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ISY202 Advanced Digital Computer

You must design the network requirements for the Advanced Digital Computer Company. As the network consultant you will be required to develop a plan for the Company network, including all costs, for all of the following: 

  1. The type of media you propose to use. This must be adequate to allow for a 100% expansion of the Company network within 5 years, and must be sufficient for all bandwidth requirements for each Company site. It should also be sufficient for increased bandwidth needs in the future. Whilst the actual lengths of media chosen are not required, the cost of media chosen should be included as a cost per meter price. You must justify your choice of media. Remember this might include copper, fiber and wireless options. The serial links between each site will be supplied by the company’s ISP and are therefore not to be included in the above media requirements. 
  1. You are required to subnet the Company’s network IPv4 Address using VLSM as appropriate. You will be required to provide summary tables with IP Address ranges for all hosts in your network. When allocating addresses you must allow enough addresses for the 100% expected future expansion of hosts for the Advanced Digital Computer Company. As well, you need to allocate one (1) printer for each 50 computers (or part thereof) on each subnet. If there are, for example, 70 computers required on a subnet, then two printers are required for that subnet. Printers will have the last usable address/es for the subnet to which they belong. The servers will be located in a separate subnet, and must be allocated static IPv4 Addresses within that network. The number of servers is not expected to grow. 
  1. The ADC Company is anticipating a move to IPv6 in the future, and so needs to use a Dual Stack environment for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. You are required to address the network for IPv6. 
  1. You must detail the hardware (ONLY switches, routers) that the ADC Company will require. This must include full reasons for selecting particular hardware, which must be adequate for the ADC Company’s requirements. Again, consideration must be made with regard to future expansion and bandwidth requirements. The details about computers, servers and printers are not required
  1. You must justify the type of network topology you propose to use at each ADC Company location. A topology diagram for each location should be included in your report. 
  1. Communication on the Internet is essential. Select and fully justify the type of Internet access you propose to have for this Company. This must be scalable to allow for future growth and needs. The Point of Presence (POP) is located at Head Office.

 IPv4 Addressing 

The Advanced Digital Computer Company has purchased the IP Address (Given by your Instructor) from its ISP for addressing all hosts within its network. Subnet, using VLSM, this IP Address to provide addresses for all required hosts. This addressing scheme should allow for the 100% expected growth. Complete the table below. 

IPv6 Addressing 

The Advanced Digital Computer Company has purchased the IPv6 Address (Given by your Instructor) from its ISP for addressing all hosts within its network. Subnet, using VLSM, this IP Address to provide addresses for all required hosts. This addressing scheme should allow for the 100% expected growth. Complete the table below. 

Additional Information 

  1. Apart from the IP Addresses, you are not required to supply any WAN link information. This included serial cables, VPN connections, or any security issues relating to those links.
  1. Head Office employees are in three separate networks as follows: 
  1. Sales 60 Hosts
  2. Marketing 35 hosts
  3. Accounts 30 Hosts 
  1. There will be a Server Network, with 4 Servers, for the entire Company. This will be situated in a separate LAN in the Head Office building. It is expected that the 4 servers will be sufficient for the next 5 years, and so will not be subject to the 100% growth requirement. 
  1. All branch offices and Home Offices can be considered an extension of the Head Office network, and so the IP Addresses allocated must be reflected in the overall addressing scheme for the company. The only media requirements required are those internal for each site. 
  1. Hardware (such as routers and switches) should reflect expected usage. Therefore, low usage environments such as those for the Home Offices, would require different hardware than high usage areas, such as those of the Head Office. 
  1. Internet Access for the entire company, the Point of Presence (POP), is through the Head Office. This connection should be sufficient for all current users, and scalable to allow for the expected increase over the next 5 years. 

Assignment Submission 

The assignment submission should take the form of a report that thoroughly details the reasons for decisions made, as well as the actual decisions made. You should ascertain actual costs by searching the internet. Base all your costing in Australian dollars. (Note: Take care not to quote prices in US dollars, as many web sites are US based.) 

The total length of the report is 2000 - 2500 words. You should include a Title Page, Index Page, the full report and all references. All information sources must be appropriately acknowledged and a full bibliography is required.


It is expected that this will be completely your own work. Therefore using the ‘cut and paste’ technique is not accepted. You should read relevant material, and then write your report in your own words. 


This assignment is to be done in a group. Much of the work can be based on research carried out on the Internet. All information obtained must be fully referenced using the referencing method, as per the subject outline. 

The assignment is due on Friday (18/05/18). Late assignments will incur a penalty of 5% per day, as per the subject outline. 

This case study will assess all objectives from the course outline.

There is no minimum mark required for this Assignment. Students who fail to attain 50% for it will need to work harder in other assessment items to make up the deficit. 

The Case Study must have a title page with the following information:

Course Name – Information Systems Networking Essentials

Course Number – ISY202/ISY2002

Case Study Title – Assignment 1

Case Study due date – Week 10, 18th May 2018 Word Count 

DO NOT include copies of referenced material or other documents (such as pamphlets) with this assignment. However, proper referencing of all sources is essential. Referencing should follow the style as per the subject outline. 


This Assignment is marked out of 100 marks and is worth 20 percent (20%) of the overall assessment. The length of the report for this case study should be a maximum of 2500 words. Diagrams, tables and figures can be an addition to this length. Text should be formatting as 10pt/11pt A4 with double line spacing or 12pt with single line spacing. Remember, this assignment will be written as a report. Marks for this assignment will be allocated as follows:

Executive Summary ( /5 marks) Concise nature of the summary

Inclusion of essential points from the report document Any conclusions clearly stated 

Quality of the Report ( /80 marks) You must include the following in the written report: 

  1. The document’s inclusions (…./25) Proper definitions of the technical terms High level of detail

Problems/issues clearly identified

Good discussions on the topic (pros/cons, future perspectives.) Clear and Precise Diagrams

Acronyms explained 

Note: Definitions and acronyms should be included in the body of the report when first used. DO NOT ADD them as a table at the end of the Case Study document. 

  1. Subnetting (…../10) 
  1. Logical structure (…../45 detailed below)

Introduction that details

Context and topic well introduced ( /5) * (See Note 2 below)

Logical structure of the report ( /5) * (See Note 3 below)

The body of the report that logically follows the introduction, with alternatives and recommendations, as well as justified reasons for conclusions reached.

( /20)

The conclusion that provides o Good short summary of what has been written in the body. ( /10) o Presentation of your vision for the future based on the conclusions reached.( /5) 

Correct referencing of information ( /10 marks)

Correctly using the Harvard system.(/5)

Quality of Reference Material. ( /5) 

Correct formatting of the report ( /5 marks)

Using 10pt/11pt A4 with double line spacing or 12pt with single line spacing.

Note 1:

Students who exceed the word limit will be penalised 10% for every 250 words in excess of the 2500 permitted. 

Note 2:

Context and topic well introduced:

For this section, your group will need to make some assumptions and document these. The assumptions should include:

  1. The philosophy of the ADC Company.
  2. A statement indicating the expected requirements for the ADC Company’s Network.
  3. The ADC Company’s Network requirements as your group sees them – Do not simply re-state the requirements written in this Case Study document as these will receive zero marks.
  4. Using the information you make in items 1, 2 & 3 above, you should have a basis for the needs of the company that you will develop in the body of the report. 

Note 3:

Logical Structure of the report: After reading this section, the reader (and marker of your Case Study) should have a clear understanding of the written content in the body of your report. 

Copying another student’s work is prohibited. Duplicate material will result in zero marks for all students involved. Information on proper practice in assessments is available on the web site referred to in the subject outline.


Advanced Digital Computer Company is a computing company that mainly deals with the selling of the various computing devices to the residents of Australia country and beyond, it has various branches and they are distributed in many towns’ centers.

The company is allocated IP address by their internet service providers which includes the ipv4 and ipv6 as and 2001: acad:: bead:/60 respectively where an IP address scheme will be used to allocate the various subnets to certain IP addresses depending with number of hosts and this will allow growth since the network is expected to undergo 100% growth resulting to doubling of the network devices.

1.1 The made assumptions

Below are some of the assumptions made in the network designing to enable the accommodation of all network devices including the one that will added after the network undergo 100% growth.

  1. The network will have a total of six subnets which will be interlinked.
  2. Each branch will be assigned its unique IP addresses and range depending with the number of hosts.
  • There will be six subnets for the all six network branch locations.
  1. There will be one or many printers in each subnet in a ratio of 1 printer: 70 computers.
  2. Each network will be having the switch and router hardware depending on the number of the end devices in a subnet or branch.
  3. For each member of the company there will be only one dedicated computer.

    : justify;">
  • The network devices and end devices connection will be established using the cables like the cat 5, 6 and 7.
  • The subnets to the head office connection media will be fiber cables for higher access speed (Behrouz 2016).
  1. The company will be supplied internet by the internet service providers using the fiber cables internet.

1.2 The Proposed Network requirements

Below are the proposed network’s requirements that will be considered in the network designing and implementation processes.

  1. The network should have maximum uptime of 99.9% per day.
  2. The network bandwidth should be at least 600 MHz or higher.
  • There should be access to internet in all subnets.
  1. There should be printing facilities in each subnet.
  2. Network should allow data transmissions rates of 500 MBPS or higher.
  3. There should be file storage and sharing over the network using network’s servers.
  • There should be network downloading speed of not less than 300mbps.
  • There shall be a network uploading speed of not less than 150mps.

1.3 The network connections Media

Below are some of the connection media where their respective prices are recorded to enable easy budgeting of the networking materials, these media will be used in the connection of the routers, switches, network printers and the computers in the subnets as summarized below (Douglas 2017).

Media type


Data Transmissions Rates

Price per Meter



(cat5e cable)

350 MHz bandwidth per 100 Meters

1000mbps per 100 Meters data transmissions throughputs

AUD$0.3 each meter

This cat5e media is used to do the connection of the switches and the end point devices including printer, computer and the server due to the following:

i.                    Low acquisition prices.

ii.                  Are installed and configured in the network easily.

iii.                They have quite high data transmission rates of 1000mbps as required in the network

iv.                They support data transmissions of 100 meters from the source.


(Cat6a Cable)

750 MHz bandwidth per 100 Meters

1 to 10gbps per 100 Meters data transmissions throughputs


This is the media chosen to enable the connection between the subnet main switch and the subnet router and it is better than cat5e cable in terms of speed and bandwidth and therefore selected due to the following.

                    i.            Low acquisition prices.

                  ii.            Are installed and configured in the network easily.

                iii.            They have quite high data transmission rates of 1-10gbps as required in the network

                iv.            They support data transmissions of 100 meters from the source.


20Ghzs bandwidth per 3-5kms

10-gbps data transmissions throughputs per 3-5kms

AUD$5.1 per meter

This media was selected to do the router to router connection between the subnets and the head office subnet and is recommended due to higher transmission rates and longer transmission distance and thus better for internet connections, below are other features that made it to be selected.

i.                    It supports up to 10gbps transmissions rates.

ii.                  It maintains highest uptime compared to other media.

iii.                It can transmit data for 1- 5 kilometers per second.

iv.                It has lowest latency thus allowing high transmission rate.

v.                  It is able to withstand any electro-magnetic interference.


 1.4  ADCC Network addressing schemes

1.4.1 Calculation of the IP addresses

The internet service providers had provide the company with IP address space to be used in the sub-netting the six network branches subnets as below (Forouzan 2014).  Head office branch

The head office has three LANs which include sales with 60 hosts, marketing with 35 hosts and the accounts with 30 hosts; however there are 2 printers in the sales, 1 printer in the marketing and 1 printer in the accounts departments therefore the total hosts will be approximately 254 hosts.

  1. Head office (Sales)

Total Hosts = 122

2x = (122 + 2).

29 = 512 > 124

Network-bits = 32 – 9 = 23

Network-IP-Addresses =

Broadcast-IP-Addresses: -

Subnet-masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-9=119

  1. Head office (marketing)

Total Hosts = 71

2x = (71 + 2).

29 = 512 > 73

Network-bits = 32 – 9 = 23

Network-IP-Addresses =

Broadcast-IP-Addresses: -

Subnet-masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-9=119

  • Head office (accounts)

Total Hosts = 61

2x = (61 + 2).

29 = 512 > 63

Network-bits = 32 – 9 = 23

Network-IP-Addresses =

Broadcast-IP-Addresses: -

Subnet-masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-9=119       Chatswood branch

The chatswood will have a total of 104 hosts and 2 printers therefore.

Total Hosts = 106

2x = (106 + 2).

27 = 128 > 108

Network-Bits = 32 – 7= 25.

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-7=121       Leichhart branch

The Leichhart will have a total of 50 hosts and 1 printer therefore.

Total Hosts = 51

2x = (51 + 2).

26 = 64 > 53

Network-Bits = 32 – 6= 26

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-6=122       Rockdale branch

The Rockdale will have a total of 40 hosts and 1 printer therefore.

Total Hosts = 41

2x = (41 + 2).

26 = 64 > 43

Network-Bits = 32 – 6= 26

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-6=122       Bankstown H.O branch

The Rockdale will have a total of 8 hosts and 1 printer therefore.

Total Hosts = 9

2x = (9 + 2).

24 = 16 > 11

Network-Bits = 32 – 4= 28

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-4=124       Epping H.O branch

The Rockdale will have a total of 4 hosts and 1 printer therefore.

Total Hosts = 5

2x = (5 + 2).

23 = 8 > 7

Network-Bits = 32 – 3= 29

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-3=125

/125/2001::acad:c401-2001::acad:c406       Server network branch

The Rockdale will have a total of 4 hosts therefore.

Total Hosts = 4

2x = (4 + 2).

23 = 8 > 6

Network-Bits = 32 – 3= 29

Network-Ip-Addresses =

Broadcast-Ip-Addresses: -

Subnet-Masks =

Ipv6 mask=128-3=125 

1.4.2        ADC IPv4 Address Schemes

Subnet Name

Subnet Address

Subnet Mask

Host Range Of Address

Broadcast Address

City head office


City head office (marketing)

City head office


Chatswood branch

Leichhart branch

Rockdale branch

Bankstown H.O

Epping H.O

Server Network

Chatswood WAN

Leichhart WAN

Rockdale WAN

Bankstown WAN

Epping WAN

 1.4.3        IPv6 Addressing scheme

After obtaining the respective ipv4 address scheme they are converted to the respective ipv6 address where the subnet and its mask and the host range addresses are identified as below.

Subnet Name

Subnet  Address And Mask

Host Range Of Addresses

City head office (Accounts)

2001::acad: 00c2/119

2001::acad:00c3- 2001::acad:00fe

City head office (marketing)

2001::acad: 007b/119

2001:: acad: 007c- 2001:: acad: 00c1

City head office



2001::acad:be01-2001::acad: 007a

Chatswood branch


2001::acad:c001- 2001::acad:c07e

Leichhart branch



Rockdale branch



Bankstown H.O



Epping H.O



Server Network



Chatswood WAN


2001::acad:c001- 2001::acad:c07e

Leichhart WAN



Rockdale WAN



Bankstown WAN



Epping WAN



 1.5 ADC Network hardware Selection

The table below shows the various network routers and switches that are required in the various network branches where the switches are used to link the end devices together while routers link the branches subnet-works to the main router in the head office.

Below is the list of hardware used.

Network Location


Models and series

Number required



Head Offices



Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

The head office location network is made of four subnet-works which includes the sales, accounts and management and therefore more network switches are required where 7 switches are in the sales department, four in marketing and four in accounts department, however one is the distribution switch which is used to link the access layers switch and the network router.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Chatswood branch


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links other access layer switches and the network router while the router links the subnet to the head office.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Leichhart branch


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links other access layer switches and the network router while the router links the subnet to the head office.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Rockdale branch


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links other access layer switches and the network router while the router links the subnet to the head office.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Bankstown H.O


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links other access layer switches and the network router while the router links the subnet to the head office..


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Epping H.O


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links other access layer switches and the network router while the router links the subnet to the head office.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

Server Network


Cisco 2620xm


24 Ports

There is one distribution layer switch that links the network servers and the network routers while the router is used to link the subnet with the head office network and allow internet access.


Cisco 2960-24TT


24 Ports

 1.6  Network locations topologies

Below are the various network locations topologies indicating how the devices are interlinked in the network and showing the network infrastructures.

There are two main types of network topologies in the entire network, these includes the hybrid topology in the head office where there are three LANs that are linked to form one hybrid network topology  ,however all the other network areas subnets has star topologies where all the network devices are connected in a central point using the distribution layers switches as below (Tom 2015).

1.6.1  Head office topology (Star/Hybrid Topology)

 1.1         Proposed Internet Access
1.1.1        Fiber optic cable internet access

The fiber optic cable is the selected type of internet supply from the internet services providers in Australia, however the internet is connected through the internet point of presence in the head offices and the internet services provider will use the DHCP technology to automatically assign ip address to the connected devices.

The fiber cable was selected due to its high transmission speed, confirmed up-time services, ability to withstand interferences, ability to transmit signals for long distance, and reliability in un-limited data supply (William 2014).


This report highlighted various network design items where the various assumptions and requirements were identified, the sub-netting was done and the respective IP addresses were assigned and the network topologies were also drawn for all company’s’ branches.

Therefore the implementation of this network will enable the company to have efficient communication between the staffs and also provide internet accessibility. 


Andrew, S. (2015) Computer Networks.2nd edn. New York:Prentice Hall.

Behrouz ,A.(2016) Data Communication and Networking. 4th edn.New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Douglas,C.(2017) Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume1.1st edn.California: Addison-Wesley Professional.

Forouzan,I.(2014) Computer Networks: A Top – Down Approach.5th edn.New York: McGraw-Hill.

Tom ,C.(2015) IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future.3rd edn. San Francisco: O'Reilly Media.

William,S.(2014)  Data and Computer Communication. 2nd edn. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

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