Hi6008 Business Research Answers Assessment Answers
When students writing Assignment 3 need to follow steps:
- Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience Make judgements that are clearly connected to observations you have made.
Answer the questions:
− What is your opinion about learning experience?
− What is the value of this experience?
- Explain how this learning process will be useful to you Consider: In what ways might this learning experience serve you in:
− course
− program
− future career
− life generally
Answer the question: ‘How you will transfer or apply your new knowledge and insights in the future?’
- Describe objectively what happened in the learning processGive the details of what happened in the learning process. Answer the question: ‘What you did, read, see, and hear?
- Evaluate what you learn Make judgments connected to observations you have made in the BusinessResearch. Answer the question: ‘How Business Research was useful for your Research Learning Process?’
- Explain your learning process: New insights, connections with other learning, your feelings, hypotheses, conclusions. Answer the questions:
‘What was the reason you did particular activities (Assignment 1, Assignment 2?
- Explain Plan how this learning you will applied Comment on its relevance to your research subject, your course, future profession, life... Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in your future?’
The cultural diversity in the workplace is one of the major topic of reflection, in this assignment. I have explained about the different challenges and the opportunities that one can come across with the team of people who are working towards a common goal. The cultural diversity has a major influence on the team. In reflection, the major focus has been on the research learning and the different implications which are related to how the organizations are impacted by the cultural diversity. The critical skillset is for determining and aiming for influence from the team performances, and how it can affect the people. The cultural diversity has been about how the teams are working with the positive and negative influences of people.
Effectiveness and usefulness
The effectiveness is about how the people are working to map with the expectations of the project. The performance is administered through enhancement in the perceived organizational support on team performance (Martin, 2014). The higher level of perceived organizational support can help in improving the work attitude with help in developing the effectiveness of work behavior as well. The organizational support can help in improving the innovative performances, with integration of knowledge that leads to create an atmosphere of innovation and workplace efficiency.
Opinion of learning experience
The people claim that the knowledge and information is not only for understanding the implementation but also to enhance the cultural diversity. Hence, the standards are set to work for different positive and negative aspects, when it concerns about the team diversity and its impact on the organization that confronts the changes (Li, Lin, Tien & Chen, 2017). It is important to analyze that there are perceptions of organizational support that helps in developing a sense of satisfaction in job with team development and improved performance, overall. The learning experience has been at a wider scale where it is possible for me to understand about how the multicultural teams are able to work with active sources of creativity and innovation.
Value of learning experience
The discussion is about the experience which is important for working in a team. With this, I have been able to learn about analyzing the real challenges which can come across when you are working with the team of 10 members or more. Hence, it is important to understand the ability to learn the domain knowledge (Trax, Brunow & Suedekum, 2015). With development, and analysis, I could find that ethnic diversity is also important for a better and innovative outcome of the organization. The focus is on how the stated factors can help in improving the creativity and innovation with performance that increase at the individual level. The influence of cultural diversity on communication is to conceptualize the diversity management which helps in supporting better management and team performance through the constitutive polyphonic approach.
How learning process is helpful
There are different aspects where the cultural diversity in workplace could be proven as a boon for some and curse for the others. Hence, it is important to maintain a balance where the effective communication can help in understanding and bonding in between the team members which is important for a better performance of team (Lambert, 2016). The studies have been able to show that there are cultural heterogenous workplace which are working on understanding and tolerance towards the diversity. The diversity in the workplace can also help in improving the communication in the workforce and create a support of common meanings and the work practices.
The discussions is about how the teams are working on improvement of cultural sectors. The learning is defined to understand about different aspects in an effective manner. The course is about effectively covering the details and relate to the system functioning with possibility to map with effective communication in team.
The tasks are related to the capabilities of the users and the tools. The expanding capacities require to set a proper management plan in a team with effective communication. The program is about handling the geographical, institutional, cultural and the economic diversities which are set among the people. The interpersonal diversity within the population also leads to risks contribution and intensity of internal conflicts that are seen through the historical and contemporary accounts of conflict (Barak, 2016). The diversity in workplace can help in improving the performance of team through innovativeness and the personal opinions and values are also defined for the diversified groups that inhibit the communication and lower the performance of team.
Future Career
In future, I would like to work in a team where I would like to focus on effective communication so that a better relationship at work is maintained. It will also encourage the satisfaction in job and then only I will be able to meet the different challenges. The research is about the development through handling the changes or conflicts that come across in the underdeveloped organizations.
The consideration is to handle the organizational matters and focus on improving the skills of effective communication with other people as well.
Objectives about what happened in the process
The objectives are generally based on the article details, reports and the journals. The description of the effectiveness of team and cultural diversity is discussed. The cultural diversification of migrant workers in organization can help in incorporating the heterogeneity of the skills with improvement in innovation and organization productivity. This will help in improving the different cultural backgrounds through different points of view which are incorporated for the knowledge development, that is by the team.
Evaluation of learning
The learning is about the business research where the plan is about handling the different challenges which are relevant to handle the system activities with proper research solutions. It includes the working and improvement of the solutions from the time of week 1 to 11. The activities are depending upon data collection and then clarifying the viewpoints that are related to the research methodology selections. The system authenticity is about working on different plans with matching with the business research that will help to match different resources and data collection procedures. The authenticity is on the data that is from reports and articles.
Explanation of learning process
The evaluation process is based on Assignment I and II where the system and research is about how one can work on the team diversity and cultural developments. The data collection includes working on productivity level with matching requirements that would require improvement in research methodologies (Niebuhr, 2016). The sampling is compressed to limited people due to less time and resources. The aspects are focusing on improving the demographic characteristics with handling involved differences in personalities, values and psychological characteristics. It is important to understand about how the teams can be benefitted with challenges for the business to analyze the factors that affect the team performance.
With the development, I would say that there is a major focus on the big data which helps in bringing the change in learning assessment. As per the research, the literature review collection presents the research that is depending upon research methodology. I would only say that the research is focusing on the possibilities to improve the cultural diversity and effective communication as well.
Barak, M.E.M., 2016. Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
Lambert, J., 2016. Cultural diversity as a mechanism for innovation: Workplace diversity and the absorptive capacity framework. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, 20(1), p.68.
Li, C.R., Lin, C.J., Tien, Y.H. and Chen, C.M., 2017. A multilevel model of team cultural diversity and creativity: The role of climate for inclusion. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 51(2), pp.163-179.
Martin, G.C., 2014. The effects of cultural diversity in the workplace. Journal of Diversity Management (Online), 9(2), p.89.
Niebuhr, A., 2016. 7 Economic effects of migration and cultural diversity. International Innovation Networks and Knowledge Migration: The German–Turkish nexus, p.117.
Trax, M., Brunow, S. and Suedekum, J., 2015. Cultural diversity and plant-level productivity. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 53, pp.85-96.
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