Itc540 | Business Technologies And Assessment Answers

Task A 

‘’The Queensland Health implementation project failure is the largest IS failure in the  southern hemisphere to date, costing $1.25 billion  AUD. This case highlights the  importance of systematically analysing project fail ure. It examines the case  organization details, royal commission report, audi tor general report and 118 witness  statements pertaining to the Queensland Health impl ementation project.

The Complete Case is Based on the Case Above as well as your Own Research on IT Service Delivery, answer the following questions:
1. What were the key reasons for the IT implementation failure?

2) In your view, who is responsible for the failure and why?

3) Do some research on the use of IT by hospitals/health departments – give examples of success stories of the IT implementations and outline reasons for the success.

4) Why was ‘’WorkBrain’’ not utilized properly?

5)  What would you recommend the Health Department to do to fix the current problems?
Task B 

Write a paper on one of the topics below For this assignment, you need to plan, research, and, use your initiative to express the knowledge you learnt in this subject as well as your own independent thinking and reasoning.
Possible topics

Your attention in this paper can be focused on any of the following topics covered in our text such as for example:

a.Emerging Business Technologies
b.Raw Data Conversion/Mining
c.Comparative Analysis of the ERP Applications
d.IT Risk Management Strategies
e.E-Commerce Models and/or Implementation Strategies.
f.Mobile Technologies.
g.Use of  Social Media for Business.
h.Enterprise Systems and Applications.
i.Performance Management Using Data Visualization, Mashups, and Mobile Intelligence.


Task A

1.Reasons for the IT implementation failure

i.The main reason or the failure would be because of improper planning. This is evidenced by the fact that it was 18 months behind schedule and the failure to pay the employees of the health department of Queensland. Before any IS framework is executed, it ought to have experienced different exercises and procedures, whereupon the Queensland Health framework did not experience, this prompted its usage disappointment. A portion of the exercises which the framework didn't experience prompting its disappointment incorporate the accompanying; There was no proper usage technique. Queensland Health did not play out a total parallel trial of the framework. Queensland Health guessed give the framework a pre-time for testing instead of simply influencing it to go live where this stage was urgent as it features the deformities which are probably going to happen. 

ii.The act of changing consultants over time. For example from the beginning four consulting companies had been hired for the job, then later CorpTech would switch to contract IBM. This may have caused inconsistency. Customer counsel and correspondence with the seller is extremely basic amid the improvement plan of the framework. In this situation, there was three included gatherings who had distinctive jobs and diverse objectives, CorpTech in charge of the prime contract administration, the prime temporary worker who was IBM and now Queensland Health. This was a semi various gathering relationship which required appropriate correspondence and since it needed to be used, disappointment was the result of this.

2.In your view, who is responsible for the failure and why?

According to my own views, the core company which led to the failure of this project is CorpTech. This is because it did not fairly select the principal contractor, as there is evidence of bias as expressed in the report. This consequently must have led to the point of having the wrong contractor. However, while the contractor may have contributed towards the failure, CorpTech is the chief contributor because it gave unclear roles and responsibilities to involved teams, which may have led to inefficiency in their working, and therefore lead to failure.

3. Do some research on the use of IT by hospitals/health departments – give examples of success stories of the IT implementations and outline reasons for the success?

Primary Care of the Treasure Coast (PCTC) successfully implemented electronic medical record (EMR) systems, eClinicalWorks EMR, in 2005. The main reason why the implementation was successful was because the C.E.O who was managing the project, was experienced, and furthermore, he made aggressive consultations with Dr. Dennis Saver, who’s seen a number of demonstrations of HER system’s implementations.

Rex Healthcare successfully implemented their ICD-10 cataloguing system in 2015 in the US. One of the major reasons for its success was its clear and detailed road map on the implementation of the project, which clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of each team.
Innovation these days is presently being incorporated nearly in each wellbeing office all over all inclusive. Medicinal innovation changing at a decent critical pace, where now everything about a person in a wellbeing office is caught and put into the database for ongoing audits. Precedents of utilization of innovation in wellbeing offices incorporate the accompanying;

Creation of Hybrid working rooms.

Various healing facilities have joined innovation and introduced mixture working rooms throughout the years. A decent occasion which was fruitful is Lourdes Hospital in Paducah and St. Vincent's Medical Center.

Careful innovations

Careful innovations creation has been used by numerous wellbeing offices. Specialists recommend and say that at present medical procedure forms have been made mass scale to marginally attack strategies where the frameworks goes about as robots. A case of a very much embedded careful innovation is the da Vinci Surgical System which gives brilliant consideration to the patients.

4.Why was ‘’WorkBrain’’ not utilized properly?

WorkBrain was not properly utilized due to lack of proper interfaces between the solution it was meant to offer and the SAP system. This was contributed by the large number of staff and the complex nature of the Queensland health department. Hence, proper interfaces that should have been established between the WorkBrain solution and the SAP system were not implemented, and WorkBrain consequently lagged. WorkBrain framework had some reason it was created for which required to forms time sheets and afterward pass them to the SAP framework where SAP framework would then further process the time sheets into a modes that was consented to the vital financials divisions with the goal that the Queensland representatives could be paid. WorkBrain roistering framework was not appropriately used since there before it had not been fused in some other government office and in this particular situation, its utilization brought about slacking the framework and this stressed on the call for better interfaces among it and the SAP framework. Moreover, WorkBrain has not been executed in a major association as this one. 

5. What would you recommend the Health Department to do to fix the current problems?

Basing the suggestions as indicated by the Queensland wellbeing office issue, there are a large number of them that other Health Department ought to take after; They should get on to a progressive plan, whereby they would start with a pilot project to open up for the main project. For example they would roll out the system in one hospital before extending to other locations, instead of carrying out the implementation for the whole department. Additionally, the department should contract an external entity to manage the whole project, with a clear road map that has a clear definition of activities and responsibilities of each team.

Task B


As new business technologies come up, the offline to online marketing learning curve keeps growing steeper. (Chen, Chiang &Storey2012). Due to the always – changing dynamics of the current global market place, it is necessary to carefully examine emerging trends as they can immensely impact current business strategies and organization operations and contribute greatly in shaping the future of organizations.(Andriole, 2010). Technologies of the new age have moved business operation processes to another new phase altogether, and this has accelerated transformation. Advanced data analytics, cloud based mobile applications, internet of things among many other technologies have smoothened operating model levers including shared services, process re-engineering and global delivery. For many organizations, the best networking and working policies have changed so as to embrace these technologies so as to keep pace with the competitive market. (Zott, Amit & Massa 2011)

Mobile Technology as a Business Technology

A business technology may come as a helpful tool to a company, improving its daily operations and functions. (Bughin, Chui & Manyika 2010). In fact, technology can be the main reason why a business can stand in the market. So widespread is the scale of the impact of technology on business operations, such that businesses can at base be defined by their technological advancement. Companies such as Uber have been redefined radically by technological advancements. All its business procedures and business strategies are defined based on technology that it has embraced. (Hair,Wolfinbarger, Money,Samouel& Page2015).

Today, mobile handsets are more preferred to the traditional web-based business operations. Many retailers generate greater revenues through incentivizing in-store purchase with mobile initiatives and this has improved sales (Yang, Hong & Modi2011). This has necessitated many business organizations to rework on their business strategies so as to fit themselves within the growing mobile world. According to Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhan & Ghalsasi (2011), the emergence of mobile devices applications, videos and improved network capacities will grow to global demand. Such demands are keeping up in pace with the ever growing number of Smartphone users. 

Business organizations end up having millions of customers engaging with them via their smart phones in the social media. With such kind of engagement with clients, businesses must now to find new ways of handling client complaints and put in place proper channels of communication to facilitate customer feedback, (Ray (2011). 

Furthermore, incorporation of mobile technologies to business operations as a business technology can mean new products for a business. For example, a few decades ago, Fuji, Kodak, and Konic were three big names in the photography sector. (Wirtz,Schilke&Ullrich2010). Technology change has really affected these businesses greatly. This is a good example of how technology can really impact the existence of a business. (Edosomwan, Prakasan, Kouame, Watson& Seymour2011).

E-Business as a Business Technology

Introduction of new technology can immensely affect business operations. With the optimization in the internet, businesses are now into digital marketing. (Malhotra&Temponi2010).As these technologies are absorbed into business, the researching departments of organizations are subject to change, as in keeping up with technology trends.  For example, companies like Boeing and Siemens are switching to 3D printing to quicken their design process and reduce costs while increasing effectiveness. (Al-Debei&Avison 2010).

Researchers who have carried out surveys to discover the impact of online marketing over business growth state that technology as a whole has radically changed business marketing strategies. (Lee, Olson &Trimi2012). It is now past tense for companies to stick only to one model of holding their share in the market. Today, companies are shifting their marketing efforts to the online cloud to keep up with the trending shift. While some businesses have been able to remodel themselves according to current technological advances and move forward, others have faced a challenge in adapting to the changes. (Alfonso & Suzanne2008).

Data Mining as a Business Technology

Radical transformation on data collection, recording and retrieval has pushed companies to invent business strategies. (Williams & Williams 2010). Currently, business companies are using data to monitor customer trends and taste. New technological innovations has made it possible for businesses to monitor and study customer behavior with a lot of ease. These technological advances have not only made it possible for organizations to analyze data and come up with meaningful patterns that will help them make meaningful and informed decisions. With more customer focus, data analytics, as a field of data mining, will surely play a major role in growth strategies of companies. (Elbashir, Collier&Davern2008).
To some, their business strategies have become obsolete and need to be revised. Technology and globalization have made a very big impact on businesses, whether beginners or advanced. Management professionals too are shifting from the out dated traditional ways of logical thinking and are looking for new ways of fitting themselves into the market changes. (Zott, Amit&Massa, 2010).

Impact of Business Technological innovations on the organizational structure of a business organization.

Organizational structure is the way an organization communicates, distributes its responsibilities and how it adapts to change. (Zikmund, Babin, Carr& Griffin 2013). It is how an organization makes use of its resources in order to achieve its goals. Often a company needs to keep its organizational structure dynamic so as to be well prepared to meet changes, but often times this is not the case as some changes come not which an organization may not embrace because they may not add to its proficiency. (Ip& Wagner2008). A business that is able to adapt better will survive through.

A business organization may have to change its business organizational structure to keep up with a certain technology trend, for example a company may restructure its departments, addor do away with some jobs or alter position requirements for some post. (Sheng, Zhou & Li 2011). Employees will have to be trained on how to use and maintain the new software system. The training may be imprecated as a new requirement during hiring. Web based organizational businesses will often have to create new posts so as to accommodate new technological technologies into their system. Furthermore, some job positions may be rendered obsolete in some organizations. (Lee 2009). 

Implementing new technological advancements may mean reducing day to day tasks or improving their efficiency. In some cases, some posts may be rendered obsolete.  The management may use comprehensive software platforms to streamline their operations, and often, this may mean a restructuring of the organization’s operations. For example, if a new automated software system is introduced, it will do away with all manual work in departments, then the employees must have a new set of duties assigned to them or they are laid off. On the same note, new posts can be created, as the new system will need to be maintained, and there will obviously be a need for a system administrator.

IT Management

Since business technologies have become key in giving a competitive advantage for business organizations, IT management must come into play so as to ensure that the technological resources will be aligned to the market requirements. Aral, Dellarocas & Godes (2013) consider temporal aspects vital for technological advancements, regulatory rules, and government support.  Based on these issues, they came up with a framework based on Oliveira& Martins (2010) findings to evaluate the impact of business technology innovations on the market sway of a company, and on its structure reform.
This framework combines knowledge and resource-based concepts and is mainly focused on planning for technology in three ways
1.Business level – this includes business portfolio, innovative network, strategic planning and marketing. This will create value to the business in the future (Mintzberg, (1994). 
2.Technology level - : the engineering and science skills and platforms, technology management processes, including identification, exploitation, protection and identification (Berry et al, 2009).
3.Product level – service platforms, operations and manufacturing functions together with new products development processes (Twiss 1986).
In order for knowledge to flow effectively between the levels, technology at hand must align itself with the objectives of business organization. Business requirements must be understood at product level and market requirements must be understood at business level. Effective management of technology requires a proper balance between product/technology push and market/product pull. 

Impact of Business Technologies on the Future of Businesses

Technology has a diverse effect on business strategies formulation. However, technology immensely impacts on strategies formulation, and this varies based on the maturity level of the embraced technology. According to a new research on the state of digital business of 2018, web technologies and mobile tools are at the base of digital advancements while new technologies as Artificial Intelligence (AI), virtual reality, (VR), and Machine Language (ML) remain off in the future. (Oliveira& Martins2010). The study has categorized companies into three stages:  beginners, intermediates and advanced organizations.  Beginners are on the onset of their journey towards embracing digital technology, intermediates are progressing towards a more advanced business transformation and advanced organizations are leaders and experts in using digital ecosystems to sway their markets as they wish. 
A 2017 survey conducted by Forrester evaluated 105 senior technology executives and showed that up to 86 percent of major companies hold that business technologies as the key driver to business strategies. (Sheng, Zhou & Li 2011). The study further showed that other companies that have not advanced in technology hold that technology cannot affect their business strategies as much as it does to advanced companies.However, with time, new technologies are anticipated to come into play, and businesses must expect mass changes in their business strategies and operations. Furthermore, business costs are expected to drop, but the plight of employees is still left to question.(Sheng, Zhou & Li 2011). The use of robotic science in industries, is expected to rise in the next five years, which renders employment prospects uncertain. On the brighter side, employee performance will be augmented with absorption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies.

Though many organizations view foundational business technology as vital to their operational functions, few believe that emerging technologies can have any impact on their future revenue, and so they do not formulate any digital strategy. Advanced companies view this as a major constraint to business growth. (Wang,Wang,Ren, & Lou2010).
Advanced companies view advanced technologies such as Artificial intelligence and Machine learning critical to their business strategies. (Fire, Goldschmidt&Elovici2014). On the other hand beginner companies are taking on the same view. Today, only few companies view these advanced technologies as critical to their businesses, and embracing these technologies has often been experimental.  With this perspective, operational and strategic decision-making process of companies are expected to improve within the next five years. 

Utilizing the new business technologies has proved to increase growth in revenue, and advanced companies have recorded a greater advantage over beginner companies. (Al-Debei&Avison 2010).Management executives have always been suspicious of experimenting with new business technologies and have opted instead to see evidence of and promises of benefits of investing before they actually take the step.This approach is fast changing as companies are getting innovative and are therefore funding the experimentations required to employ business technologies as a tool to increase customer satisfaction and to increase profit. With time, more companies are willing to invest their resources in business technology experimentation, and competition is expected to increase. The unwilling and slow- moving beginner companies who are less willing to embrace these technologies will with time be obsolete and will out  of the scene.


i.Companies should be more willing to accommodate new emerging business technologies into their systems if they will expect to remain in the market. Those that will be less willing will become obsolete and will be off the scene with time.
ii.Companies CEOs should be more willing to embrace new business technological investments so as to increase customer satisfaction and to increase.


The emerging business technologies are increasingly being absorbed into business operations. There is an increasing expectation on how these technological innovations can be used in business. It is essential thatbusinesses embrace these technological moves so as to keep up with the competition in the market. Operational and strategic decision-makingprocess of companies are expected to improve within the near future. Furthermore, companies are getting innovative and are therefore funding the experimentations to increase customer satisfaction and to increase profit. With time, more companies are willing to invest their resources in business technology experimentation, and competition is expected to increase. The unwilling and slow- moving beginner companies who are less willing to embrace these technologies will with time be obsolete and will out  of the scene. For example, a few decades ago, Fuji, Kodak, andKonic were three big names in the photography sector. Embracing novel business technologies change has really affected these businesses greatly. 


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Aral, S., Dellarocas, C., &Godes, D. (2013). Introduction to the special issue—social media and business transformation: a framework for research. Information Systems Research, 24(1), 3-13.
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