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Ethical Issues in ABC Company-Free-Samples

Discuss about the Ethical Issues in your chosen Organization.



The ABC company is estimated that the target of the company can be achieved if all the workers work for the daily 8 hours shift. However, doing unpaid overtime has become the culture of the company, and higher authorities are well aware of this practice. However, this practice needs to be evaluated as workers are working overtime and they are not paid for their extra contribution. The paper estimates the ethical dilemma associated with this practice through the analysis of the framework.








Benefits of this action?


The company is gaining more productivity with paying extra money to the workers.

The employees are not getting any benefits from this action.

The public group is not getting any benefits from this action, as the company is making profit from the unpaid overtime of the employees.

The industry is getting benefits from the respective company, as the company is serving the industry with more productivity with less cost.

The clients of the organization are getting lots of benefits from the organization, as the organization is serving the clients with more productivity in less time.

Harm caused by this action?


The company is not facing any harm from this action.

The employees are spending much the , which exceeds their working shift. Their extra contributions are not getting paid, and working for the extra hours are affecting their work life balance.

Public group is affected negatively by the action of the company

There is not harm occur for the industry.

The clients are getting quality service from the organization in less time, so they are not affected negatively from this action.

The effect on company:

The above table has two attributes and their effects on the five stakeholders associated with the business of the company. The company is aware of the unpaid overtime done by the workers. This payable over time of the workers are helping the company to gain more profit wit using less manpower and less cost. These are increasing the profit margin of the company. The ethical dilemma arises when the matter can be seen from the perspectives of other stakeholders.

The effect on employees:

The employees are working after their shift time, and they are doing this to assure their job security. According to Åkerstedt and Kecklund (2017), this article this behaviour indicates that the company policy is not sustainable enough and is not employee friendly. The theory of the company plays a vital role in the growth of the company. This bad human resource policy can lead to the internal conflict. The company is gaining a lot of profit from the overtime of the employees. However, the benefits they are winning is on the short-term basis. The Bohle (2016) states that the internal conflict and gradual increase of the dissatisfaction of employees can bring down the productivity of the company. The company may face other legal issues regarding the labour law.

Problems on both long term and short term basis:

The workers are working for the extra hours. The work life balance of the employees is not justified. According to Ciocchetti ( 2016), it can be said, due to the improper between family time and the working hour, the working quality of the worker may go down. The decreasing level of the class will hamper the productivity of the company. The company can face problem in the long run. The long  term and short-term impact of doing overtime will affect the personal lives of the employees. However, the company can achieve a significant profit margin. However, this practice will make the company face lots of problems related to productivity and the human resource management in the long-term basis.


Effect on people:

Another stakeholder involved in this process is people. The people will be affected negatively by the working for the overtime. The practice is not sustainable for the people. According to the ACS code of professional conduct, the people should be benefited from the action or the exercise of getting a chance to improve the skills and enhancement of the quality of life. Any practice should not harm the physical and mental health of people. The method of doing overtime is hampering the health of the people working in the company. Apart from that, it is becoming a constraint in the development of skills and the quality of life of the workers.

Effect on industry:

The nature of working for the extra hours is adding the flow of productivity in the industry. The industry is getting benefits from the com[any. The increased productivity with the quality is making the company to hold a good position in the industry, and the competition is growing. In this situation, according to Clarke and Boersma (2017), the company may enjoy the excellent position in the market, however, due to the internal conflicts the company may lose its place in the market. The Cousino and Mednick (2016) article state that, during the downfall of the company for the internal conflicts, there is no such trend that the industry supports that company by its past goodwill.


Effects on clients:

Clients are one of the critical stakeholders in the process. The increased productivity of the company helps the clients to get the most sorted out services in a short time span. This can increase the goodwill and brand value of the company on the short-term basis. However, it can be indicated that due to the policy of the organization internal conflicts may arise and the productivity of the company may reduce in future, at that moment, according to Ko, Chin and Hsu (2018) the clients will find another substitute of the company.








Benefits if this action is Universalised?

If the action of doing unpaid overtime is universalised, all the companies will apply this rule to the employees in order to increase the productivity and the selling margin.

The staffs and the individuals of all the companies will have to serve unpaid overtime, none of them will gain any benefit from the universalised of this action.

The public will not get any benefit if the universalization of this practice takes place.

The clients will get the continuous benefits from this action.

The industry will be benefited as this practice will hep to make the market more competitive, which will lead to the more options for innovation.

Harm if the action is universalised?

The organization will not face any harm in this case.

The individual and the staffs will be the most affected stakeholders if this action is taken place. All the workers have to work for the unpaid overtime.

The public will be affected badly as the this practice will lead them to the mental stress.

The clients will not get affected b y this action

The industry will not be affected by this action.


Contradiction If universalized?

It is true that most of the companies are focus on the profit margin. However, some of the companies can take initiatives for the welfare of employees by maintain the working shifts. In  that cases they may have the different plans for increasing the profit margin through better human and resource management. In that case, the universal action for doing overtime may not be followed

In case, if the company, the employees or the individual working for, impliments the different working policy , in that case  the employees and the individual may have to do the work within the working shifts.

The people will be affected positively and negatively depending on the different working policies of the different companies.

The clients may get mixed result in this case

Similarly, the industry will get the mixed result.

The organization:

The universal practice of this practice will help to gain all the companies around the world to achieve a right margin of the profit. However, the gaining of the benefit will happen on the short-term basis. The universal application of this practice will not harm them on the short-term basis. However, the productivity of the company may be decreased in the long term, which can affect the companies badly. According to the Khamisa et al.,(2016) in some instances some of the companies may adopt different human resource policies to meet the productivity level of the company. In that case, the company may permit the workers to work only within the shift hours. The universal application of the unpaid overtime will not allow this practice. On the other hand, many companies may want to provide the extra money to do extra work, which can motivate the employees. The universal application will not permit this either.

The individual staffs:

The personal team of every company has to do unpaid overtime in case id this practice is universal. The workers will be much more affected in the short-term and long-term basis. The working for the overtime will hamper their work-life balance. According to Kang, Matusik and Barclay (2017), some companies adopt a different policy that does not allow workers to work for overtime, in that case, the contradiction may happen. In that case, the working condition for different individuals from the various organizations will be different.


The public:

The universal adaptation of this practice will affect mostly the people. The people will not get a chance for the self-development. Working for the extra time will become stressful for them and will not give them an opportunity for the self-development. The people will not get any benefit from this practice. Moreover, they will become the victim of the system, as, according to the ACS code of professional conduct the people is the most critical stakeholder in this process.

The client:

According to Johnson (2017), the client will enjoy a win-win situation if the universal adoption of the unpaid overtime policy is taken in to the account. They will receive the high quality of service from the most of the organizations. This will make the market competitive. The Imeri et al.  (2016) states the relation between the competition in the market and the change of the price. According to this article, it can be assumed that the increase of the game in the market will lower down the cost of the services, which will be beneficial for the clients.  The clients will enjoy this advantage for both long term and short term basis. In case, if the contradiction happens in a matter for the different adaptation of the policies in different companies, the clients will not suffer any problem in getting the service.


The industry:

According to Hanson and Mautz (2015), the industry will face the mixed result in the universal adaptation of the practice. However, this will not affect the production in short-term basis, because according to Guido (2014), the change in the policy for some of the organization will not give a significant impact on the industry. However, changes can be seen in the long-term basis.

Frame work

The organisation selling products and services

The individual/staff

The public

The clients

Industry or Profession

Used as means of end, Violating their rights

The organization will not see the action as the violation of the rights

The individual staffs will see this action as the violation of the rights

The public will take this action as the violation of the rights.

The clients may not consider this as the violation of rights as they are the major stakeholders who are getting the benefits.

For the industry this will not be violation of the rights.

Frame work

The organisation selling products and services

The individual/staff

The public

The clients

Industry or Profession

Violating rights, seen as unjust (to powerless), action-taker has morepower?

The violation of the rights is happening in this practice. The organization is the implementer of this practice. However, the organization may  have the manpower but dong unethical thing by the  company may not be supported by the  most of the people.

The individual staff  will regarded this practice as unjust.

To the people the this practice will be regarded as  unjust

The clients will be the one who will get benefited from this practice. To them this will not be a unjust practice.

The industry will not take this practice as  unjust as this practice will make the industry profitable.

The organization:

According to Enderle (2015), most of the organizations may not see the doing unpaid overtime as the violation of the rights, as the primary objective of the company is to achieve the maximum profit. The organizations have the workforce; however, according to the Dessler, Cole and Chhinzer (2015), it is not assured that most of the people will support the unethical practices of the company.

The employees:

The employees will see this practice as unethical

The people:

This practice will be seen as immoral practice for the people as it does not support any sustainability.

The clients:

The clients are the minor decision maker in this case, as they are only concerned with getting the service.

The industry:

The industry will not consider this practice as unethical, as this practice will help to achieve the industry to achieve its objective.


Frame work

Organisation selling products and services






Benefits if this actions

High profit

No benefits

No benefits

Get huge benefits by getting the services done in the right time.

Gets huge benefits

Not ethical

Harms caused by this action

No harm

The most affected stakeholders in the process

Affected negatively

No harm

No harm

Not ethical

Benefits if this action is Universalised?

Het a huge amount of profit

Will become main victim of the process

Will be the suffer in this system

No harm

No harm

Not ethical

Harm if the action is universalised?

No harm

The work life balance will be hampered, will suffer from stress

The personal development and the quality of life will be suspended.

No harm

No harm

Not ethical

Contradiction If universalized

Some company may adopt worker friendly policy

Some of the employees will get good working life.

The people will face a mixed effect of the contradiction

No harm

No harm in short term

Not ethical

Used as means of end, Violating their rights

Will not see this action as the violation of the rule

Will be act of violating the rights

Will be act of violating the rights

Will not see this action as the violation of the rule

Will not see this action as the violation of the rule

Not ethical

Violating rights, seen as unjust (to powerless), action-taker has more power?

Company has more power, but the unethical act will not be approves by the majority

Employees will referred this act as unethical

People will referred this act as unethical

Client may not be the important decision maker in this case.

Will not see this action as the violation of the rule







Client may not be the important decision maker in this case.



It can be said from the above discussion and analysis , that the practice of doing unpaid overtime will is not an ethical practice. This will bring profit for the com[any in short term basis, however, this is not a sustainable practice and company can face difficulties for this kind of practice. It is recommended that the company needs to refine the working policy and maintain the shift hour. In case if the overtime is needed to be done the company can provide extra money for the extra working hours.


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