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ICT321 Architecture and Systems Integration-Restful Webservice Demo

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After evaluating various platforms, RetailCo finally decided to adopt Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for its future IT infrastructure. The EA team also noticed the trends of new technologies including data analytics, cloud-based services, social media, and mobile devices. It was a shared belief that that the business functionalities delivered by services will reduce the technical obstacles to embrace these new technologies.
The EA team needed to figure out the following issues:
1. Computing and storage infrastructure design. There are three possible options: renting from public Cloud providers, building a private Cloud, or maintaining its current infrastructure distributed across various locations and business units. Which one should the company choose? What are the benefits of the selected solution, and how does it support the IT operations? You are also encouraged to propose a different solution other than the previous list.

2. Application/service integration. There are different types of applications and services coexisting in the company, including legacy applications, internal Web services, and external Web services. Some external services are provided by business partners, and others are from public service providers, such as Google Map and Google Search.General solutions for application integration should be discussed, and a demo system (see below) is also expected to be implemented.
3. Information integration. Currently, there are multiple data sources developed by different teams for various business units and departments. Some databases will be unified and merged to replace existing system. However, some data sources have to be maintained individually due to the existence of legacy systems. In either case, how data from difference source can be integrated should be discussed. In addition, a demo system (see below) is expected to be implemented.

To demonstrate the ideas of application and data integration, the EA team decided to build a demo system to validate their designs. There are three major components in the demo system:
1. Data integration demo. In this demo, there are two data source files: “stores.xml” contains the information about stores, and “locations.csv” contains the information about the location information about each store. A Python scrip file with the name“data_merger.py” should be implemented to read these two data files, and output the merged result into a CSV file with the name “store_locations.csv”.


The RetailCo is the new company being established which has well framed designed local area structure to accommodate the different nodes and built a strong network so that the information is not retrieved by any unauthorized individual. The company is taking help of the service oriented architecture in which new ideas can my implemented.  These new technologies will bring in the usage of various new techniques. The company will construct the well-formed infrastructure so that all nodes are properly connected without any traffic and collision. It will also try to find various ways to integrate the application being used by different companies.

Sometimes new ideas are also given by the clients so the design is strong enough to accept that too. And also integrate the different system so that olden versions files can also be used in different aspects to maintain the reliability of the files. Data Integration Demo is being implemented to merge xml file and csv file which are the Data source file given. Xml files has the details of the stores and csv files has the details of the locations that the store is located. Python code is used to merge two data source files.

Restful Webservice Demo is used to get the parameters like (StoreName, Latitude, Longitude) of the store that where it is exactly located. The data from the output csv file is retrieved from Store_Locator.py. Mash Up Demo is the Execution of the html file which gives the information about the Direction or map in which the Store being searched is located.

1. Computing and storage infrastructure design

The company should choose the private connection so that the security to large extent is maintained. And now a day’s elasticity in the cloud is being used to serve the more number of clouds to accommodate the nodes in a single cluster. And this nearly increases the content in the cloud also and also giving the free nodes for the purpose of the accommodation of nodes getting collected together (González et al., 2015).

It can also said as that the intranet connection is used. In this connection most of the private area nodes get connected to build a regional area network. The security provided here is so high with the help of unique identity given to the employees which will reduce security threats. It is necessary to maintain the connection or connection oriented device with the personalized connection so the hacker are not able to trace the any type of information. The connection is possible only between the specified reasons and after which it is not possible. So any threat can be easily traced.


They local regional connection is being used in all the industries for their multiple benefits. Such as employees have their own portal to submit the data. And if any complain arrives they can communicate easily. Thus it also works like renting of the services which can also be used throughout where ever the organization resides. And thus the communication between the employees of different levels can exists.

Thus sharing of new ideas and technologies to each one of them and get the suggestion whether it is optimal or not really makes a major difference for the organization. It gives a sequential and structured files into the stored space so that it is useful for long term projects to be completed. A good intranet connection should convert the ideas into the successful projects (Lacasta, Nogueras-Iso and Zarazaga-Soria, 2010). The very useful thing is usage of dashboard, which have all the updates flashing on it, so that any employee can understand the way of work is done. Team leaders can monitor and progress the report at the same time. And guide them immediately if needed.

Meanwhile the necessities of the project can also be studied. The most important of all is that an organization need not have to buy all the software. Like centralized application can be used and accounting and marketing can be managed.  When each one their work is organized, then the manager can easily select the employee who is giving the great idea. Experts in the organization will be praised (Rajan, 2012). The timing of all the employee will be recorded. And scheduling the particular events becomes easy.

Supporting the IT operation

All the marketing application can easily be traced since intranet provide all the application on a single page. If any external company want to share their products or the new application then the single common platform really plays an important role. If the employee is finding difficulty in bugging, then sharing on centralized platforms really helps (Preface: Infrastructure for scalable tools, 2013).

2. Application Assimilation

Application assimilation is referred as main progress of constructing autonomously designed application systems are combined together. Generally application integration is a difficult process. Because, developers must coordinate disparate information architectures including various data, process and also concentrate on object models. And developer also concentrate on the overall output can operate crosswise multiple disk operating systems, databases and middleware technologies (Alyahya, Wang and Bennett, 2016).

Integration arrangement mainly used to understand the different output and methods for integration and you can able to choose the appropriate solution for your question. All the integration arrangement used to determine the general integration problem and an exact solution. Integration arrangement includes, integration messenger, integration connector, and integration mediator arrangement finally single and multi-step integration.

Integration approaches

We all know application integration is a collection of many problems. Therefore all the service integration solutions generally need a various approaches. Some of the common approaches include, information-oriented, application-oriented and gateway-oriented (Lahoz, Khattatov and Me?nard, 2010).


This approach mainly focusing the integration process between the databases. Information oriented solution includes three types of methods: data repetition, data linking and progressing.


It allows the services for distribute the general business logic or operations. This accomplishes the infrastructure for web services.

Gateway oriented

Gateway-Oriented services coordination allows you can view a multitude of system which contains both internal and external trading system via single-user interface.

Legacy application

Typically a database system which is mainly used in computing, a legacy system is one of the traditional method, technology, computer system, or application program, being related to the outdated system. And the meaning of legacy is, it is the way for the standard and it should be followed properly.

Web service

Web service commonly known as the software system which is mainly created for supporting an interoperable system to system interaction over a web. It has an interface which is used for the machine formatting process (Laszewski, Williamson and Nauduri, 2011).

Web service technology

Gathering all the extensible markup language standard provides and this combined together for the purpose of providing a web service capabilities. Web service technology basically used for the interaction purpose.  This technology mainly used for the implementation purpose on the messages and interfaces in service oriented architecture. The following technology used in the web service, extensible markup code, simple object access protocol, web service description program and universal description, discovery coordination.

  • Internal web service
  • External web service

Internal web service

Internal Web Services allows you to check the status of the particular applications located within your private network. This lets you know whether your final users can reach your internal applications and cloud services. Unlike our standard service checks which use geographically dispersed checkpoints to run checks on your network, Internal Web Services are performed directly from your Collector.

External web service

External web services are usually used for the end user purpose. Some of the external web services provided by the business partners and other services from various private service sector. Such as Google and Google map. Google map working under the protocol HTTP, which provide the geographical location of the particular area.

3. Information Integration

    What is meant by SOA?

SOA defines self-governing building of facilities which is owned for setting initiative 

   What is information Integration?

  • The information integration resolves the problematic of moving, altering and combining information. Then information integration includes some dissimilar bases and it offers united opinion of the business’s statistics properties.  There are dissimilar kinds of information integration parts like Data warehousing, Data migration, Enterprise request and Master data organization (Chen, 2016).  
  • Service oriented integration describes service oriented architecture then it offers bequest problems and current request services. There are unrelated kinds of characteristics such as well-defined, opaqueness and flexibility.
  • The information Integration system allocates point-to-point addition approach and the tool makes data delivery operation.
  • The Data Integration facility offers data integration amid many requests and it pledges bequest system then it gears publish and donate to applications.
  • The functional integration service delivers communal functionality amid more than a few requests and it initiates request functionality.

 Integration process

  • The SOA approach decreases display place dependence and it contributes commercial set of refillable facilities.
  • The main facility makes retail schedule and retail preparation commercial procedure divides into five key steps like initiate scheduling, group of data, test of data, make schedule and distribute schedule.
  • SOA performs coarse-grained model as well as fine-grained services. After that SOA maximizes reusability services


  • Initial scheduling: It gets statistics from several sources and it gives succeeding step.
  • Group of data: It constructs request message, response message and it connects to basis system.


Layer performance

Presentation layer

 It gives data visualization competence and it activates mutual user interface. It delivers related information toward different consumers like schedulers, control engineers, managers and partners.

Integration layer

 It succeeds process implementation and it integrates different kinds of data sources. It offers some kinds of features such as process management, routing, security, logging and auditing then it improves enterprise-level integration.

Services layer

 It decouples commercial logic and it delivers commercial functionality. By using systematic manner, SOA offers some important services.

Data layer

  • It crowds data basis systems and SOA minimizes preparation process.
  • By activating presentation layer, SOA causes one or more services. Every service innings desired functionality based on inputs and outputs after that it enables joining services. The information service delivers data organization competences then scheduling engine proceeds already uploaded data and it generates process schedule (Tozzi and Peters, 2016).
  • The data layer attains automation and it simplifies implementation of the process. There are different kinds of SOA implementation like defining service, creating service repository and data source destination.
  • By accessing open standards-based interface stipulations, SOA removes platform dependency.

Code explanation

Data Given in the text file has been converted as xml file and saved as “Stores.xml”. Given Data in the Excel Sheet has been converted to CSV files and saved as “locations.csv” which denotes the locations of the stores in the “stores.xml”. A python code is typed and executed to merge two files such as “stores.xml” and “locations.csv” and the python file is saved with the extension “data_merger.py”. import xml command is used to import the etree as ElementTree to read the xml file. “For Child in root” command is used to Retrieve the details from the Root that has been given as Stores. “If attr.tag == Name” is used to find the Name of the attribute we have declared and Print(attr.text) command returns the text that we are searching for. Now the python file has been run and executed and screenshot is attached above. Coding part of the Demo is also attached above as zip folder.

4.2 Restful Webservice Demo 


Retrieving the Merged Data using python code 

Code file is attached here

Code Explanation

Restful Webservice Demo is to run the “Store_locator.py” to get the stores and their corresponding locations from the “store_locations.csv”. In the python code import csv command is used to import the csv file into python to display results. storeOpen() command is used to open the data source file where the data has been stored. ScoreFileReader() is to read the file which contains the data. If(len != row) is used to check the length of the data. ScoreList[] = ScoreList[] + row is used to add the rows of the data.ScoreFile.close utilized to close the file. Print(Score.List) prints the output data. 

Code Explanation

Store_map.html is used to find the location where the searched store is located. It shows the map how the store should be reached. <input type=textbox> is used to display the textbox to type the id of the store that to be searched. Submit button is a button type used to search the location that to be displayed in the form of map. Store_map.html is used to locate the store that they really want to go. Output screenshots are attached above.

5. Conclusion

The construction of the infrastructure is too strong enough that the nodes are strongly connected towards each other and can sustain the varieties of nodes on it.  The technologies are implemented based on various implemented criteria’s on to which wit can sustain. The cluster are used to bind and integrate the nodes together. Since the clouds are more in demand. It is specious because the address of different types are oriented and used. The concept of sub netting will give the introduction of more no of nodes.

The infrastructure which will give the best connection and security is implemented. The benefits re depicted as per the following. The integration of different types of application on to the files are done. And the corresponding information arte integrated based on the legacy of the documents. Thus the RetailCo is having the new technologies implemented to it. Three Demos has been executed.

Data Integration Demo has been executed to merge Stores.xml where the name of the store and details of thye store are given and locations.csv is the file where the location of the corresponding store has been stored. Restful Webservice Demo is used to retrieve the (StoreName, Latitude, Longitude) of the store where it is exactly located. Python file has been executed to retrieve the location. Mash Up demo has been executed to display the map for the store.


Alyahya, S., Wang, Q. and Bennett, N. (2016). Application and integration of an RFID-enabled warehousing management system – a feasibility study. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 4, pp.15-25.

Chen, Y. (2016). Industrial information integration—A literature review 2006–2015. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2, pp.30-64.

Fletcher, S. (n.d.). Data assimilation for the geosciences.

González, A., Dueñas-Osorio, L., Sánchez-Silva, M. and Medaglia, A. (2015). The Interdependent Network Design Problem for Optimal Infrastructure System Restoration. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31(5), pp.334-350.

Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J. and Zarazaga-Soria, F. (2010). Terminological ontologies. New York: Springer.

Lahoz, W., Khattatov, B. and Me?nard, R. (2010). Data assimilation. Heidleberg: Springer.

Laszewski, T., Williamson, J. and Nauduri, P. (2011). Oracle Information Integration, Migration, and Consolidation. Birmingham: Packt Pub.

Preface: Infrastructure for scalable tools. (2013). Parallel Computing, 39(3), p.113.

Rajan, R. (2012). Evolution of Cloud Storage as Cloud Computing Infrastructure Service. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, 1(1), pp.38-45.

Tozzi, A. and Peters, J. (2016). A Symmetric Approach Elucidates Multisensory Information Integration. Information, 8(1), p.4.

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