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Info6001 Database Management-Eer Diagram And Assessment Answers

  1. Revised content of assignment 1: Requirement Specification, EER Diagram and Data Dictionary, Transaction Requirements, Business Rules 

* Requirements Specification (Clarity and completeness)

* EER Diagram and Data Dictionary

+Rightness & Completeness of EER model +Data dictionary and documentation* Transaction Requirements

  1. Mapping of the EER model to the relational model in DBDL 

+Mapping of each relation & attributes

+Mapping of each relationship

  1. Normalizing the relational schema to Boyce-Codd Normal Form 

 +Discussion of functional dependencies, and process of normalising up to BCNF for all relations (e.g., if a relation is in 2nd normal form, give your reason why it is in 2nd form, then show all the process to normalise it up to BCNF).




( discount_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

strat_date DATE NOT NULL , 

end_date DATE NOT NULL , 

discount_percentage INT(3) NOT NULL , 

requiremnet VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

description VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY (discount_code))



( empployee_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

driver_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

order_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,


payment DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL , 


bank_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

address_code VARCHAR(20) NOTNULL , 

account_number INT(20) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY (empployee_code, driver_code)

FOREIGN KEY (bank_code) REFERENCES bank_info (bank_code)

FOREIGN KEY (address_code) REFERENCES address (address_code))

Item Order:


( item_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

order_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

quantity INT(10) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY(item_code, order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (order_code) REFERENCES Phone_call_order (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (order_code) REFERENCES Walkin_call_order (order_code))




( item_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 


size INT(5) NOT NULL , 

price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL, 

PRIMARY KEY (item_code))




( ingredient_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

price DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL , 

description VARCHAR(300) NOT NULL , 

stock_level VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL , 

quantity INT(6) NOT NULL , 

last_stock_taken_date DATE NOT NULL , 

suggested_stock VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY(ingredient_code))

Ingredient Order:



( ingredient_code VARCHAR(20) NOTNULL , 

order_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

quantity INT(10) NOT NULL ,

PRIMARY KEY (order_code,  ingredient_code)

FOREIGN KEY (order_code) REFERENCES Order (order_code))



( order_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

supplier_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 


total_amount DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (supplier_code) REFERENCES Supplier (supplier_code))



( supplier_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

address_code VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , 

contact INT(10) NOT NULL , 

PRIMARY KEY (supplier_code))

3. Normalization up to BCNF:

  1. Hourly _Emp (empployee_code, hourly_emp_code,Name, address_code, bank_code, account_number)

 Hourly _Emp (empployee_code, Name, address_code, bank_code, account_number)

  1. Driver (empployee_code, driver_code, order_code, date, payment, Name, address_code, bank_code, account_number)

Driver (empployee_code, order_code, date, payment, Name, address_code, bank_code, account_number)

  1. Phone_call_order (order_code, phone_call_order_code, consumer_code, discount_code, status, subtotal, payment_method, tax, total_amount, description)

Phone_call_order (order_code, consumer_code, discount_code, status, subtotal, payment_method, tax, total_amount, description)

  1. Walkin_Call_Order (order_code, consumer_code, discount_code, status, subtotal, payment_method, tax, total_amount, description)

Walkin_Call_Order (order_code, consumer_code, discount_code, status, subtotal, payment_method, tax, total_amount, description)

  1. Phone_call_order (order_code, consumer_code, status,  payment_method, tax description)

Walkin_Call_Order (order_code, consumer_code, status, payment_method, tax, description)

Payment (discount_code, consumer_code, subtotal, total_amount)

4. DBDL of Revised Database:

Phone call order:

CREATE TABLE phone_call_order (

  order_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  consumer_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  status varchar(10) NOT NULL,

  payment_method varchar(10) NOT NULL,

  tax decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,

  description varchar(200) NOT NULL

PRIMARY KEY (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (consumer_code) REFERENCES customer (consumer_code))

Walkin call order:

CREATE TABLE walkin_call_order (

  order_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  consumer_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  status varchar(10) NOT NULL,

  payment_method varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  tax decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,

  description varchar(200) NOT NULL

PRIMARY KEY (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (consumer_code) REFERENCES customer (consumer_code))

Hourly Employee:

CREATE TABLE hourly_emp (

  empployee_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  Name varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  address_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  bank_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  account_number varchar(20) NOT NULL

PRIMARY KEY (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (address_code) REFERENCES address (address_code)

FOREIGN KEY (bank_code) REFERENCES bank_info (bank_code))



  empployee_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  order_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  date date NOT NULL,

  payment decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,

  Name varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  bank_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  address_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  account_number int(20) NOT NULL

PRIMARY KEY (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (address_code) REFERENCES address (address_code)

FOREIGN KEY (bank_code) REFERENCES bank_info (bank_code))


CREATE TABLE payment (

  consumer_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  discount_code varchar(20) NOT NULL,

  subtotal decimal(10,2) NOT NULL,

  total_amount decimal(10,2) NOT NULL

PRIMARY KEY (order_code,  discount_code)

FOREIGN KEY (order_code) REFERENCES phone_call_order (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (order_code) REFERENCES walkin_call_order (order_code)

FOREIGN KEY (consumer_code) REFERENCES consumer (consumer_code))


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