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Itc506 It Ethics | Ai Assessment Answers

Identify an ICT-related ethical issue from a media article or case study and apply classical ethical theory to the analysis of an ethically questionable situation to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions/decisions made therein;



Technological impacts have its roots spread over several outlets into one’s life, concerning every situation whether consulting any mourning activity or that of happy moments. Regarding such, the concern is taken over the approach of technology towards the production of grief bots for memorisation of dead people along with capturing their instances. For such aspects, the following content would be dealing with the use of ICT that is information and that of communication theory for managing the above-mentioned topic. Apart from that the use of theoretical approach such as Utilitarian along with that of deontology, virtue and contract are also taken into consideration. At the end, an ending conclusion has been taken into consideration.

Theoretical approach: ICT

Utilitarian approach

Utilitarian approach is taken to be the feasible for managing better outcomes through a wider approach to wider population and creating lesser harms. Through such, aspects, it considers the presence of equal distributions of the equal rights over equal amount to the respective individuals. As for the concern of grief bots, they are to provide the memorisation feelings for their absences towards their family or any other acquaintances. The concept of griefbot is taken to be providing the emotional support to a person in single or that of providing the support toward multiple bodies (Davies, 2016).

Favouring Utilitarian approach/theory, the technology is subjective of the being concerned over the single person along with treating every other individual being equal. The one requiring more emotional support is considered as to have the first priority over the one requiring less requiring support (scu.edu, 2018). The technology is subjected to have its choice of the producing the memory of dead towards their own belongings than being the approaching other far apart relatives. Favouring on belongings is taken to maximise the happiness factor concerning the community. Favouring its criticism, the approach is subjected to procure non-recognition over human rights having its influence over the positive vibes from that of society (Switzer, 2017).

Favouring the technological aspects, utilitarian theory is ineffective to procure the technology of grief bots to be devoid of the future actions along with that of human preferences in particular. It also procures the technology to be devoid of particular preferences regarding the emotional support and the involvement of people within it.

Deontology theory

The concern of deontology theory notes down the actions being evaluated within them apart from being considered over the produced consequences. Over such concept, the actions taken into consideration are taken to be either moral or immoral being independent of consequences. As opposed from that of utilitarian theory, the dependence of the theory is taken to be considered having independency over the consequences (Constantin, 2014).

Concerning such, the grief bots are subjective to produce the emotional support through the collected data and being implanted into the software. In relevance of the theory, it is inadequate to procure the condition of the receiver weather being better or worst. The consequences can be proved more worsening of the situation in case the present candidate being ineffective to comply within the emotional situation favouring the dead (Patterson, Wilkins, and Painter. 2018). On a critical sense, the deontology theory is considered for the griefbot to provide the emotional support for situation where it really being required to. Hence the negative prospects are on major consequences being pushed away. However, there are chances of situation that might be unfavourable for the griefbot to have its actions (Filip et al. 2016).

Over a critical sense from that of utilitarian approach, the deontological approach is favourable for maintaining the fairness along with honesty apart from the consequences. For the griefbot, the utilitarian theory is subjective of producing only the positive outcomes irrespective of being bad or good while the deontological theory implied the technology to produce the outcomes irrespective of its fairness in the situation considered (Vance, Harris, Parissenti & Cromey. 2015).

Virtue theory

The virtue theory emphasizes on mind and character. Favouring the prospects of griefbot, through using the virtue theory, is tends to be difficult for establishing nature of virtues, in case of various individuals that are subjected to use the technology (Bell, Dyck, & Neubert. 2017).

The technology is subjected to provide the information as a form of emotional support rather than just being a resemblance for the dead (Couldry, 2015). Through such, only the characterisation of the dead person would be considered and not the cultures along with other traits that are required to produce the emotional support favouring the dead. Being culturally acceptable along with being having cultural importance are different issues which are evaluated through different senses for the users (Austin, 2017).

In this context, both aspects can be taken into consideration as both the society with being for or against the provision of emotional support can be taken into consideration. Hence it can be stated than following the principles sets for the griefbot sustain both favourability along with un-favourability depending upon the societal condition and aspects. The factor of introspection is not favoured for the virtue ethics favouring the ethics of grief bots usage. Through such, against the utilitarian and that of deontological concept, the virtue theory is taken in form of a perception for the griefbot producing more values than just producing positive or negative satisfaction (Battaly, 2015).

Contract theory

The theory of contract is taken as the development of legal agreements within considerable situations having uncertain conditions along with unknown factors with asymmetric information’s. As mentioned above, there are considerations of the grief bots being subjective of several agreements that are to be followed while managing the technology. Against the theory, legal agreements are to be taken into consideration. Without any sort of proper requirements, the grief bots being subjected is not having applicability for every individual seeking its usage (Koszegi, 2014).

Against the legal terms and approaches, in case of presence of any sort of mis-information’s or misleading information’s favouring the prospects of suing the grief Bot, the breach of contract theory is taken into consideration (scu.edu, 2018). Further, the contract theory is also having its applicability for pertaining the risk factors and other negative consequences for the technology. Apart from such, the contract theory is also taken to be in consideration to provide the griefbot to the exact needy. Any sort of unpleasantly activity against the use of technology favouring the use of griefbot is clearly against the theoretical approach (Christensen, Nikolaev, & WITTENBERG?MOERMAN., 2016).

Apart from such, the theory also stays against the prospects of being provided to the needy one respective of their requirement criteria. The concerns of societal aspects are also to be concerned for the management of contract theory favouring the use of mentioned technology. To revive the memory from that of dead person and to inculcate it over the person with negative emotional disabilities are also taken to be a negative aspect for the breach of contract theory (Driskell, 2017).


From the above-mentioned content, various conclusions are to be derived. The four theoretical approaches being, utilitarian along with deontology, virtue and contract theory are taken into consideration. Critically assessing the theories, the use of technology of grief bots are having its usages aligning every mentioned theory. The utilitarian approach is seen only to cater the positive outcomes over procuring wider applicants while deontology on the contrary procures the correct approach for its usage irrespective of the usages of the consequences for its use. Such factors confer the use of grief bots to be preferable over the deontology theory rather than implying over the utilitarian approach. Concerning the virtue theory with that of contract theory it deals with nature along with societal culture being affected through the usage of griefbot technology. Favouring such, the theory is implicative of incapability over the non procurement of cultural aspects towards its user. Contract theory is considered to have its acceptance towards the individual’s only proper requirement apart from just being used with producing false and mis information’s

Reference list


Couldry, N. (2015). Listening beyond the echoes: Media, ethics, and agency in an uncertain world. Routledge. Rrteireved from: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781317256625

Driskell, D. (2017). Creating better cities with children and youth: A manual for participation. Routledge. Retrieved from: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781134206384

Patterson, P., Wilkins, L., and  Painter, C. (2018). Media ethics: Issues and cases. Rowman & Littlefield. Retrievged frrom: https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=4WVmDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=ethical+issues+of+community+and+identity&ots=sDHEvlcNvr&sig=BXYCmz1p4doDeUnOnQWU1pyBR3I#v=onepage&q=ethical%20issues%20of%20community%20and%20identity&f=false


Austin, N. (2017). Normative Virtue Theory in Theological Ethics. Religions, 8(10), 211. Retrived from: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/8/10/211/pdf

Battaly, H. (2015). A pluralist theory of virtue. Current controversies in virtue theory, 7-21. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/download/37700680/A_pluralist_theory_of_virtue.pdf

Bell, G. G., Dyck, B., & Neubert, M. J. (2017). ETHICAL LEADERSHIP, VIRTUE THEORY, AND GENERIC STRATEGIES. Radical Thoughts on Ethical Leadership, 113. Retrieved from: https://www.sapajo.com/uploads/1/4/7/1/14715544/radical_strategy_leadership_chapter_forthcoming.docx

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Davies, P. S. (2016). RECTIFICATION VERSUS INTERPRETATION: THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF THE EQUITABLE JURISDICTION. The Cambridge Law Journal, 75(1), 62-85. doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0008197315000975

Filip, I., M.D., Saheba, N., M.D., Wick, B., M.D., and Radfar, Amir, MD,M.P.H., M.S.C. (2016). MORALITY AND ETHICAL THEORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Ethics & Medicine, 32(2), 83-87,67. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1787724256?accountid=188056

Koszegi, B. (2014). Behavioral contract theory. Journal of Economic Literature, 52(4), 1075-1118. Retrieved from: https://www.personal.ceu.hu/staff/Botond_Koszegi/JEL_Behavioral_Contract_Theory.pdf

Switzer, S. (2017). A contract theory approach to special and differential treatment and the WTO. Journal of International Trade Law & Policy, 16(3), 126-140. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1964463442?accountid=188056

Vance, N., Harris, A., Parissenti, K., and Cromey, M. (2015). Applied ethics: An interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 12(2), 11-22. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1726786125?accountid=188056

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