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Improving Organizational Performance


Like every other organisation, the Gulf Hotel Bahrain has to focus on developing a positive attitude within the organisation by introducing high-performance working practices. This process is considered as part of creating a working environment where trust, transparency and outlines of communication will contribute to improving the performance. This process focuses on improving the friendly atmosphere for the employees and not using the traditional hierarchical structure of the organisation. This report focuses on providing information to the executive team about introducing high-performance working practices for Gulf Hotel of Bahrain.

Section 1

The concept and elements of HPW

High-performance working is only possible by using the management practices which involves creating a positive work environment. The main purpose of creating a high-performance work system is to introduce responsibility and involvement of the employees. The strategies are used for HPW is related to organizational work structure, HR practices, processes to leverage employees skills, knowledge and alignment (Ambrose, Sheridan and Schminke, 2016).

There are four different components are identified in the HPW practices. Those are learning the process for employees, incentive or reward for employees, employees decision making process and technological knowledge of the employee. The four different components of HPW is an essential part of developing a high-performance work system.

Employee's learning process or training- the training process is considered as the first component which is able to provide the necessary knowledge or skills related to the job performance of the employees. However, it helps the organisation to perform greater responsibility.

Employee’s decision-making process- Every employee need the ability to take decision for himself and the organization. For a high-performance work system in this organisation, allowing the employees to make decisions regarding the organisational environment create a positive attitude within the organization (Shin and Konrad, 2017). The use of this process will help the employees to feel empowered and they became more committed.

Employee's incentive or reward- The participation of the employees for creating the high-performance organisation cannot be possible without incentives. the performance outcome of the organisation can be easily upgraded by providing extra beneficial opportunities to the employees. These opportunities are included as part of the organisational profit sharing plans and equity plans. Most of the incentives are part of the reward and recognition provided by the organisation. Sometimes positive feedback for the employees is also enough and works as part of this incentive components.

Employee's technological knowledge- The technological talent of the organisational employees has proven as one of the leading edge solutions in this current competitive market. Therefore, technological abilities are counted as one of the major requirement for any job position. This process also plays a useful role in sharing information and facilitate communication within the organisation.

High-performance working is useful for boosting up the competitiveness and growth of the organisation. This process directly targets the organisational performance for creating an exception and quality. The major area focus by this practice is to stimulate more effective commitment and involvement for achieving high-level performance. designing a plan for the employee performance development which will be beneficial for fully utilise the employee's knowledge and skill (Kim, Eisenberger and Baik, 2017). According to the statistical data on high-performance work it has been seen that the organisation focuses on formal feedback from the clients and customers for analysing the job performance. Besides that, the annual appraisal, an annual review of employees, reviewing vacancies, continuous skills development programme is used by the organisation for creating a business strategy for supporting and adopting HPW practices. Some other elements of talent management take a huge part in developing this practice. Those are organisational development, strategic workforce planning and succession planning of the organisation.

The link between HPW, sustained organizational performance, employee well-being and competitive advantage

High performance working is a way of managing an organisation where this kind of practice makes the employees more committed towards the betterment of the organisation. This approach involves the employee in an effective way in order to achieve the goal and grow the organisation and maintains a high performing level.

The high-performance working approach is very important for organisations to grow and have a sustained organisational performance. In addition, the HR practices linked these two sections. This link has predicted to be able to implement HR practices as training and development, which helps to develop employee-level skills that can contribute to a better contribution to the organization's resources. Also, this contribution can be termed on the update of training and the programs for ultimate development for its employees. The truth behind the development is the interrelation between HRM policies and practice and organizational performance.

Employee well being is an important part of HPW. Employee Well being is a key for companies by which they can ensure that their employees are happy to work and motivated towards the work for the betterment (Asad et al. 2017). There are many experiments about the enhancement of motivation and productivity by the improvement of work design. The productivity of a certain organization is dependent on the employees that work for that. That is the reason that the well being of the employees is directly related to growth (Aryee et al. 2017). The mental and physical health of an employee is important for the organization. This key used to increase satisfaction, morale, productivity, and open communications in employees. This procedure improves staff retention and develops a better relationship between the management and staff. By this, the employees work towards the sustainable workforce. An engaged and healthy workforce takes the minimum time off sick and works efficiently. This benefits the company double and increases the top line revenues.

The High-Performance Work System (HPWS) has become very important as a source of competitive advantage nowadays. Human resource management improves the workforce environment by selecting motivating and developing. On the other side, organizational culture can be considered a form of organizational capital, could be a driver for sustainable competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is counted as one of the major important factors for sustaining in the changeable market. The hotel business of Gulf hotel has to continuously increase their service quality and organisational reputation for creating competitive advantage in this market (Wadhwa and Guthrie, 2018). The creation of high-performance working practices is proportionately able to increase the organizational competitive advantage in the market. With the development of high-performance work practices in each and, every operational area of Gulf hotel will directly impact on the organizational service quality development. With the best service quality, this hotel will able to create a competitive advantage in the market.

The main barriers to HPW

  1. Lack of communication - The employees and their managers must be collaborative in the entire process of business so that they can work towards the same goal to achieve the best results. Every member is so interconnected that without proper discussion the team can fail their business target and objectives. All the members starting from the top head to the employee must have dialogues in order to get the best results in their work and achieve a good result out of it (Heffernan and Dundon, 2016). Otherwise, the organization will suffer from its efficiency and quality and productivity.
  2. Leadership Problems- if the team does not have a good leader, the performance and the productivity of the team will suffer definitely. Leaders play a big role in a team. They stand for setting examples for the rest of the team. They plan for the team and does the strategy which will be most effective in proper scenes. Leaders are the main person to make the high-performance culture. They motivate the employee to work hard and consistent in achieving a goal. A bad leader destroys the main structure of the employees.
  3. Relationship Problems: the poor relationship between employees can be a big threat to the company. Because of miscommunication, the members will priorities the member individually but not for the betterment of the organization.
  4. Lack of trust:- the success of the high-performance team depends on trust and confidence with the team members and their collaborative function. In this process, trust is a big issue and can be a barrier for success. They will fail to work together and towards a goal and by that, the team will fail to complete the objective (Jiang and Liu, 2015). This trust issue can affect the company’s probability, efficiency and quality.
  5. Issues in problem resolution- this is a major barrier in the path of high performance because the people will make conflicts in them and will focus on the conflict more than the problem which needs the solution. This will cause a lack of productivity and poor performance from the employees. The inability of the team to give a quick solution towards the problem can gain a lot of trouble among the members. This creates a lot of miscommunication and lack of productivity. This will cause a lack of organizational growth and progress of the team members.
  6. POLITICS- the high performance suffers from the politics going on internally, and which makes unfair decisions, which affects the employee. This sort of behaviour is very disappointing for the employee and results as lack productivity. When This politics overrules the judgment, high-performance teams must suffer.
  7. Lack of procurement – Lack of infrastructure and equipment can make trouble for the employees to work in their maximum ability. The employees need the best equipment and structure to get the most productivity to serve (Börsch-Supan and Weiss, 2016). The structure must be healthy to make them motivated. Otherwise, this will cause a lot of problem in productivity, quality and also internal communication problems.

Section 2

The main stages of the performance management cycle

Performance management cycle is a process to achieve success for the organization and get a competitive advantage. This four-step process is planning, monitoring, reviewing and rewarding employee performance.


The term Planning means to set a goal of the good performance of individuals or groups in order to increase focus towards achieving the objectives of the organization. This stage is the first stage but the most essential stage to have a guideline to go. At the beginning of each business, the year organization takes this stage in order to plan the business for the upcoming year. In this planning phase, all the managers draw the plan and the overall strategies for the organization (Bandiera et al. 2015). After setting the goal, they identify the future performance goals in terms of targets, behaviour and actions. This process includes the employees in order to get them involved in the total process to have an idea about the goals of the organization. This process connects the employees to the organization and keeps motivated to achieve the goal.


Monitoring must be a continuous process in order to achieve the organizational plan. The process will not be effective if the monitoring goes once or twice a year. The regular monitoring of the plan is the best way to get knowledge about the plans, if it is working or not. This regular monitoring gives the scope to go through employee performance. In addition, it helps to solve problems early.


The next stage of this cycle is the performance review. This is an annual schedule. This is the process where the final performance of the employee gets its review. This stage is a collaboration between the supervisors or the managers and the employees. The employee goes through the self-assessment process where they review their achievement as per their perspective (Jiang and Liu, 2015). In this process, the heads exchange their views on the problems and success as well.


Rewarding is a process where the company gives incentives for their performance and contributions to the organization. Recognition and reward are essential to keep motivated the employees and to encourage for good performance for the following year. This process is important to appreciate and make the employee feel that the company appreciates the amount of hard work and sacrifices.

The role of development and performance reviews

The organisation invests in developing workforce planning and workplace innovation strategy. But the role of development is highly connected with the organizational high-performance work strategy which is related to industry-specific investment and microeconomics policies. The high-performance working system creates high involvement in high commitment and high-performance HRM department. For sustaining high growth for the organisation, a positive work environment is required for the employees able to express themselves in all possible ways. In addition to that, different practices or operation has to properly examine and review by the HR department to create high-performance practices for organisational development (Börsch-Supan and Weiss, 2016).

The concept of the performance review is a significant area where the HR department and organisational supervisors and managers work on. Performance review has to given to the Employees which will help them in finding their positive and negative work impression. In fact, the performance review is considered as beneficial to provide lessons and motivation to the employees for increasing their commitment towards the organisation. The high influence of performance review on creating HPW practices indirectly useful for creating a high performance from the inter-organisation. Positive feedback is useful for uplifting the employee's positive attitude towards his work, which directly contributes to the process of achieving the organisational goal (Heffernan and Dundon, 2016). The negative feedback on performance review will create the necessity of providing motivation and training to the employees which help them in improving the performance.

The different ways of involving line managers in the performance review process

The line managers constitute the basis of front line management. Therefore they play a crucial role in understanding as well as the basis of the implementation of the various H.R. practices. Hence it is extremely essential that the line managers have the much desired and proper attitude so that they can evaluate the various processes related to performance management. As opined by Börsch-Supan and Weiss (2016), they can also inculcate the various performance management approaches that make them extremely competent in evaluating key performances of people working for the organization.

The performance management process has often been regarded as the bureaucratic chore by the various line managers as they consider the entire process to be a waste of their time and valuable energy (Bandiera et al.2015). There are often instances that the line managers falter in having the desired set of skills in providing the right kind of feedback after reviewing the performance of the employees. They can also identify the right kind of objectives which the Gulf Hotel Bahrain looks set to achieve. These limitations can, therefore, be overcome by ensuring that these following remedies have been looked after:

  • They can manage to provide the right kind of leadership from the top. The aspect of seeing that the work has been done in meeting the objectives of the organization also needs to be ascertained (Murakami et al. 2016).
  • They must be able to be in a position where they are able to communicate internally about the importance of performance management. The aspect of performance management is crucial for the success of Gulf Hotel Bahrain since it allows ensuring better results for the organization and more success.
  • They must also see to the fact that the work processes are rather simple and need not complicate the structure. More amount of complication leads to greater amount of confusion and difficulties in management.
  • They must also be in a position to reduce the overall pressure of the organization by being able to travel the extra mile. They need to ensure that the process that they are looking at is regarded as an ongoing process and not considered as a part of the annual review system.
  • The line managers must be extremely involved people who take the active amount of interest in the entire process of design as well as the development of the performances in the organization. They must be in a position to ensure that the performance management processes are able to represent them at various levels of pilot studies.

The Key responsibilities that a line manager has:-

  • Provide the right kind of feedback to the various team members.
  • Provide adequate levels of coaching as well as cross training. This aspect will ensure that there is the right amount of job rotation as well as minimum assignment coverage gaps.
  • They must be able to monitor the individual as well as the team metrics in ensuring that the performance levels do not drop and the targets have been adequately achieved.
  • They must also ensure the quality set of standards for all the processes.
  • The line managers must also understand the key need to identify the corrective actions and measures to improve the desired levels of performance in the Gulf Hotel Bahrain.

The contribution of the performance management process to promoting challenges, capability or recognising and rewarding talent

The performance management process is a very poignant topic in today’s world. The business pressures have been on the growing rise. It is extremely important that the business strategies are extremely effective so as to ensure the fact that it remains competitive to achieve the vital aims of the organization, the Gulf Hotel Bahrain.

As argued by Alcover et al. (2017), while the professionals of the human resource certainly are in a position to understand the importance related to the optimum performance management, they often are plagued by internal obstacles. These obstacles have certainly marred the entire set up and make life difficult for human resource professionals. The companies who are forward thinking in nature are able to address the obstacles by taking necessary measures. They can see that the negative sides that plague the performance management can be ironed out. Additionally, there has been a case of automated performance management solutions which has managed to emerge from the medium-sized as well as the small-sized businesses (Macrae, 2016).

Performance management has been seen as a potential method so as to meet the desired set of challenges, It can be capable to recognize the desired talent and its processes are effective to reward the various talents that outperform the others in the organization.

As opined by Buckingham and Goodall (2015), the effective performance management process has been able to measure the sets of individual performances and also optimize the levels of productivity by the following measures:

  • It needs to properly align the individual’s day to day actions be seeing that the strategic business objectives have been met.
  • It needs to provide the right amount of visibility and also clarify the levels of accountability in relations to the expectations of the performance that have been desired.
  • It needs to document the levels of individual performance in order to support the levels of compensation (Ahmed et al. 2016). It needs to have proper career planning decisions in place to ensure proper levels of effectivity and efficiency.
  • It needs to establish the right amount of focus for the adequate development of the required set of skills. It will also be ensuring the fact that the choices of the learning activity have been ascertained.
  • It needs to create the right kind of documentation for the various legal processes that the organization needs to go through. It has to be a key factor in supporting the desired levels of decision making regarding the new and innovative policies that have been inculcated. The basic and the most important role of performance management is to see to the fact that there are no amount of disputes. Since this aspect plagues the organization and it does suffer from internal discrepancies (DeNisi and Murphy 2017). The internal disputes bring a bad name to the organization and in a way tarnishes the given brand that an organization holds.

The recommended sets of practices are given below:

  • The performance management processes need to deliver regular job feedback.
  • It must identify the career paths that the organization has for its set of employees.
  • It must recognize as well as reward the employees through proper incentives.
  • It must be able to evaluate the performance and be in a position to deliver the right set of incentives in a rather consistent manner.
  • The performance management processes must also provide an adequate sense of learning as well as opportunities that will help in the development.

Section 3

Recommendations including the building trust, enthusiasm and commitment in support of a high-performance

After analysing the aspects related to high-performance work practices, there are few ways, which can be useful for developing high-performance work practices in Gulf Hotel Bahrain.

Building trust- Building trust is one of the significant possible ways of creating high performance. The understanding of high performance indicates towards the organisational performance which is only possible by improving the performance of the employees. However, trust building within the organisation can be possible with providing importance to the Employees. Besides that, the organisation has to focus on listening to them effectively and rewarding them for the smallest things. Creating a respectful environment for employees is also useful for building trust. In addition to that supporting the employees and leading with integrity are possible ways for creating trust, which is unbreakable. Giving more responsibilities to the employees also influence them, which create trust within them for their supervisor, employer and Organisation.

Using enthusiasm- Enthusiasm is considered as one of the intense feelings which are the result of interest in something. Creation of enthusiasm is not easy a process. Enthusiasm needs to be created by the management of Gulf hotel within its employees. For creating interest and eager enjoyment in the organisation, the use of proper motivation is highly required. For this purpose, this organisation needs to understand every level of motivation theories and fulfil the basic needs of the employees. The psychological need is the main way to create enthusiasm within the employees to influence them. Enthusiasm works as the best tool to bring out the best potentials of the employees. Therefore, focusing on this area by developing motivational training for the employees can create a better platform. High-performance working practices can be easily achieved by introducing enthusiasm as part of the organisational effort

Commitment- Each of the employees has their own responsibility towards the organisation and achieving its goals. There are multiple commitments of an employee towards the organisation. Maintaining the policies of the organisation, behaving at their best, achieving the organisational goals are different commitments, which has to maintain by the employees. Therefore, more responsibility on the employees can easily bound them with commitments. The employees of Gulf hotel is associated to provide the best quality of services to the customers. Besides that, there are different operational areas which need to handle by the employees of the hotel. Each of the work responsibility needs the proper commitment from the employees to achieve the goal. Therefore the organisation need to focus on creating the best quality of organizational policy, which will help in generating more commitment by introducing regulations and laws. In fact, quality leadership and motivational techniques are also useful for improving the commitment level of the employees. This help in achieving high performance and useful for creating high-performance work practices for the organisation.


In light of the above discussion, it can be apprehended that organisational performance can only be developed by creating a better environment for the employees where their interests are protected. The activities related to the high-performance working organisational development are influenced by different internal and external organisational factors. From the recommendations provided on building high performance in Gulf hotel Bahrain, it is evident that high-performance can be gained from the employees by building enthusiasm, trust and commitment.


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