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Educ6048 Business Research Methodology - Assessment Answers

We should do 2 case studies involving any 2 popular Waste to energy projects/plants around the world(except in Australia). and then do a pestle analysis comparing both the projects.



Globalization has led to a number of different impacts both positive as well as negative in the world. The negative impacts of globalization are seen to be much more in than the positive impacts. One of the main such source of negative impact is the municipal solid waste which is often referred to as garbage. This garbage is often dumped in dumped yards from where the pollution and other different health issues arise. Such kinds of problems must be removed accordingly to ensure the presence of a safe and hygienic environment. The following assignment has dealt with the conversion of such kind of wastes to energy which helps to reduce the pollution and make the globe a better place for the humans for residing (Bossink 2017). The report has been prepared on the basis of two different case studies on the same topic. The first case study has been selected from an example in China while the second case study has been selected from the case of anaerobic digestion plants and their use in Austria to produce Bio-Methane gas that can act as a substitute to petrol and diesel in the future.


Waste to energy conversion is a scientific process where the solid wastes of the urban area are converted to electricity or bio chemical gases that can act as fuel and contribute in the cleanup of the globe. The main reason to burn the municipal Solid Waste is however believed to be producing electricity. The burning of the waste in a controlled and scientific manner also helps to reduce the amount of material or wastes generated during the burning of the same waste in the landfills or the dump yards. The disposal and the proper generation of the solid wastes possess a great challenge to the authority of the different countries to ensure hygiene and natural sustainability. The more is the absence of a scientific disposal system in the cities, the more will be the problem in their control. There is a high need for intelligent waste management system as the presence of a structured and organized waste management system helps in the development of the creation of a smart and technologically and hygienically advanced city. The following parts of the assignment will discuss and analyze the different elements related to the elements of the case study on the conversion of wastes to energy in Austria and China.

Case studies

1st Case Study

“Development of Waste?To?Energy in China; and Case Study of the Guangzhou Likeng WTE plant”

Part 1: Development of WTE Industry in China


The growth of China in the last few years have been the most enhancing as it has been able to capture the attention of the world. The change in the mindset of the Government to gradually make the country a manufacturing hub from that of an agricultural based economy. The country was able to woo the western as well as the local manufacturers as they promoted themselves as the ideal hub for the manufacture of different goods and services. The ideal strategies, the use of aggressive marketing policies was enough to change the minds o0f the companies and soon the country became the largest manufacturing hub of the globe (ea-stmk.at/documents 2018). The rapid economic growth, economic growth and the urbanization have helped the cause of the country. However such rapid developments also saw the huge rise in the creation and collection of solid waste that was beyond the expectation of other countries in Asia as well as the other countries of the globe. The generation and disposal of the municipal solid wastes thus pose a huge challenge for the Government of the country to participate in other developmental processes. The increase in the areas of large cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shandong have been posing significant amount of risks and threat to the country as there is an urgent need for a solid waste management program in these cities to ensure the proper disposal of these wastes. The more easy and scientific is the solid waste management system, the more is the chance for the further development of the country.

Technologies used for Sustainable Waste Management System

The authorities especially the municipal development authorities in these particular cities have their basic priority to reduce the amount of wastes generated by means of a better deigning and a better packaging of the products of the company. The recyclable products are generally segregated into five different categories according to their different characteristics. This includes the likes of the;

  1. Fabric includes clothing, linen, towels and many more as such
  2. Plastics such as plastic bags, plastic cans, plastic cups, plastic wastes
  3. Glass bottles, glass boxes, glass mirrors
  4. Papers like newspapers, books, copies, documents, office papers and many more similar to them
  5. Metal boxes, junk metals, cans, rods etc

There are nations like Japan and some European nations where the government aims to fulfill the target of Zero waste. The next step is ensuring the composition of the wastes and converting them to carbon-di-oxide aerobically and an aerobically to methane which can act as fuels and other useful products (Ferdan et al. 2015). After the completion of the following steps, the task of the authority is to ensure the land filling activities or else to transform the wastes into energy. However the vast advantages of Waste to Energy conversions makes them an easy choice over landfill. This helps ion the mass reduction of wastes. Apart from this the sanitary landfill can serve a city for not more than 20 years. However, on the other hand the Waste Transformation to Energy is such a process that it can be sustainable for a much larger period. This kind of unique advantages in this globalized period is the main reason for the selection of the Waste transformation to Energy process than that of the land filling process often practiced in the city.

Generation of Municipal Solid Waste in China

As mentioned earlier the development of the country in terms of both economy and industry has been the reason for the rise in the amount of Municipal solid wastes in the country. It is seen that the Municipal Solid wastes in the country rose to about five times the normal collection in the last decade as compared to the earlier times (Ferdan et al. 2015). This is a very alarming scenario and a thorough and sincere attention should be provided to the Waste management and waste disposal system to ensure the smooth and scientific disposal of the wastes. The collection of the solid municipal wastes depends on different factors and also varies from different places to other places in the country. The main factors are the urbanization, urban population growth and the increasing demographic variations in the cities and the urban centers of China. The residents of China living in the urban areas of the country generally generate more waste than that of the rural areas of the country.

Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in China

According to, a study conducted by Hadidi and Omer (2017) the modern day treatment of Municipal Solid Wastes is generally carried out with the use of advanced machineries. Earlier the municipal solid wastes were dumped in large dumping grounds of the rural areas. The 1980’s saw a huge change in the approach of the treatment of the MSW plants as it generally involved the composition of chemical wastes which was dumped in ponds, lakes and roadside garbage dumpers of the city as well as the rural areas. The system changed gradually and the government provided great attention and huge care to dispatch and treat wastes accordingly to ensure fair methods of waste management and also fair methods of MSW treatment. Some of the main forms of MSW treatment are as follows;


Recycling is one of the most important element or component in the integrated waste management system. The formal and informal waste sorting system is a technique unique to China and is not practiced anywhere. Most of the wastes which are categorized under the municipal solid wastes are generated mostly from the likes of the residences, commercial buildings and other commercial complexes like airports, stations and many more as such (Hadidi and Omer 2017). The large amount of available data is totally based on and concentrates on the amount of waste collected from the sources and the waste generated which is believed to be more useful since the following includes the likes of all the different kinds of recyclable materials that are collected in the form of wastes. The main task of the government and the authorities involved in the collection of the waste generation is to ensure the reliability and the validity of the data collected that is totally based on the generation of waste and its treatment to make it capable of recycling. It will be a critical task for the authorities involved in the waste generation to provide a reliable proof to the organization on the data collected and analyzed for waste generation in the country. The main strategy of China in the earlier years was to import second hand machineries of waste generation from developed countries and use them until and unless new machineries have been installed. the following strategy was a success as because it helped the authorities to gain a solid experience in waste management process and use this experience for future use with new and improved machineries and sets that are needed for the waste generation. The increasing amount of garbage in the sorting and the recycling centers however made it mandatory for the companies and the Chinese authorities to change their plans accordingly (Ferdan et al. 2015). The new plans suggested the use of the promotional campaigns to make the residents of the country aware of the advantages of waste disposal thus participating in the process of waste recycling.  

Waste to Energy

The main analysis of the following study is Waste to Energy which involves the presence of an integrated waste management system in China. This process is applied especially in the large urban centers of China where the space for the large dump yards are very much limited. These kinds of plants generally involve a huge amount of price to build and also involve the presence of a complex and integrated process of waste reduction. The main idea of the following process is the use of the least area of land and the recovery of the most energy as possible. The main aim of the Government of China is the construction of a large number o0f Waste to Energy transformation centers that will be strategic to achieve a clean and healthy environment for the residents of China (Ferdan et al. 2015). The Government of China in a desperate bid to increase the centers in different urban as well as rural areas of the country has opened the market for foreign investment as well as local private investment to ensure a speedy construction of such facilities. The presence of this kind of facilities is important for the country to avoid any environmental sanctions and present its people the best safe and healthy environment to thrive in. The presence of such an environment will be necessary for the people as because it will ensure the sustainability of the country (Jenkins McCauley and Forman 2017). 


Composting can be referred to as another main tool main tool that is used for the management of waste systems in the country. The presence of a huge market to practice composting is a great advantage for the country to make use of the following and get the best out of it. Both the aerobic and anaerobic composting is practiced in the country (Jenkins McCauley and Forman 2017). At present the composting accounts for only 2% of the total solid waste management system in China.

Land filling

In China land filling is the dominant means of the waste disposal method. 79% of the waste dispersal system was based on land filling activities in China. The process is often not managed properly that gives rise to a number of different issues like that of;

  1. Over Design and premature construction of different types of phases
  2. Little landfill gas collection
  3. Presence of waste pickers
  4. Inadequate slopes
  5. Insufficient compaction and waste covering

This kind of activities is the main reasons for the shortcomings in the landfill activities. The avoidance of such issues can help to develop the landfill activities.

Non Regulated Land-Filling

One of the main issues of the country in the case of the land filling activities is the non regulate land filling tasks that refers to the dumping of solid wastes in the municipal; areas that have generally little or no impact on the impact of the waste on human health and environment. The dumping generally presents a long term threat to the public health and environment and especially causes a negative impact on the groundwater. Most of the urban areas of China have been facing the threat of the legacy of waste dump (Liu et al. 2018). The amount of wastes present in cities like Beijing, Shanghai are comparatively beyond expectations as because there are different kinds of illegal waste dumping sites apart from the already present legal dumping sites. A number of different websites and reports have confirmed that most of the cities in fact the major cities in China have a large number of dumping sites that is a huge headache for the municipal authorities (McConnell 2014).

Disposition of Municipal Solid Wastes in different cities and provinces

The municipal solid waste is generally gathered and transported by local sanitary Bureaus in China. Most of the MSW is produced in the residences of the country. This includes the likes of the paper, plastic, bags, textiles, glass, food items, wood and many more as such. The sanitary systems practiced in the different provinces and regions of China are vastly different from each other just because of the enormous amount of area of China.

Status of WTE industry in China and Technology used

The WTE industry was slowly introduced in the country by the year 1980. However the system has undergone a massive development since then as it has transformed itself into a developing service to one of the most developed services of the country. The system was first introduced in large cities like Shanghai, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Haerbin. However it slowly spread from one part to the other and its gradual increase and successful waste management system forced the government and the municipal authorities to introduce it in different rural parts of China. Earlier at the beginning the Chinese capacity of WTE facility was limited to just 2.17 million tons per year whereas slow and gradual development in the last decade has seen a huge development in the process. The amount has surpassed the mark of 42 million tons per year and is one the verge of completing the 50 million tons per year capacity in the recent future. The country practices mainly three different kinds of technologies to incinerate the waste disposal system. This includes the likes of the mechanical stoker grate, the rotary kiln and last but not the least in any way the fluidized bed. However the mechanical stoker gate and the fluidized bed is mostly use for the incarnation system in Chinese WTE plants (McConnell 2014). The two of these particular systems together accounts for more than 80% of the existing systems practiced in the country. A rep[ort has shown that almost all the plants of WTE are grate combustion type which is completed by implementation of either the local or the imported technologies. On the other hand the circulating fluidized beds have been developed using local technologies.

Combustion System

Number of Plants

Total Capacity tons/day

Capacity Distribution

Stoker grate, Imported




Stoker Grate, Domestic




Circulating Fluidized Bed








Challenges faced in the construction of WTE building

There are a number of different challenges that the municipal authorities face while constructing or generating the garbage or wastes in the country. As the government expects to have most of the wastes treated through the waste generating plants. The Government however faces a lot of criticism while the construction of the following types of the WTE centers as because the main opposition comes from that of the residents itself as the construction of the plants are vigorously opposed by the residents who reside near the existing or planned WTE project sites. The guidance of the Government on the treatment of the household waste shows that the cities with shortage of land must consider the garbage incinerators as an effective process to tackle the huge amount of trash. However, such activities face huge opposition from the residents and thus tend to disrupt the plans of the Government (Pan et al. 2015). Different reports suggest that the shortage of land will be one of the main problems that the city will face accordingly. The reports suggest that if there is no such substitute way to dispose garbage, Beijing will be almost left with no land to disperse garbage. After proper garbage sorting, incineration plants can not only reduce garbage but also contribute in the production of heat and energy. It will also be used to produce new energy and transform garbage and other dumping materials into fresh energy.

Laws and Regulations on Municipal Solid Wastes

The solid Waste Management system is the responsibility of the municipal body in China. According to the national legislative and regulatory framework for the management of solid wastes each level of government has its own set of rules and responsibilities. Such as, the central government set laws for solid waste service responsibilities with basic standards including occupational and environmental health and safety standards to local governments (Pan et al. 2015). Each of the different Municipal government then sets its own requirement and defines practice of each waste generator. The government and the authorities of China must ensure to follow all the different kind of rules and regulations regarding the following to ensure the best policies of the government. The following also helps to develop a safe and secure environment to the country. The presence of a proper planning in solid waste dispersal and management system will thus help the country to ensure proper and effective sustainability and ensure security of the residents.

PESTLE Analysis of WTE in China

  • Political- The political situation of the country is stable in nature and the government has the full support in the development and the betterment of the different industries. The increase in the urbanization has led to different kinds of problems in the country and the Government of China is desperate to introduce more WTE’s for disposing wastes in a scientific manner.
  • Economic-China is the fastest growing economy of the world and it is going to be one of the best economies by the year 2040. The rise in the economic prowess of the country ensures the rise in the population and also the rise in wastes. The country must adopt measures like that of WTE to ensure the minimum use of land filling activities and transform the whole waste disposal system into WTE measures.
  • Social- The social life and the culture of China have been changing for quite some time now. The change in this particular social life and culture has been essential for the growth of the country. The Government of China must ensure to use hygienic waste disposal processes like that of Waste to Energy transformation to ensure the presence of a proper environment that is safe for the residents (Rubin et al. 2015).
  • Technological- The use of technologically advanced machineries in WTE is essential for the smooth and better disposal system of solid municipal wastes in China. The technologically advanced features of these machines help to render the process in a fast manner (Zhang and Tan 2018).
  • Legal- The WTE cent6ers must adhere to all the legal requirements of the country to ensure the success of the centers in the disposal of the wastes.
  • Environmental- The maintenance of proper environmental norms and the management of the different kind of other environmental features is the key to the success of the implementation of the WTE centers in China . It will be easier for the management of the WTE centers to operate in the different areas of China if they possess the legal permits or the environmental certificates.

2nd Case Study

“European Case Studies of Anaerobic Digestion Plants Showcasing their Monitoring Practices”


Anaerobic Digestion is a complex biochemical process that takes place in the sealed vessels. These sealed vessels are the source of transformation where the organic material is converted to a methane rich biogas that can be used to produce renewable electricity, heat and is utilized as a vehicle fuel. A digestate can also be produced that generally contains different kinds of valuable nutrients. The complex food chain that occurs within the AD process includes different kinds of complex process like that of acid genesis, hydrolysis, methanogenesis, acetigenesis which are conducted by microbes and are quite sensitive to different kinds of environmental conditions within the digester (Rubin et al. 2015).

The following report has been prepared to get an idea as well as to keep a strict tab on the operations of the AD plants to;

  • Treat wastes to a high degree
  • Yield good quality dig estates and bio methane
  • Maximize the production of biogas
  • Reduce the amount of the plant processes
  • Allow a slight diversification of the plant
  • Allow a certain flexibility of hydraulic and organic load of substrates

These kinds of benefits will have a positive impact on the economics of the plant and will continue to add on the credentials as provided by the AD and biogas technologies. AD plants must monitor their progress and get an idea of the key parameters to get an idea of the benchmark operation and enhance the operational performance of the following plant.

Anaerobic Digestion and its working style

According to, Schulze et al. (2016) Anaerobic Digestion is the process where the micro organisms in the absence of oxygen break down the complex biomass components into smaller and less complex molecules. The anaerobic digestion process generally takes place in a reactor where the biogas and digestate are produced together (Zaman 2015). The digestate is a product that is left after biomass and can be used as a proper form of organic fertilizer. The main components of the biogas that is produced accordingly are mainly methane (CH4) and Carbon di oxide (CO2). The biogas is collected separately and then sent to the cogeneration installation which can be also termed as CHP or combined heat and power generation. This particular component is responsible for turning on the generator and then producing electricity. The heat that is generated from the following engine is used to maintain a proper and desirable temperature in the reactor of the plant. A number of different plants in Austria both small scale as well as large scale are engaged in the production of the bio electricity in the organization (Schulze et al. 2016).

Anaerobic Digestion Plant Monitoring

The increase in the knowledge of the AD plant operators has led to the optimization of the plants. The plants of the industry play a key role in the operation of the plant safely. The process control of the AD plant can be separated in three different phases namely, 1. Start-Up, 2. Normal operation and last but not the least is 3. Shut Down. The different phases of the following operation have different uses. The uses are directly related to the monitoring and control schemes that need to be implemented accordingly. The health and safety related parameters are some of the key parameters that have a key role in the following industry. An example of two similar bioelectric plants of Austria has been given below;

Bioelectric Company

The name of the company is Technique which itself is a unique name. The digester has been operational since the month of September, 2014. The installation has been completed quite fast and the total installation took just two days. However the plant began its commercial operations in 3 weeks from the end of construction. The production started when fresh substrate was provided to the reactor. The reactor which was installed in the following company has a diameter of 8 meter and a height of 2.5 meter. The biomass had to be stored in the reactor for around 18 to 25 days. The range of the electricity produced by the reactor was close to 9.7 KW. The company though small in nature was able to make substantial profit accounting to pound 95,000 including the CHP. The payback time was estimated to around 5 to 7 years from the start of the business (Sevimoglu 2015). The most important thing that must be considered in the following case is the permits and the different kinds of obligations that include the likes of environmental permits, No objection certificate from local municipal bodies, Government permit and many more such similar permits.

General AD Plant description

Biogas Plant Mureck (Austria)

The Biogas plant in Mureck is located in Austria. The plant composition is provided in the table listed below;

Plant Type

Biogas Plant with CHP


Ø  Industrial, Liquid Manure, Agricultural wastes and maize

Total Input

Ø  23,000 t/a

Total output

Ø  2,100,000 Nm3

Power Rating

Ø  999KWel (CHP)


Ø  2005

Plant Costs

Ø  pound 5,400,000

General Description

The idea to construct a general plant beside the existing biodiesel production and biomass district heating system came in the year 2001. The AD plant comprises of a mixing tank (300m³) a ligavator-system (LIPP-Ligavator, 4x 1,000m³), four digesters (4x 1,000m³) and the storage for the digestate. In the mixing tank maize, corn cob mix (CCM) and liquid manure is mixed and pumped into the LIPP-Ligavators (Sevimoglu 2015). The AD plant forms the main part of the wider and vast system of bioenergy production including biodiesel production that constitutes around 12 mio litre, a biomass district heating system and the AD plant and a photovoltaic plant.

Outcomes of the different Monitoring in Mureck (Austria)

The monitoring agreement of the AD plant is designed in such a way that it shows a basic level of monitoring set up. Large importance has been provided to the monitoring of the biogas parameters. The organization has provided an automatic control panel to the system that helps the facility managers to gain important data on the parameters of the gas that is being produced accordingly (Shimbar and Ebrahimi 2017). The downtime of the production plant has gone to 360 hours per year because of the different types of the maintenance works that are undertaken in the following plant. The digestate quality is another main area of interest as because it helps the plant to use fertilizers in specific cases.

PESTLE Analysis of AD plants in Austria

  • Political- The political stability in Austria is a huge advantage for the businesses in the country and adds up to the strength of the companies and the plants that have their operations in the particular country.
  • Economical- The effects of financial crisis in the country had a negative impact on the growth of the AD plants in Austria. However, the country recovered slightly as its GDP grew by a margin of 2%. The growth of the GDP favored the construction of small firms and businesses that were similar to the likes of the AD plants and Biogas plants.
  • Social- The main priority of the country since the end of World War 2 was to reconstruct itself. Human intervention has long lasting impact on the effect of the government.
  • Technological- The technological progress is there to see in the forms of the mentioned AD plants as the countries like Austria are slowly moving away from the use of the conventional electricity forms and are shifting towards electricity production through the production of biogas.
  • Legal- The legal part of the construction of the following organization has to be considered accordingly. The following types of organizations need legal clearance from the Government and other fields to operate commercially.
  • Environmental- The environmental regulations must be maintained accordingly to ensure the success of the organization accordingly. The environmental measures legalize the activities of the business accordingly.

Comparison between the two Case Studies

The two case studies are totally different in nature but address the same issues of pollution and problems due to the increasing globalization. The following factors have led to the search for new activities to ensure the absence of pollution and other problems. The first case study addresses the problems of garbage dumping in China and how the authorities have planned to eradicate them by means of Waste to Energy transformation by constructing large number of WTE plants in the urban as well as the rural centers of China. Similar to the following the second study has enquired the presence of AD plants in Austria to ensure the production of substitute fuel and electricity that can be sued in the future. Both the case studies provide solutions to problems that have been currently plaguing the globe (Sevimoglu 2015). The case studies have highlighted all the important features that are needed to establish a hygienic and pollution free environment.


The following report has highlighted the importance of the WTE establishments as well as the AD plants that are both used for the purpose of making the environment a safe place. The report has highlighted the analysis of two different case studies based on China and Austria. Both the case studies have presented a picture of the present threats from globalization and highlighted the rights ways to counter such threats. The PESTEL Analysis of the following industries and the country of their operations have made the report more compact and static in nature.


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