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Inft3100 Project Management And Demonstrate Assessment Answers

1-Define the problem
Academic concepts that are the subject of analysis have been clearly outlined and extensive, relevant and current reading on the topic has been demonstrated
All aspects of the analysis task have been addressed in depth and evidence has been applied and integrated convincingly.
2- and analyse evidence
Demonstrated a detailed and insightful analysis of the topic.
Developed a sophisticated argument that shows a high level of understanding and analysis of the differing points of view and the implications of these.
3-Demonstrate Management
Related the chosen division concept to the overall concept of management in a highly effective and comprehensive manner.
Considered how the differing values and approaches within management have implications on everyday operations, and provided insightful thought on this.



The diversity in the work force of the Australia is a major factor for the wide variety of the business operations in the country (Barak, 2016). The development of the operations would form the innovative and improved processes would help in compelling the operations to form the integration of the activities. The management of the operations would involve the systematic development and it would form the evaluation of the existing facilities to innovate the development of the activities. The implication of the improved processes would form the sufficient deployment of the operations (Harvey & Allard, 2015). The working habitat of the people is largely influenced by the development of the diversified actions of the people.

The following essay would provide an evaluation of the project of “Managing Diversity in Australia’s’ Contemporary Workforce”. There are some processes that would be formed for the development of the project and it would successively form the implication of the improved processes. The essay would analyse the topics and concepts required for the development of a structure that could manage the diversities in the organizational processing. The essay would comprise of demonstration of the concepts and knowledge for the deployment of the improved functions in the organization.

Management of Diverse Work Culture Strategy Development

Define the problem. The workforce of Australia provides the national strength and acts as an asset for the industries of the country (Humanservices.gov.au. 2017). The business development and the growth require the acknowledgement of the economic and social development for integrating the improved processes of the organization. The culturally diversification in a workplace can affect the ongoing functionality or improve it depending on the improvement of the operations. The issues of diverse work culture include the conflicts of the operations, reluctance in working together, ethical difference, and communication gap. The activities of the diverse workplace had been facing consistent issues of the operations. The major issue in the development of the activities of the operation is the conflict of the operations and it would cause the hindrance in the development of the operations (Canas & Sondak, 2013). The conflicts of operations had been faced due to the involvement of the diverse working culture at the workplace. The team members would have to develop an understanding for the deployment of the improved facilities to support the diverse work culture. The provision of the diversified working capacity would help in forming the accurate deployment of the operations. The reluctance of working together for different working culture is being deployed for the integration of the operations to form the improved processes. The workforce of Australia gives the national quality and goes about as a benefit for the ventures of the nation (Kirton & Greene 2015). The business advancement and the development require the affirmation of the financial and social improvement for coordinating the enhanced procedures of the association. The socially expansion in a work environment can influence the progressing usefulness or enhance it relying upon the change of the operations. The issues of different work culture incorporate the contentions of the operations, hesitance in cooperating, moral contrast, and correspondence hole (Humanrights.gov.au. 2017). The exercises of the differing work environment had been confronting reliable issues of the operations. The real issue in the advancement of the exercises of the operation is the contention of the operations and it would cause the prevention in the improvement of the operations.

The conflict of operations had been confronted because of the association of the differing working society at the work environment (Rice, 2015). The colleagues would need to build up a comprehension for the arrangement of the enhanced offices to help the various work culture. The arrangement of the expanded working limit would help in framing the precise organization of the operations. The hesitance of cooperating for various working society is being sent for the incorporation of the operations to shape the enhanced procedures. The difference in ethics would form the development of issues in conveying the message inappropriately (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015). The major influence of the diverse workspace is seen when the operations of the organization would not be able to convey the messages clearly to the required individual. The organization working capacity of the organization would imply the deployment of the existing facilities to form the improved operations. There are some significant deployments of the operations that can form the gaps among the team members resulting in the slackness of operations. The personal life of an individual is of no concern for the professional life style as they have no significant influence on their working capacity. The acceptance of the individual’s lifestyle would allow the development for existing system. The rude behaviour of the employees against co-worker would result in making the work place uncomfortable to work and it would reduce the overall productivity of the operations (Klarsfeld et al., 2014). The unfair prejudice of the people would result in forming the major hindrances to the people. The variation and diversification of the employees in terms of ethnicity, colour, culture, and religion would also form the major issues in the operation of the project. The prejudice of the working capability of the people would form the major influence in terms of the activities of the organization. The harassment is another major issue that the diverse working culture might face. The discrimination in the work place and inappropriate gesture that can be racial or discriminatory connotation should be considered as a form of issues of diverse work culture. The culturally diversification in a workplace can affect the ongoing functionality or improve it depending on the improvement of the operations (Choi & Rainey, 2014). The activities of the diverse workplace had been facing consistent issues of the operations.

Analyse the Evidence. According to scholars like Certo (2015), the people of Australia would allow the growth of the existing facilities to form the essential deployment of the improved technologies. The influence of the operations would result in forming the support and development of the activities. The Australian country had seen a wide development of the basic infrastructure resulting in attracting a huge number of foreigners to settle in the place. The country is one of the most renowned multicultural countries that evoke the development of the improvement facilities. The support of the operations had brought about the inclusion and integration of the various people of different orientation working together on the same platform. However Singh, Winkel and Selvarajan, (2013), have pointed out that in spite of the conductance of the immigration programmes, the country had been facing several racial discrimination issues at workplaces of the country. The experience of the social fragmentation at the workplaces of the country had been significant in forming the hindrance for the sovereignty and development. The Australian Government had not being able to reconcile the fact that the society of Australia has some interesting facts when it comes to the point of evaluating the figures of issues at diverse workplace. There are 20% of the people of Australia that have experience some racial discrimination of one kind or other. Among them 11% have complained that they had been excluded from their workplace or the social gathering just because of their race and 5% of them have been physically assaulted because they were of different races (Humanservices.gov.au. 2017). The case of the embracement of the diversified culture is developed for implementing the improved operations and functional development. The cultural diversification would involve the formation of the differences in lunch, festivals, events, or the way of being inclusive in the activities of the development and operations. Discrimination is a major issue that had formed the issues in forming an integration of the organizational development (Humanrights.gov.au. 2017). The identification of the different levels of the employment level is formed for the integration of the diverse work culture and it would form the implementation of the process.

On the contrary some scholars have showed the successful inclusion of the diversified work culture to implement a unique deployment factor in the organization. As pointed out by Sabharwal (2014), most of the Australian government sectors have employed diversified work place culture with the help of some developed improvement strategies for the organization. The government sectors of Australia had been focusing on the skills and deployment of the operational processes. They have included the flexible working arrangements for the developing smooth operations in the organization. The general population of Australia would permit the development of the current offices to shape the basic organization of the enhanced innovations. The impact of the operations would bring about framing the help and improvement of the exercises. The Australian nation had seen a wide advancement of the fundamental foundation bringing about pulling in an enormous number of nominatives to settle in the place. As opined by Nkomo and Hoobler (2014), the nation is a standout amongst the most prestigious multicultural nations that summon the advancement of the change offices. The help of the operations had achieved the consideration and mix of the different individuals of various introductions cooperating on a similar stage. The conductance of the movement programs, the nation had been confronting a few racial segregation issues at working environments of the nation. The experience of the social discontinuity at the work environments of the nation had been huge in shaping the deterrent for the sway and improvement. The development of the unbiased and harmony culture had been helpful for the integration of the activities to the organizational processes (Wood et al., 2016). The evaluation of the activities would involve the development of the activities to form the development of the operations in the organization. The integration of the system integration would evaluate the concept of the operational development.

Demonstrate Management. According to Guillaume et al., (2014), the management of the diversified culture in the work space of Australia is based on the deployment of the effective communication methods. The system development had been formed for the calculation of the appropriate measures that would help in keeping the working arbitrary intact for the development of the operations. The development of the operations would involve the formation of the operational processes. The integration of the existing facilities would integrate the operations to develop stimulating formation of the operations. There are five major factors that help in forming the effective management of the diverse culture in the organization. It includes development of communication, considering the employees as a unit, encouragement to the employees, decision making, and open minded attitude (Martín Alcazar et al., 2013). The communication would imply the development of the operations for the integration of the operations. The communication requires the formation of the effective methods for developing the successful promotion of the activities. The conveyance of the messages would indulge in transmitting the effective requirements and messages to the required person. It would also take a good amount of the development factor that could inform the processing of the operations to the development. The management of the diversified technology would be facilitated by the use of the effective communication to convey the development requirement clearly to the involved parties of operations (Guillaume et al., 2017). The consideration of the employee as one unit would help in forming the accurate and system integration of the operations. The inclusion of the operations would point out the development to form the unit modification. The modification of the operations would form the supplement implication of the operations to form the functional development. The management of the diversified work culture would require the implication of the effective operations of the organization. The operational deployment of the factors would include the supportive development of the operations. It is very crucial for the development of the active likeness and reducing the variation due to the diversified work culture.

According to Oswick and Noon (2014), the encouragement of the employees is another major factor that can limit the issues of the diversified culture in Australian work place. In this operation, the employees would form the effective modification of the existing operations due to the development of the operations to involve the modification of the system integration. The encouragement of the employees would help in forming the integrated operations for fixing the mentality of the employees to work as a one unit. The evaluation of the activities would involve the development of the activities to form the development of the operations in the organization. The integration of the system integration would evaluate the concept of the operational development. Improved decision making is another major factor that can minimize the difference of the activities to form the development of the operations (Janssens & Zanoni, 2014). The support of the co-workers would indulge the development of the integration to form the effective compensation of the operations. The evaluation of the activities would involve the development of the activities to form the development of the operations in the organization. The integration of the system integration would evaluate the concept of the operational development.


The diversity in the work force of the Australia had played a major factor for the wide variety of the business operations in the country. The essay had analysed the topics and concepts required for the development of a structure that could manage the diversities in the organizational processing and it comprises of demonstration of the concepts and knowledge for the deployment of the improved functions in the organization. The major issue in the development of the activities of the operation was the conflict of the operations and it had caused the hindrance in the development of the operations. The conflicts of operations were faced due to the involvement of the diverse working culture at the workplace. Some issues of different work culture incorporate the contentions of the operations, hesitance in cooperating, moral contrast, and correspondence hole. Moreover, the rude behaviour of the employees against co-worker had resulted in making the work place uncomfortable to work and it would reduce the overall productivity of the operations.

The unfair prejudice of the people resulted in forming the major hindrances to the people. The variation and diversification of the employees in terms of ethnicity, colour, culture, and religion would also form the major issues in the operation of the project. Some data facts has been highlighted in the essay such as there are 20% of the people of Australia that have experience some racial discrimination. Among them 11% complained that they had been excluded from their workplace or the social gathering just because of their race and 5% of them were physically assaulted because they were of different races. The five major factors that help in forming the effective management of the diverse culture in the organization shown in the essay were development of communication, considering the employees as a unit, encouragement to the employees, decision making, and open minded attitude.


Ang, S., & Van Dyne, L. (2015). Handbook of cultural intelligence. Routledge.

Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.

Canas, K., & Sondak, H. (2013). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. Pearson Higher Ed.

Certo, S. (2015). Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Choi, S., & Rainey, H. G. (2014). Organizational fairness and diversity management in public organizations: Does fairness matter in managing diversity?. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 34(4), 307-331.

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Guillaume, Y. R., Dawson, J. F., Priola, V., Sacramento, C. A., Woods, S. A., Higson, H. E., ... & West, M. A. (2014). Managing diversity in organizations: An integrative model and agenda for future research. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(5), 783-802.

Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. (2015). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. Pearson.

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Nkomo, S., & Hoobler, J. M. (2014). A historical perspective on diversity ideologies in the United States: Reflections on human resource management research and practice. Human Resource Management Review, 24(3), 245-257.

Oswick, C., & Noon, M. (2014). Discourses of diversity, equality and inclusion: trenchant formulations or transient fashions?. British Journal of Management, 25(1), 23-39.

Rice, M. F. (2015). Diversity and public administration. ME Sharpe.

Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance. Public Personnel Management, 43(2), 197-217.

Singh, B., Winkel, D. E., & Selvarajan, T. T. (2013). Managing diversity at work: Does psychological safety hold the key to racial differences in employee performance?. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86(2), 242-263.

Wood, J. M., Zeffane, R. M., Fromholtz, M., Wiesner, R., Morrison, R., Factor, A., ... & Osborn, R. N. (2016). Organisational behaviour: Core concepts and applications. John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd..

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