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ECF401 Independent Learner: Planning and Assessment Cycle

Explain concepts of planning and assessment cycle in relation to the organization. Describe Plan for learning, including time management and logical sequencing of activities.



Planning and assessment are one of the major aspects of the working of any organization and as an individual assessor conducting the research, it is of prime importance to have knowledge regarding the process to make sure that the organization as well as the working takes place in the lucid manner (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017, p.78). In the report, the concepts of planning and assessment cycle in relation to the organization is being assessed with the importance of the same in some of the major cases. Three of the major acts that have been included in the process of planning and assessment cycle has been stated related to the health, environment and the consumer protection (Burke 2013). In the following paragraphs, the application of the following acts has been stated with a detailed analysis of the Environment Protection Act.  

Main section

Planning and assessment cycle

The planning and assessment cycle is being used as the important learning practices that help to identify the needs of individuals. The assessment cycle can be defined by four steps. In the first step, the observation practices are being highlighted. It reflects through the changing situation of human life.

Source: (Parkes, Lettieri and Bogle 2015, p.160)

It has been mentioned in this process that each and every time the children try to learn something and the learning process starts through the observation. The second stage discusses the responding and analysing process. In this process the information which is being gained by the children during the observation, those are being analysed (Flanagan et al. 2018, p.1040). Not only for the children, I believe, is this stage vital for the organizational management practices. In this process the needs and demands are being identified. In the third stage that the different types of behavioural skills knowledge of t

he person is being analysed. In the fourth stage of the planning cycle, it the summarization of the entire project is being highlighted (Al-Qadi, Ozer and Harvey 2017, p.34). In this process the communication is being developed between the groups. If the importance of the assessment cycle is being analysed, it will be identified that it plays an important role in terms of identifying the needs (Harter 2015, p.400). It is very influencing in the case of evaluating the programs and monitoring the activity trends of a person or group. In the case of learning, the learning cycle is one of the effective

Evaluation of planning and assessment cycle in the organization highlighting the current legislation

For setting up of an organization and to conduct the assessment and the planning of the organization, there are a number of plans and measures that should be adopted to make sure that all the legislation and the procedures should be followed. The planning and assessment should be followed for all the organizational growth and development and to make sure that each of the current policies has adhered for the benefit of the organization in the process (Lees 2012, p.36). Like the majority of the organization, my organizations also try to follow the certain code of conduct and the regulations for the better working yet in the span of working, there are certain rules and regulations that are not followed by the organization which hampers the process of work. In the following segment, the planning and the rules of the organizations which are to adhere to have been discussed with reference to the specific rules that should be followed yet are not.

 Personalisation and Social Care Assessment Act (2014)

One of the major acts that have brought a wave of change in the province of England is the Personalisation and Social Care Assessment Act which was initiated in the year 2014. The act is one of the biggest acts in the sector of healthcare and the maintenance of the employee health in any organization (Lewis and West 2014, p.16). The act that states that there should be ample importance for the health of the employees and should be adulterated to make sure that each of the employees in the specific organizational sector have the required amount of social care in their life cycle which can make them the required benefit in the sector.  

Health is one of the biggest assets of the lives of the employees and so the importance of the organization to maintain the health of the employees by the inclusion of the health act under the organizational stature is of prime importance. The Care Act of 2014 was developed keeping in mind the current attitude of care and was developed and supported by the healthcare and the prime minister of the United Kingdom in the same process (Gardner 2014,pp.42-43). The act included more than 50 organizations in the realm of the care act and so it was considered one of the major instances in the change in healthcare.

The law related to the social care developed in the National Assistance Act in the year 1948 with the basis of the modern provisions for health care and assistance in terms of the health and other factors related to it (Foot et al. 2014, pp.38-42). The concept of Community care also developed alongside the case which made the concept of healthcare in the organization one of the major instances in the health of the organization.

The rule and the provision have a direct role to play in the organization in which I work as it considers the client as well as the employees to be the biggest asset in the case which makes it one of the major acts that are to be followed in the organization. The organization sees the act in the major sense as with the act in the sense of health in the organization, it is of pivotal importance in the sector.

The implementation of the act in the organization make sure that the organizational strength of the place is maintained which means that more people are interested in working for the organization in the basic amount of time making it one of the potential working places an employer of choice (Parker 2017, pp. 21-23). The implementation of the act in the organization also result in the better health of the employees which provide maximum working strength to the employees in the prolonged period. This provision of the health providers in the organization of the sector makes sure that each of the employees is there in the organization have the amount of health benefit to them.

According to me, the health benefit provided by the organization by the people is beneficial to the core which is one of the major strengths that are required for the process of conducting the aspects of planning and assessment cycle for the organization.

Consumer protection act in unfair trade

Unfair trade is defined as the deceptive and the fraudulent practices that are being done by the organizations to their customers and clients in the required period which are both unlawful and against the laws practised by the people and are actionable. The unfair trade practices are conducted by the organizations to make sure that they have the maximum amount of profit without making sense of responsibility and commitment to the matter. The unfair trade practices are recognized under the Sec 2(1) ® of the Consumer Protection Act of the year 1986 (Howells and Weatherill 2017, p.46). The act states that the sale and other activities are done by the organizations for the benefit of their client should be adhered to the law and should abide by all the features that are being stated in the consumer protection law of the community.

The consumer as the law states should be eligible to the compensation if the law as stated by the organization is not liable to the consumer protection act as stated by the organization. The consumer protection act is one of the major strengths of the organization in which I work in and which make sure that the organization is following all the norms and conditions of the act in the actual base.

The organization has the major strength in the customer protection act in the times which makes the clients protected against the fraudulent practices that are being done in the organization by the authorities of the times. This makes sure that each of the organizational authority who are being given the required amount of protection against the practices is also made sure to give them protection and power to register the complaint against the companies in the prolonged period (Bar-Gill and Ben-Shahar 2013, pp.20-23). According to me, this act helps the employees of the organization to have the benefit of protection against any third party fraud that is there in the organization and which makes it a fact to maintain the fraud in a sense.  

 My organization employs this act in the manner which makes it one of the best strengths of the organization and helps the organization to protect both the employees and the clients against any cases in the sense (Percival et al. 2017, p.43). This makes sure that each of the persons in the organization is given the proper knowledge about the acts that are related to the theories of customer protection.

Environmental planning and assessment act 1979

The Environmental Planning and Assessment in the year 1979 which was updated in the year 2017 after being recently amended and published in the state of New South Wales in the country of Australia. This act in the system was introduced to act as a task for the environmental planning in the corporate social responsibility in the organization. The environmental planning of the organization makes sure that the organization on whom the task is being assigned has the power to have the environmental policy and preserves the different facets of nature in their working module (Nanda and Pring 2012, p.34). No instances of environmental harm are being conducted by the people of the organization in either the procurement of the work or the giving of the services for the people in the prolonged time.  

The act has been not followed in the organization which has been stated here which makes the organization not prone to any kind of environment-friendly nature in the prolonged period (Gunningham and Sinclair 2017, p.32). The continuous suffering to the environment by the organization minus the laws and actions that protect the same make sure that the environment is not getting hampered by the acts that are being performed by the company in the meantime.

According to me, the environment protection act makes sure that the organization does not have sort of bad influence in their overall time which makes sure that each of the aspects that make an organization available for the people of the times available for the same. The inability of the organization to employ this aspect of the act in the case makes it one of the biggest weakness in the process of the organization.

Evaluation of specific assessment

In the case of analysing the organizational situation, it has been identified by me that in the current scenario, it is dealing with the improper relationship with the social community. Hence, in order to maintain its position in the market the company needs to focus on the economic and social welfare-related initiatives. It has been identified that the Environmental planning and assessment act 1979, is needed to get followed by the organisation. It can play an important role in the case of enhancing the perception of the community. The strategic planning initiatives of an organization can get influenced by the legislation. After analysing the situation of the company, I have identified that it is very important to maintain the transparency with the each and every person who is involved in organizational activities. If the organization properly follows this legislation in the planning and assessment practices, it can help in the case of decision making process. I believe, in order to develop the relationship with the social community is highly connected with the economic situation. Growth and development practices are required for the organizational development. I have learned that communication is an important part in the planning and assessment cycle. As I have already identified that the major weakness in the organization is it does not follow the environmental planning and assessment related legislation, therefore, I believe, the organization is dealing with the issue regarding its customer relationship.

During the research, not only the organizational flaws but also I have identified that interpersonal skills are very important in the case of participating in the effective decision making process. After identifying the organizational issues, the communication development process is required. In this practices the problems can get solved by the higher authority. Here the needs and demands of the associates can get identified by the organization. Depending on the requirements, effective planning can help the organization to as an individual researcher I believe, in order to deal with the organizational issues, proper planning is required. In this case the first stage of planning and assessment cycle can be beneficial to adopt for research on the needs of the community which is associated with the organization. It can also help the organization to improve the decision making process. I believe, I am dedicated towards my work, this quality of mine will help me in the case of helping the organization to promote the economic and social welfare of the community for providing the better environment. I believe this skills of mine can also be beneficial in terms of increasing the performance standard of the organization.

Conclusion and recommendation

In conclusion, it can be said that effective planning and assessment cycle have the higher level of impact in the learning process. Not only for the individual development but also it is needed for the development of a group of people or an organization. I believe, in order to develop the planning and assessment cycle in the proper manner. Observation is very important. In the case of the organization in which I am researching, research and development practices are required in terms of understanding the needs of the community. Through this practices the organizational flaws can get identified. In order to analyse the organizational issues, I have also identified some of my weakness. During my research I have analysed that I am not much interactive. As a part of the research I need to develop my communicational skills so that I can be able to describe the required initiatives to the organization for developing planning and assessment cycle.  By interacting with people I will be able to develop my communicational skills, which will help in developing both of my personal and professional skills.


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