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ICT103 System Analysis and Design: My Health Record



Refer to background information regarding the Commonwealth Government ‘My Health Record’ project.

Complete the Following

Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress.

Consider that funding has been approved for a project to build a system that will capture the ‘story’ the first time it is told, and give access to successive professionals, so that case notes and the story can become enriched, and the young person can be assisted more appropriately.

You are the business systems analyst assigned to the project, you will need to produce:

Stakeholder map

  • Draw stakeholder role names on a stakeholder map with 4 quadrants, Internal-Operation, Internal-Executive, External-Operation, External-Executive
  • For each stakeholder, describe why they have an interest in the project.


Create one questionnaire that you would send to one stakeholder group with an aim to help you identify further details about the environment, the problem area and/or how the system would operate to help solve the problem.

  • Identify which stakeholder you are going to send the questionnaire to
  • Write an introduction statement that would go with the questionnaire explaining the purpose of the questionnaire
  • Write 10 questions, either open and/or closed ended questions
  • This should be written as a questionnaire that could be distributed
  • Only write the questions, you should not write the answers

Use Case diagram and descriptions

  • Draw a use case model for the information system
  • Write brief Use Case description for each Use Case in the diagram
  • Write onefully developed Use Case description for one of the important Use Cases identified. Select an important Use Case that is key part of the system, not a basic simple Use Case.


Stakeholder Map

Stakeholder Map

Figure 1: Stakeholder Analysis Map

(Source: Created by Author in MS-Visio)

Stakeholder Description


Description for Their Interest

System Administrator

The System Administrator in the online healthcare system develops the required “My Health Record” while ensuring the security and information sharing logic for the patients and doctors.

Hospital administrators

The healthcare administrator in the project ensures the proper alignment between the healthcare providers and the patients over the online system. Further, the healthcare administrator have the responsibility of ensuring the connection with the local clinical operators and availability of the doctors to the particular patients.

Paramedical personnel

The paramedical personnel is responsible for evaluating the patient report uploaded to the system and provide accurate information and guidance for further assistance. In addition to that, the paramedical personnel provides detailed information about any test or evaluation needs to be done for the patien



The pharmacists provide detailed information about the medicines that will be taken by the patients and its side effects based on the patients characteristics and condition.  


The nurses in the “My Health Record” about the medicines, medications and particular practices that needs to be followed by the patients for improving he heath conditions

Australian Government

The Government of Australia ensures that the developed “My Health Record” can be accessed by all the citizen of Australia and all the major healthcare service providers incorporate with the system.

Healthcare Providers

The healthcare providers in the “My Healthcare Record” views analyses the patient information and assigns particular doctors, nurses or paramedical personnel to review and assist the patients;   


The doctors provides medical assistance to the patients for improving their health condition.   

Healthcare industry

The healthcare industry collaborate together to ensure the effusiveness of the developed “My Healthcare Record” system.


The patients seek help through the “My healthcare system” for obtaining healthcare assistance virtually through any place and anytime.  

Local Clinical Operators

The “My healthcare system” is integrated with the local healthcare operator for providing healthcare services to the patients.  


Open Ended Questions

The open-ended questions will be distributed among the healthcare providers and the doctors. The following are the open ended questions:

Analyzing the requirements for “My healthcare system”:

  1. How do you think the “My healthcare system” will be able to improve the healthcare services?
  2. What types of services are you expect to provide through the “My healthcare system”?
  3. What risks do you think exist in the “My healthcare system”?
  4. What medical field of healthcare services can be included in “My healthcare system”?
  5. What are the guidelines that needs to be followed in “My healthcare system”?

Close Ended Question

The close-ended questions will be distributed among the citizen of Australia. The following are the close-ended questions:

Expectations from “My healthcare system”:

  1. How far do you agree that the developed “My healthcare system” will help in increasing effect of healthcare services?
  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  1. What healthcare areas do you expect to obtain services for?
  • Medical Devices
  • General Health
  • Medicine
  • Chronic Disease
  • Therapy
  1. What are the significant features you expect from “My healthcare system”?
  • Availability
  • Reliability
  • Visibility
  • Accessibility
  • Security
  1. How far do you agree that “My healthcare system”? will reduce the waiting time and the admission rate?
  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree
  1.  How far do you agree that “My healthcare system” will help in increasing the quality of healthcare?
  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Use Case

One Use Case Model for the Information System 

Figure 2: Use Case of the Entire System

(Source: Created by Author in MS- VISIO)

Brief Use Case description

Use Case 1: Patient Registration

Figure 3.1: Use Case of Patient Registration

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: This use case shows that the patient needs to log in into the “My HealthCare System” for obtaining the required healthcare services. Further, registration needs to be done for the login into the account.

Use Case 2: Create medical Profile

Figure 3.2: Use Case of Create medical Profile

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The patient needs to provide their personal information about the medical history and the illness for creating the medical profile. After the creation of the profile, the patients can choose the particular viewers who can view their profile over the system.

Use case 3: Schedule Doctor Appointments

Figure 3.3: Use Case of Schedule Doctor Appointments

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The patient can schedule the doctor’s appointment and choose particular time and doctor according to their preference with ease.

Use Case 4: Sharing Medical Files

Figure 3.1: Use Case of Sharing Medical Files

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description:  The patients are able to share and upload medical files into the system for review and guidance.

Use Case 5: Access Healthcare Suggestion

 Figure 3.1: Use Case of Access Healthcare Suggestion

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The patients can Access Healthcare Suggestion provided by the doctors and staffs after reviewing their medical history.

Use Case 6: provide Treatment Suggestion

 Figure 3.1: Use Case of provide Treatment Suggestion

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description:  The Doctors guides the patients through the system while providing the treatment suggestion. The patients are able to view the particulars of the suggestion and treatment plant through the system.

Use Case 7: View patients Information  

 Figure 3.1: Use Case of View patients Information  

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The doctors can view and analyses the patient’s information after gaining access from the patients profile for treatment.

Use Case 8: Monitor patient’s Health

 Figure 3.1: Use Case of Monitor patient’s Health

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The staffs, if given access by the patients can access the patient’s files and monitor the health condition by providing feedback and regular check.

Use Case 9: Provide Suggestion

Figure 3.1: Use Case of Provide Suggestion

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The staffs working in the system can access the medical records and files from the doctors. After the regular monitoring of the files and patients’ health, can provide suggestion for improvements.

Use Case 10: Assign Doctors

Figure 3.1: Use Case of Assign Doctors

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The system admin can assign doctors specialized in various domains within the healthcare system.

Use Case 11: Patient’s Verification

Figure 3.1: Use Case of Patient’s Verification

(Source: Developed by Author in MS Visio)

Description: The admin can verify the patients after registration. After the successful verification, the patients can create their medical provide in the system.

Fully developed Use Case description for one of the important Use Cases

Use Case Name:

Provide Treatment Suggestion            

Primary Actor:


Secondary Actors:


Other Stakeholders:

HealthCare Industry

Business Goal:

To provide guidance and suggestions to the patient about the medical issues and problems.


The “Patients” must be successfully registered, verified and logged in to the “My HealthCare System”. The patients have already shared their information and allowed the doctor to view their profile.

Success Condition

The doctors are able to successfully guide the patients;

The patients can view the treatment suggestion;

Main Path



1. The patients share their medical history and information.  

2. The patients allows the doctors to view their profile.


3. The doctor analyse the patient’s case.  

4. The doctors provide guideline and information to the patients.


5. The doctors share the healthcare suggestions on the “My HealthCare System”.

6. The system shows the information to the patients.


7. The patients can view the treatment suggestion.  



The patients are able to contact the doctors or staffs for further guidance.


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