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Hrm4103 Employee Training And Development Assessment Answers

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Analyze the position of a training and development function within an organization.

You have been appointed as the HR Specialist in a Manufacturing organization with good reputation in the industry. The globalization trends in manufacturing and marketing has changed the business dynamics but your organization still not accepted and /or adapted to new technology or talent management system

You are required to prepare a report covering the following aspects;

  1. Interpret the various challenges faced by the organization restricting its growth and how do you justify training and development could be a solution to the issues.            

  2. Illustrate the systematic process of training and development you need to implement in the organization.  
  3. Analyze the influence of information technology in training and development within an organization.   



It can be stated that training and development plays a great role in managing the overall operation of the organization. It is necessary for the organization to focus on considering the latest technology so that the large market share can be attained. So, in this paper the focus will be given on the challenges faced by the company and also training and development will be considered as a method to resolve the issue.

Various challenges faced by the company 

It can be stated that there are various challenges faced by the company just because of the lack of latest technology in the workplace. One of the challenges which will be faced by the company relates to the less productivity.  It can be analyzed that company does not focus on considering the latest technology which impacted the overall productivity level of the company. The employees would not be efficient towards their work (Moran, 2015).

The next challenge is linked with time consumption. The company has to face the challenge related to time consumption because the company does not focused on considering the latest technology and now the time consumed by the employees to complete the activities is more (Bell, Tannenbaum, Ford,  Noe & Kraiger, 2017).

Challenges encumbering organizations growth  

The challenge related to productivity and time consumption has affected the entire growth of the organization. It can be seen that if level of productivity is less in the workplace then it can impact the overall working pattern of the organization. Also, when the employees take time in completing the activities then it can also minimize the overall efficiency which is necessary to be maintained. So, this has affected the overall growth of the company in the competitive market.

Justification for the training program developed

It is essential for the company to focus on training and development process so that productivity level can be maintained in the workstation. It can be seen that the employees who are trained can give their best by focusing on the entire activities and can also develop their skills in specified field. So, training and development can help in boosting the overall confidence level of the workers and can boost the skills so that goals and objectives can be maintained (Lindsey, King, Hebl & Levine, 2015).

Systematic process of training

It is important to consider the systematic process of training so that every employee in the workplace can solve their queries and doubts. It can be seen that the systematic process that should be considered by the company is related to group training (Stiehl, Felfe, Elprana & Gatzka, 2015). The groups should be made of the employees and under each group there should be one supervisor who can guide their team member and can impart skills and knowledge related to activities of the company. This systematic process can help to give proper training to the employees and they can also easily learn new skills when proper attention is given on each employee by the supervisor (Bompa & Buzzichelli, 2018). 

Systematic process useful 

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The group training which is considered by the organization can be useful because it can assist to boost the confidence level of the workers when attention is given properly on each employee in the workplace. It can be seen that it will also motivate the employees to work with dedication and efficiency towards the overall goals and objectives.  By training the employees in the team can help the company in accomplishing goals and objectives which will directly impact the overall profitability and growth in the competitive market (Haff & Triplett, 2015).

Role of technology in training 

Technology plays a great role in training the employees. It can be seen that inhouse training is given to the employees by considering the latest technology in the workplace. Technology will also help to give proper insight of the activities which are conducted in the workplace. By considering the latest technology it can be easy for the trainer or the supervisor to give proper information about the nature of work that is done in the workplace.  This will boost the skill with the overall level of confidence. Technology helps to visualized things or the concepts which are taught to the employees in the workplace (Clarke & Higgs, 2016).

Technology used for group training 

For group training it can be seen that the technology that should be considered is rojectors through which it can be easy to impart the knowledge or the skills. It can be seen that with projectors it can be simple to train the employees and with this they can easily visualize the overall working pattern of the company. It is considered as one of the best technologies that should be considered by the top management or by the trainer to give training to the employees in the workplace (Ford, 2014). 


It can be recommended that it is important for the company to focus on considering the latest technology to train the employees as it gives clear picture of managing the overall activities of the company. It also enhances the thinking pattern of the employees and gives a proper insight of the different departments which exist in the workplace. So, it is recommended that proper training should be done by emphasizing on the group training and also by considering the latest technology related to projectors.


By emphasizing on the paper, it can be stated that use of the latest technology is important as it can help the company to compete with the competitors in the market and it can also help giving proper training to the employees in the workplace. Technology used by the companies should be latest so that it can be simple for the employees to manage the entire activities. It can also help in boosting the overall motivation and confidence level of the employees in the workplace. They can give their best which can impact the organizational outcome in a positive manner.


Bell, B. S., Tannenbaum, S. I., Ford, J. K., Noe, R. A., & Kraiger, K. (2017). 100 years of training and development research: What we know and where we should go. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 305.

Bompa, T. O., & Buzzichelli, C. (2018). Periodization-: theory and methodology of training. Human Kinetics.

Clarke, N., & Higgs, M. (2016). How strategic focus relates to the delivery of leadership training and development. Human Resource Management, 55(4), 541-565.

Ford, J. K. (Ed.). (2014). Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press.

Haff, G. G., & Triplett, N. T. (Eds.). (2015). Essentials of strength training and conditioning 4th edition. Human kinetics.

Lindsey, A., King, E., Hebl, M., & Levine, N. (2015). The impact of method, motivation, and empathy on diversity training effectiveness. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(3), 605-617.

Moran, D. J. (2015). Acceptance and Commitment Training in the workplace. Current Opinion in Psychology, 2(6), 26-31.

Stiehl, S. K., Felfe, J., Elprana, G., & Gatzka, M. B. (2015). The role of motivation to lead for leadership training effectiveness. International Journal of Training and Development, 19(2), 81-97.

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