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Ict703 Network Technology And Management Assessment Answers


An initial analysis has found the following:

It is a single site company with a factory and office on site.

a.There are 80 employees in total, 60 in the factory and 20 in the office.

b.Each office worker has their own PC. There is a mixture of Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 computers installed, together with various versions of Microsoft Office.

c.There are 8 PCs in the factory, all running Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.

d.There is no central subscription to anti-virus software. Staff are left to do this themselves.

The network is completely wired and they have not yet started to explore the use of WiFi. If staff bring their own devices to work, they need to make their own provision for Internet access (3G/ 4G etc.)

The network runs on a single Windows Server 2012 server. There is an additional NAS (Network Attached Storage) storage device that will store up 10TB of data. There is no formal backup plan; again staff (and individual teams) are expected to manage their own data. Some do this better than others. For example, the design team have their own NAS storage and additionally copy designs to backup DVD on a weekly basis.

Internet access is provided through an ADSL account with a local Internet provider. This gives a maximum of 10 Mbit/s of bandwidth. They have found that this is not sufficient for their needs.

a.The company does not have a Web site.

b.There is a single email address for the company that the MD (Managing Director) and her PA (Personal Assistant) have access to.

c.Other staff have set up ‘unofficial’ company emails for their requirements, for example, the finance team have a shared email address with a Gmail account that they use for ordering.

No single person has responsibility for managing the network. A previous office manager (who has now left) had some IT experience and supported the network as part of his job. There have been some serious incidents recently, most notably a serious virus infection that was dealt with by bringing in a local IT technician to clean a number of PCs.

The arrangements for printing are as follows:

a.There is a single inkjet printer in the factory shared between the factory PCs. This printer is networked.

b.In the office, there is a high volume laser printer connected directly to one of the admin support team’s PCs. This is connected via Windows printer sharing to the other PCs in the admin team but no-one else has access (in the past, if anyone else needed a large number of documents printing they had to email it to a member of the support team).



The network management justification is prepared for the Handmade Furniture Ltd. This is a furniture company with 80 employees working in the factory. The current network infrastructure of the company is based on a wired network connection and there is no option for wireless connectivity. The company needs to upgrade the network to create a provision for the employees to connect their wireless device in the network and create a backup plan to backup the organizational data such that if there is a disaster the data can be backed up. The company also has the requirement for creation of a website for an online presence of their current business and creates a mail service. The implemented network is required to be managed and a network engineer is required to be appointed for maintaining the network (Chen and Zhao 2014). Printers are required to be installed and shared such that the employees have access to the printing service. A network consultant is appointed for managing the network and the services and the report is prepared providing a brief description of the components required for the implementation of the network.  

Justification of network management plan

The FCAPS model can be used for the management of the network, the FCAPS acts as the heart of the network management since 1980 and is used for managing all the technical issues that can arise in the network. The was developed by ISO telecommunication and management networks.

F- Fault management

C- Configuration management

A- Accounting management

P- Performance management

S- Security management

It is applied for managing the network of Handmade Furniture Ltd. For finding the issues with the current network.

Fault management- The current network is running on a single windows server 2012 and it acts as the central server and thus if the server fails the whole network is down. There is no systematic backup plan of the current network and thus a cloud service is required to be chosen for creating a backup strategy of the system. The network service is provided by a local service provider and has a low bandwidth of 10 Mb/s. In the rush hours the bandwidth is insufficient and there is a lag in the network condition. There is no antivirus protection installed in the computers and thus there is a requirement of the fault management of the current network.

Configuration management- The servers and the desktop PCs are required to be configured properly for having proper connection and accessibility of the resources. The printer server should also be configured for [providing access to the work group for their printing jobs.

Accounts Management- Currently the resources in the organization are not divided uniformly and thus there is a requirement of configuration management. The printers are required to be installed with the work group for sharing the resources and decrease the operational cost of the network.

Performance management- Currently the performance of the network is not efficient and thus the users don’t have access to all the resources of the network. The current network is inefficient and there are many requirement of the users that are not met by the users.

Security management- The security levels of the network is very low and the intruders can have access of the network. There is no firewall or authentication used in the network and the PCs are infected with virus which can cause loss of the organizational data.

The network management plan is prepared with enlisting all the network components and discussing about the technology used for the development of the network. The main challenge faced by the network engineer is that new devices are required to be implemented in the previous network and the network topology might required to be changed for accommodating the new devices and meeting the requirement of the organization (Bernardos et al. 2014). The website deployed for the company must be embedded with mail service that would be used for providing mail account to all the employees working in the organization. The printers are required to be connected with a work group such that the employees have access to the printer to print the document they needed for progress in work (Khan, Iqbal and Asghar 2014). The test for system staff is that they should now know and see how to arrangement and bolster numerous innovations extending from LANs, WANs, and ISP administrations to later improvements requiring propelled Wireless and IP Telephony organizations (Eckhoff and Sommer 2014). Keeping pace with the business request and innovation development is a difficult request for some IT experts; subsequently, numerous associations definitely have aptitude crevices (Lin et al. 2014). This maybe clarifies the subsequent measurement that 40-45% of system downtime is brought on by setup mistake (human blunder); prove that seems to recommend that aptitudes aren't keeping pace with IT development and business requests.      

Suggested elements of network management plan 

For the creation of the network management plan the hardware and the software required for the addition of the software and the different services are required to be analyzed for implementing it in the current network components.

The product utilized as a part of finishing the system administration undertakings lives in the host PCs and interchanges processors (e.g., front-end processors, terminal group controllers, spans, routers) (Luo, Sui and Effenberger 2014).A organize administration framework is intended to see the whole system as a brought together engineering, with locations and names relegated to each point and the particular qualities of every component and connection known to the framework (Paul and Rho 2016). The dynamic components of the system give general input of status data to the system control focus. Each system hub contains a gathering of programming committed to the system administration errand, alluded to in the chart as a system administration element (NME). Each NME plays out the accompanying undertakings:

  • Collection of statistical data on communication and activities that are related with the network
  • Storing the network statistics to a local database (Udayanti 2015)
  • Respond quickly for troubleshooting the errors in the network and control the network components centrally with the following commands
  1. Transmission of the statistics that are collected from the network to the central control center of the network
  2. Changing the network parameter i.e. using a timer used for the transportation protocol (Kietkaroon et al.2015)
  3. Providing the status of the collected information
  4. Generation of artificial traffic for performing a network load test
Sending messages to the network control center when there is a significant change in the local network condition

Figure 1: Network management system elements

(Source: Yang, Park and Choi 2017)

No less than one host in the system is assigned as the system control host, or administrator. Notwithstanding the NME programming, the system control have incorporates an accumulation of programming called the system administration application (NMA).The NMA incorporates an administrator interface to permit an approved client to deal with the system (Yubo et al. 2015). The NMA reacts to client charges by showing data as well as by issuing summons to NMEs all through the system. This correspondence is done utilizing an application-level system administration convention that utilizes the interchanges engineering in an indistinguishable manner from whatever other appropriated application.

Each other hub in the system that is a piece of the system administration framework incorporates a NME and, for motivations behind system administration, is alluded to as a specialist. Operators incorporate end frameworks that bolster client applications and also hubs that give a correspondences administration, for example, front-end processors, bunch controllers, scaffolds, and switches (Vasilenko 2016). The system control have speaks with and controls the NMEs in different frameworks. For keeping up high accessibility of the system administration capacity, at least two system control hosts are utilized. In ordinary operation, one of the focuses is utilized for control, while the others are sit without moving or just gathering measurements. In the event that the essential system control have comes up short, the reinforcement framework can be utilized.

Description of the management plan

The simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is used for designing the network and it is used as a tool configuring the network and the protocols like the TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP servers. It has since been extended for use in a wide range of systems administration situations (Yang, Park and Choi 2017). The term SNMP is really used to allude to an accumulation of particulars for system administration that incorporate the convention itself, the meaning of a database, and related ideas.  The implementation of the service level agreement (SLA) is also important for proper management of the plan.

The model of network management that is used for SNMP includes the following key elements:

  • Manager or the management center
  • Agents
  • Information base for management (Luo, Sui and Effenberger 2014)
  • Protocols used for the management of the network

The management center is used as a standalone system and can be used for analyzing the capability of the current network system and the components that can be shared for getting better output from the network. The management center acts as an interface for communicating with the whole network and the network manager is responsible for the management of the network and monitor the network traffic (Glaser, Rist and Gronostay 2015). The minimum requirements that the management center should posses are as follows:

  • An application is used as a set for analyzing the data and troubleshooting the fault occurring in the network and it is also used for better management.
  • The user interface is required to be developed for monitoring the traffic in the network and controlling the entry and the exit point of the network
  • The requirement of the network manager must be translated for monitoring and controlling the network elements installed in the network (Khan, Iqbal and Asghar 2014)
  • A database must be created for managing the network information and extract the exact data that is required for managing the network

Current information correspondence systems are made out of individual segments and legitimate subsystems (e.g., the gadget driver in a working framework) that can be designed to perform various applications. A similar gadget, for instance, can be arranged to act either as a switch or as an end framework hub or both (Paul and Rho 2016). When it is chosen how a gadget is to be utilized, the design administrator can pick the proper programming and set of characteristics and qualities (e.g., a vehicle layer retransmission clock) for that gadget.

Design administration is worried with introducing a system and smoothly closing down part or the greater part of the system (Webster 2017). It is additionally worried with looking after, including, and refreshing the connections among parts and the status of segments themselves amid system operation.

Fault management- For managing the fault it is important to detect the network problem and isolating them from the network such that the whole network does not get infected. The fault management of the network helps to deliver an optimal network solution for the organization.

Configuration management- The gathering of the information from the network and storing the network information in the database for preparation of a network usage pattern is important for configuring the network according to the requirement of the organization. Current the PCs used in the organization are infected with virus since it had no antivirus protection and cleaning the Pc would delete a huge amount of organizational data. There is no backup planning of the previous network and thus there is no scope for backing up the data. Thus there is a requirement of implementing a good network and service for the current network and additional device and hardware would be required for implementing the function (Glaser, Rist and Gronostay 2015).

Accounts Management- It helps in distributing the resources efficiently and measures the network resource usage. The operation cost of the network can be reduced with the efficient management of the resources of the network. The network management is important for ensuring that the deploying wireless service and a website for the company would be helpful for the organization in terms of communication infrastructure and must be aligned with the organizational goals. The network management tools are used for calculating the return of investment (ROI) and ensure that the delivery is effective for increasing the functionality of the IT solution. The statistical metrics (KPI’s) are measured for calculating the performance of the network and benchmarking the normal operation such that abnormal events are observed (Kietkaroon et al. 2015).

Performance management- The current health of the network must be analyzed for increasing the efficiency of the network. The network must be available to the user all the time and it must not be down. In many of the organization the network management is neglected and more focus is given on the needs of the customer but it is an operational culture to prepare a network management plan. The main requirement of a network management function is skilled network professionals how have efficient knowledge and experience about different operation of the network, benchmarking the performance of the network regularly and for supporting the evolving needs of the IT applications (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin and Abdul Hamid 2014). The requirement of the organization never remains static and thus there is a requirement of constantly evolving the functionality of the network.

Security management- The security is the main issue of the network and the network must not leak the business information and confidentiality. The network must be controlled from a central control point. Proper authentication must be ensured in all the levels of the network for restricting unauthorized access of the network resources.  






No antivirus protection

Infection of the computers and loss of organizational data

Installation of antivirus software

Cleaning the PCs

Creation of a backup plan

.Wired network

Wireless devices cannot be connected with the network

Installation of wireless access points

The access point must be password protected for preventing unauthorized access

The organizational database must be protected from external access and the data must be backed up.

NAS storage

With the growth of the organization the data also increases and there is a need to add additional storage solution

The implementation of cloud solution can be helpful to store the organizational data and access remotely.

The cloud vendor must be selected according to the requirement of the organization.

The cloud server’s acts as a backup for the organizational data and the data can be recovered in case of disaster.

Options for IT support

There are different options available for the IT support and managing the problems that may arise with PCs, servers, and systems for organizations in HandMade Furniture Ltd. Experienced IT specialists give safeguard answers for guarantee PC frameworks work at peak execution through customary PC support, remote observing, arrange establishment, and work station design. In PC crises, they likewise give technical support to catastrophe recuperation, email servers, PC repairs, information reinforcement and recuperation, server crashes, and Microsoft® Exchange issues (Jacobson 2014). The organization need to outsource the technical expert and they can do this by hiring a technical expert or give the responsibility of the network to a company that would appoint technical expert team for managing the network of the company. The services that are required for maintaining the network and get maximum benefit from the implementation of the network are as follows:

  • Computer Support
  • General Consulting
  • Incident Support
  • Server Installation
  • Server Maintenance (Yubo et al.2015)
  • Server Upgrade
  • Digital & Online Data Backup
  • Remote Monitoring

The IT support team should have expertise on the following fields such as:

  • Optimization and increasing the performance of the computers
  • Installing and maintaining the antivirus programs in the PCs
  • Maintaining the hardware and the other applications of the server and the PCs (Webster 2017)
  • Maintaining the network component and the devices used in the network
  • Creating backup of the organizational data and recovery
  • Creation of network design
  • Analysis of the network cost


The information technology experience of Network Support demonstrates their team’s competency in planning, purchasing, implementing, monitoring, and troubleshooting diverse issues with personal computers, servers, and network systems. In the current economic climate, businesses rely heavily on technology, and demand is increasing for network expertise (Mijumbi et al. 2016). However, many companies require IT support on a part-time-only basis and don’t need to hire an employee or staff for the job full time. Under circumstances like these, the business organization can count on the IT services and tech support provided by some Network Support team and they can be outsourced for reducing the network maintenance cost of the company. There is also a requirement of the implementation of the service level agreement between the owner and the company chosen for outsourcing the human resources required for managing the network. The service level agreement (SLA) acts as a contract between the user and the service provider such that if problem in the network is not solved by the company outsourced then legal action can be taken.


The network management plan is prepared for Handmade Furniture Ltd. For incorporating the functionality and the discipline for ensuring that IT is aligned with the organization for supporting the current business process. It does not contains the information regarding monitoring of the device and troubleshooting the network problem but it is used for optimizing the network management. It is used for providing a broader operational context for the process, system and peoples involved in the network. It also analyzes different function that can directly affect the organization and have a negative effect on the finance and the performance of the organization. The network should not be down and the up gradation of the network components would improve the current IT practice in the organization that benefits the organizational growth. Analysis has been done on the impact of the implementation of additional network infrastructure and it has been found that it would support the company for moving into the future. Previously a manager of the company used to give support for the network but since he left the company there is a requirement of a network engineer for handling the different network operations.


The following recommendation are made for Handmade Furniture Ltd. For implementing the network such as:

Outsourcing of IT personnel: IT personnel for maintaining the network components and a good network engineer must be hired for creating the network aligning the requirement of the organization.

Use of different network protocols: Different network protocols must be implemented for securing the network from external agents and the network engineer must have efficient knowledge for managing the network.

Implementation of a website: A website must be created for the company using which the employees can operate efficiently and maintain the records

Deployment of cloud service: A cloud service can be deployed for backing up of the data at a low cost and recover the organizational data in case of any emergency condition.


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