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Human Happiness In CPM And HRM

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The essay will be aiming to demonstrate the role of Certified Public Manager (CPM), and Human Resource Management (HRM), in the development of an organization, and their respective contribution to society and humanity. Certified Public Manager is a program that was incorporated to improve the habits, techniques and set the accurate practices for public and private sector managerial designated individuals (Wolfswinkel et al. 2013). On the other side, the body by which an organization assures recruitment and development of productive employees so that they become productive and add value to the organization in the course of time is referred to as Human Resource Management (HRM). The CPM upholds the responsibility, of bearing public trust, and to provide opportunities relating to, the well being of the society. The HRM plays an important role of organizing the activities that will yields direct benefit to the society like driving charity activities, clean up programs and many other activities concerning the responsibility of a business organization to the society. Both the CPM and HRM bodies of an organization uphold the crucial role of deriving and implementing methods that will be beneficial to the society. Certified Public Management deals with the areas of public relationship whereas Human Resource Management deals in building a better workplace through recruitment of productive employee. Both the bodies holds the responsibility of building a better society through direct or indirect plan of actions that yield short term and long term benefits to either parties, primary being the business organization and also to the human society (Boselie P et al 2013).


The idea conceived about the Happiness Principle is that it is the ultimate mortality standard as set up by classical utilitarianism. The right actions judged or taken by which the total happiness of the members in a community reaches to its maximum desired point is, conceived as happiness. The principle setting up the parameters of a good happiness is termed as Happiness Principle. Utilitarianism is defined as the concept, which understands the basics of morals, utilities, leading to the greatest happiness principle and focusing on the right actions, which tends to promote happiness, condemning the wrong actions, as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Happiness is referred to the intended pleasure, absence of pain. Unhappiness on the other hand refers to pain and the privation of pleasure (Riley, 2013). Both Happiness Principle and Utilitarianism are virtual concepts. Neither, of them is related to or assessed using a quantitative analysis. The scope or the events making a person or a group of person cannot be classified and divided in groups. It is one's desires that makes one happy, and is only related, to the thought process of every individual with reference to a specific timeframe. Utilitarianism is referred to a broad consideration of social and philosophical thought process and not a social principle. The main goal of utilitarian principle or the greatest happiness principle is assessing the human nature and formulating laws that will ensure maximum happiness for every individual. The word utility refers to the instruments or tools of happiness. The measure of happiness or the value of pleasure can be specified by assessing mainly seven aspects of human nature (Barrow, 2015). The aspects being intensity, duration and certainty or uncertainty, propinquity or remoteness, fecundity, purity and extent. All the mentioned seven aspects need to be assessed thoroughly; neglecting one of them may lead to wrong assessment of the scenario. The Happiness principle was formulated to avoid conflicting areas of despotic (one person's desires are placed upon a group of individuals) or chaotic (every person placing their own desires upon the other) approach. The nature is considered, to put the entire human race under the governance of two influential masters Pain and Pleasure. Maintain synchronization and obtain a harmonious environment so that an organization can obtain maximum pleasure moments through the work schedule of the individuals committed to the business organization. Through the proper implications of the greatest happiness principle by the HRM and CPM bodies of business organization, it can be assured that the qualitative approach of happiness can be achieved not only for every individual committed but also for the whole as a team.

The Certified Public Manager is designated for the purpose of performance improvement, formulating methods or ideas for advancement in the best practice standards for public, private, non-profit career fields. The CPM is awarded with the responsibilities, of completion of a CPM program with the stated competencies. The competencies of the CPM has a varied range which includes personal and organizational integrity, managing work, leading people, developing self, systematic integration, public service focus, change in leadership. The CPM has to ensure all the needful for a successful business organization through significant focus on numerous aspects (Mehta and Dsouza, 2015). The aspects includes increase in awareness, building of proper skill for identification of alarming ethical areas of concern, conflicting areas of interest disturbing the exact workplace behavior, framing of the needful legal policies(Andrews, 2014), achieving desired organizational goals through accurate planning and proper allocation of human, financial, material, information resources. Projecting clear job expectations backed up by proper training and measure of performance, accurate distribution of workloads and efficient ways of dealing with problems in performance, creating a positive working environment. Through proper projection of organizational visions, promoting diverse workforce by encouraging and proper facilitation of pride, trust and group identity as a team. Encouraging self awareness through individual performance planning and exact feedback obtaining and study followed by proper analysis, proper understanding of the impacts of internal and external relationships on the business organization. Analytical planning and monitored implementation of the decisions made, identifying the expectations of the consumers or clients, assuring delivery of best quality of services to the consumers or internal and external recipients. Implementation and development of paradigms, to act as a change agent initiating and implementing the exact strategies to ensure proper adaptation of changes in work area considering personal views to the change implemented, nurturing creativity and innovation. This area needs the sincere consideration and lookups of the CPM to built and adapt a sustainable working environment.

The Human Resource Management (HRM) body deals with a crucial and vital issue of recruitment and nurturing of individuals, which will be beneficial to the business organization in a longer period of time (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Human resource management plays a key role to conduct a proper job analysis framework, planning of the needs of an individual, concerned to the business organization, recruiting the desired people according to the job demands. Setting up proper orientation, and conducting useful and informative trainings, keeping proper accounts of the wages and salaries disbursed or need to be disbursed (Greenwood, 2014). Deriving and communicating proper incentive schemes, correct assessment of employee performance. Identifying and resolving the disputes between individuals and with the business organization, ensuring proper communication between employee irrespective of their designated posts or grades. The core qualities of a HR demands an extensive industrial knowledge (working in the assigned field for a long period), leadership qualities (to ensure not a single voice raising a concern in the business organization goes unheard), flexible and accurate negotiation skills ( ensure a firm bridge of communication between the employee and their employer ). It is derived from the study that HRM primarily focuses on the internal parameters of a working environment and maintains a strong bridge of bond among the system on which the business organization survives (Sparrow et al. 2016).

The above study provides an overview of responsibilities of both the Certified Public Management (CPM) and Human Resource Management (HRM) bodies. It can be noticed that both the working bodies do work autonomously but there is many similarities between the roles they play. CPM mainly indicates to a Certified Public Management program, which an organisation must undertake irrespective of its status quo to ensure a healthy approach to the society. So, CPM can be concluded to be periodic in nature. On the other hand, the modern day scenario depicts Human Resource Management as an integral part of the organization to ensure and maintain a healthy and positive working environment. HR is considered for acting as bridge to eradicate all barriers of communication within the organization. Neither CPM nor HRM can be ignored to assure a healthy future of the organization. Both of the concepts was formulated keeping the ethical considerations into context, over a long period time both have evolved according to their responsibilities to ensure smooth commencement of a business organization (Acampora R, 2015).


In the above essay the researcher has been seen focusing on the various aspects of Certified Public Manager(CPM) and Human Resource Management (HRM). Precisely both HRM and CPM has been defined in context of their responsibilities to the organization, society, humanity. A study was initiated to provide an exact overview of the relationship of CPM and HRM. Similar responsibilities between both the bodies were sighted through the essay, and it was seen that the approach of work differentiated them. Avoiding their differences both CPM and HRM is considered the opposite sides of a same coin. The coin is that precious factor that determines the forthcoming days of the organization.

Reference List

Riley, J., 2013. Greatest Happiness Principle. The International Encyclopedia of Ethics.

Barrow, R., 2015. Utilitarianism: A contemporary statement. Routledge.

Wolfswinkel, J.F., Furtmueller, E. and Wilderom, C.P., 2013. Using grounded theory as a method for rigorously reviewing literature. European journal of information systems, 22(1), pp.45-55.

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. and Chung, C., 2016. Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.

Greenwood, M., 2014. HRM and Ethics. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management.

Boselie, P., Paauwe, J. and Farndale, E., 2013. 14. The contribution of HRM to fairness, social legitimacy and public value: human resource governance and risk management in seven leading multinational companies. Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective, p.238.

Mehta, M.N.C. and Dsouza, M.J., 2015. Creating a culture for sustainability through b-school learning model. Reflections-Journal of Management, 3.

Acampora, R., 2015. Primers of Nonhuman Animal Ethics. Society & Animals, 23(2), pp.193-196.

Andrews, K., 2014. Personhood, Ethics, and Animal Cognition: Situating Animals in Hare’s Two-Level Utilitarianism, by Gary E. VarnerThe Philosophy of Animal Minds, edited by Robert W. Lurz.


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