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El4001 : Business Personal Development Assessment Answers


The self-awareness report is designed to be a practical exercise with personal benefits – a real-life self-management strategy to assist you in obtaining a suitable employment position and developing your career. This report should demonstrate a solid self-awareness and discuss your career-related strengths and weaknesses.

You discussion should focus on the Organisational Behaviour (OB) factors discussed in this unit.

1.0 Introduction

Ensure that you write an introduction for this assignment. The Academic Skills Quick Guides will provide you with a reminder on what should be contained in an introduction.

2.0 Self-awareness

2.1 Personality
What insights have you obtained about your personality, for example from the Myers- Briggs Type Indicator and/or the Big Five personality model?

2.2 Values and Motivators
What are your most important attitudes, values and motivators? 

2.3 Emotional intelligence
What are your emotional intelligence abilities?
2.4 Leadership
What is your leadership aspiration and potential (or demonstrated ability)? 
2.5 Power and Politics
What are your approaches to power, politics and influence?
3.0 Decision making and planning

Refer to the literature on Problem Solving and Decision Making (Topic 7) and critically evaluate how an understanding of these theories can be of assistance to the decision-making and problem-solving processes you will be using when seeking your internship/graduate employment. You must compare and contrast at least two approaches/theories.

Your discussion should identify and elaborate upon factors that will be important in your internship/graduate position decision such as the geographic location, paid/unpaid nature, opportunity for training and development, opportunity for ongoing employment, and so forth.



Personal development is one of the most important aspects of self-evaluation of what situation the person is in and what development aspect needed for the development of the person. The improved self-awareness, knowledge, skill and development process, self-esteem, career development and possible strength and opportunities are the prevalent aspects of personal development. The improvement of this development process aligned with the training and guidance of that person are crucial. I have certain career planning for achieving leadership position in the organisation. The positional development and improvement of areas need to be done so that effective upgradation of position will be attained by me. The emotional development and mental development are important aspects that encourage the physical and mental development of the person. I need that evaluation so that I understand my strengths and weaknesses and then work over it.

2.0 Self-awareness 

2.1 Personality

In case of evaluating my personality, Big Five Personality Test has been chosen and the test signifies the qualities I have and the improvements I need for the development of my personal and professional career. There are five main aspects of that test like Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. In case of openness, I get 75% on openness as the process describes the creative aspect and intellectual mindset. High score in openness showcases the creativity of mine and development of artistic expression in me (Truity.com 2018). In leisure time, I used to involve with the cultural activities and that is the reason high IQ development and the process of intercultural development persist within me.

In case of conscientiousness, the ability of self-discipline and control over my goal is important. Organised process and determination of immediate gratification is the major concept of this process. I have scored 65% on that process and this is a moderate range (Truity.com 2018). I need to focus on my long-term goals and the successful persuasion of the process is missing, which I have to initiate and directed on the successful completion of the goal.

Friendship, power, status, admiration, excitement, and romance all these aspects are catered for by extraversion. This is a process that showcases a person in an introvert or the extrovert manner. In this perspective, I got 48%, which is quite low in manner and I have introvert nature which can be a barrier in communication (Truity.com 2018). In case of organisation leadership, communication is one of the most important parts of their advancement. The extrovert mentality helps the entire process of dealing but the introvert does not acclaim high social achievements. I need to change my mind in that area.

The aspect of agreeableness is based being co-operative and helping others and bother about other people. The issue of trust and taking care of other people are associated with this process. I have got 60%, which is a moderate score, however, I have a soft heart and my mentality is also empathic (Truity.com 2018). I concern about peoples' activity and care them from my end, but the issue of donating providing something to someone is not my genre and I am not believing all this process. Maybe I need to believe people more so that trust over them will come and I can therefore improve the score.

Neuroticism contains negative emotion of people. Fear, sadness, guilt, shame, sadness, and anxiety all these are experienced in this process. I have a moderate score in this process and 48% of score I got through the result (Truity.com 2018). The result signifies I have negative emotions and anger in me. This is a kind of reactive process that experienced native emotion. I have to trust more in people and do not make so much reaction in any case so that my behavioural aspects are under control.

The core pattern of Empathic idealist thinks about the better and beautiful place, Practical caretaker maintain the stability and security, Analytical thinker thinks about the innovative ways to improve the system and Logical mechanic ensures to accomplish the real world goals. The thinking process of innovative cultures and ways of maintaining a relationship with employees is the concern matter of this process (Truity.com 2018). The evaluation helps me to understand the entire scenario and diagnose the problems in me so that effective recommendations can be derived. The changes need to be made and those changes directed to the right path of reality and emotional achievements.

2.2 Values and Motivators 

Most important attitudes, values and motivators

Work values are aligned with the creativity and transparency in business. The impact of positives and negatives in the workplace also set the values. The realisations of accomplishments and motivate people for achieving the goal also considers as values (Schunk and Zimmerman 2012). The affiliation, affluence, advancements, balance, community, compassion, diverse perspective, knowledge, location, order, loyalty all these values are important for the development of the organisation (Andersen et al. 2013). I need to develop my creativity and engagement with the employees so that a better goal oriented processed are furnished.

In my case, the motivation factors are aligned with persistence, directive and intense to complete the work. In workplace, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are needed. The intensity of doing work is also motivated by these processes so fulfilment of this is also important.

2.3 Emotional intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is the process of handling the emotion of the people and manage the interpersonal relationship between people. I have some problem with communication as I am introvert in nature and I also have trust issues with people. These things are needed to be regulated in a proper form (Brunetto et al. 2012). The process of empathy and self-awareness is also aligned with the emotional intelligence and this process motivated to the skill development and self-regulation (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013).

In my case, I have some issues with anger and emotions. I have some problems with aspect of fear and anger and understand those things in a formative manner is important in that case. The ability to use, comprehend and manage the emotions are the main aspects of this process and for the betterment of my emotional ability, I have to develop my emotional intelligence as well.

2.4 Leadership 

The process of leading any kind of action in an organisation is the prime aspect of a leader. The leader needs to have that view to authorise, control and supervise the process of direct any view in the right way. Honesty, commitment to the particular work, decision-making capabilities, accountability, creativity and innovation, inspire other people, delegation and empowerment all these are the qualities of a leader (Bolman and Deal 2017). In a leader, clarity, passion and courage are the traits that innovate leader and also process the mentality of leading business. Self-effacement and decisiveness in mind help the leadership aspect to make the mentality positive enough to handle any sorts of challenging situation (Fairhurst and Connaughton 2014). There are some learning aspects of leadership but the decision making sense and attitudes towards the achievements are not taught, rather perception and experience are the major alignments that initiate the leadership aspects to encourage the process.

In my case, the test evaluates my leadership qualities and directed to the negative aspects in me and provide me with a chance to improve those aspects to become a good leader. The anger, caring employees, trust over those employees, fear to take challenges and communication and break the shell of introvert outline need to be rephrased in me so that my evaluation and development will be in maintained in a proper manner.  

2.5 Power and Politics 

Power and politics have a huge role in the business and they govern about how employees interact with each other. The influence of power depends on how the employees use negative as well as positive power to impact others' decision-making in the workplace (Esping-Anderson 2017). In my future workplace, I will try to handle the power and influence in organisations. Power within the organisation mainly covets by the senior management and the employees do the politics to achieve changes which any benefit the organisation or the person within the organisation. As stated by Chadwick (2017) workplace politics is the behaviour and the process in human interaction which is involved by authority and power. Within an organisation, I will try to make differentiation of the work groups into three subgroups. At first, work groups and this group is based on the departmental differences, differences prescribed by the organisational hierarchy and differences in departmental work activity. In addition, Spykman (2017) commented that interest groups are aware of their goals and them also interdependent of their work. Finally, within the organisation, the coalition is the group which is committed to achieving the goals to conduct the work. At first, I will analyse the organisation chart and I will also try to understand the informal network. First of all, I shall try to make connections with the colleagues and the senior management so that I can understand the power-relation within the organisation. In addition, I need to develop the people skill as it is completely based on the interpersonal skills. I have good interpersonal skills and I will take the aspect of acting brave so that I can understand the politics within the organisation. Be a part of the politics within the organisation is not my characteristics type; I will neutralise negative politics. I will not indulge in the rumours and I will keep my professionalism in every scene.

3.0 Decision making and planning 

Decision-making approaches

Most of the individuals rely on the discrete and they often rely on an unconscious process known as the heuristics. As stated by Walker (2017), heuristic involves in recognising the pattern and it makes able to solve the problem by coming towards the conclusion.

Rational approach

Rational decision-making approach is a systematic and step-by-step process to make decisions. Before taking a rational approach, it assumes that the firm is economically based and the firm is managed by the decision-makers. In rational approach, decision-making approach follows a few steps as it starts with stating the situational goal. In a rational approach, the decision-makers need to understand whether the decisions to be taken right now or later. As stated by Gigerenzer (2015), in the rational approach, decision-making models do not begin with goals always. A problem requiring decision is identified and diagnosed as it involves understanding the causes, magnitude and nature. Decision-makers determine whether the problem is programmed or non-programmer. In the following stage, non-programmed decision helps to generate alternative and decision-makers can also generate alternatives. Decision-makers can analyse the symptoms of the problem solving or rely on their judgement to achieve the alternative solutions (Mintz 2016). In the final stage, decision-makers need to understand various alternatives in terms of cost, benefits, weaknesses and strengths as well as possible negative outcomes. According to Frederiks et al. (2015), rational approach forces the decision-makers to understand the decision in sequential manner and logic and does the in-depth analysis to help to choose the basic information.

Behavioural approach

Decision-makers operate with not just the perfect rationality rather the bounded rationality approach. In this approach, the decision-makers cannot just follow all the aspects of the decision and they cannot follow all the alternatives associating with this. Therefore, the decision-makers just choose to tackle the meaningful subset of the decisions (Stingl and Geraldi 2017). The behavioural approach starts with using the procedures and rules associated with reducing uncertainty and decision-making ability. In addition, the decision-makers need to optimise the best possible outcome from the negative effects of the aspect of the decision of the organisation. Moreover, the behavioural approach searches for the alternative which is generally searching for the sequential process.

When I will go for an internship, I will choose the geographic location and the opportunity for training and development in the internship based on the rational approach. This type of decision should be formally accepted by the heart as it builds the motivation and commitment involved in the decision-making process. Successful implementation needs appropriate structure and application of the series of good decision-making. I will take the decision regarding the opportunity for ongoing employment in behavioural approach as here I can come across with various alternatives on a sequential basis. At first, I have understood my problem of taking the rational decision; after that, I need to guide myself by previous experienced where I face the similar issues. In the traditional problem-solving process, it starts with identifying the problem and I need to gather the data to analyse the cause. The decision-makers explore the alternative solutions and select the appropriate solutions.

4.0 Conclusion:

In this self-awareness report, I am open to the decision-making and the problems of day-to-day life and I have a tendency to think in an abstract way to find the novel experiences. In the case of extraversion, I have less the extraversion as I do not find the stimulation in the outside world. I cannot engage myself in the admiration, friendship, power and status. In addition, I have a set of values and motivators which suggest that I cannot mould myself too far extend as I have ambition and I am honest to myself. I am sympathetic towards other in my life and I will also share the same characteristics in my future life as well. I will also share the feature of democratic leadership in my future career as I always like to take a decision after discussing with people. In case of the decision-making, I take the rational approach and in my future internship; I will make the decision in designing upon predetermined and desired goals.


Andersen, L.B., Jørgensen, T.B., Kjeldsen, A.M., Pedersen, L.H. and Vrangbæk, K., 2013. Public values and public service motivation: Conceptual and empirical relationships. The American Review of Public Administration, 43(3), pp.292-311.

Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Brunetto, Y., Teo, S.T., Shacklock, K. and Farr?Wharton, R., 2012. Emotional intelligence, job satisfaction, well?being and engagement: explaining organisational commitment and turnover intentions in policing. Human Resource Management Journal, 22(4), pp.428-441.

Chadwick, A., 2017. The hybrid media system: Politics and power. Oxford University Press.

Esping-Andersen, G., 2017. Politics against markets: The social democratic road to power (Vol. 4877). Princeton University Press.

Fairhurst, G.T. and Connaughton, S.L., 2014. Leadership: A communicative perspective. Leadership, 10(1), pp.7-35.

Frederiks, E.R., Stenner, K. and Hobman, E.V., 2015. Household energy use: Applying behavioural economics to understand consumer decision-making and behaviour. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41, pp.1385-1394.

Gigerenzer, G., 2015. Simply rational: Decision making in the real world. Evolution and Cognition.

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013. Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press.

Mintz, A. ed., 2016. Integrating Cognitive and Rational Theories of Foreign Policy Decision Making: The Polyheuristic Theory of Decision. Springer.

Schunk, D.H. and Zimmerman, B.J. eds., 2012. Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. Routledge.

Spykman, N.J., 2017. America's strategy in world politics: the United States and the balance of power. Abingdon: Routledge.

Stingl, V. and Geraldi, J., 2017. Errors, lies and misunderstandings: Systematic review of behavioural decision making in projects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), pp.121-135.

Truity.com 2018 The Big Five Personality test retrieved from: https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test [Accessed on 12th September 2018]

Walker, A., 2017. Rational decision-making. The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 99(5), pp.175-175.                                                            

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