Edu339 Professional Experience | Child Assessment Answers
Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will answer questions in response to the provided prompt for each forum.
Consider the privacy and protection acts in chapter of Security Policies and Implementation Issues. Identify the roles of a Christian parent that may relate and describe how these support or refute these acts. Include a minimum of 2 privacy or protection acts in the discussion.
For CIPA, parents can have confidence that their children will not be exposed to obscene material in a public setting, advertently or inadvertently, because websites, electronic mail, chat rooms, and other types of electronic communications are filtered (Kaiwartya et al., 2017). Privacy of data and information has been an important point of the organization. Children have been using the internet from very young age. Parents have not been gaining knowledge on the internet. The Christian parent have to maintain the privacy and security of the data and information stored in the children system. The two privacy and protection acts are The Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) created in 2000 and HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act created in 1996 are necessary in keeping our children safe (Hari & Lakshman, 2017). These acts are helpful in maintaining the security of the data and information stored in the laptop and desktop. The CIPA helps in maintaining content that are stored in the classroom filtered in the internet of the school. The HIPPA law has been created various health information stored over the internet storage (Deng & Liu, 2017). It is also to help protect people’s privacy so that no one can wrongfully access their private medical records and therefore how they are sent, and who they are sent to be carefully regulated.
Reply 1: Information security has been an important part for the organization. Many businesses have been reporting challenges in the IT security processes in the country. The privacy of the data and information has been maintained in various ways. The IT security processes have been facing a lot of challenges from the foreign bodies (Binder, 2015). The cyber-attacks have been major issue for the organization. In the CIPA and FRERPA acts, children are more prone to the cyber-attacks. They have a little knowledge about the usage of the computers and internet. Therefore, parents needs to communicate with their children relating the IT security issues in their systems.
Reply 2: The advanced technology used in the IT field needs to be installed in their systems that might help in maintaining the security of data and information in the system. With regards to the FERPA, The privacy of the student record stored in the database of the organization have been mentioned in various cases for the development of the career (Ding, Yan & Deng, 2016). The confidence of maintaining the importance of the IT security in the organization has been done in the report. These regulations have been maintaining the privacy of the data and information of the organization.
Binder, Y. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,177,157. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Ding, W., Yan, Z., & Deng, R. H. (2016). A survey on future Internet security architectures. IEEE Access, 4, 4374-4393.
Kaiwartya, O., Prasad, M., Prakash, S., Samadhiya, D., Abdullah, A. H., & andSyed Othmawi Abd Rahman. (2017). An Investigation on Biometric Internet Security. IJ Network Security, 19(2), 167-176.
Deng, J., & Liu, P. (2017). Consultative authoritarianism: the drafting of China’s internet security law and e-commerce law. Journal of Contemporary China, 26(107), 679-695.
Hari, A., & Lakshman, T. V. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No. 15/145,460.
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