HIG3006 Merits And Demerits Of Utilizing Social- Life Generally
Make judgements that are clearly connected to observations you have made. Answer the questions:
What is your opinion about learning experience?
future career
life generally
‘What you did, read, see, and hear?
‘What was the reason you did particular activities (Assignment 1, Assignment 2?
1. The effectiveness and usefulness of the learning experience:
Personal opinion about the learning experience:
While working on this project, I’ve learned a whole lot of things about the social media and its advantages as well as the disadvantages while used in the context of a business. While finding out the literature related articles in this particular topic, I had to search through the internet for gaining knowledge in this subject which has enhanced by searching skills. Also, additionally I have learned about what are the advantages as well as the disadvantages of suing social media site in a business. Lastly, time management is an important factor that I’ve learnt while working in this project, which is significant to complete the work within the stipulated time.
Value of the learning Experience:
Experience is an important tool that can help an individual to prepare for the future challenges (Boud et al., 2013). While working on this project, there are many experiences that I’ve gained which can help me during the future course of time. As social media is used as an important tool for the business purpose; which I’ve learnt while working on this project; in near future, if I’m able to get placed in a reputed organization as social media manager or digital manager, this experience can help me a lot to promote my organization with the help of social media sites such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc.
2. Explaining the usefulness of the learning process:
The learning that I’ve gained while working on this project will serve me in various fields of life as mentioned below:
As I’m performing the course ________ this research that has been undertaken by me will develop my ability as a manager and will also help me to get a degree from the university if I’m able to complete this course properly.
Also the programme undertaken by me can be completed successfully if I’m able to fetch good marks in this project. This can help me to pass the program with a good grade which can help me to get hired by MNCs in the future or it can also help me to utilize social media sites if I become an entrepreneur in future time.
Future Career:
In future career, if I get placed in an MNC or any other organization as the digital marketing manager or Social Media Manager, I can utilize my skills to develop the social media page of the organization with the contents and a variety of information about the products as well as the services of the company which can enhance the profitability of the organization. Being a manager, I will also be able to take decision upon the social media strategy that will be used by the company.
Life Generally:
Time management is a significant factor in order to complete the work in time (Chapman et al., 2014). This research has helped me a lot to develop my ability to manage time effectively. Also, in practical life, time management is a very significant issue for the employees of an organization. So, in future if I work in an organization, I will be able to manage time effectively to complete my work within the stipulated time.
3. Happenings during the learning process:
During the learning process, my first work was to collect data regarding the research in order to get an understanding of the topic in which I’m conducting the research. For that reason, I’ve went to collect the data which were secondary in nature by reading the articles and journals published by the authors who have done research in this topic in the past. While reading the articles I discovered that the social media can contribute towards the business more than its disadvantages. I’ve also tried to understand the gaps in the research by analyzing the literature and lastly, I’ve also came across a lot of keywords that are related to the social media in the business. Some of the keywords include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Google AdWords, SMO (Social Media Optimization), PPC (Pay per Click), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) etc (Ngai et al., 2015).
4. Evaluating the Learning:
This business research was undertaken by me in order to gain an in-depth knowledge about the advantages and the disadvantages of the social media sites in the business, which can help to make effective decision regarding the business if I work in an MNC or any similar business organizations like that. It can help me to gain an understanding about what the customers wants from the business in the social media sites and what are the information that they require form the business regarding the products and services. In that way, if I work as a social media manager or a digital media manager in some company I will know about exactly what they want from the company and will be able to provide that exact information to them which can enhance the demand for the products and services of the company.
5. Explaining my learning procedure:
New Insights:
This particular research has been undertaken in order to gain new insights that have developed in social media usefulness for the purpose of using in a business. I have undertaken this research so that it can help me gain more knowledge about this topic from the business perspective.
Connections with other learning:
Going through the previous researches, I’ve discovered that those previous researches were based on the usefulness of social media from the perspective of the customers. But the study undertaken by me describes the social media from the business perspective with the help of which I will be able to understand why the business uses the social media sites.
My own Feelings:
My own feelings regarding the research are that it can help me for the future profession and also help me to gain a better understanding regarding the research topic. But, I strongly feel that there are more advantages of social media sites in a business than its disadvantages.
Reason for doing Assignment 1 and 2:
The reason for undertaking assignment 1 is to provide the overall idea about the subject which is merits and demerits of the social media from the perspective of the business. There was no in-depth dealing undertaken during the assignment 1. But the assignment 2 deals with the proposal of the research and in this assignment, objectives were set by me along with the methodology that will be undertaken for the collection of data, research design that will be followed while dealing with the research and so on.
6. Planning for application of my learning:
The learning that I’ve taken from this research will also help me to apply it on different fields of study which includes:
I can apply the learning from this research subject in future if I undertake any course during my future times. If I perform a master’s degree course in near future, I will be able to conduct a research easily by implementing the knowledge from this research.
Future Profession:
Practical application of the learning can also be implemented by me in my professional life. If I had to conduct a research upon the social media or any kind of secondary research in other topics, this learning can help me to conduct the research easily.
While in life, I will be able to manage time easily while working in projects in an organization where I get placed. In an organization there are deadline for the projects and works are to be completed in stipulated deadline within the organizations and also meetings are also to be attended within stipulated time (Bryman et al., 2015). This experience of research conduction can help me to manage time in my professional life as well as in personal life.
Arnaboldi, M. and Coget, J.F., 2016. Social media and business. Organizational Dynamics, 1(45), pp.47-54.
Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. eds., 2013. Reflection: Turning experience into learning. Routledge.
Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Chapman, S.W. and Rupured, M., 2014. Time management: 10 strategies for better time management.
Gu, B. and Ye, Q., 2014. First step in social media: Measuring the influence of online management responses on customer satisfaction. Production and Operations Management, 23(4), pp.570-582.
Ngai, E.W., Tao, S.S. and Moon, K.K., 2015. Social media research: Theories, constructs, and conceptual frameworks. International Journal of Information Management, 35(1), pp.33-44.