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Itc505 Project Management: Development Of Assessment Answers


You are to prepare a Assessment , based on the Virtucon/Globex scenario.

You are required to develop a charter for the Project including:

Include the Project description and overview you developed as part of Assessment 2.

Part One:

MOV - Measurable Organisational Value

•Identify the desired area of impact - Rank the following areas in terms of importance: Strategy / Customer / Financial / Operational / Social

•With reference to your project, identify one or two of the following types of value:

  • Better - is improving quality important to your client?
  • Faster - does your client want to increase efficiency?
  • Cheaper - is cutting costs important?
  • Do more - does your client want to continue its growth?
  • Develop an appropriate metric - this sets the target and expectation of all the stakeholders. It is important to determine a quantitative target that needs to be expressed as a metric in terms of an increase or decrease of money.

    •Determine the timeframe for achieving the MOV - ask yourselves, when do we want to achieve this target metric?

Part Two:

Define Scope and produce a Scope Management Plan

Define the scope of the project and detail how the scope will be managed.

Provide a list of Resources.

Identify and detail the resources for the project using MS Project where appropriate, including:

  • People (and their roles), plus any extra personnel that is required for the project.
  • Technology - any hardware, network and software needs to support the team and your client.
  • Facilities - where will most of the teamwork be situated?
  • Other - for example, travel, training etc.

Part Three: 

Using MS Project, develop a schedule using a high level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It should include:

  • Milestones for each phase and deliverable
    • This will tell everyone associated with the project that the phase or deliverable was completed satisfactorily.
  • Activities / Tasks
    • Define a set of activities / tasks that must be completed to produce each deliverable.
  • Resource Assignments
    • Assign people and resources to each individual activities.
  • Estimates for Each Activity / Task
    • Develop a time estimate for each task or activity to be completed.
  • Project Budget
    • Develop a budget using the time and resources estimated for each task or activity

Part Four: 

Project Risk Analysis and Plan

  • Document any assumptions you have made about the project
  • Using the Risk Identification Framework outlined in your text as a basis, identify five risks to the project – one for each of the five phases of the methodology.
  • Analyse these risks, assign a risk to an appropriate member, and describe a strategy for the management of each specific risk.

Part Five: 

Quality Management Plan.

It should include:

  • A short statement that reflects your team’s philosophy or objective for ensuring that you deliver a quality system to your client.
  • Develop and describe the following that your project team could implement to ensure quality;
    • A set of verification activities
    • A set of validation activities

Part Six:

Closure and Evaluation

Researching for the closure checklist and project evaluation

  1. To prepare for this task, you will be required to provide an annotated bibliography. Write an Annotated Bibliography for three (3) relevant texts or readings around project evaluation.


Part 1

The project charter document is developed using the case study project of ‘Development of Mobile Application and Website for Globex-I Crop Project’. The main purpose of the report is to provide the stakeholders with information aligning with the development of the improved communication and development. The information would be transferred about the project expected budget, schedule, timeline, and other requirements.

Project Description

The project is developed for developing a mobile application and a website for integrating the operations of Globex. The completion of the project development would be helpful for ensuring the alignment of the successful formation of the improved project development. The application development and website development would include the successful integration of factors.

Names and Contact 



John Leis

[email protected]*****mail.com


Lisa Mane

[email protected]*****mail.com


Mathew Perry

[email protected]*****mail.com


Jack Nicole

[email protected]*****mail.com


Andrew Jones

[email protected]*****mail.com


Identification of features: Financial Features 

Improvement of the cost management would be helpful with the implication of the mobile application and website development

Mobile Features

Automatic feedback from the customers would be helpful for managing the cost introduction

MOV- Measurable Organisational Value

MOV can be defined as the implication and management of the factors that have significant measurable impact on the operations of the project. Integration of the factors for aligning the management of the factors would be helpful for integrating the management. 

Identification of the Area of Impact: Strategy

The strategy factor of the implementation of the mobile application and website for I-Crop project would be an important factor for taking care of the operations of the project. It is ranked 4th in terms of importance.


The financial factor of the implementation of the mobile application and website for I-Crop project would be responsible for generation of the overall revenue and profit for the organization. It is ranked 2nd in terms of importance.


The operational factor of the implementation of the mobile application and website for I-Crop project would be responsible for executing the activities of the project and ensuring the completion of the activities. It is ranked 3rd in terms of importance.


The customer factor of the implementation of the mobile application and website for I-Crop project would be responsible for using the application/website and providing the feedbacks to the organization. It is ranked 1st in terms of importance.


The social factor of the implementation of the mobile application and website for I-Crop project would be responsible for taking care of the social corporate responsibilities of organization. It is ranked 5th in terms of importance.

Identification of the Desired Value

Better- Improved operations of Globex as the project would help in expanding the operations to a wider range of people and capture of global market

Faster- Increase of the pace of operations resulting in making sure that the completion of the project is aligned with the management of the operations

Cheaper- Overall cost of the activities would be lesser with the implication of the innovative technology

Do more- Provide option for improved communication and development of effective information transfer in the organization

Identification of the Metrics

Better- Number of operations that is easily done in organization

Faster- Delivery time

Cheaper- Cost Incurred

Do more- Effectiveness of the information management

Identification of the Timeframe

Better- 3 months

Faster- 2 months

Cheaper- 5 months

Do more- 8 months

Part 2:  Project Scope

Defining Project Scope

  • Development and implementation of the Project Plan
  • Design of Mobile Application and Website
  • Development of Mobile Application and Website
  • Testing Mobile Application and Website
  • Final Documentation

Scope Statement 

Out of Scope

  • Training of the users
  • Change Management
  • Scope Creep Analysis

People and their Roles

Resource Name

Roles and Responsibilities

Financial manager

Project Needs are identified

   Project Charter Plan is made

Communication Plan is developed

Management is requested

Sign off

Meetings are undertaken

Earned Value Analysis is done

Post Project Review

Project manager

Project Activities are scheduled

Resources are allocated

Resources Management plan is developed

Web Domain is developed

Meetings are undertaken

Project Needs are identified

Project planner

Feasibility study of the project is done

Project Resources are estimated

Resources are allocated

Functions are Integrated


Functional Options are identified

Integration Works is executed

System engineer

Prototype is developed

Features of application and website is defined

Mobile Application Platform Database Made

Web Domain is developed

Functions are Integrated


Prototype is developed

Post Project Review


Web Domain is developed White Box Testing

Data Compatibility Testing

Black Box Testing

Acceptability testing

Performance testing

Milestone 5: Completion of testing phase Project Risks are managed

System analyst

Prototype is developed

Project Needs are defined

Database administrator

 Mobile Application Platform Database Made

Integration Works is executed

Human resource manager

Feasibility study of the project is done

Project Resources are estimated

Resources are allocated

Communication Plan is developed

Resources Management plan is developed

Project Needs are defined

Earned Value Analysis is done

Risk analyst

White Box Testing

   Black Box Testing

Acceptability testing

Performance testing

Milestone 5: Completion of testing phase

Issues are managed

Project Risks are managed


Functional Options are identified

Mobile Application is formed

System administrator

   Features of application and website is defined

Project Needs are defined

Mobile Application is formed

Website Functions are defined

Functions are Integrated

Integration Works is executed

Software engineer

Features of application and website is defined

Functional Options are identified

Mobile Application is formed

Website Functions are defined

Web Domain is developed

Technology (Hardware, Software and Network)

Hardware and Network Requirements

Computer System, Router, Switch, and NIC card

Software Requirements

Application UI, Programming, Designing, and Testing Software


Development of Mobile Application and Website would include the facility with required configuration of the system.

Screenshot for resource list

Scope Management Plan

The project scope management plan would be developed for supporting the implementation of the successful integration and development. It is very important for aligning the project for integrating and managing the successful execution of the project.

Project Name, date, planning scope, integration of scope

Development of Mobile Application and Website for Globex-I Crop Project



Mon 10/29/18

Fri 2/1/19

Planning scope for the project would include the factors for integrating and managing the factors of effective development. The planning scope would include the alignment of the factors and integration of the successful development.

Part 3:

Screenshot WBS

The table showing the high level work break down structure with duration and resource assignment for the project is given below,


Task Name


Resource Names


Development of Mobile Application and Website for Globex-I Crop Project

70 days



   Initiation phase of the project

4 days



      Project Needs are identified

1 day

Financial manager,

Project manager


      Project Charter Plan is made

2 days

Financial manager


      Feasibility study of the project is done

1 day

Project planner,

Human resource manager


      Milestone 1: Completion of project initiation phase

0 days



   Project planning phase

6 days



      Project Activities are scheduled

1 day

Project manager


      Project Resources are estimated

1 day

Project planner,

Human resource manager


      Resources are allocated

2 days

Project manager,

Project planner,

Human resource manager


      Communication Plan is developed

1 day

Financial manager,

Human resource manager


      Resources Management plan is developed

1 day

Project manager,

Human resource manager


      Milestone 2:Completion of the project planning phase

0 days



   Designing phase of the project

8 days



      Prototype is developed

3 days

System analyst,


System engineer


      Features of application and website is defined

2 days

Software engineer,

System administrator,

System engineer


      Project Needs are defined

3 days

System analyst,

Human resource manager,

System administrator


      Milestone 3: Completion of the designing phase

0 days



   Project development phase

30 days



      Functional Options are identified

3 days



Software engineer


      Mobile Application Platform Database Made

5 days

Database administrator,

System engineer


      Mobile Application is formed

5 days

Hardware and software requirements[1],


Software engineer,

System administrator


      Features are added to the Application

3 days



      Website Functions are defined

2 days

Software engineer,

System administrator


      Web Domain is developed

3 days

Project manager,

System engineer,

Software engineer,



      Functions are Integrated

4 days

Project planner,

System engineer,

System administrator


      Website is developed

5 days



      Integration Works is executed

2 days

Database administrator,


System administrator


      Milestone 4: Completion of project development phase

0 days



   Testing phase

10 days



      White Box Testing

2 days

Additional cost (Contingency Cost)[1],

Risk analyst,



      Data Compatibility Testing

2 days



      Black Box Testing

2 days

Risk analyst,



      Acceptability testing

2 days

Risk analyst,



       Performance testing

2 days

Risk analyst,



       Milestone 5: Completion of testing phase

0 days



   Monitoring and control

10 days



      Management is requested

2 days

Financial manager


      Issues are managed

2 days

Risk analyst


      Project Risks are managed

2 days

Risk analyst,



      Meetings are undertaken

2 days

Project manager,

Financial manager


      Earned Value Analysis is done

2 days

Human resource manager,

Financial manager


       Milestone 6: Completion of monitoring and control phase

0 days



   Closing Phase

4 days



      Sign off

1 day

Financial manager


      Post Project Review

3 days


Financial manager


       Milestone 7: Completion of closure phase

0 days



The following the work breakdown structure showing work packages of the project,

Gantt Chart and Project Schedule

The table showing the project schedule with duration and start-end dates for the project is given below,


Task Name





Development of Mobile Application and Website for Globex-I Crop Project

70 days

Mon 10/29/18

Fri 2/1/19


   Initiation phase of the project

4 days

Mon 10/29/18

Thu 11/1/18


      Project Needs are identified

1 day

Mon 10/29/18

Mon 10/29/18


      Project Charter Plan is made

2 days

Tue 10/30/18

Wed 10/31/18


      Feasibility study of the project is done

1 day

Thu 11/1/18

Thu 11/1/18


      Milestone 1: Completion of project initiation phase

0 days

Thu 11/1/18

Thu 11/1/18


   Project planning phase

6 days

Fri 11/2/18

Fri 11/9/18


      Project Activities are scheduled

1 day

Fri 11/2/18

Fri 11/2/18


      Project Resources are estimated

1 day

Mon 11/5/18

Mon 11/5/18


      Resources are allocated

2 days

Tue 11/6/18

Wed 11/7/18


      Communication Plan is developed

1 day

Thu 11/8/18

Thu 11/8/18


      Resources Management plan is developed

1 day

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18


      Milestone 2:Completion of the project planning phase

0 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18


   Designing phase of the project

8 days

Mon 11/12/18

Wed 11/21/18


      Prototype is developed

3 days

Mon 11/12/18

Wed 11/14/18


      Features of application and website is defined

2 days

Thu 11/15/18

Fri 11/16/18


      Project Needs are defined

3 days

Mon 11/19/18

Wed 11/21/18


      Milestone 3: Completion of the designing phase

0 days

Wed 11/21/18

Wed 11/21/18


   Project development phase

30 days

Thu 11/22/18

Wed 1/2/19


      Functional Options are identified

3 days

Thu 11/22/18

Mon 11/26/18


      Mobile Application Platform Database Made

5 days

Tue 11/27/18

Mon 12/3/18


      Mobile Application is formed

5 days

Tue 12/4/18

Mon 12/10/18


      Features are added to the Application

3 days

Tue 12/11/18

Thu 12/13/18


      Website Functions are defined

2 days

Fri 12/14/18

Mon 12/17/18


      Web Domain is developed

3 days

Tue 12/18/18

Thu 12/20/18


      Functions are Integrated

4 days

Fri 12/21/18

Wed 12/26/18


      Website is developed

5 days

Thu 12/27/18

Wed 1/2/19


      Integration Works is executed

2 days

Thu 12/27/18

Fri 12/28/18


      Milestone 4: Completion of project development phase

0 days

Wed 1/2/19

Wed 1/2/19


   Testing phase

10 days

Thu 1/3/19

Wed 1/16/19


      White Box Testing

2 days

Thu 1/3/19

Fri 1/4/19


      Data Compatibility Testing

2 days

Mon 1/7/19

Tue 1/8/19


      Black Box Testing

2 days

Wed 1/9/19

Thu 1/10/19


      Acceptability testing

2 days

Fri 1/11/19

Mon 1/14/19


       Performance testing

2 days

Tue 1/15/19

Wed 1/16/19


       Milestone 5: Completion of testing phase

0 days

Wed 1/16/19

Wed 1/16/19


   Monitoring and control

10 days

Tue 1/15/19

Mon 1/28/19


      Management is requested

2 days

Tue 1/15/19

Wed 1/16/19


      Issues are managed

2 days

Thu 1/17/19

Fri 1/18/19


      Project Risks are managed

2 days

Mon 1/21/19

Tue 1/22/19


      Meetings are undertaken

2 days

Wed 1/23/19

Thu 1/24/19


      Earned Value Analysis is done

2 days

Fri 1/25/19

Mon 1/28/19


       Milestone 6: Completion of monitoring and control phase

0 days

Mon 1/28/19

Mon 1/28/19


   Closing Phase

4 days

Tue 1/29/19

Fri 2/1/19


      Sign off

1 day

Tue 1/29/19

Tue 1/29/19


      Post Project Review

3 days

Wed 1/30/19

Fri 2/1/19


       Milestone 7: Completion of closure phase

0 days

Fri 2/1/19

Fri 2/1/19

The Gantt chart for the project is shown below,



Task Name






Milestone 1: Completion of project initiation phase

0 days

Thu 11/1/18

Thu 11/1/18



Milestone 2:Completion of the project planning phase

0 days

Fri 11/9/18

Fri 11/9/18



Milestone 3: Completion of the designing phase

0 days

Wed 11/21/18

Wed 11/21/18



Milestone 4: Completion of project development phase

0 days

Wed 1/2/19

Wed 1/2/19



Milestone 5: Completion of testing phase

0 days

Wed 1/16/19

Wed 1/16/19



Milestone 6: Completion of monitoring and control phase

0 days

Mon 1/28/19

Mon 1/28/19



Milestone 7: Completion of closure phase

0 days

Fri 2/1/19

Fri 2/1/19



Resource Usage


Project Budget

Resource Name



Standard Rate


Financial manager


112 hrs

$ 30.00/hr

$ 3,360.00

Project manager


80 hrs

$ 50.00/hr

$ 4,000.00

Project planner


64 hrs

$ 25.00/hr

$ 1,600.00



40 hrs

$ 35.00/hr

$ 1,400.00

System engineer


136 hrs

$ 40.00/hr

$ 5,440.00



48 hrs

$ 30.00/hr

$ 1,440.00



120 hrs

$ 25.00/hr

$ 3,000.00

System analyst


48 hrs

$ 25.00/hr

$ 1,200.00

Database administrator


56 hrs

$ 25.00/hr

$ 1,400.00

Human resource manager


88 hrs

$ 30.00/hr

$ 2,640.00

Risk analyst


96 hrs

$ 20.00/hr

$ 1,920.00



64 hrs

$ 40.00/hr

$ 2,560.00

System administrator


144 hrs

$ 40.00/hr

$ 5,760.00

Software engineer


120 hrs

$ 45.00/hr

$ 5,400.00

Project sponsor


0 hrs

$ 0.00/hr

$ 0.00

Hardware and software requirements



$ 6,000.00

$ 6,000.00

Additional cost (Contingency Cost)



$ 2,880.00

$ 2,880.00

Total Budget



  • All required documentation would be done comprehensively
  • Proper Development would be effectively implied
  • Implementation of the mobile application and website would be implied comprehensively

Part 4: Risk Analysis

Internal Risk

System Issues is a major internal risk resulting in issues of implying management process and development of the mobile application.

External risk

Lack of access would result in forming issues for managing the proper and effective implication management and developing probable development model.

Known risk

Risk of schedule is a known risk that would result in forming the probable issues of completing the project in the estimated time.

Unknown risk

Cost Overshoot is an unknown risk that may or may not occur for the completion of the project operations.

Risk Matrix








Lack of access




Risk of schedule




Cost Overshoot




System Issues




Initiation phase

The project needs are identified, project charter plan is made, and feasibility study of the project is done are the activities of the initiation phase. In this phase, the development of the initiation of the project would be effectively implied for managing the activities and implying the management of the activities.

Planning phase

The project planning is comprised of activities like project activities are scheduled, project resources are estimated, resources are allocated, communication plan is developed, and resources management plan is developed. The completion of the planning phase would be done for aligning the management of the successive management.

Monitor and controlling

The monitoring and controlling of the project activities would be helpful for prototype is developed, features of application and website is defined, project needs are defined, functional options are identified, mobile application platform database made, mobile application is formed, and integration works is executed. The monitoring and controlling of the project operations would be effectively managed with the consideration of the improved factors.


The project closure would be achieved with the entitlement of the management is requested, issues are managed, project risks are managed, meetings are undertaken, earned value analysis is done, sign off, and post project review. The closing of the project would be effectively deployed for analyzing the successful integration management.


Quality Management plan

Quality Statements

Globex would involve the management of the facilities along with the development of the mobile application and website development for integrating the activities.

Verification Activities

Testing methods like Alpha testing, Beta testing, Prototype testing, Black box testing, white box testing, and simulation.

Validation Activities

Quality analysis using 7QC and Checklist documentation would be effectively deployed for management of the activities.

Quality statement: Verification activities

  • White Box Testing
  • Data Compatibility Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • Acceptability testing
  • Performance testing


The validation activities of the project are,

  • Features are added to the Application
  • Website Functions are defined
  • Web Domain is developed
  • Functions are integrated
  • Website is developed

Close and evaluation

The close and evaluation of the project are,

  1. Management is requested
  2. Issues are managed
  3. Project Risks are managed
  4. Meetings are undertaken
  5. Earned Value Analysis is done
  6. Sign off
  7. Post Project Review
Part Six – Project Evaluation

Annotated Bibliography

Orenga-Roglá, S., & Chalmeta, R. (2017). Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 87. doi: 10.1007/s12599-017-0513-1

The implementation of the knowledge development would be effectively implied for easing the management of the activities for enduring the alignment of the successive management. The paper has been developed for implying the development of the successive and imperial management process. The utilization of the improved functional analysis would help in taking care of the improved project alignment and development. The management of the successful completion of the project would be responsibility of the improved function alignment. The users would get the benefit of implying the increment of the successful integration and development. The management of the activities would also be helpful for taking care of the successful management of operations.

Pheng, L. (2017). Project Risk Management. Management In The Built Environment, 43, 159-176. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6992-5_11

Risk management is helpful for managing the development of the activities and implying the development and taking care of the risk assessment. The management of the risk factors would be helpful for the alignment activities. The management of the risk factors would be helpful for integrating the development. The management of the risk factor would be helpful for the management of the factors and listing the development of the successful management. The management of the risk and management of the successive development would help in taking care of the factors for integrating and implying improved functional development. The risk management holds an integral role for taking care of the activities and aligning the successful integration management.

Ritzema, R., Frelat, R., Douxchamps, S., Silvestri, S., Rufino, M., & Herrero, M. et al. (2017). Is production intensification likely to make farm households food-adequate? A simple food availability analysis across smallholder farming systems from East and West Africa. Food Security, 9(1), 115-131. doi: 10.1007/s12571-016-0638-y

The analysis of the paper for analysing the case study of the smallholder farming systems from East and West Africa would help in analysing the prospect of integrating the management of the improved operations. The analysis would be effectively implied for taking care of the factors for management of the factors for developing the complete inclusion. The successive development would be effectively managed with the information alignment and development. The analysis of the case study helped in ensuring the complete management operations. The final closure of the project activities would be supported by the involvement of the activities.


Harris, E. (2017). Strategic project risk appraisal and management. Routledge.

Hazen, B., Boone, C., Ezell, J., & Jones-Farmer, L. (2014). Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in supply chain management: An introduction to the problem and suggestions for research and applications. International Journal Of Production Economics, 154, 72-80. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.04.018

Heagney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. Amacom.

Heldman, K. (2018). PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Hopkinson, M. (2017). Project Risk Maturity Model. Milton: Taylor & Francis.

Kerzner, H., & Kerzner, H. R. (2017). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Kuhrmann, M., Hanser, E., Prause, C., Diebold, P., Münch, J., & Tell, P. et al. (2017). Hybrid software and system development in practice: waterfall, scrum, and beyond. Proceedings Of The 2017 International Conference On Software And System Process - ICSSP 2017, 89. doi: 10.1145/3084100.3084104

Kuster, J., Huber, E., Lippmann, R., Schmid, A., Schneider, E., Witschi, U., & Wüst, R. (2015). Other Process Models. Management For Professionals, 65, 29-34. doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-45373-5_6

Larson, E. W., Gray, C. F., Danlin, U., Honig, B., & Bacarini, D. (2014). Project management: The managerial process (Vol. 6). Grandview Heights, OH: McGraw-Hill Education.

Leach, L. P. (2014). Critical chain project management. Artech House.

Lock, D. (2017). The essentials of project management. Routledge.

Orenga-Roglá, S., & Chalmeta, R. (2017). Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 87. doi: 10.1007/s12599-017-0513-1

Pheng, L. (2017). Project Risk Management. Management In The Built Environment, 43, 159-176. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6992-5_11

Ritzema, R., Frelat, R., Douxchamps, S., Silvestri, S., Rufino, M., & Herrero, M. et al. (2017). Is production intensification likely to make farm households food-adequate? A simple food availability analysis across smallholder farming systems from East and West Africa. Food Security, 9(1), 115-131. doi: 10.1007/s12571-016-0638-y

Sánchez, M. (2015). Integrating sustainability issues into project management. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 96, 319-330. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.12.087

Svejvig, P., & Andersen, P. (2015). Rethinking project management: A structured literature review with a critical look at the brave new world. International Journal Of Project Management, 33(2), 278-290. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.06.004

Theocharis, G., Kuhrmann, M., Münch, J., & Diebold, P. (2015). Is Water-Scrum-Fall Reality? On the Use of Agile and Traditional Development Practices. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 12, 149-166. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26844-6_11

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