database.

The best appropriate model for SoftArc Engineering

 It is analyzed that IaaS is the most appropriate as well as suitable cloud model for the SoftArc Engineering. The IaaS is selected as it has the capability to include various numbers of users on a single platform. This model is considered to e ideal for the SoftArc Engineering Company as it assists in providing numerous applications for offering complete control (Wu et al., 2015).This model is not only suitable for start up business but it found to be proper for the various other business organization. It helps in meeting all the volatile demands that are associated with the volatile demands of the consumers. It is identified that each of the model of cloud computing has some unique feature but IaaS is selected for the SoftArc Engineering Company as the organization wants to move to 2013 SharePoint (Lewis,2013).Thus, it is analyzed that IaaS model is considered best for the organization.

Problems encountered by SoftArc Engineering by using IaaS

The problems, which are identified by utilizing the IaaS model, include:

  Security: security is considered the most significant challenge before the SoftArc Engineering Company with the adoption of IaaS model (Furuncu & Sogukpinar, 2015).  This is because IaaS model does not helps in providing proper authentication as well as security to the various data and information, which are stored in the servers of the organization.

Dependency: IaaS model is considered one of the best mode among the three for the SoftArc Engineering company. However, the model is very much dependent on different programs that generally run over the internet.

Capability of the on-demand infrastructure: The capability of the on-demand infrastructure is coupled by enhancing the utilization of various types’ of mobile devices (Almorsy, Grundy & Müller, 2016). This helps in brining number of challenges for the consumers.

Recommendation for the SoftArc Engineering Company

Proper Security: The risk management of the associated organization must adopt proper strategies as well as policies that are helpful in providing proper security as well as privacy to the organization. With the help of proper security, only the authorized users can access data

Authentication: Proper authentication must be provided so that various data and information, which are stored in the servers of the organization, are not hacked by some unauthorized users. This helps in managing various data as well as information of the organization appropriately.

Technical improvement: The model of IaaS must be developed technically in order to resolve various problems, which are related with the security as well as data storage.


Almorsy, M., Grundy, J., & Müller, I. (2016). An analysis of the cloud computing security problem. arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107.

Bacon, J., Eyers, D., Pasquier, T. F. M., Singh, J., Papagiannis, I., & Pietzuch, P. (2014). Information flow control for secure cloud computing. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 11(1), 76-89.

Bahrami, M., & Singhal, M. (2015). The role of cloud computing architecture in big data. In Information granularity, big data, and computational intelligence (pp. 275-295). Springer International Publishing.

Bruneo, D. (2014). A stochastic model to investigate data center performance and qos in iaas cloud computing systems. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(3), 560-569.

Furuncu, E., & Sogukpinar, I. (2015). Scalable risk assessment method for cloud computing using game theory (CCRAM). Computer Standards & Interfaces, 38, 44-50.

Hashem, I. A. T., Yaqoob, I., Anuar, N. B., Mokhtar, S., Gani, A., & Khan, S. U. (2015). The rise of “big data” on cloud computing: Review and open research issues. Information Systems, 47, 98-115.

Huo, Z., Mukherjee, M., Shu, L., Chen, Y., & Zhou, Z. (2016, September). Cloud-based Data-intensive Framework towards fault diagnosis in large-scale petrochemical plants. In Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2016 International (pp. 1080-1085). IEEE.

Hwang, K., Bai, X., Shi, Y., Li, M., Chen, W. G., & Wu, Y. (2016). Cloud performance modeling with benchmark evaluation of elastic scaling strategies. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(1), 130-143.

Jo, M., Maksymyuk, T., Strykhalyuk, B., & Cho, C. H. (2015). Device-to-device-based heterogeneous radio access network architecture for mobile cloud computing. IEEE Wireless Communications, 22(3), 50-58.

Kavis, M. J. (2014). Architecting the cloud: Design decisions for cloud computing service models (SaaS, PaaS, AND IaaS). John Wiley & Sons.

Lewis, G. A. (2013, January). Role of standards in cloud-computing interoperability. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 1652-1661). IEEE.

Wu, D., Rosen, D. W., Wang, L., & Schaefer, D. (2015). Cloud-based design and manufacturing: A new paradigm in digital manufacturing and design innovation. Computer-Aided Design, 59, 1-14.

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