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INF60012 The CLR Recycling Company


The CLR recycling company is a company dealing with recycling of product and selling the final products to both national and international, its targeting to facilitate the efficient production of the materials and also expanding the business to more international country , hence to accomplish this the company needs to implement an ERP system that is capable of catering for both  current requirement and installation of drives that will cater for the future operation and expansion of the organization

            This concern brought to me that new ERP system needs to be implemented to cater for current challenges such as IT limitation that makes it difficult for the company to improve its sales and also expands its business internationally, the IT that the company is using now does not support data analysis and standardization that is needed for costs and profit analysis, the CLR company also needs to make sure their customer are satisfied and their products are availed at time to the customers without fail, the ERP system will help the company to research on how to produce products that are nature friendly and last longer than the previous ones, the company also focuses on improving its managements.

the ERP system contains integrated software’s that an organization needs for collecting, storing, managing and interpreting of data which is crucial in this case, the merit of implementing the system is that there will be efficient flow of business activities leading to success of the business this issues that affecting the CLR company led to findings and solution to both current challenges and upcoming challenges, as depicted ERP provides an integrated and continuously updated view of core business processes using common database maintained by a data base management system


            The scope of this report covers the CLN recycling company that is faced with the challenges of operating its business to efficient and meeting the need of the consumer both in product delivery and in communication and also in networking, hence leading to coming up with an ERP solution to cater for all aspect as depicted earlier

            The research of the project majors in implementing ERP system with software’s that are able to overcome the challenges faced by the CLN recycling company, leading to gathering of information especially secondary information concerning the system, the findings from the project most qualifies for the CLN recycling company others do not, some of the companies that provide the software’s sampled to get the best software that suits the organizations


            This report is dedicated to the BOD and CEO of the CLN recycling company which provides both the requirements and the drivers needed for the efficient and smoothing running of the business

Background information

            ERP system from an organization overview it comprises software tied together that integrates to help small, medium and large companies to run their business. (Gruber, 2014). He observed that companies face challenge’s due to the desire of wanting to expand, run business efficiently and maintain good relationships with their customers, implementation of the ERP system project was expensive and time taking because research had to be done evaluated, and the analyst had to come with the right soft wares to suit the organization (Harmelen, 2015).

The system is set to make work easier in providing workflow program that makes processes of an organization to move efficiently, ERP got its roots in 2016 after large evolving of technology in e-business, e-commerce, and e-government, it marked an error of change and development regarding commerce and business both nationally and internationally

 The statistics show that most of the big companies have implemented  ERP system and their business are thriving in an ambiguous level that is pleasing, also the small and medium organization are trying to compete with the already established company due to implementation of the system, customer relation has increased due to the implementation of this project, in early 2005 companies using the system were less because of lack of information and benefits of the system that is vividly depicted by companies that use the system, (Bogaard, 2016 )

            Now in 2014 the ERP has become widely used in most of the companies, the IT companies have ventured into this system and they provide a platform for building up software that makes the system run smoothly and also cater to the requirement of the company in both daily requirements and also in both future requirement of the company in its operation,


The objective of the project is to come up with the ERP system that

  1. Enables interaction of customers with the CLN organization
  2. Improve expansion of the business internationally, e.g., by use of e-business
  • Improve sales plan and product design

  1. The company to maintain networking suppliers

An analysis of the current situation

 For the business to thrive there is a need for business requirements and drivers these are 

  1. User drive approach, it's a driven by the user whereby the user suggests changes in the system, the feedback helps to identify what suitable for the user, this help in developing and implementation of the phase that suits the user. CLN recycling company needs this feature to be able to interact with their client even those who are at overseas
  2. Business process improvement, this is understanding the performance and process of an organization on how they work this is to provide an effective plan to achieve the desired goals whereby CLN company needs business process improvement to help them create networking
  3. Customer services, most of the company are focusing in providing better services to their customer either by making procedures to be easier, products to be delivered in time, communication to be improved and create a thriving e-business globally, this helps CLN company to expand their business to overseas.
  4. Cloud-based ERP, cloud-based drivers are being upheld by most of the companies and eliminate to reduce cost in management; it helps not only in cost management but also in asset management which are crucial things when it comes to management in organizations
  5. Cognitive analytic, most business nowadays are thriving in unveiling the dynamic change in behavior of customers , their expectation towards the product if it will cope with the growing technology, and if its friendly enough and the product is flexible to cater for their needs, hence the companies are coming up with system that can unfold new business opportunities and act as platform for business growth
  1. Mobility support, due to dynamic change I technology, mobile has become a must feature to an ERP system, both the executive, employees and sales team need information to be able to know when to make the critical decision, most of the business are transacted through internet hence need for mobility support system
  2. Express delivery model, the cloud-based ERP enables customers globally can get their products in time withou6t delay and monitoring of the system is easy, CLN company needs this ERP system to cater for their customers to avoid delays of the product
  3. Regulator control, CLN company needs an ERP system that has a regulator to detect hazardous and toxic material to be produced because it aims to produce products that are less toxic and are environment friendly and lasting
  4. Management model, the CLN company, need a management model that will support managing of products and also sales, the system is equipped in the manner that helps the senior manager supervise the process in an organization and Alsop help in making of critical decision making
  5. Process manufacturing functionality, CLN needs an ERP system that can adopt to the manufacturing requirement, this enables the ERP system to save time and maximize the time is taken by the workers in the manufacturing process which is crucial in the CLN recycle company

ERP drivers and requirements


Business processes

Data source


User driver approach



Information from customers


Business process involvement



Admiration information

NetSuite ERP

Customer services



Customer feedback





Accounting and cost control


Cognitive-based analytic


Information technology

Research on consumer behavior


Mobility support

Express delivery model


Information technology

Technology information


Regulatory control



Research information

Netsuite ERP

Management model



ERP expert

Bright  pearl erp

Process manufacturing functionality



Workers information

Netsuite ERP

Software selection

             It’s a planning software that provides sales, finance, manufacturing, human resource, distribution, project management and customer relation it also contains an individual module for each aspect of business operations, it provides integration of information as any action that is generated by the  sales and  distribution module is available and usable by those in the financial sector of the organization, the software also detects any changes in price increase or decrease and also any stoppage of work, its efficient and more advanced because it allows multiple modules in multiple suits which is not the case with other software (Sumner, 2018).

The software is suitable because it covers all aspect that requires planning and running process using the computer. Is taken as the best because its dynamic and its flexible it changes with dynamic change in technology, technology is taking over, and one needs to incorporate new technology to fit and compete fairly in the market, this kind of software suits the CLN recycle company because it acts as an umbrella covering all the aspects covered in this report

SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA

  It's a software that involves in delivering innovation also business process area; it uses new data model optimized for the new code lining, the software is meant to cover day-day activities in an organization, its termed as the transformation of EPR but questionable regarding functionality and pricing

 As a technological consultant I will recommend CLN recycling company to adopt SAP ECC 6.0 system because it covers all its need, in terms of administration, communication, technological changes and also I caters for financial aspects, the software also allows the  company to interact with its employee and make work processes to be easy than the traditional methods (Grönlund, 2016)

Investigation of a new solution

 According to the conference attended by the CNL company manager ( John MacDonald ) the solution offered by (Ariba, Concur Technologies, and  Cadillac cloud companies), was implementing SAP EPR which could cover all the activities that revolve in a business this will help CNL recycling company because the company needs to install IT program (Tarhini, 2016) be able to deliver their product at a fast rate and also be able to communicate with their customers and many more as shown on the table above, hence SAP helps to take control and efficiency which leads to saving cost of production of the items (Aubert, 2016)

            Through installation of a software in SSP known as Cadillus cloud software which enables to run sales manufacturing and human resource function, this add-on is suitable to cater for the companies emerging issues such as CLN company being able to compete with changing business organization, improve interaction with customer globally which will lead to expansion of the business, and increase the mobility of the mangers and also the employee including the customers, creation of networking is also important for CLN recycle company and it requires the ERP system that can cater for it.

Risk management

 Risk management is the process of identification, evaluation, prioritizing of the risk and creating a way of dealing and overcoming future occurrence of the risk in a business organization, risk management plan is important because it helps evade limitation such as ineffective strategic thinking planning, poor project, and inadequate change management, these may lead to failure of EPR system( Tarhini,2016)

 Risk management plan, should have control which mitigates a risk that may occur during the process, the risk should be assessed not to occur and the system should contain all the possible mitigation of dealing with any occurrence of the risk, some of the risks that may affect the system are poor project team skill, inadequate business process re-engineering, inadequate change management









Lack of top management  support

CLR management does not provide resources to the implementation project

-lack of proper communication

-lack of resources

-change  priorities

Medium –lower
















-Develop communication- plan

-predict reserve funding in the budget


Change management

 Is dealing with transition and transformation of organization goals process of technology, managing change is effective in ERP system because it allows one to add the human factor in the system, helps in getting the organization entire team on board and finally you can recapture and re-assess best practices

 I propose Lewin's change management model

                            REFREEZE                                                               UNFREEZE

(Solidifying the desired change)                                                                    (PREPARING THE DESIRED CHANGE)


                                                           (Implementing the desired change)

          The model can help in implementing the new system by solidifying the desired change, preparing the desired change and implementing the desired change

The strength of Lewin's model is that it’s easy to comprehend and handle, also user-friendly, it also concentrates on the fear of the employees who want to evade the change, on the other hand, the model does not focus on all aspect as depicted in Kotter's model

Overall summary

             This report gives an overview of what  ERP system is how it works, and the benefits of the system to an organization, by incorporating the system in CLN recycling company, the ERP system will be able to curb the limitation of the company and also overcome the incoming challenges, as shown above, ERP system is capable of dealing with all aspect and make the company archive its goals, the system provides a platform whereby .

it enables the company to interact with its customers and get feedback about the product which leads to critical decision making, creation of mobility to both the executive the sales  team and also the employee , communication also will be done easy and sharing of information will be highly uplifted, networking will also be incorporated into the system and mostly of all IT will be incorporated in CLR company, and this will lead to venturing in overseas business hence leading to expansion of the companies


         I would recommend BOD and CEO’s to implement the ERP system in the system because the system will lead to the achievement of the goals and success of the company, such as expansion of the business, efficient administration, and also help in financing sector, this system it will act as an ‘umbrella’ to all process of the business.


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