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HRMT20024 Attracting And Retaining Staff-Toyota  Motor  Corporation Au

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Select an organisation or industry as the case study for your report. Identify some of the key challenges for recruiting the workforce for this organisation/industry, and recommend strategies to address these challenges. Your report should make reference to factors such as labour supply/demand, organisational image, demographic issues (such as an ageing workforce, generations, diversity etc), as well as recruitment strategies such as employer branding and types of advertising.

You should be familiar with concepts outlined in Modules 3, 6, 7 and 8, and related chapters of your textbook Human Resource Management in Australia (5th Ed.) by Kramar et al. You should also engage in extensive research within the academic literature to develop an argument with appropriate theoretical discussion and references. You must cite at least ten (10) relevant peer reviewed journal articles (absolute minimum requirement). You can cite other academic references such as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of the 10 journal articles.


Toyota  Motor  Corporation Australia which  is  known  as  Toyota  Australia    is  the  sub-branch  of  the  Toyota Motor  Corporation  in  Japan.   Toyota  Australia  has  its  prominence  as  the  manufacturer and  the distributor  of  the motor vehicles.It also produces motor vehicles for the sports.  Headquarter of the Toyota Australia is at Port Melbourne in Australia. Toyota Australia has faced certain problems in the employment recruitment policy.  In  the year  of  2012 Toyota  Australia  lost  many  employees  of  the  organization (Oppenheimer,  Warburton,  & Carey, 2015).

  The  main  reason  of  this   problem  was that  the  employees  cannot  meet  up  the  expectation  of the Toyota  company’s  culture. But  there  other  issues  which  the  Toyota  company  was  facing  certain  problems of  teamwork,  work performance,  attendance  and  others.  This  could  mainly  happen  due  to  the  indecisiveness  of  the  human  resource  managers (Brewster et al. 2016).   The  human  resource  managers  of  Toyota Australia has  innumerable  faults  and  faced  various  challenges  for  recruiting  the  human resources  of  the  company (Shammot, 2014).  .   This  report  mainly  contains  about  the solutions  of  the  challenges  faced  by  the hr  managers  in  the company.

Challenging the HR Recruitment Process

There  are  different  procedures  by  which  the human  resource  managers  of  the  Toyota  company  tried  to  resolve  the  issues  and  recruit  employees  for  the  organization . The points are in the following sub-headings.

Retaining the self-confidence of the Employees

 Toyota Company must be very sympathetic and understanding about the employees who are dismissed.   There are employees who lost jobs and they suffered serious trauma after this.  There were people who were aged and at that age they did not get another offer from the companies.  This rejection hampered their self-esteems and self-confidence.  Hence, it was the duty of the company to return their self-confidence by providing jobs to the company.    In that  case  training  of  the  people  who are of old generation must have  helped them to work  in a better position and better quality  of services.  

The up gradation of different automobile technology and other software in some way or other had lagged made the older employees lagging behind the other people. So in this crisis if the company has applied this strategies then it would have saved many people from anger, depression and complex (Wang,  & Miao, 2016). Hence besides  recruiting  employees  it  is very  much  important  to  sustain  the  old  employees.

Retention of the Employees

 It is very much important for the company to retain the talented employees of the organization. According  to the  Martin  Nally, the  then  manager of  the  human  resources  of  the  company  always   said the fact  that  if  the  employees  of  the  organization  cannot adjust  with  the  culture  of  the  company,  then  the  employees  could leave  the organization (Oppenheimer,  Warburton & Carey, 2015).  In that  case the employers have  to be very  flexible and diversified  in nature that  the company  can also become accustomed with the demands of the  employees,  so that  it enable them to retain quality  employees for the organization (Shipton et al.,.2016).  In  that  case  the  new  employees  must be  recruited  by  giving  the  assurance  that  they have  the  availability  to  provide  proper space  for  the  new employees  where  they can  implement  their  own  thoughts.

Establishing Healthy and Cooperative Corporate Culture

  It  is s very  important  for  the  hr  managers as well as the  other  managers  to maintain a environment with proper disciplines and culture.  Business ethics has been one of the new strategies to maintain a cordial working surrounding in the office and to sustain healthy relationship among the colleagues.  Everyone that in organization employees of both young generation and old generation works in the company (Andrew et al. 2016) knows it.  Hence, there is a generation gap between the two generations regarding the thoughts and viewpoints of life.

 It sometimes creates many problems in the office. So, the Toyota organization must implement certain rules and regulations which will keep parity between the two generations and both of them will feel comfortable to do work in the office. Another issue is    that at the Toyota company people works from different countries.  Different countries have different people having variegated culture, rituals and languages (Marshall, 2014). In  that  context  the  environment  of the  company  must  reflect  the  cultural and  linguistic  tolerance.

Another critical issue is the gender sensitization.  This concept is about the equal attitude towards both the genders.  The women in the office (Aladwan, Bhanugopan & D’Netto, 2015) face sometimes harassment. This should be highly prohibited by the authority and   supervisors of the company.   Hence,  if  these  issues  are looked after  properly,  then   many  promising  candidates  will  join  the  company  by  their  own  choice.

Sustaining   the Productivity of the Company

It has been researched and surveyed by many experts that after the dismissal of the employees of any particular organization, if they again join the office, then gradually the self confidence of the employees automatically goes up.  Hence, in that context  it is important  for the managers  and the chairman of the organization that to boost up the  employees  of  the  Toyota  organization  by encouragement and pouring extra confidence over them  and automatically the production of the company will increase (Taylor, Earl,& McLoughlin, 2015).  .  The process of the employment engagement can only do the revenue generation of the company and its retention for many years.   The  company  can  also  make  many  other   capable employees  partner  of  the  organization.  This also uplifts the productivity of the company.

Flexible Work Arrangements

  Today’s  world  is a fast  going era, there  is  no  existence  of  fixed  hours  for  the  employees  in  many cases.  Then, the solution is the flexible working.     The  workers of  the  Toyota  industry   works  very  hard  and  the  physical  environment  of  the  work  is  also  very tiresomeness (Earl & Taylor, 2015)..  Hence  in  that  context  the  employees  are  always  in  need  of the  flexible  shifts  which  will  enable  them  to  maintain  a work-life-balance.   

The  work  life  balance  is  very  important  for  the  employees  to  spend  time  with  friends and families,  to give  time to s the  health  of  that  person and  also  to  be  committed  in  various  other  activities.  Consequently  it  will  reduce  the  stress  of  the  workers , as  they  work  in  the  hazardous condition.  It  will  assist  them  to  spend  quality  time  on  their  hobbies.

 Finally,  the  company  itself  will  be  fruitful  if  the employees  of  the   company  are  given  flexible  shifts, according  to  their  own  convenience. But the  authority  must not   be  very  strict  with  the s flexible  working  because  it  sometimes  create  immense pressure  to  the  employees (Snell,  Morris & Bohlander, 2015) .  Many employees are not interested in the flexible shifting.    But  sometimes  the  managers  of  the  company  forced  to  work  to  increase  the  productivity of  the   company.   All these  factors  play  a significant   role  in  recruiting  new employees.  Nowadays  the  employees  themselves  researched research  about  the  company and  then  join  the  new  organization.  If all these  facilities  are  provided  to  the  company,  then  the  difficulty  of  recruiting  human  resource  of  the  company will be much easy.

Misinterpretations of the qualifications

Sometimes  the  candidate is  selected for  the  work , but  later  it  seemed  that the  candidate  is  not  that  capable of doing the work .  It happens that during the time of the selection of the employee there is a need of certificates and mark sheets.    In  that case  the  employee  may do  not  have  the  proper  qualification  for  the  job,  but  he  uses  fake  mark sheets and certificates  to  clear  the  interview (Shipton et al., 2016). .   

This  happens  mainly  due  the  excessive  quantity  of unemployment who  do  not  have  proper  education  to  meet  the criterion.  Thus  the  hr  managers  and  the  whole  recruiting  must  scrutinize  and  check all  the  qualification  of  each  candidate  very  carefully.  Thus  the hr  managers  of  the Toyota  company definitely  would  face  this  problem  and  more  especially  due  to  the  crisis  faced by  them.  They must definitely do all things more precisely.

Changes in the Business Model of the  Organization

  Sometimes  the  transformations  in  the  business  strategies  of  the  organization  the  company  faces  problem.  This  was  because  the  earlier  the  candidates  have  known  that  the  particular  company  needs  people  from  one  particular  field.  But  suddenly  due the  interests  of  the  company  the  business  model  of  that  particular  company  changes  then  people  from  different  field  is  necessary.  Like  in  the Toyota  company   it  also  goes  on  the  up  gradation  of  its  automobile  technology.  In  that context  the  company  must  be  very precise  about  giving  advertisement  for  the  proper  field and  there  must  be  mentioning  of  the  qualification  required  for  it.  This  will  help  the  company  to  get  proper  human  resources s even  if  the strategies  of  the  business  model  is  changed.

Inadequate job descriptions

 Technological  skill  has  a  wide  impact  in  recruiting  and  selecting  the  employees  of  the  organization.  Hence  the  advertisement  of  the  job position  needed  for  the  company  plays  an  important  role.   So,  if  the  job  description  process  of  the  company  is  not  given  properly,  then  definitely  it  will  face  some  discrepancy  in  attracting  the  proper  individuals of  the  company (Gao & Low, 2015).  There  must  be  strict  review  done  in  order  to  observe  that  the  job  description  of  that  particular  vacant  position  is  right  or  not.   It  happens  in  cases  where  the  company  like  in Toyota  going  to  recruit  again  a  number  of  new  employees  besides  returning  back  the  old  employees.  In  this  situation  the  company  can  also  handover  the  whole recruitment   methods  to  a  recruiting  firm.


There are several recommendations given to the recruitment process of  the  company.  It  can  understood  that  each  industry  which  a  wide  range  of  skilled  laborers.  In  that  case  the  company  must  have a  union  of  the  labourers. Therefore,  considerable  amount  of respect  must  be  given  to  them  because  if  strikes  occurs  then  company  will  only  face  the  problem.   Toyota  Australia  is mainly based  on automobile  industry,  so it  is  much  depended  on  the  potentiality  of  the  workers.  Thus , they  must  be  provided  all  sorts  of  benefits and  allowances  ,  so  that  the flow  of  the  company  remains  same.  

 Another  important  thing  is  there  must  be  provision  of  training  to  the   employees  of  the  organization. The  company  needs  engineer for  the  innovation  and  creation  purpose and  setting  modules. In  this  context,  many  people  join  this  company  with  proper  qualification but every  company  has  certain  norms,  strategies and  viewpoints.  Hence,  if  employees  are  given  a  short  training  only  in  the  time  of  selecting  the  candidates  then  definitely  it  will help  the  candidates  as  well  as  the  hr  managers  to  be  confident  that  whether  the particular employees are  not suitable for the  particular  job or not.   

The candidates  sometimes contain experienced  people  who belongs to the earlier generation ,  these  categories  of  candidates  often  seems  to  be  very  careful  for  the  organization because  they  have  huge  experience in dealing  and  tackling  the  critical  situation  of  the  company (Johnstone, Wilkinson & Dainty, 2014). They  must  be  specifically  trained  about  the  use  of  latest technology  and software  so  that  they  remain  updated  because  it  is  very  important  in  the  work  field.

 In  order  to retain  the employees  of the  organization ,  it  is  much  needed to  provide  them  rewards ,  recognition, allowances  and  bonus  to  the  employees  so  that  they  become  encouraged  to do  their  work  sincerely  and  earnestly.   The hr managers  and  the  leaders  must  be  very strict  and  coordinate  properly  so  that  no  issues  arise  due  to  the  fake  mark sheets  and  they  must  be  also  very  decisive   regarding assessing  the  proper  qualification  of  the  job  profile. The  corporate culture  must be like  that people  of  different age and religion   can  stay  here  without  any  problem.


In conclusion it  can  be said  that  the recruitment  of  the  human  resources  of the  company  needs  certain  strategies . But  the  main  thing  is  the  sustenance of  the  employees  in  the company. If the company has healthy atmosphere with good corporate culture then automatically it will attract the talented people.   In this context the employment engagement policy is also very important where much value is given to the employees.   Moreover  during  the recruitment of the employee  there  must  be  specialized  team  which  will  able  to sort  out  the suitable  candidate  for the company.  

The  team  leaders  and managers  also  has  a  significant  role  in  enriching  the  human  resources  of  the s company.  Toyota Australia  is  one  of  the  famous  motor  vehicle  corporation  of  the world.  It has huge  contribution  in  sports vehicles  and  also  in the cars used  by  the  general  people. Hence,  it  is  obvious  that  highly  qualified people  and skilled  labourers are appointed  in  the  company.  But  many  of  them  suddenly left and  some are dismissed  due to  the internal  problems  which  is  about  not  maintaining  the  corporate  ethics and  also  not  meeting  the  demands  of all  the  employees  have  caused  such  problems.  In  that  case,  the  company  must  remember  certain  methods  to  challenge  the situation.


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