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HI6008 Business Research- Random Sampling Technique

You are expected to present a written research proposal that is based on the literature review and demonstrates their understanding of business research/research paradigm.
Based on their literature review, students are required to write a business research proposal outlining the details of the proposed research project that addresses the gaps identified in the literature. Derived from the business topic, the proposal needs to include clearly state research questions (primary and secondary), and provide a solid research methodology that supports the feasibility of the research project.


Introduction and Bckground

The research proposal is being prepared in relation with providing the information related with the literature review provided by the researcher in previous assignment (Haq and Pati, 2010). In depth evaluation of all the aspects indulged in the report will be done in the research and the research will end with providing various set of recommendations in relation with the literature review prepared. This research will also include information related with the methodologies used by the researcher in relation with gathering information related with the literature review of the review. The research proposal will also include information related with limitations which are attached with the research initiated by the researcher and will include solution with the help of which all the researcher will be able to overcome from the limitations. The research proposal will help in providing better set of solution to the researcher with the effect of which he will be able to remove all the loops available in the research review (Hamilton, 2007).

Research Questions/Research Objectives

There are various set of objectives which are attached with the research which are required to be fulfilled so as to ensure that the research performed by the researcher is effective.

Primary Research Question

  • What are the gaps which were identified by the researcher in the literature review prepared ea

    rlier in relation with social media businesses?

Secondary Research Question

  • To evaluate and identify the limitations attached with the research report developed by the researcher.
  • To analyze the aspects with the effect of which researcher could overcome from the limitations and could provide a proper direction for the research.

Justification of Research Proposal 

The research proposal is being developed in concentration with evaluating all the aspects indulged in the literature review prepared by the researcher in previous section (Fletcher, 2016). It is important that such type of steps should be undertaken and support should be provided by the researcher so that all the gaps which are identified in the literature review could be filled and authenticity of the same could be increased. Proper evaluation of all the aspects indulged in the literature and using effective tools to evaluate and analyze the gaps will help in providing direction to the researcher to do further researches and avail the relevant knowledge regarding current trends in the market. The report will include proper information related with the methodologies and the sampling techniques used by the researcher to evaluate more appropriate research and avail relevant set of information related with the literature reviewed by the researcher (Borrett, Sampson and Cavoukian, 2016).


Methodology is the section which will help in providing the information related with the methods and techniques used by the researcher so as to evaluate the information and collect the content for the research (Sledgianowski, & Kulviwat, 2009). This section of the research will help in gathering the information related with the sample size chosen by the researcher and the sampling technique used by the researcher so as to gather the information related with the literature. Methodology will also help in evaluating the findings for the research which will help in developing the graphical representation of the data. Limitation of the research will also be evaluated in the methodology section of the research.

Research Methods

Mixed method is being used by the researcher so as to gather appropriate set of information related with the literature review (Picazo-Vela, et. al., 2012). To gather the information both primary sources as well as secondary sources of data collection are being used. The primary sources of data collection used by the researcher to gather the information is interviewing the people using social networking sites and taking their responses with the help of the questionnaire. The secondary sources of information used by the researcher so as to collect the data are books available in the libraries, newspapers, journals, articles and for mass information are being collected from the internet. Using mixed method will help in evaluating the facts and figures and gathering appropriate theoretical aspects related with social media businesses (Molina?Morales, et. al., 2010).

Research Techniques

Both the techniques are being used by the researcher so as to develop the content of the research. Researcher has used qualitative as well as quantitative technique so as to develop relevant content for the research (Jones, & Jayawarna, 2010). Information from literature review will be evaluated so as to formulate the theoretical content for the research. It is necessary that qualitative information should be gathered as it avails the in depth information related with the chosen topic. Quantitative research technique will help in evaluating facts and figures with the effect of which a comprehensive and precise report will be prepared and availed to the target users. Information gathered from the primary resources will be evaluated and analysis will be provided with the help of graphical representation in research report (Harris, & Rae, 2009).

Sampling Technique

Random sampling technique will be used by the researcher so as to collect primary data. In random sampling method targets for the data collection are chosen randomly by the researcher so as to collect the information. In this respondents have their own will to provide the information related with the research. On the basis of their will they make the decision whether they have to fill the questionnaire or not (De Carolis, et. al., 2009). Sample size that is being chosen by the researcher is 50 peoples using the social networking sites and prefers to provide the information related with them. People which have their own will to provide the information which will be collected by them and with the help of proper set of analysis and evaluations and using various tools the data will be presented in the form of graphs and pie charts. Reason behind choosing the sample size is availability of funds and time. The researcher does not have proper funds and time to process the research by talking huge sample size (Bryman, & Bell, 2015).

Research Location

The research location which is being chosen are the corporate using the social networking sites to spread information regarding their products and services. Some of the organizations like Woolworth, Wesfarmers will be chosen so as to gather relevant information regarding how they prefer to use social media networking sites so as to manage the promotion of their product and services (Petrovic, 2014).

Research Schedule

S. No.


Start Date

End Date

Total duration


Objective of the research

2 May, 2017

4 May, 2017

3 Days


Scope of the project

5 May, 2017

8 May, 2017

4 Days


Literature Review

9 May, 2017

18 May, 2017

10 Days


Developing Research Question

19 May, 2017

20 May, 2017

2 Days


Designing the research

21 May, 2017

26 May, 2017

6 Days


Evaluating Research Limitation

27 May, 2017

30 May, 2017

4 Days


Total Number of Days



29 Days

(Petrovic, 2014)

Gantt chart

(Horvath, 2008)


There certain set of limits left behind each and every research in the same manner in this section also there are certain set of limitations which are attached with (Kennedy-Clark, 2013). It could be possible that the respondents may provide false information related with the research. This will have a direct impact on the research processing and will affect the final results of the researcher. Such type of research have a direct impact on the users as they get false information due to which authenticity of the research comes into question mark.

In the literature review it is being evaluated that no facts and figures are being used by the researcher related with the research topic (Horvath, 2008). To maintain the concreteness it is required that the evaluations should be done and various factual discretions should be made in the literature. Like Researched would have used that with the help of the social media sites there are certain numbers of companies which are getting benefited with the effect of which they will be able to manage the work and attract more customers towards the organization (Haq and Pati, 2010).

Hence, these are the limitations of the research which are affecting the authenticity and are affecting the validity of the research.

It could be possible that the researcher should choose the respondents who are experienced and who are dedicated to their work. Choosing such type of people will help in increasing the chances that they will provide appropriate set of information related with the research topic (Hamilton, 2007).

Research Outcomes

Evaluating all the aspects and understanding the theoretical description availed by the researcher in the literature review there are various outcomes which will be availed to the target users. With the help of the research it will be evaluated that why social media networking is important to be used by the corporate in present scenario.

Why they are termed as the best option for the promotion, the current trends which are being followed by the people available in the market will also be evaluated with the help of the research report (Fletcher, 2016).

The research will also avail the scope for the further researches as it will help in evaluating the aspects of social media networking and what are various aspects which could be used in social networking with the effect of which certain changes in the society could be brought.

There are certain set of disadvantages also which are attached with the social networking site which will also be availed in the research. This will help in the decision making with the effect of which corporate will be able to decide whether to adopt the social networking practices in their corporate process or not.

These are certain set of outcomes which will be availed with the help of the researcher with the help of which he will be able to make appropriate set of decisions whether to use social media networking site or not in their business processes (Borrett, Sampson and Cavoukian, 2016).

Conclusion and Recommendation

The research proposal has helped in developing the understanding with the fact that how researcher could perform the research. How he can gather appropriate set of information related with the research topic selected by him. The report will also help in evaluating the aspects with the help of which effective set of decisions will be made by the corporate in relation with whether to adopt the social networking technique or not.

It could be recommended that proper time frame should be provided to the researcher to perform the research. The topic of the research has a very huge scope which cannot be explained in the time frame provided as in depth analysis of the market response will be done so as to collect the information and manage it in a proper way.

There are certain set of limitations which could be removed by using appropriate strategies, it is required that the researcher should use critical thinking so as to fill all the gaps and loops in the literature. Although literature review includes all set of required information but with the help of secondary sources some facts and figures could also be evaluated by the researcher and could have provided in the literature so as to enhance the concreteness of the same.


Borrett, D., Sampson, H. and Cavoukian, A. (2016). Research ethics by design: A collaborative research design proposal. Research Ethics, 22(1), pp.145-147.

Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.

De Carolis, D.M., Litzky, B.E. and Eddleston, K.A., 2009. Why networks enhance the progress of new venture creation: The influence of social capital and cognition. Entrepreneurship theory and practice, 33(2), pp.527-545.

Fletcher, A. (2016). Applying critical realism in qualitative research: methodology meets method. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(2), pp.181-194.

Hamilton, D. (2007). Bridging Design & Research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 1(1), pp.29-30.

Haq, S. and Pati, D. (2010). The Research-Design Interaction: Lessons Learned from an Evidence-Based Design Studio. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 3(4), pp.75-92.

Harris, L. and Rae, A., 2009. Social networks: the future of marketing for small business. Journal of business strategy, 30(5), pp.24-31.

Horvath, I. (2008). Differences between 'research in design context' and 'design inclusive research' in the domain of industrial design engineering. J. of Design Research, 7(1), p.61.

Jones, O. and Jayawarna, D., 2010. Resourcing new businesses: social networks, bootstrapping and firm performance. Venture Capital, 12(2), pp.127-152.

Kennedy-Clark, S. (2013). Research by Design: Design-Based Research and the Higher Degree Research student. Journal of Learning Design, 6(2), pp.122-128.

Molina?Morales, F.X. and Martínez?Fernández, M.T., 2010. Social networks: effects of social capital on firm innovation. Journal of Small Business Management, 48(2), pp.258-279.

Petrovic, M. (2014). Advantages and limitations of online research method. Marketing, 45(1), pp.63-74.

Picazo-Vela, S., Gutiérrez-Martínez, I. and Luna-Reyes, L.F., 2012. Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector. Government information quarterly, 29(4), pp.504-511.

Sledgianowski, D. and Kulviwat, S., 2009. Using social network sites: The effects of playfulness, critical mass and trust in a hedonic context. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(4), pp.74-83.

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