Hitt1345 Health Care Delivery Systems Assessment Answers
The passage and implementation of the PPACA expanded health insurance coverage to many who did not previously have health coverage, and mandated that health services organizations promote the uptake of strategies to foster health and well-being that is accessible, affordable, and effective for all who carry health insurance coverage. However, while the main goal and mission of a health services organization is to deliver effective health services, it, too, must operate as a business and perform competitively within the healthcare delivery system. To that end, it may come as no surprise that some limitations and caps are placed on certain procedures, treatments, or health services depending on health insurance coverage type or subscription. In essence, such “rationing” of healthcare is commonplace and may present an ethical dilemma for the healthcare administration leader.
As a current or future healthcare administration leader, how might you rationalize the aims of promoting effective healthcare delivery for all who now have coverage extended due to the mandates of PPACA, while minimizing increased costs to deliver services to all and still remaining competitive in the healthcare delivery system?
By Day 3
Post by Day 3 and identify a current strategy that the government uses to ration healthcare. Then, describe how this policy may influence your health services organization and explain how this policy impacts healthcare cost and access. Be specific and provide examples
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), a United States public health policy, became law on 23rd march, 2010 (Daemmrich & Mohanty, 2014). It provides all the insurance holders with full access to advanced health coverage from birth through their retirement. The prime aim to rationalize such healthcare delivery system is to realign the public healthcare with private one. the goal of a health insurance business is to deliver operative health insurance coverage, however it also need to work as a business firm to compete with its counterparts within the healthcare delivery system (Americanprogress.org, 2017). There is a chance to compete with other insurance companies by providing quality healthcare with low insurance premiums. This will be possible if company provide rebates to large group of employers so that their number of insurance holders increases rapidly. Hence, having huge number of customer is the only strategy to overcome the lowered amount of premiums for healthcare insurance companies.
The current strategy that US government uses to ration healthcare among people is reducing the insurance premium. After mandating the PPACA scheme, every person including critically ill patient is covered with health insurance. This factor affects the company positively as among the huge amount of customer, only few will be using their insurance schemes. So reducing costs of premium will not harm their company in the end. According to Obamawhitehouse.archives.gov (2017) till 1st January, 2014 more than19 million people get covered under PPACA scheme and have helped to slower the healthcare rates, within which only 40 percent did actually used their health insurance coverage
Americanprogress.org. (2017). Why We Need the Individual Mandate - Center for American Progress. Center for American Progress. Retrieved 12 September 2017, from https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/reports/2010/04/08/7720/why-we-need-the-individual-mandate/
Daemmrich, A., & Mohanty, A. (2014). Healthcare reform in the United States and China: pharmaceutical market implications. Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice, 7(1), 9.
Obamawhitehouse.archives.gov. (2017). Six Economic Benefits of the Affordable Care Act. whitehouse.gov. Retrieved 12 September 2017, from https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/02/06/six-economic-benefits-affordable-care-act
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