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Educ 7009 Assessment Of Learning-Career Assessment Answers

Analyse your career development from the perspective of at least three career development theories. Compare and contrast the relevance of these theories to your career development. You could choose from the theories of Super, Holland, Krumboltz, Savickas, and Gottfredson or social cognitive career theory, cognitive information processing theory or the Systems Theory Framework of career development.
  1. Describe the implications of your reflection for your work with clients.
  2. Your reference list should contain at least 20 references including books, book chapters and journal articles.


The lifelong process of managing, learning, processing the work, and transition so as to move towards to the personally determined and evolving preferred future is known as career development. There are many phases of career from where an individual has to pass and it is necessary that he should remain determined regarding the future aspects. Managing career plan and following the same is a very crucial task attached with any individual. It is necessary that proper path should be adopted to manage the career plan developed by an individual so that goals and objectives could get achieved and one could sustain in attaining success in his career.

Hence, a report is developed which will provide better set of information related with career development plan. Every single aspect related with career development will be taken into consideration in the report which will ensure to provide appropriate and relevant set of information related with career development and will help in making appropriate set of decisions regarding future aspects. The report will provide a guidance of how a proper and effective career development plan could be developed, what are the aspects required to be taken into consideration while developing a career development plan and how changes in near future could get managed so as to attain success in a lifecycle.

Career development is one of the most important aspects attached with the lifecycle of an individual. It is required that one should develop his focus towards to develop an effective career development plan so as to sustain in near future (Davis, Thwaites, Freeston & Bennett-Levy, 2014). Managing things in a relevant way will provide a proper set of support in achieving the targeted objectives. It is important that one should remain determined towards his career in which he should gather the information related with what he is doing in the present situation and what he is going to do in near future. Past experiences of an individual help in learning many of the things, it is required that one should learn from the past experiences. Doing so will provide a relevant set of support in developing an effective future and will support in developing a future growth plan in an appropriate way (Creed & Hughes, 2012).

In this section of the report I will avail information related with my career development plan in which various analyses will be done. My career development plan will include some of the past experiences and will provide information related with how I have learned from my past experiences. What were the aspects which helped me in managing my life goals and made me determined toward them? One of the most important aspects required to be focused upon by an individual is determination towards developing a better future. Analysing the situation and past experiences support an individual in becoming more determined towards future and provides an effective set of support to develop a better future plans (Brown, 2014).

There were certain steps which were followed by me so as to develop my career development plan.  Following all the steps in aproper way helps an individual in gathering relevant set of information related with how an effective career development plan could be prepared and what are the things required to be focused upon so as to develop a proper and relevant set of career development plan. Hence, the step followed by me to develop my career development plan is:

Figure Out Destination

The first step required to be followed by every single individual is figuring out the destination (Bronfman, 2015). It is being said that an individual should not take a road trip until he do not have any idea of the destination where he want to go. In the same manner it is required that an individual should have a vision and mission regarding the destination on which he want to reach. There are several set of questions which helped me in determining my destination and these questions are:

Where do you want your career to be in two years?

This question will help in determining the short term goals of an individual (Ali & Menke, 2014). It is necessary that one should have a set vision of where he wants to see himself in the next two years. Determining the short goals helps in managing the future aspects and provides a proper set of support in achieving the set goals and objectives. It is easy to determine the short term goals because we have proper set of information regarding what we are doing in present and where we can reach in the next two years.

Where you want your career to be in next five years?

Determining the career objectives in next five years helps in determining the long term goals. It is necessary that long term goals should be determined by an individual (Wöhrmann, Deller & Wang, 2013). In a lifecycle of an individual things and situations keeps on changing with the passing time but if he wants something to achieve and stay determined then he could achieve the future goals in a proper way. Hence, it is necessary that the next five year career plan should be developed with full determination so that an individual can achieve the long term goals and attain success in life.

What makes these targets resonant for you?

Third question is to evaluate that whether the targets set by an individual are resonant or not. Failing to develop resonant career goal will not get fulfilled as an individual will fail in achieving such type of goals (Watson & McMahon, 2008). One should not develop the future goals just for the sake of others, it is necessary that he should have a clear idea of what he is planning and want and accordingly should develop the plan for the future aspects.

Do A Gap Analysis

Second step required to be followed to develop an effective career development plan is doing a gap analysis (Velleman, 2007). Gap analysis is the process which helps in determining the gaps and loops means the aspects which could have a huge impact on the progress of the career. It is necessary that all the gap and loops should be evaluated in a proper way and strategies should be developed to fill these gaps. Gap analysis compare the actual position with the futuristic aspects so as to gather appropriate set of information regarding the gab in the plans.

Gap analysis will support in evaluating the gap between two year plan and 5 year plan. Analysing the gap and removing the same will help in obtaining both the goals and will provide a better set of option for the growth in near future. Hence, it could be evaluated that gap analysis should be done in a proper way so as to evaluate the gap between the goals developed for short and long term (Stadter, 2015).

Create Your Development Plan

Third step is to create a development plan. It is required after analysing the gap which could have an impact on the progress in the career and after removing all the gaps a proper development plan should be developed by an individual. The development plan should include every single aspect related with the career in a logical order means all the plans should be set according to the work required to be processed (Spafford & Haarhoff, 2015). It is necessary that an accountability should be maintained in the plan means the activities identified related with the career development should be provided proper set of dates of completion.

It is necessary that track on every single activity should be kept; the plan should be tracked minimum for two times a year (Sharf, 2013). This will help in placing all the plans in a right order and will provide a set direction for growth. Keeping track record of every single activity will help in managing the work and will provide better set of opportunities so as to obtain every single goal and objectives determined in the plan. Hence, it could be evaluated that developing a proper career development plan and tracking it on time will help in fulfilling career development requirements and will help in attaining success in near future (McMahon & Watson, 2007).

These were certain steps which were followed by me to develop a proper career development plan. These steps provide me relevant set of guidance at every single stage of my development plan and helped me in maintaining accuracy and quality in the same (McGinn, 2015). I still follow all the steps in a proper way and work towards to obtain the objectives and goals targeted by me.

Personal Career Development Plan

My Gifts and Talents

What I Think I can be Best At

My Passion

What I Love and Desire Professionally

My Contribution

How I want to Contribute to Society

My Personality

My Personal Preferences

I am kind of a person who is people oriented and I feel comfortable while working with others and like to focus upon the human tasks while executing the tasks given to me.

I ensure to provide guidance and support to others so that they can achieve their targeted goals.

I prefer to unleash the talent in others and help them in performing more effectively (Gould, 2017).

I remain steady to perform any kind of task related with my career growth.



Career Step

Areas of Strengths

Areas to Develop

Development Activities


Current Position

Team Leader

Effective Team management skills, Solving clashes among team members and leading team

Problem solving, thinking strategically, managing communication system to process the work effectively

Managing work process system

Proper division of work, Solving team queries and

Short Term

Short Term Goal

Manager at Human Resource

Collaboration, adapting change in a proper way, managing the customer service orientation. Taking initiative on the agreed actions, seeks for the responsibilities of managing the human resource working at the workplace.

Gaining in depth knowledge of human resource functions.

Solving the human resource business mastery and understanding the human resource technical mastery.

Understanding the importance of recruitment and selection aspects at the workplace. It is required to improve and deepen the knowledge about human resource development. It is also required to produce the professional and high quality outputs.

Indulging in the workshop with the effect of which all the communication barriers could be removed.

Workshop will be attended to indulge in the market research. It is required to attend the workshop for gaining information related with understanding the behavior of people available in the market (Eliason & Patrick, 2008).

Long Term

Long Term Goals

Starting up my own business

Introducing an innovative idea for the business plan.
Understanding the criticality of the business plan.

Gathering proper set of funds for a successful business. Showing good communication skills so that interaction with the people could be done in an effective way.

To ensure that the capabilities of developing the business strategies could be gained. It is required that business strategies should be operationalised. Understanding the importance of funding in managing a business is required. Such type of aspects will help in developing an effective business plan (Davis, Thwaites, Freeston & Bennett-Levy, 2014).

It is necessary that a proper plan for the business should be developed.

Understanding the requirement of the market will also help in providing a better set of solution in managing a business. It is required that forecasting should be done with the effect of which all future aspects related with the business could be evaluated.

The above career development plan helped me in providing a set direction following which I am getting success in my life cycle. Before developing the career development plan I have taken all the career development steps into consideration. These steps helped me in every single path of my development plan and provided me proper set of guidance of every single activity related with the development of my career (Daniel, 2016). Hence, it could be suggested that all the aspects should be focused upon before indulging in a career development plan and all the pros and cons related with the career plan should be evaluated.

Career Development Theories

Career development theories provides in depth information related with the career development of an individual. It is required that an individual should try to gain in depth information related with career development and should try to focus upon all the aspects which could help in managing and developing an effective career development plan. A more effective and in depth information could be shared by comparing various career development theories with my career development plan (Creed & Hughes, 2012). This will help in providing a clearer image of how effective my career development plan is?

Holland Theory

Holland theory helps in developing the understanding with the behavior of people. It provides information related with the personality types of the people like realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional (Craig, 2009). Holland theory is sometimes also termed as RIASEC. To develop a successful career development plan it is required that one should have a proper set of information related with his own nature. It is required that he should understand that what type of nature he actually owns. Evaluating my career development plan it could be analysed that I am an enterprising person who remain indulged in the activities which could help in becoming entrepreneur and prefer to develop positive as well as effective relationship with the people available in the market (Bustin, 2010).

Krumboltz Theory

John Krumboltz is a career theorist who has developed a Krumboltz theory which is also known as planned happenstance. According to Krumboltz theory the indecisions remain desirable and sensible as they help in allowing the opportunity for the clients to take benefits from the unplanned events. According to John various set of events occurs in the life span of an individual and if he will set the plans which are rigid then the career will get affected as he will not be thinking of grabbing the opportunities and will prefer to move with the plans only. Hence, it is required that plans should not be decided in advance so that opportunities could be grabbed and success could be obtained (Burns, 2012).

Comparing Krumboltz theory with my career development plan it could be evaluated that I have set targeted objectives following which will help me in managing my career on the other hand according to the theory developing set plans will not result in providing effective results. It means that the theory is just opposite to my career development plan and it does not match with any of the aspects related with the same (Burns, 2008).

Career Construction Theory

Career Construction Theory is developed by Mark Savickas. According to the theory the career of an individual is constructed on the basis of the work he or she do. Most of the time people prefer to choose the career which they have experienced in their learning process and want to go with what they are doing at present time (Brown, 2014). On the other hand in my career development I have selected a different path as presently I am managing the team of 10 people in the operations and want to move to human resource department as a manager and in long term want to introduce my own business in the market. Reason behind this is that I want to learn how to manage the people on the place where they perform the operations. By becoming human resource manager I will learn how to understand behavior of people and learn that what type of people should be recruited at the workplace. This will help me in hiring right people in my business and managing them at the workplace in a proper way (Bronfman, 2015).

Social Cognitive Career Theory

Social Cognitive theory is relatively a new theory of career development which is depended upon three interrelated aspects which are how the basic academic and career interest develop, how educational and career choices are made and how academic and career success is obtained. These are the three aspects which are related with the career development aspects of an individual. On the other hand the career development plan developed by me also follows all these aspects. All the aspects are being focused upon by me so as to develop a proper and effective set of information related with my future career (Ali & Menke, 2014).


Understanding all the aspects related with career development a conclusion can be made that every single individual should work on developing an effective career development plan. Managing things in a proper sequence and planning the future progress will help in providing a set direction to grow. Working on career development theories and evaluating every single aspect of career development will help in managing the career in an appropriate and effective way. It could also be evaluated that career plan of an individual should be developed according to his learning so that all the things could get managed in a proper way and career could get developed on the basis of it.


Ali, S., & Menke, K. (2014). Rural Latino Youth Career Development: An Application of Social Cognitive Career Theory. The Career Development Quarterly, 62(2), 175-186.

Bronfman, A. (2015). Reflection and Self-Trust. Thought: A Journal Of Philosophy, 4(2), 75-82.

Brown, S. (2014). Career development and counseling. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Burns, E. (2008). Southern Theory Perspective and Career Development. Australian Journal Of Career Development, 17(2), 30-37.

Burns, E. (2012). Dichotomy, Dialectic and Dialogic: How Do Sociology Terms Assist Career Development Theory?. Australian Journal Of Career Development, 21(3), 5-12.

Bustin, B. (2010). A model career plan. Nursing Standard, 25(11), 65-65.

Craig, C. (2009). Exploring the self through photography. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Creed, P., & Hughes, T. (2012). Career Development Strategies as Moderators Between Career Compromise and Career Outcomes in Emerging Adults. Journal Of Career Development, 40(2), 146-163.

Daniel, R. (2016). Creative artists, career patterns and career theory: insights from the Australian context. Australian Journal Of Career Development, 25(3), 91-98.

Davis, M., Thwaites, R., Freeston, M., & Bennett-Levy, J. (2014). A Measurable Impact of a Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Programme on the Therapeutic Skills of Experienced Cognitive-Behavioural Therapists. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22(2), 176-184.

Eliason, G., & Patrick, J. (2008). Career development in the schools. Charlotte, NC: IAP.

Gould, J. (2017). Career development: A plan for action. Nature, 548(7668), 489-490.

McGinn, L. (2015). Enhancing Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skill Acquisition Through Experiential and Reflective Learning: A Commentary on Studies Examining the Impact of Self-Practice and Self-Reflection in CBT. Australian Psychologist, 50(5), 340-343.

McMahon, M., & Watson, M. (2007). The Systems Theory Framework of Career Development: Expanding its Research Influence. Australian Journal Of Career Development, 16(3), 47-54.

Sharf, R. (2013). Applying career development theory to counseling. Australia: Brooks Cole.

Spafford, S., & Haarhoff, B. (2015). What Are the Conditions Needed to Facilitate Online Self-Reflection for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Trainees?. Australian Psychologist, 50(3), 232-240.

Stadter, M. (2015). Through a Mirror Experientially: Self-Reflection and the Reflection Process. Psychiatry, 78(3), 236-238.

Velleman, J. (2007). Practical reflection. [Stanford, Calif.]: CSLI Publications.

Watson, M., & McMahon, M. (2008). Children's Career Development: Metaphorical Images of Theory, Research, and Practice. The Career Development Quarterly, 57(1), 75-83.

Wöhrmann, A., Deller, J., & Wang, M. (2013). Postretirement Career Planning. Journal Of Career Development, 41(5), 363-381.

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