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Free Sample on Center For Advanced Surgery


Task 1: Evaluation of personal skills required to achieve strategic goals of the organization by applying the Johari Window Questionnaire

Task 2: Skills audit to evaluate the strategic skills needed to meet current and future leadership requirements

Task 3: Personal development plan



In order to conduct the given three tasks, the chosen organization is the Center for Advanced Surgery, UK. The organization is one of the best healthcare institutions that provide healthcare services to its clients, particularly in the surgical department.

Task 1.

With reference to the provided Johari Window scoring sheet, the values attained against each of 20 questions have been recorded in the following tables. The ratings have been done as suggested in the provided information (Armstrong, Tucker and Massad, 2009).

Question No.































































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Besides Johari Window, some of the performance appraisal approaches may be used such as 360 degree feedback, appraisal report, etc to evaluate personal skills.

360 degree feedback – This enables proving of required information and feedback from superiors, subordinates, and peers. This ensures complete information about an individual.

Performance appraisal test – This provides outcome of individual performance and highlights the potentials and weaknesses of an individual.

Assessment Centres – This approach gives thorough assessing of the personal traits of an individual and it acts as an suthentic source of information about employee performances.

The chosen industry is the healthcare sector and the professional field is surgical department. The organization to be highlighted upon is the Center for Advanced Surgery. It aims at planning and documenting skills of its employees by means of the applied technique of Johari Window. The above approach is useful at evaluating the personal skills required to achieve strategic goals. As analyzed by the approach it is observed that the organizational is heading towards the consistent development (Armstrong, Tucker and Massad, 2009). The managers at the organization are intricately engaged in leading the organization towards achieving all its strategic goals. For any strategic manager, it is essentially important to develop personal skills for achieving strategic goals since it is associated with setting of goals and team effort is required to attain this. So, a strategic manager needs personal skills so as to ensure proper functioning of the team members. With reference to the given organization of Center for Advanced Surgery, the managers are aware of their key attributes but need to practically apply the skills. After applying the approach of Johari Window, several professional skills that would be recommended for the mentioned organization are:

Communication skills – The managers at the healthcare organization must possess effective communication skills because they are required to communicate with their team members extensively on a regular basis. They are in such profession that demands increased level of interaction with organizational people, staffs, clients, suppliers, and most importantly patients and their families (Chen and Shen, 2004). A manager is not just responsible in directing the organization towards successful path, but also motivates the members to achieve the pre-established goals, missions, and objectives. They must know the exact choice of communicating media to make the best use of the system. Their communication skills should be such that these must cast a positive impact upon all the other members within the organization.

Problem-solving skills – This skill would allow the managers of the healthcare organization to analyze problems, recognize them, evaluate the impacts, and choose the best solution. In the field of healthcare services, often situations arise where problems of various sort arises and so the managers are required to solve them instantly. So, this skill is essential.

Creativity – The managers at the Center for Advanced Surgery need to have creativity for establishing structure and make it as flexible as possible so as to change according to the environment. Creative managers would enable enhanced solving of organizational problems.

Leadership skills–The managers at the organization need to have leadership skills for directing the entire organization towards a path of assured success. These set of skills give the managers the extra potential to manage the team members effectively and motivate them to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

Planning skills – The strategic managers are ought to possess effective skills of planning while formulating strategies to direct the organization. The concept of strategic planning refers to the means of identifying strategic guidance, and also key managerial decisions.

Motivational skills – Although the managers at the mentioned organization are well aware of the importance of motivating the employees, yet they are required to practically apply the approach. Motivation encourages the employees to strive and achieve organizational objectives.

Delegating skills–By this skill, the managers know how to decentralize the whole work to lower levels as get it done effectively on time (Chen and Shen, 2004). Delegation of work means not just passing on the work from one to another, but rather it identifies the best individual to accomplish the task. The managers at the mentioned organization must be increasingly careful about delegating jobs to members.


For any strategic manager, it is essentially important to develop personal skills for achieving strategic goals since it is associated with setting of goals and team effort is required to attain this. So, a strategic manager needs personal skills so as to ensure proper functioning of the team members.The managers at the organization need to have leadership skills for directing the entire organization towards a path of assured success. These set of skills give the managers the extra potential to manage the team members effectively and motivate them to achieve organizational goals and objectives.Although the managers at the mentioned organization are well aware of the importance of motivating the employees, yet they are required to practically apply the approach.

Task 2.

The technique of personal skills audit refers to the reconsideration of all existing skills that are generally required at present and also at the future situations for the benefit of the organization. These are aligned with the national occupational standard for management and leadership skills. Personal skills audit enables ensures that an individual is well aware of all the potential skills and competencies of an individual so as to utilize these in the accomplishments of the organizational goals and objectives. The process of personal skills audit comprises of five stages.

Stages of Personal Skills Audit:

  • Identification of existing skills as well as knowledge
  • Identification of future skills as well as knowledge
  • Rating the abilities  (Armstrong, Tucker and Massad, 2009)
  • Reviewing rating abilities
  • Future development

In the first stage of identification of all existing skills, I need to identify and determine all the skills required for a particular job work. This can be done by gathering information about respective job positions. This helps in establishing suitable job description. In the second stage of the process, all skills and competencies that are required in the future are identified so as to work upon the achievement of those skills and abilities(Adair and Allen, 2003). The third stage ensures rating of the acquired skills as strong, weak, or somewhere in the middle. A five-point scale may also be used in this case. Once ratings have been done, it may be reviewed properly by a superior or an instructor. Reviewing of ratings is necessary as this provides useful feedback on the ratings system. The final stage is that of utilizing the gathered information for giving due attention towards developing the skill and information areas wherever possible(The key relationships between commitment, expectancy motivation and job satisfaction, 2007).

Another more effective way to conduct a skills audit is by creating three bullet point lists – Behavioral skills, technical knowledge and skills, and other knowledge and skills.

Behavioral skills – These refers to the transferable personal as well as interpersonal skills that are required in almost every career. These include skills of communication, team work, solving problems, time management, mathematical skills, managing tasks, applying initiative, self management and development, etc  (Alsop, 2000).

Technical knowledge and skills – These refer to specific scientific areas of employment. For instance in the given organization Center for Advanced Surgery, technical skills refer to the particular skills that are attributed to in the respective job environment. In order to continue with a particular post, some definite skills are necessary to be familiar with.

The learning style questionnaire has been rated and the values from the analysis state that the type of leadership style acquired is that of activist. Being an integral part of the organization, it is important to assess the type of learning that would be preferred to plan respective professional development (Armstrong, Tucker and Massad, 2009). The learning styles were developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford. There are basically four different types of learning styles identified them: Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and Reflector.

 From the analysis of the provided learning style questionnaire, the scores suggest that the learning style preferred is activist. Activists are the individuals who learn greatly from various activities. They attempt to experience everything first hand. Activists are usually open-minded and prefer learning constantly. Some of the attributes of these individuals are practical, action-oriented, are keen to experiment, deeply involved with activities, and aspire to learn more and more  (Alsop, 2000). They pursue brainstorming, problem-solving, group discussions, puzzles, competitions, and also role-playing. In the context to healthcare set up, it is essential for the managers to be an absolute activist. It is because of the nature of the activists to attempt and experience first-hand. Besides, theorists are learners who seek for understanding the theory behind the actions. They usually prefer analyzing and synthesizing and drawing latest information into a systematic as well as logical theory. Pragmatists are ones who require experimentations of ideas and concepts to see if they work. They are much practical and possess better understanding of reality. Lastly, reflectors are the ones who learn by observations. They prefer standing back and experiencing the whole thing.

As referred to in this report, the organization Center for Advanced Surgery is a place where the managers at various levels are bestowed with increased responsibilities of managing teams of organizational members. They are greatly involved in new experiences with open-mindedness and eager to conduct something new and different. They prefer involving and engaging themselves on a constant basis to experience the new with wider arms, so as to lead the other members effectively and motivate them to achieve organizational goals.

As identified by the learning style scoring sheet, my preferred style is activist. On account of the special attributes of this style, I thoroughly enjoy working in teams and to extract attention from each of the participating members. In the field of surgery, I like experiencing and learning new things. This gives me a lot of freedom to take up my projects in the organization and accomplish them successfully. I thoroughly enjoy the responsibilities of being an operational manager at the organization. In regard to this learning style of mine, the strengths and weaknesses are summarized below:


·         Flexible as well as open-minded

·         New experiences

·         Optimistic approach and views

·         Opportunities of growth (Bush, 2008)


·         Tendency to take up immediate action without planned thoughts

·         Take up risks needlessly

·         Indulge in actions without much preparation

·         Get tired with consolidation



While evaluating current skills as well as competencies, these are based upon my personal experiences to a great extent. Considering the skills audit, when I gain knowledge it is mainly about better professional development like team work, motivation, communication, and leadership that would guide better work standards for future. This would guide the organization towards better performance as well. So, with the undertaking of such a program, I am achieving personal as well as professional skills. This would enable me to support henceforth work environment of my organization.

Identifying developments requirement may be quite inspiring in every individual. While assessing the development needs, it is dependent upon training as well as development programs. Annual Review may be considered a very casual way to deliberate development needs with the line manager (Armstrong, Tucker and Massad, 2009). It is used to measure the different roles and aspirations of personal development.

Skills audit highlights the present skills and also those required to develop one’s career. The technique of skills audit enables me to identify my skills for achieving new assigned responsibilities for a successful career growth. While considering the personal as well as professional development, these are to be based on the individual needs. There are various types of needs towards this respect:

  • The personal as well as professional development enables reflection on training as well as development requirements identified in appraisal through these processes. So identification of training needs also form an important part.
  • Number of needs may not relate effort of the learner. So duty is to be identified by means of the developmental plan.
  • Factors that have positive impacts on motivation are defined within the development plan.

Considering the skills audit, when I gain knowledge it is mainly about better professional development like team work, motivation, communication, and leadership that would guide better work standards for future. This would guide the organization towards better performance as well.It is significant to have prescribed developmental needs prior to annual review meeting is held since this would make the most of the discussion (Whalley, 2009). I attempted to develop by reading more books, articles, newspapers, journals, magazines that contribute adequately in acquiring developmental skills.

Task 3.

My personal career plan process has been moving from development to service provision. The personal as well as professional development plan needs the implementation of individual task as educational as well as career goals for achieving performance objectives. With reference to the skills that are determined earlier by means of skills audit, the process may be used in developing a suitable personal development plan that meets the leadership requirements. My personal and professional development plan suggests the following:

  • I must keep my skills as well as knowledge about by professional field updated on a regular basis (Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell, 2007).
  • I need to be aware of all relevant guidelines as well as developments which may impact upon my work.
  • I must regularly participate in various activities in my profession for maintaining and developing personal competencies as well as performance.
  • The codes of practices relevant to work must be abided by me.

Team player and strong determination


In an organization it is important to work with teams in a cohesive manner to get work accomplished

·         Constant interaction with seniors, subordinates and peers

·         Planning my personal goals to achieve the given tasks

Support from superiors, managers, and peers are essential. A clear understanding of job responsibility is required.

The tables of strength and weaknesses have been provided in the appendix.

Impacts of Learning in achieving strategic goals:

Positive Impacts:

Communication skills are the most significant positive impact. It is useful at every level of our accomplishments. In my professional field, communication skill is greatly helpful to conduct interactions with clients, staffs, and patients on a regular basis (Earley and Bubb, 2004). Time management is an essential requisite as this enables managing and accomplishing tasks on due time which enhances effectiveness. When objectives are determined, it is to be remembered that goals may of two types – short term and long term. Short term goals refer to those that may be achieved in short duration of time (Dupuy, 2011). These provide benefits to the organization for some time. On the other hand, long term goals refer to those that provides benefits to the organization in the long run or in near future. The managers at the organization need to have leadership skills for directing the entire organization towards a path of assured success. These set of skills give the managers the extra potential to manage the team members effectively and motivate them to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Delegation of work means not just passing on the work from one to another, but rather it identifies the best individual to accomplish the task (Chen and Shen, 2004).

Negative Impacts:

Negative impacts reflect that excessive information may ruin the steady progression of the planning and implementation procedure. Also, unavailability of adequate training and knowledge may lead to delayed accomplishment of organizational objectives and goals.


Adair, J. and Allen, M. (2003). The concise time management and personal development. London: Thorogood.

Alsop, A. (2000). Continuing professional development. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

Are your executives committed to achieving your learning goals?: The key relationships between commitment, expectancy motivation and job satisfaction. (2007). Development and Learning in Organizations, 21(5), pp.33-34.

Armstrong, G., Tucker, J. and Massad, V. (2009). Achieving Learning Goals with Student-Created Podcasts. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 7(1), pp.149-154.

Bush, T. (2008). Leadership and management development in education. London: Sage Publications.

Chen, A. and Shen, B. (2004). A web of achieving in physical education: Goals, interest, outside-school activity and learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 14(3), pp.169-182.

Dupuy, B. (2011). CLIL: Achieving its goals through a multiliteracies framework. laclil, 4(2), pp.21-32.

Earley, P. and Bubb, S. (2004). Leading and managing continuing professional development. London: P. Chapman.

Gold, J., Thorpe, R. and Mumford, A. (2010). Gower handbook of leadership and management development. Burlington, VT: Gower.

Megginson, D. and Whitaker, V. (2007). Continuing professional development. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

Miller, R. (2002). A Prototype Skills Audit for Marketing Communications Professionals. Marketing Theory, 2(4), pp.419-428.

Olugbode, M., Richards, R. and Biss, T. (2007). The role of information technology in achieving the organisation's strategic development goals: A case study. Information Systems, 32(5), pp.641-648.

Open source threat management appliance line launched. (2005). Infosecurity Today, 2(1), p.6.

Panova, (2009). Realization of integral model of personal and professional development in system of improvement of professional skills at different stages of life. Uchenyezapiskiuniversitetaimeni P.F. Lesgafta, (53).

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T. (2004). A manager's guide to leadership. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Pedler, M., Burgoyne, J. and Boydell, T. (2007). A manager's guide to self-development. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.

Whalley, W. (2009). Establishing a skills and employability audit and some devices for establishing skills in the syllabus. Planet, (21), pp.56-62.


www.businesslink.gov.uk Interactive tools for creating a personal

development plan through assessmentof management and leadership skills

www.cipd.co.uk Chartered Institute of Personnel andDevelopment

www.managementhelp.org Articles on leadership development

planning and self-assessments forpersonal and professional development

www.management-standards.org.uk Chartered Management Institute

www.mindtools.com Time-management tools and activitylogs

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