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G522 Business Information Systems : Assessment Answers

A further 2 publications must be journal papers and the remaining 6 publications can be: Journal Papers, Conference Papers, Trade Articles, White papers, Book Chapters, Blogs or other web based material relevant to your project. When assessing this assignment, assessors will be looking for the quality of the publications chosen. Publications in well-known journals, less than 6 years old, will receive the highest marks; little known blogs will receive the very lowest marks; chapters in known books would be somewhere in the middle.


Literature review:

The current literature places lights on the modern technology of Holographic projections. The literature evaluates the importance of this technology in the modern age and also defines the procedure involved in the construction of holograms. The important of holography is described with the help of several applications and potential uses. An introduction to the concept of Microsoft HoloLens offers an exhilarating description of an application of this flourish of technology (Taylor 2016). Therefore, with the help of HoloLens the serves as the first un tethered holographic computer and performs the best in technological terms to make the life easy.

Holography can be defined as the study or construction of holograms. It is concerned with the process of recording the patterns of light and they are generally produced in the form of three-dimensional picture known as hologram. The holographic technology of projection was first used in Victorian theatres during the early years of 1960 in London across London. This technology enables the viewers to see into the objects through the help of reflection that is known as angled piece of glass. The modern projectors makes the use of 3D holographic projections which helps in projecting the image on the large scale with the images of high resolution based on diverse surfaces. It makes the use of comparatively small device of projections to focus on distance. The technology of Holography is put into used so that it can display the three dimensional picture of the subject matter and a hologram can be seen without using the eyewear or the headgear. The modern three-dimensional display of technologies in the form of holography is considered as efficiently used in the areas of diagnosis, weather forecast, advertising, animation and virtual reality as well (Cui, Kharel and Gruev 2017).

The literature discusses the theory of holography and its procedure involved in its working along with its varied application including the new Microsoft Hololens. Holography is considered as the outcome of an interfering pattern created amid the two beams of light. As evident Holography makes the use of laser, light so that it can illuminate the object involved in order to view the finished holograms. One of the benefits of holography is that microscopic details of the subject matter can be replicated in the form of practical object. The 3D holographic display helps in providing a realistic image, which is further used in the form of viable alternatives to the previous solutions.

Needs and importance: 

The literature further places lights on the needs and importance of holograms. Holography is currently regarded as widely used and fast rising technology that helps in large scale projection, images of higher resolution on the free space. With the introduction of 3D movies and continuous advent of the virtual reality, the excitement has sprouted highly related to the applied science. Microsoft Holograms plays a significant function in providing individual cues with stereopsis, action parallax along with the visual space for enhancing the understanding of the pragmatic production of 3D (Chen et al. 2015). For instance, stereoscopic approaches makes the use of polarized eyewear and headgear to view the holograms that has been triumphant over the years however, there are persons who usually does not like wearing equipment above their eyes. This led to the introduction of Holography, which entirely differs, from the previous 3D imaging innovations.

With the help of auto stereoscopy, Microsoft holograms can be viewed without using the obstructive equipment. Such viewing not only helps in solving the problem but also helps in practical application of simulation viewing. Individuals viewing auto stereoscopic 3D image is completely diverse from others screening it. An additional requirement for holography is making the use of obstructive tool combining manoeuvring and obtaining the response of the 3D substance in space. The objective of this technology is to make the virtual world more realistic and interactive. Holography has the ability of providing storage data and currently it possess the ability of storing high dominated magnetic and optical data (Hoffman 2016). One of the advantage of making the use of holographic storage is that it helps in recording the information all through the quantity of the medium and it can also preserve the record of numerous images in the similar areas by using the light at diverse angles. The magnetic and optical storage devices help in recording the data in a liner fashion. Such kind of data storage helps in providing higher rate  of data transfer than the conventional procedures and reads millions of bits parallel.


Real world application: 

In the modern world there is a high definition projectors, special effects and CGI animations provides various use of the holograms applications. Apart from a real reflection of object coming into view on the plate of glass, today, video animation is directly represented on the chemically treated film with the help of high power HD projector (Garon et al. 2016). Because of this a distinct hologram projections appears and enables the light field to record and reconstruct. One of the very widely use of Holograms is the use is on the credit cards, debit cards and on the cards of memberships. It helps in offering supplementary security by reducing the counterfeiting.  Several companies make the use of holography in the areas of advertising and promotion. Holograms are very helpful in the medical surgery and in the areas of educations as well.

Application workings:

In 3D movies, the concept of stereoscopic provides a wisdom of depth and it is not considered as a parallax. If person moves, his head the subject view does not changes. Holograms provide a better experience of 3D for better parallel incorporation. During the early years of 1960 electrons were used to generate holograms and then later on lights because there was no such invention of laser (Vassallo et al. 2017). During photography, light rebounds and gets scattered around the subject along with this the intensity of light is encoded on the photographic plate. A hologram functions in the stated functions, initially a light beam laser is divided in two distinct beams namely the reference beams and the object beams.

The object of the beam is constructed in such manner that it can reflect the two objects that is produced in the photographic plate. In addition to this, a reference beam is reflected on the similar plate, which causes interference pattern amid both the beams and ultimately allows capturing the phase which is the property of light. The actual laser light and the same one is shone on the plate and this allows the turnaround of the complete procedure (Battista 2016). This helps in creation of the light, which originally bounces off the object and establishes a sensible practical object. A still hologram is created through this process.

Microsoft Holo Lens:

Unveiled in the event of Microsoft windows 10, the hololens took Microsoft in the planet of varied augmented reality. With the help of this device holograms can be mixed into the real world surroundings and helps in performing 3D mapping in a real time. Microsoft Hololens is made up of specialised elements and has the optical systems that work with the advance sensors. It is noteworthy to denote that the holographic processing units help in processing a huge quantity of information per second with large amount of terabytes in real time. With the help of HPU, it enables the Hololens to understand the signal where the individual is looking and then assess the surroundings. Microsfogt Holo Lens is passively cooled without fans and possess more computing power than the average laptop (Rauschnabel, Brem and Ro 2015). The Google glass is no more location informative and Microsoft holo lens is the only portable device, which possess the ability of doing so. It is capable of recognising touch; surround sounds without cables or establishing any link to phone or the computer. For example, an individual can Skype with anyone of their kitchen wall or may even gain control of the rover over the mars.

The accountabilities of Microsoft hololens are considered as infinite and there are certain disadvantages of the device as well. It is subjected to manipulation as well by possibly tapping on it and there is no other process of controlling the practical worlds as well. The display needs appropriate lighting and extent of the application is reliant on the app creators (Liang et al. 2015). With the introduction of Microsoft HoloLens the world is taking on the realism in three dimensions. An individual can have their desktop wherever they want and they can air tap to do skype as everthing is hands free.

The game: 

Microsoft Hololens has developed a mixed reality of platforms games, which is inspired by the popular learning games. The game provides a row of virtual agents with each approximately four inches tall and simply walks on the straight line before they fall off the surface to their deaths. The player of the game can intervene in two ways. At first, the player can place a physical box in front of the agents which again redirects the agents. Secondly, the player can place a physical coaster like pads that helps in launching over the gaps (Kim et al. 2016). Different kinds of jump pads help in jumping different distances and heights. The objective of the agents is to deliver from the starting location safely to home base. There are routes across the surface of the room commencing between any two points and some of them are relatively easier than others.

The procedural content generation algorithm has the accountability of providing the best game play experience to the players. The procedural content generation algorithm is responsible for generation of content algorithm than the virtual wall to constrain the player from certain routes. Unlike the mixed reality game Microsoft HoloLens games allows the players to control the motions in three dimensions and select the order to visit the surfaces. Microsoft Hololens mixed reality level generator constraints the player in operating on specified sequences of surfaces (Azad et al. 2015). By constraining, the user under the single sequence that crosses the physical furniture surfaces the algorithm enables the control of the length of the game play experience by creating rhythms or by challenging the progressions. The procedural content generates systems that first create a 3D model of the room where the player resides. The Microsoft Holo Lens makes the use of camera systems in order to identify the horizontal and the vertical surfaces. Each of the horizontal surfaces is represented within the form of node in the graph.

Edges are connected with the nodes wherever possible in order to transverse between the surfaces with or without the aid of the jump pad. Edges are annotated with the distance amid the closest points in the point cloud where each surface are detected. Microsoft Holo Lens provides gasification of tasks. The Microsoft HoloLens has the potential of turning tasks into game. It is noteworthy to denote that level of generation is the process of identifying the route across the surfaces which is considered as best in terms of the given set of criteria. Every pair of the Microsoft HoloLens surface is considered as the start goal since it lays down all the possible routes through the help of graph (Furlan 2016). The solutions for all the pairs are started and goals are noded according to the rankings evaluation functions. This kind of brute face approach is considered as appropriate for environments with the moderate amount of relatively sparsely furniture. On the other hand, for relatively denser environments the complexity may require the use of techniques possessing a genetic algorithm.

The Microsoft demo, gesture controlled 3D modelling software and Holo Notes for skype are all considered as augmented reality applications that creates a spark in the imagination. Holograms are regarded as Windows Universal Applications, which represents the terms used by Microsoft for applications working on any device of windows 10. The literature effectively displays that the future of holography as a technology is effectively considered as promising. Having being used in several fields the scope of the application is broadened to improve the quality of life.   

Annotated Bibliography

Augmented reality smart glasses: definition, conceptual insights, and managerial importance.Working paper, The University of Michigan-Dearborn, Tech. Rep

According to Rauschnabel, Brem and Ro (2015), this article is elaborating about the evolution and use of augmented reality based smart glasses. Authors of this article has elaborated that mobile devices are evolved for being used with respect to online activities. According to different perspectives of authors in this article this is being highlighted that one new technology has been invented for managing various mobile activities during this technical advanced era. This technology has named as “Wearable Augmented Reality Devices”. The smart glasses represented as Microsoft Hololens or Google Glass that are used for being connected to the web services. The author stated within this article that Smart Glasses offers much potential for companies as well as societies to make new connections with web services such as social networking sites (Facebook, Instagram etc.), information sharing medium etc. According to various researches done by different researchers as well as authors of this article highlights that Microsoft hololens have recently gained competitive advantage within their target market as this is considered as one of the most efficient virtual reality based devices that captures as well as processes the physical environment of the users with respect to their needs and demands. The authors of this article are also presenting different gaps for using this technology through social media other web mediums.

Transforming the World using Holograms.marketing,6, p.7

According to Chaudhari, Lakhani and Deulkar (2015), this article is elaborating about the significance of holograms involved within the technical era of development. The author of this article has highlighted the technical use of Holographic projections within their research work. Additionally, the research work presented within this article shows the relevance of technology to the production of holograms. In addition to this, the authors have introduced the evolution of Microsoft Hololens for implementation of web technology within different technical usages over the world. According to research work presented within this article this aspect is also highlighted that holography is the science and practice related holograms. This is nothing but the result of an interference patterns introduced by significant light beams. Henceforth, the author ended up with this fact that this phenomenon requires the use of laser light that illuminates the object involved and then only the hologram can be viewed. The authors of this article presented this fact that there is an crucial advantage of holography that is reveals the microscopic details of the concerned object or subject. 3D holographic displays provide realistic images which can be used for various significant purposes involved within the technical era of development. The authors of this article also have stated that these pictures or pictorial representations collected from holograms can be used for further future development related to holographic development.

Procedural Level Generation for Augmented Reality Games

According to Azad et al. (2015), this article is elaborating about procedural level generation for augmented reality games. In addition to this, the authors of this article are elaborating about mixed reality games that consist of virtual graphical assets that are generally overlaid on physical world. The authors of this article are highlighting the importance and use of Microsoft Hololens within the use of procedural game evolutions within the technical era. In addition to this, there are various significant graphical displays that are used for making the gaming displays more attractive in comparison with other game designs. The authors of this article have put more focus on the user interfaces that uses Microsoft Hololens for attracting the users those who love to play game.  In addition to these descriptions about procedural gaming conventions and processes the Microsoft Hololens plays a great role in making this gaming standards and functionalities more popular and efficient. The authors have elaborated that the VR and MR concepts have attracted the customers of procedural games as they have implemented augmented reality with respect to Hololens within their gaming standards and functionalities. According to the descriptions provided by the authors in this article this is identified that the physical movement, surface layer of gaming conventions and target orientations are mandatory element to be managed by the gamers which can be easily done through the holographic concepts.

Integration of Leap Motion Controller on Mobile Devices for AR Applications(Doctoral dissertation, Rochester Institute of Technology)

According to Huang (2016), this article is elaborating about integration leap motion controller placed on mobile devices for augmented reality based applications. The article is elaborating about the functionalities offered by magnetic variations introduced by the AR interfaces. The authors focused on this fact the interactions included within the communication measures are performed with respect to attractive interface designs that can be managed with respect to different Microsoft Hololens or Google glasses. In addition to this, this article has elaborated about the control of cell phones through the Microsoft Hololens involved within the system architecture of communication measures that are used while managing augmented reality and VR. In addition to this, the authors of this article also elaborating about the augmented reality and its significant aspects that needs to be managed with respect to various functional aspects involved within communication measures managed by Augmented Reality perspectives. Hololens are one of the most efficient devices that can be used for smart communication perspective. The author of this article also mentioned that, hololens are being used for efficient devices for monitoring motion controlling of remote devices involved within AR domains as one technical innovations and functional interventions.

Survey on Converting the Virtual Reality toAugmented Reality through Holograms. Volume 4, No.5, p-32-36

According to Bhardwaj, Muneshwaraand and Dr. G.N (2017), this article is elaborating about the survey conducted for analyzing virtual reality to augmented reality through the holograms. The authors of this article have elaborated about the evolutionary measures incorporated within the technical era of development which is entirely related to the Microsoft Hololens. In addition to this, the article is also providing the concepts of virtual reality that is not only considered within invention of holograms but also implemented within holography for managing VR and AR applications available all around the world. In addition to this, the authors of this article has been highlighted the functional benefits of Holograms and hololens that are developed for managing holography measures included within the technical development of hololens. In addition to this, the authors have presented different features and functionalities of hololens involved within the significant development of holograms. The article is also elaborating about computer aided designs and standards important for developing Hololens ad holographs within the technical domain of operations.

A railroad for structural bioinformatics towards advanced cancer research.PeerJ Preprints,5, p.e2960v1.

According to Prakaash et al. (2017), technology has become one efficient tools for managing technical development within significant areas of development. The authors of this article has elaborated about the implementation of the virtual reality measures that are taken into account for managing significant development within the functional areas of implementation related to the development of structural bioinformatics involved and introduced within this article with respect to different functional and important aspects related to the bioinformatics within this article. In addition to this, this article is also elaborating about the issues and functional problems that are evolved due to the introduction of different unethical and wrong measures that are included within the healthcare industry. In addition to this, this article is also focusing on the VR associated technology such as Microsoft Hololens which is used for monitoring the functionalities of the operations of the patients involved within the system architecture introduced within the functional areas of development related to the bioinformatics. The authors stated within this article that the functional issues and problems involved within the system architecture of the bioinformatics can be resolved with respect to the functional system architecture of the bioinformatics involved within the technological development.

Digital academia: How higher education is affected by digital technology.

According to Eriksmo and Sundberg (2016), this article is elaborating about the how the digital innovations and technology is affecting the education system architecture with respect to its functional and fundamental needs involved within the system architecture of the education system architecture or present education system. The authors of this article is explaining this fact that there are various functional advantages and benefits involved within the development of digital technology and advancement of the digital innovations involved within the system architecture of the technical innovations. In addition to this, the authors have highlighted this fact that there are various functional areas of development invoked the education system architecture with respect to various functional disadvantages of the virtual technological innovations involved within the technical era of development. In addition to this, there are various other approaches and functionalities involved within the significant areas of learning and teaching stuffs involved within the considered areas of development. This paper is highlighting the applications of hololens within the era of modern and automatic educations system architecture development and deployment within the organizational structure as well as culture that manages the functional specifications involved within the system architectural development. The authors of this article are concerned about the functional aspects involved within the education system architecture within high schools and education centres.

Augmented and virtual reality in surgery—the digital surgical environment: applications, limitations and legal pitfalls.Annals of translational medicine,4(23).

According to Khor et al. (2016), this article is elaborating about the use of virtual reality within the surgeries involved within the healthcare industry with respect to various functional as well as non-functional aspects involved within the system architecture of the healthcare organization. In addition to this, the authors of this article is also presenting information about significant development of the digital innovation within the world of technical innovation for managing significant development of the use of Microsoft hololens within the world of virtual reality involved within the system architecture of the technological world of development. Microsoft Hololens and Augmented reality are interlinked with each other with respect to different functional measures that are taken into account for implementing the concepts of hololens within the technical world of innovations and development within healthcare organizations. The authors have stated that the concept of anatomy, surgery and other functional aspects needs to be managed and functionally analyzed with respect to different areas of operations within the organizational structure of the organization. Therefore, one aspect is clear from all of these descriptions presented within this article that virtual reality and augmented reality plays a great role in solving the issues and functional issues that are introduced within the healthcare industry due to malpractices or wrong measures taken into account within the organizations.


According to Lites (2015), this article is elaborating about the use of internet of things for status monitoring aspects involved within any research processes and functional measures. In addition to this, the article is also elaborating about the use of augmented reality such as Google glass and Microsoft Hololens for managing the interface usability as well as the utilization of VR and AR for healthcare and other technical advancements included within the system architecture of functional areas of development within the organizations. In addition to this,, there are various functional and segmental areas of development within the augmented and virtual reality segments that can only be managed and improvised within the system architecture and infrastructure of the organizations an industry segments that are using these technical advancements for managing their developmental concerns and demands raised through the system architectural development of virtual technology within different established organizations and functional areas of development. In addition to this information, this article is also elaborating about the codes behind the code interfaces and functional aspects involved within the system architecture of developing the glasses such as Microsoft Hololens and Google Glass. These hololens can be used for managing improvising segments within different organizations and the authors of this article indicated that the functional development of technology is entirely dependent on the development of augmented reality and virtual reality technology.

Kurillo, G., Yang, A.Y. and Bajcsy, R., 2016. 3D Telepresence for Reducing Transportation Costs.

According to Kurillo et al.  (2016), this article is elaborating about the interrelations in between two significant aspects, such as teleimmersion and augmented reality. The virtual reality is considered as an effective and important for managing the development within the era of technical development within the areas of virtual and augmented reality introduced within the technical development concern and contexts. In addition to this, the authors of this article has also managed and introduced so many new concepts and functionalities that are managed and included within this development of virtual and augmented reality which helped the reduction in transportation cost involved within any system architecture.  The authors of this article is highlighting the functionalities that are managed and arranged with respect to the dependent sources involved within virtual technological innovations and functionalities that manages the development concern for technological innovations and functional implementation within the system architecture of the organization.


Azad, S., Saldanha, C., Gan, C.H. and Riedl, M.O., 2015. Procedural Level Generation for Augmented Reality Games.           

Battista, J., 2016. NSWCPD Experimenting with Augmented Reality Technology to Improve Shipboard Damage Control. Naval Engineers Journal, 128(4), pp.27-28.

Bhardwaj S., Muneshwara M.S and Dr. G.N. A., 2017. Survey on Converting the Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality through Holograms. Volume 4, No.5, p-32-36

Chen, H., Lee, A.S., Swift, M. and Tang, J.C., 2015, October. 3D collaboration method over HoloLens™ and Skype™ end points. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Immersive Media Experiences (pp. 27-30). ACM.

Cui, N., Kharel, P. and Gruev, V., 2017, February. Augmented reality with Microsoft HoloLens Holograms for Near Infrared Fluorescence Based Image Guided Surgery. In Proc. of SPIE Vol (Vol. 10049, pp. 100490I-1).

Eriksmo, A. and Sundberg, J., 2016. Digital academia: How higher education is affected by digital technology.

Furlan, R., 2016. The future of augmented reality: Hololens-Microsoft's AR headset shines despite rough edges [Resources_Tools and Toys]. IEEE Spectrum, 53(6), pp.21-21.  

Garon, M., Boulet, P.O., Doironz, J.P., Beaulieu, L. and Lalonde, J.F., 2016, September. Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens. In Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2016 IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 189-191). IEEE.

Hoffman, M.A., 2016. The future of three-dimensional thinking. Science, 353(6302), pp.876-876.

Khor, W.S., Baker, B., Amin, K., Chan, A., Patel, K. and Wong, J., 2016. Augmented and virtual reality in surgery—the digital surgical environment: applications, limitations and legal pitfalls. Annals of translational medicine, 4(23).

Kim, K., Bruder, G., Maloney, D. and Welch, G., 2016. The Influence of Real Human Personality on Social Presence with a Virtual Human in Augmented Reality.

Kurillo, G., Yang, A.Y. and Bajcsy, R., 2016. 3D Telepresence for Reducing Transportation Costs.

Liang, H., Yuan, J., Thalmann, D. and Thalmann, N.M., 2015, October. Ar in hand: Egocentric palm pose tracking and gesture recognition for augmented reality applications. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia (pp. 743-744). ACM.


Prakaash, D., Kodagahally, R.R. and Honnaiah, M., 2017. Virtual reality: a railroad for structural bioinformatics towards advanced cancer research. PeerJ Preprints, 5, p.e2960v1.

Rauschnabel, P.A., Brem, A. and Ro, Y., 2015. Augmented reality smart glasses: definition, conceptual insights, and managerial importance. Working paper, The University of Michigan-Dearborn, Tech. Rep.

Taylor, A.G., 2016. Develop Microsoft HoloLens Apps Now.

Vassallo, R., Rankin, A., Chen, E.C. and Peters, T.M., 2017, March. Hologram stability evaluation for Microsoft (R) HoloLensTM. In SPIE Medical Imaging (pp. 1013614-1013614). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

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