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Hosp 1235 Food Service Operations Assessment Answers

Select a service process, service operation or activity (not an industry or a whole institution). The subject service may be from your work environment, or it may be a service that you use in your private life. It may be that you have access to an interesting service operation via friends or family. It does not matter how you get access really, as long as you can get sufficient information to carry out an analysis.
One exception to this latitude in choice of operation is that you are not allowed to take a "ready made" case study and then analyse that. For example, you cannot analyse an existing research or teaching case from textbooks or journal articles. The information on your subject operation should come mainly from primary data.
Access to managers, and possibly customers is desirable. Another criterion for selection of the subject is that the operation has some obvious problems. It is much easier to write a meaningful critical appraisal if you have some interesting problems to analyse.
Identify operational challenges:
What service operations challenges or problems are there to be addressed in your subject operation, and why?
Provide rationale for your choice of tools and methods:
What theory, concepts, tools and techniques could be used to address these challenges and problems, and how might you apply them? You may select analytical material and approaches from any unit of the module, though be aware that if you use theory that you have previously applied in the group assignments, then the bar is raised. If you apply anything that you have used previously in the group work then we would insist on you carrying out additional research and that research should be clearly evident in your submission. You cannot get marks twice for the same pice of work!



The main topic mentioned in this research paper is an analysis of the Food service operations in restaurants. Substantial information shows that there is need for the improvement of the Food service in hotels due to many reasons known to managers. The research paper presents a threefold structure which is used in the analysis of the paper topic. Through the process of analyzing this topic thoroughly a deep analysis of Food Data structures are laid down in order to breakdown various research activities in an appropriate manner. Our study is majorly limited to the implementation of the Food service policies in achieving successful results in the organization operation processes. The realization process is perceived to be the activity of adjusting to the Food service principles and the introduction of various practice recommendations and arranged by the Food Service Management.  According to Davies (2015), Food Service Management is known to be an approach used by various Food operations which is portrayed through the stressing of various Food functions, user legal agreements, and Food services during daily operational hours.

On the other hand, the paper will provide a deep explanation of the idea of competitive priorities and the environment to which the business has been established. These priorities are successfully achieved due to the fact that there is a good competitive advantage which determines a firm’s effectiveness (DeVerteuil, 2016). Although, less pragmatic analysis has been conducted on this issue thus more scholars are required to provide absolute analysis of the concept which will be useful for managers. Centered on this idea, these experimental values have classified different production levels to be either competitive priority of production tasks for instance the delivery process, quality, and the cost incurred. This shows that there is substantial need for researchers to analyze such functions so that all organizations can acquire a suitable competitive advantage (Fischer, Du and Hornig, 2018). Therefore according to the research paper the Food Service Management will take part by becoming the service function which compares the technological Food operation based scenarios. This is because there isn’t any permitted text that provides clear definition about the Food Service Management concept.

According to Griffiths (2013), he states that individual who provides Food services will fail to pay their maximum attention on the internal organizational technology, thus they will have to prioritize the type of service they want to provide and later focus much on the customer relationship. Based on the idea presented in the research paper Food function is an organization which provides Food service to several firms with a common objective of satisfying every customer’s needs on time. Since there are certain challenges that affect many organizations, the use of the Food service will help in reducing some of the problems such as error in the Food based environment. The Food service chips in identifying various flaws in the Food environment in order to acquire a stable Food service operation. Therefore I choose to select the Food service operation due to the advantages and opportunities it offers to different firms. Some of the opportunities are proper management of daily support service between the manager and consumer, reduction of service cancellation to the end user through immediate solving of infrastructural issues (Hartanto, 2014). Matters dealing with calls and other effective support service are all mentioned in this sector. With the use of Food services effective managerial processes of achieved in relation to the service levels and the Food production environment.


In relation to the research topic the data collection process we used quantitative data which included the use of online journals, online articles, research questions, and theoretical frameworks. Immense research was executed Food service operations in organizations. Common frameworks and schemes were selected that provided deep explanation about expatriates selection and their training (Hill and Austin, 2011). In addition it was essential in reviewing some past frameworks and models because they provided an open platform for accessing recent theories about the problem. The mentioned scholars are few of those who have carried out research and data analysis in this sector. In the research process we investigated various known training and selection techniques. Earlier while studying on the literature, much attention was focused on analyzing the frameworks and models that comprised of most training and selection process. Logically, there was no framework, theory, or model that was most favorable in the process of analyzing the training and selection approaches. For this reason, on appropriate model were selected which were included as part of our data collection process.

In this section, our point of focus will be on the use of a systematic literature in analyzing food based research results. The main aim of this research paper is being in a position of concluding, categorizing, and identifying present research data about the Food service management (Smith, 2012). Additionally, the research will also entail the process of recognizing potential areas which will be useful for gathering information to be used in the future researches. Therefore, various procedures in these methodical techniques are shown in this section. The main research questions to be used in our analysis are:

  1. What type of research has been done with the use of Food Service Management strategies?
  2. What are the research questions which have been addressed?
  3. What are the theoretical frameworks and theories to be used?
  4. What kind of research methods have been employed our study?
  5. What are the conclusions drawn from the current research data?

Our area of focus in this research paper is Food service management which is symbolized as Food Service Management (Stern, Jotzo and Dobes, 2014). The main aim and goal of this paper is presenting articles which provide quality results about the content of the research paper. Since much data always emanates from journals, critical analysis was carried on with an aim of identifying an appropriate journal in the Association of Business School which would act as a guide in this research paper. As a result pertinent periodical were chosen from the information management group with levels ranging from 4, 3, and 2. Consequently, we carried analysis on current proceedings from the global data systems conference.

Lastly, we checked some online directories in which we gathered substantial data about the subject. Generally, about 26 journals, 7 international conference proceedings, and 4 online databases were collected. The acquired data are shown in the figure below

Analysis of food service operation

Taking into account the recommendations from (W?ziak-Bia?owolska, 2016); the research paper also analyzed various citations as shown in the initial steps of the research paper. The main focus group was acquiring the reviewed journal which would provide vivid analysis on the realization of the Food service operations.  These journals basically came from the Food infrastructure library and were published in January 2000 and August 2012. Being specific only English article were part of our research process. Some of the article titles include:

  • The stratagem and methodologies for implementation
  • Precursor to implementation
  • The implications of implementation
  • Current status of implementation

Article topics were also considered:

  • Educative articles
  • Non research based articles
  • Articles showing research is on progress
  • Articles that did not match the inclusion criteria

Evaluation of food service operation and theories

Various data collected from each respective study include:

  • Various journal resources
  • Theoretical framework and reference theories were used
  • Research questions

In the research analysis one research acquired the data while the other evaluated it to check its relevance, thus showing the research paper strictly abides by (?elazowski, 2015) recommendations. Upon arousal of any completion the issue ways handle amicably.

Findings section

In this part the findings of the research will be clearly outlined. In the sections below the answers to the research questions mentioned earlier will be critically analyzed and answered appropriately.

Food Service Management implementation

In general, the research has identified about 37 germane studies which are in compliance with research topic with about 16 comprising of conference articles, and 21 journal articles. The chart shown below provides clear evidence how the journals and proceeding were gathered (Vladimirov, 2011). According to the aforementioned data in this research paper it was stated that the latest published article will be 2005 while the journal article was published in the year 2006. This is clearly evidenced by the chart shown below.

On the other hand the number of conference article which were gathered attained its maximum in the year 2008. Which among the presented articles outnumbers the other? According to the data shown above Australia is leading with about 11 articles, North America with 7 articles, and European researchers with 17 articles comprising of 11 countries at large. This shows that scholars in the University of Southern Queensland, Australia have been busy analyzing article related to Food service operations. This is dues to the fact that the country is engaged in 36 studies among other related studies worldwide (Sakas and Konstantopoulos, 2010). On the other hand the pacific countries such as New Zealand are only engaged in one study while four studies are handled by Asian countries including Malaysia and China. Additionally, South America has accounted for about one study which Brazil is involved. Lastly, Africa is not indicated as shown in the results.

The research question to be addressed

The main aim of this section is being in a position of spotting different disciplines which are currently covering our present research. This section points out a research question in which the paper ought to provide an answer. Initially there will be focus on the empirical research analysis (Zivanomoyo and Mukoka, 2015). Thus the research subdivides itself into certain sections which include: implications (12 articles), Implementation (16 articles), and the predecessor to implementation process (14 article). In the predecessor section, a prominent research query is linked to the aspects contributing to fruitful implementation which generally questioned in many researches. Among these only five studies relate to intentions. While in the implementation group, about 9 articles have exhibited implementation conditions, with 7 of these articles have critically shown various strategies for implementation comprising of various methodological problems.

Theoretical framework and reference theories

The analysis of the Food Service Management employs the use of a wide range of theoretical frameworks and reference theories as mentioned in this paper. In evaluating FOOD service in organization about 19 dissimilar techniques have been used which some are pinned to focusing on one aspect. For instance, the balanced scorecard, IS ServQual, Organizational learning, cultural disparity, and contingency theories all provide clear evidence how this theories are used. The most used theory in evaluating the Food service operations is the critical success factor framework (CSF) with its applicability of about 5 articles which have contributed greatly during the process of establishing fruitful implementation procedures (Hirst and Tresidder, 2016). For acquiring a company’s implementation status 3 article employ that use of capability maturity model which are used in grouping the implementation process. Two studies also use theories such as resource based theory, agent network theory, and the alignment theory. Lately there hasn’t been any theory within the 36 presented studies.


In this research paper we employed the use of systematic review of research articles and an additional performance of the Food Service Management. We critically rationalized the results based on the respective research questions outlined in the paper. This clearly shows that these articles acquired contribute greatly in the analyzing data in this research paper. Initially, the research presents a quick overview of the current research in this field. For this reason, about 37 important contributions have been made with around 16 articles covering conference proceedings while 21 journal articles. Thus these contributions have been clearly established, thus providing a thorough explanation of the emanation of this wide field which will minimize the researcher rate of looking for accurate results. Additionally, with the comprehensive analysis of the research data the paper has anticipated to present probable sections and techniques which can be used for upcoming studies. The research also concludes by outlining most known topics which include the advantages of implementation, implementation status, significant factors for implementation success, and the motives for implementation.

Additionally, the paper has shown that there is partial analysis based on the Food governance, alignment, performance evaluation, techniques, thus implying that there is need for future analysis on the outlined issues. Therefore scholars are motivated to join into the present research era in order to critically analyze these issues. In this research paper there is incorporation of the IT managers who are used in the research thus gaining a competitive advantage of the article outlined. The review of these problems will be useful of Food managers who ought to adjust or planning in adopting the Food Service Management and its implementation. Thus the article catalog of the use of critical features would be essential in this paper. Therefore in order to structure their proposal properly, all Food managers should be in a position of planning prior project execution in order for them to enjoy the advantages gained by their hard work, which would be supported by the results and profits outlined in this research paper.

Finally, the review and the search processes of this research paper are mainly centered on the recommendation shown in the paper’s context, which clearly signifies that there was absolute analysis of the data in our paper. On the other hand, choosing of the essential words, the sources, and the criteria to be employed depends on one’s own specification. A more complex search tool can be used in Food Service Management in order to find an appropriate solution to the problem of information technology in organizations. Thus this strategy would be very strenuous and it is certain that one maybe in a position of identifying possible contributions.


Davies, C. (2015). Property Law Guidebook. 4th ed. Sydney: Oxford University Press.

DeVerteuil, G. (2016). Resilience in the post-welfare inner city. 5th ed. Bristol: Policy Press.

Fischer, M., Du, R. and Hornig, T. (2018). HOW ACCURATE ARE COMMERCIAL BRAND VALUATION METHODS?. Global Fashion Management Conference, 2018(5), pp.1453-1453.

Griffiths, R. (2013). Report – Ports and the Environment Seminar Darling Harbour, Sydney Tuesday 8 October 2013. Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs, 5(4), pp.153-155.

Hartanto, D. (2014). Ownership Characteristics of Strata Property Rights. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 19(9), pp.18-21.

Hill, J. and Austin, R. (2011). The Takeovers Panel after ten years. 2nd ed. [Sydney]: Ross Parsons Centre of Commercial, Corporate and Taxation Law.

Hirst, C. and Tresidder, R. (2016). Marketing Tourism, Events and Food 2nd edition. 2nd ed. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.

Sakas, D. and Konstantopoulos, N. (2010). Marketing and management sciences. 2nd ed. London: Imperial College Press.

Smith, H. (2012). Sydney & Australia's New South Wales. 3rd ed. Sydney: Hunter Publishing, Inc.

Stern, D., Jotzo, F. and Dobes, L. (2014). Climate change and the world economy. 1st ed. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd.

Vladimirov, Z. (2011). Implementation of food safety management system in Bulgaria. British Food Journal, 113(1), pp.50-65.

W?ziak-Bia?owolska, D. (2016). Quality of life in cities – Empirical evidence in comparative European perspective. Cities, 58(4), pp.87-96.

?elazowski, K. (2015). Application Of Multiple-Based Methods In Valuation Of Real Estate Development Companies. Real Estate Management and Valuation, 23(3), pp.26-35.

Zivanomoyo, J. and Mukoka, S. (2015). An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Unemployment on Economic Growth in Zimbabwe. Archives of Business Research, 3(6), pp.45-50.

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