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Human Resource: Areas

Explain The human resource management according to different areas.




Variety of expertise, experience and working styles

The human resource management will give priority to expertise, experience and working style of the workers.  The experienced employees are flexible in the workplace and help their colleagues in the workplace. 

Interpersonal style

The second priority after that is the interpersonal style.  The human resource management will observe the behavior of the employees such as aggressive, passive and assertive.

Language, literacy and numeracy requirements

It has been observed that global companies have avoided the language issues by providing language training and implementing the mixed culture strategy. The human resource management implements technical training sessions to remove literacy. Therefore, training sessions will help in managing workplace diversity.

Physical difference

As stated by Alfes et al. (2013), work efficiency depends on the physical structure of humans such as slim people provide better work efficiency than fat people. The human resource management will observe the physical differences among the employees and create a balanced team for better work efficiency.

Thinking and learning style

The human resource managers will implement different types of learning such as learning by experimenting, learning by observing, learning by inquiring and learning by patterning. As stated by Banfield and Kay (2012), learning with fun will motivate the employees in the workplace. However, the human resource managers will embrace the diversity of learners.

  1. Managing diversity in business:

style="text-align: justify;">Managing workforce diversity is of significant importance. Diversity at workplace occurs due to the presence of a broad mix of workers from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, national cultures, age and gender (Berglund et al. 2014). It has been observed that the older employees have a lower rate of avoidable absence than younger employees; however, they have a higher rate of unavoidable absence.

Workplace principles of diversity:

The employees should treat each other with respect and dignity.  The team leaders make the decision genuinely based on equality and fairness. The human resource management maintains a highly skilled, diverse and effective workforce. The human resource management gives high value to employees and encourages them by providing opportunities to develop their potential (Bouarara et al. 2014).  The human resource management develops a supportive workplace culture which allows the employees to balance their responsibility at workplace and in their personal life.

Important areas for engagement with stakeholders:

The human resource management considers certain areas for engaging with the stakeholders such as respect, equity and diversity. The work culture must be respectful, courteous and fair enough to provide value to the employees. It has been observed that positive workplace culture has been implemented according to the values of the employees in the workplace (Budhwar et al. 2013). On the other hand, equity and diversity is the key component for managing the stakeholders.   Respect, equity and diversity have created a positive and respectful culture to improve the performance of the employees. Therefore, valuing and capitalizing on employee diversity has created a positive environment at the workplace.

As per the strategic plan of Tesco, the organization has planned to implement proper cultural diversification at the workplace. The organization has selected an operation plan to implement a correct arrangement of the employee structure based on gender, age and cultural difference.

Yes, the example plays an important role in any organization because similarity between the demographic profiles between two organizations helps the employees to understand the importance of the diversity policy in the organization (Chabbott 2013). On the other hand, the human resource management implements the employee structure based on gender, age and cultural difference.

The human resource management observes the importance of a mixed culture strategy in the workplace.  It is understood that the human resource management will implement the employee structure on the basis of gender, age and cultural differences among the existing employees (Crutchfield 2014).

The human resource management has received maximum complaints regarding gender discrimination, cultural discrimination and unethical behavior of the employees.

The recruitment process will be fair, open and transparent. The applicant must be under the age group of 24 to 40 years. Interested male and female candidates can apply for the posts.

Draft of the policy


Policy statement

The organization has implemented the workplace conduct policy by eliminating all unethical discrimination and unlawful harassment from the work place.

Governing laws

The human resource management follows Laws such as the Federal Act 1979, State Law and Territory Law 2016 And European Union Act, 2011.  As stated by Dent and Whitehead (2013), the laws and Act support the human resource management to maintain a positive atmosphere at the workplace and thereby prevent injustices. The acts also support the commitment of the organization and the employees can work without fear of an unacceptable work place.

Application of policy

The human resource management reviews and accesses the policy and training. Thereafter, the human resource management provides commitment to eliminate all forms of unlawful discrimination at the workplace.  The human resource management has eliminated unlawful harassment at the workplace. The human resource management has implemented a conductive policy for the employees (Hardison et al. 2014). The human resource management has implemented an anti-bullying prevention training session for the employees. They have also identified the personal and enterprise risks of abusive conduct. 


Workplace conduct policy has been approved on May 30, 2014; and reflects on the ethical behavior of the employees regarding unethical discrimination and unlawful harassment of the employees. The human resource management has implemented the conductive policy for the employees. They have also implemented training session on the ethical behavior at the workplace.

Strategies and practices

The human resource management has implemented a multi-cultural workforce management strategy for the organization (Hwang and Ng 2013). The human resource management has followed a workplace conduct policy for implementing the demographical culture in the organization.


The human resource management has committed to eliminate all forms of unlawful discrimination at the workplace.  The human resource management has promised to remove cultural discrimination from the workplace and for this has implemented a mixed culture atmosphere at the workplace.


The human resource management has implemented a code of ethics of the organization based of the government legislation and policies. The human resource management has punished the employees as per that code of conduct.


The human resource management has monitored the performance and behavior of the employees.


The employees have reported about gender discrimination and cultural discrimination to the human resource managers. The human resource management has also received reports against verbal harassment, physical harassment, visual harassment, abusive conduct and unlawful motivation of the employees.


The human resource management has implemented the Acts. The human resource management has monitored employee behavior in comparison to the Acts such as the Federal Act 1979, State Law and Territory Law 2016 and European union Act 2011. 


Dent, M. and Whitehead, S. eds., 2013. Managing professional identities: Knowledge, performativities and the'new'professional (Vol. 19). Routledge.

Hardison, D., Behm, M., Hallowell, M.R. and Fonooni, H., 2014. Identifying construction supervisor competencies for effective site safety. Safety science, 65, pp.45-53.

Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), pp.272-284.



Therefore, the stakeholders may consult with the project managers and ask them about the requirement or information. If the stakeholders are the employees, they may consult with the human resource management about their required information.

If the stakeholder is an employee of the organization, then they may ask their questions directly to the human resource managers.

It has been observed that the human resource management has implemented a cultural diversity strategy in their workplace so that the organization can avoid cultural discrimination of the employees. Consequently, this has help improve employee satisfaction which in turn increase the productivity of the organization.

It has been observed the stakeholders come from different cultural backgrounds. The human resource management has implemented the cross cultural strategy to overcome the cultural discrimination at the workplace.

As stated by Kehoe and Wright (2013), many organizations have faced smaller cultural issues during the implementation stage. Therefore, the positive movement of the human resource management assured employees about “No Cultural and demographic discrimination”.

The human resource management has to implement a mixed cultural strategy in their recruitment process. For this the human resource management has to avoid demographic specifications in their recruitment advertisements. 

The human resource management would need to arrange recruitment processes within the organization, as this would help in reducing the interview cost. . If the human resource management has a low internal support regarding the policy, then the human resource management needs to implement some other strategies after observing the requirements of the other managers (Kerzner 2013). 

It has been found that the human resource management has faced issues while implementing the Workplace Conduct Policy because there was already some legislation in the organization. Therefore, the existing employees were not accepting new rules and regulation (Langley et al. 2013).
Yes, there was some small discrimination regarding the cultural difference. It has been noticed that an Irish employee had reported against an Australian employee for telling an unauthentic story about Irish culture (Mowday et al. 2013). On the other hand, another incident involving a male employee insulting a female employee was also known.
Multi-cultural workforce management strategy would bring success for the organization. On the other hand, the human resource management has implemented a

It has been observed that the human resource management has recruited the employees under the Appointment to Role Policy. The human resource management has implemented a merit-based appointment process in the organization. As stated by Nica and Potcovaru (2014), this strategy is essential to diverse the employees who were already attracted by their contribution and potential. Paterson et al. (2014) stated that diverse strategy of the human resource management has attracted It has been observed that the human resource management has implemented an electronic and written communication strategy for promoting the policy across the organization. It has been noticed that the human resource management has published new rules and regulation of the organization on the website (Prieto et al. 2012). The human resource management has also sent a copy of the rules and regulation through email. Additionally, the human resource management has printed out the rules and regulation on paper and has obtained the signature of employees on the same.

After implementing the strategy at the work place, the human resource management has implemented a monitoring process. As stated by Schmoldt et al. (2013), the risk has been associated by the previous experience of the employees. It has been observed that employees are associated with the previous policy. Therefore, violence may take place at the work place. The employees have created violence against these rules. Workplace violence is associated with physical injury or physical force against the co-worker at the workplace.



Financial measure

 Financial measurement is necessary for the human resource management for observing whether the new strategy meets the performance standards or not (Simons 2013). The human resource management has monitored the expense of the training session, employee salary, wages and profit of the organization.  

Measure relating to customers

The human resource management has measured the relation with the customers. It has been observed that good relation with the customers improves the brand value of the organization (Alfes et al. 2013). The human resource management has implemented a new customer support strategy to increase satisfaction.  

Measures based on views by personnel

The human resource management has measured the performance of the employees from the viewpoint of the employees. The human resource management has observed the issues faced by the employees and has tried to eliminate them as well (Banfield and Kay 2012).  The human resource management has implemented training sessions to develop the skills and behavior of the employees.

The human resource management has implemented the survey process among the employees. The survey questions are based on their feelings, satisfaction, requirements, resolution and suggestion (Bouarara et al. 2014). The human resource management has understood the requirement of the employees such as training session, leave plan implementation and new motivational strategy. The survey process is a communication method between the human resource management and the employees.

The human resource management has implemented the survey for gathering and analyzing the information about the diversity policy and its implementation. The human resource management has gathered and analyzed the information about diversity, policy and its implementation (Budhwar and Debrah 2013). The human resource management has consulted with the key stakeholders about the strength and weakness of the existing strategy. The human resource management has implemented the new strategy based on the feedback of the stakeholders.   

The human resource management has implemented the diversity policy in the organization. The diversity policy will help the organization to improve the internal environment of the organization. The diversity policy will remove the age, gender and culture based discrimination in the workplace. The diversity policy would bring success in the organization.  Better workplace management will improve employee satisfaction (Crutchfield 2014). Therefore, the employees will provide the better customer service. The diversity policy is a combined form of various laws such as Federal Act 1979, State Law and Territory Law 2016 And European Union Act, 2011. The implemented diversity policy is effective enough to decrease workplace violation and increase employee satisfaction.

Reference list:

Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), pp.330-351.

Banfield, P. and Kay, R., 2012. Introduction to human resource management. Oxford University Press.

Berglund, A., Blackne, J. and Jansson, N., 2014. Proposing a feedback system to enhance learning based on key performance indicators.International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE), 3(1), pp.1-14.

Bouarara HA, Hamou RM, Rahmani A, Amine A. 2014. Application of Meta-Heuristics Methods on PIR Protocols Over Cloud Storage Services. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC).  1;4(3):1-9.

Budhwar, P.S. and Debrah, Y.A. eds., 2013. Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge.

Chabbott, C., 2013. Constructing education for development: International organizations and education for all. Routledge.

Crutchfield, E.B., 2014. Developing human capital in American manufacturing: a case study of barriers to training and development. Routledge.

Dent, M. and Whitehead, S. eds., 2013. Managing professional identities: Knowledge, performativities and the'new'professional (Vol. 19). Routledge.

Hardison, D., Behm, M., Hallowell, M.R. and Fonooni, H., 2014. Identifying construction supervisor competencies for effective site safety. Safety science, 65, pp.45-53.

Hwang, B.G. and Ng, W.J., 2013. Project management knowledge and skills for green construction: Overcoming challenges. International Journal of Project Management, 31(2), pp.272-284.

Kehoe, R.R. and Wright, P.M., 2013. The impact of high-performance human resource practices on employees’ attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Management, 39(2), pp.366-391.

Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Langley, A.N.N., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H. and Van de Ven, A.H., 2013. Process studies of change in organization and management: unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1), pp.1-13.

Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W. and Steers, R.M., 2013. Employee—organization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. Academic Press.

Nica, E. and Potcovaru, A.M., 2014. THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION OF ORGANIZATIONAL REALITY. Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management, 2(2).

Paterson, K.G., Bielefeldt, A.R., Swan, C.W., Rulifson, G., Kazmer, D. and Pierrakos, O., 2014. Designing value into engineering learning through service activities using a blueprint model. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, pp.64-83.

Prieto, I.M. and Pilar Pérez Santana, M., 2012. Building ambidexterity: The role of human resource practices in the performance of firms from Spain.Human Resource Management, 51(2), pp.189-211.

Schmoldt, D., Kangas, J., Mendoza, G.A. and Pesonen, M. eds., 2013. The analytic hierarchy process in natural resource and environmental decision making (Vol. 3). Springer Science & Business Media.

Simons, R., 2013. Levers of control: how managers use innovative control systems to drive strategic renewal. Harvard Business Press.

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