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ICTICT501 Research and Review Hardware Technology Options

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Write the Analysis of Business Technology Needs.


Analysis of Business Technology Needs


The report is prepared for the development of the analysis of the needs of the network solution and develop the network solution according to the needs of the organization. The new technology that can be applied for the development of the network framework is analysed for the development of the network framework. The local area network solution is developed keeping in mind the security of the servers that contains the sensitive information about the organization.  

Business Needs Analysis

An analysis is made on the current requirement of the business and it has been found that the proposed network should be developed for securing the information system and the communication between the users connected in the network. The data packets should not be available to the third party users and the network should meet the telephony needs for reducing the telephony cost of the overseas communication. The network have the need to be connected with the head office and all the servers should be secured from external access such that the business information are kept secured.

Identification and summarization of specific needs 

After analysing the specific needs of the organization the network solution is developed aligning the requirement such that the current performance of the business organization is improved. There is a need to implement the VOIP configuration for reducing the communication cost of the organization. A VPN service should be enabled such that the remote user can access the servers and the productivity of the organization is improved. Firewall should be deployed in the network for the restricting the unknown users to access the sensitive information and increase the security of the network.

Report to the business manager

For the development of the network solution there is a need to analyse the requirement of the organization and thus stakeholder meetings must be arranged to make the requirement clear. A research is done on the recent technology that can be applied for the management of the different operation of the network and increase the efficiency of the current business process of the organization. The risk associated with the current business process should be avoided during the development of the network and the network should be developed to reduce the operation cost. The current technology used by the organization is obsolete and it does not have support for the wireless network and VOIP connection. More over the security of the network can be compromised as there is no proper security mechanism followed. The unauthorized users can gain the access of the network and misuse the business information for illegal use. Thus there is a need for the reconfiguration of the network for securing the different areas of the network and implement new technology for the reduction of the operational cost and. The transformation of the network should be done in a minimal time frame such that the business is not affected. The project schedule for the development of the network is created and documented in the report for approval.

Suggestion solution

For the development of the network the current framework of the organization is evaluated and it has been found that the servers are not secured. Thus for increasing the security of the servers a DMZ zone should be created and the access of the servers to all the users are restricted. Different VLANs are created for each of the department and for voice and data such that the collision in the network can be avoided and the efficiency of the network is improved. A subnet plan should be prepared for assigning different range if IP address to the device connected in the network. The wireless access point are installed at the different floors of the building and all the access point are kept in the same vlan for reducing the complexity of the network.


The following recommendations are made for the development of the network frameowkr and increase its efficiency –

Cloud service –The data residing in the file servers should be migrated to the cloud servers for increasing the security and the availability of the information to the remote users

IDS – intrusion detection system should be installed in the network for monitoring the activity of the users connected in the network and gathering evidence for the management of the emergency condition

Access Control – the router and the firewall should be configured with access control list such that the unknown users dies not have access to the core resources of the network.   

Research and Report on hardware options

Executive Summary

The report is prepared for the development of a network solution for the IT administrator for the development of a local area network solution for the head office of the organization. An analysis is made on the number of user using the network solution and a needs of the business is analysed for the development of the network solution. A list of the equipment that is required for the development of the network solution is prepared and it cost is analysed for the development of the budget for the development of the network solution. A research is made on the compatibility issues and the potential risk associated with the implementation of the device and thee mitigation plan is prepared for removal of the risk.


MyAbode need a network solution for meeting its expansion and gain a competitive edge over the other business in the market. The information system of the organization needs to be connected with the network such that it can be used by the employees connected in different areas of the network. The current network solution is created and the available options that can be used for the development of the network is analysed for redesigning the current network topology of the organization and aligning it with the current needs of the business organisation. The current network does not have support of the VOIP service and the company is facing extra cost for overseas communication and reducing the telephony cost. An awareness should be increased for protecting the sensitive information of the organization and a secure network should be created for increasing the security of communication and mitigation of the business risk.    

Summary of business needs

The current business of the organization needs to secure the network communication channel and increase the security of the data. The cost of operation should be minimized with the development of the network. New technology that can be implemented in the network for increasing the efficiency of the network and implementation of the new changes for development of the new network solution. A schedule listing should be created for listing the activity that should be performed for the development of the network solution and minimal time frame should be allocated for the completion of each of the activity. The project schedule should be approved by the business manager for starting the development and it should meet the key requirement.  

Proposed solution

The network solution is developed for MyAbode for the management of the files of organization and increasing the awareness for the management of the sensitive information of the organization. Technical expertise and protection of the client information is important for the development of the network solution. The network is developed with redundant link for minimizing the disruption and management of the external operation. The competitive cost and the new network device should be included in the network for the management of the communication between the different areas of the network. In the proposed network the network is divided into smaller subnet different vlan are created for the transmission of the voice and data packets in the network. The routers are configured with ip telephony for the management of the voip communication.

List of equipment, service and resources

The following network equipment’s are required for the development of the network solution are given below:

  • Cisco ISR 4000 series router
  • Cisco 2960 series switch
  • Linksys WRT54G router
  • Cisco ASA 5505 firewall
  • Cisco 7900 series IP phone

The following service should be enabled in the network for the management of the network device and are given below:

  • Firewall
  • VPN
  • Intrusion prevention service
  • Secure wireless network
  • Management of the Identity
  • Validation of the complication

The main resources identified for the development of the proposed network solution are listed below:

  • Network Administrator
  • System Analyst
  • Network device
  • Simulator Software

Research and summarization of the industry standards

A research is done on the different industry standards that should be followed for the deployment of the network device in different location of the network. The compatibility of the device is analysed for the development of the network solution and the risk should be reviewed for the responding against the protection and privacy issues in the organization. The data privacy issues are collected and different standards such as use of IEEE 802.3 standards are used for the management of the wireless network. The international organization for standardization also needs to manage the technical standards for transmission of data packets from source to destination location. The device should meet the ISO standards for meeting the health and safety issues in the organization and application of the standard for development of the network framework.   

List and citation of the external sources 

Different company websites such as the website of cisco and technical blogs are reviewed for the analysis of the requirement of the network. Different network development strategy and protocols that are essential for the development of the network are analysed for the development of the network framework. A research is made on the external device and the links that are needed for interconnecting the network device and the network policy that is essential for secure communication is also analysed for the development of the network. The website of the competitor are analysed for the management of the performance of the network and increase the availability of the network devices.  

Research and identification of the potential vendors for sourcing the equipment and service

A market research is performed for the identification of the potential vendor for choosing the best network device for the management of the business operation. Different sources on the internet are analysed for the development of the network framework and gathering information for identifying the potential vendor. The equipment and the service that are required for the management of the network framework and the websites of the competitors are analysed for the identification of the external sources and develop the network framework according to the needs of the organization.

Technical information about the equipment

The equipment’s selected for the development of the network framework are analysed for meeting the technical needs. The independent sources are analysed for the management of the network and performance of the network analyser should be maintained for the development of the network. The network router selected for the management of the data packets have an enhanced module slot and have a dedicated slot for the management of the WAN and LAN. There are free slot for the expansion of the network interface according to the requirement of the organization. The cost of the license and the flash memory backup should be saved for creating a backup plan and control the different operation of the network.

Network compatibility issues and potential risks

The network device selected for the development of the network should be compatible with each other and the changes in the configuration should be supported by the whole network. The device should have the option to work independently and become a group to serve more number of request at a time. A loop analysis is made on the network components and the devices are interconnected with each other for the analysis of the computability issues. The main configuration of the network is done on the central device such that the other devices can be plugged in the network for simple operation. Such as the servers are configured with DHCP for automatically assigning the IP address to the other PC connected in the network.  

Vendor instruction for using the network resources and the protocols and standards

The rules and regulation for using the network device connected in the network are analysed for the management of the network framework. The instruction set of the vendor is important for the identification of the service and protocols standards that can be supported by the device for understanding the compatibility issues. For the installation of the network device the vendor instruction should be followed because improper installation of the network device can cause malfunction in the communication of the data packets. The installation of the firewall and the configuration of the router with the IPSec helps in reducing the effort of the employees for the management of the network solution. The vendor should have the ability to support the needs of the organization and the main operation of the configuration should support the TCP/IP protocol for the transmission of the data packets in the different devices of the network.  

Cost analysis

A cost analysis is made for the estimation of the budget of the project and develop the network solution meeting all the requirement of the organization. The cost of the network device are listed below that would help to understand the cost of the device such as:

  • Cisco ISR 4000 series router - $87500
  • Cisco 2960 series switch - $ 3295
  • Linksys WRT54G router - $ 79.99
  • Cisco ASA 5505 firewall - $ 410.00
  • Cisco 7900 series IP phone - $ 218.00

Technical assistance required for implementation

A network administrator is essential for the management of the network device and configuration of the device aligning the requirement of the organization. The current network framework should be analysed for the development of the network diagram of the company and the changes that should be made for the development of the network. Hiring of the technical staff helps in configuration of the network device reducing the risk of misconfiguration of the network and increases the efficiency of the current network solution.  

Time frame for implementation

A project schedule is created for the management of the activity involved for the development of the network solution and is given in the following table

Quality assurance steps for meeting the expected standards and criteria

The network device should be developed maintaining the quality of standards and it should meet the network management policy. The congestion and collision of the network should be avoided for reducing the congestion in the communication channel and different congestion control mechanism can be applied with the use of networking protocol such that the efficiency of the network can be improved.

Performance benchmarks of the equipment

There are certain performance metrics and benchmark that can be used for the management of the network and the resources. The service that are provided by the network device are analysed for the management of the network and separate communication channel are used for the management of the data and voice service provided to the user connected with the network.


From the above report it can be concluded that with analysis of the current network and analysis of the needs of the organization the errors in the configuration of the proposed network solution can be reduced. The report is prepared for the analysis of the need of the business organization for securing the client information and reducing the operation cost of the network. An analysis is made on the recent technology and the device that can be used for the development of the network. A project schedule plan is created with the analysis of the cost for the development of the network solution and the standards that are followed for the development of the network.   


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