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Eccdd401A Multimodal Media And Digital Assessment Answers

Multimodal media and digital technology pedagogy in early childhood education

For this assessment you will need to:

1. Describe the current Australian Government’s approach to multimodal media and digital technology in early childhood and school curricula.
2. Discuss and critique current research regarding multimodal media and digital technology pedagogy in early childhood and how this impacts children’s learning and development.
3. Evaluate teaching pedagogies for multimodal media and digital technology education.


Multimodal Media and Digital Technology Pedagogy

1. According to the Australian Government’s approach to “multimodal media and digital technology”, there would exist various technologies which would be associated with shaping the future of Technology learning in the schools. This helps in ensuring the fact that the students would be getting a lot of benefits by learning about the technologies and how they work in association with the different kind of contemporary, traditional, and the emerging technologies. All this are responsible for shaping the world in which we live. The implementation of the technologies helps in enriching the lives of the people along with having a huge impact on the lives of the people, on the cultures and on the society as well. It is very essential that the nation create a link between the creativity, technologies and the enterprise which would be acting as a catalyst for the innovations of the twenty-first century (Dieterle & Vie, 2015). According to the Australian Curriculum, the technologies would be associated with contributing to set out the educational goals in “Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (2008 pp. 7–9)”. Besides this vision for children’s learning was also used along with outlining of the childhood pedagogy in “The Early Years Learning Framework”.

Along with all this, the students are associated with taking part in the designing process where they generate, develop and evaluate the various ideas and designs along with production and evaluation of the different kind of products services and the environments which are present within the range of the technology. The students are associated taking of certain actions along with making of ethical decisions regarding the technologies along with considering the various legal, environmental, economic and social implications (Mercer, Hennessy & Warwick, 2017). Training is also provided to them regarding the process of designing in the context of the various kind of technologies. This, in turn, helps them in understanding the solutions by making use of the various technological processes and products as well. By considering the practical applications of eth technological skills in the design and technologies has been associated with developing manual dexterity along with fine motor skills and coordination (Leach, 2017).

The Early Years Learning Framework is associated with recognizing the importance that the children’s are having while being connected to the peoples, places, technologies and many more. This also helps them become effective communicators along with helping them use the Information and communication technologies so as to access the information along with investigating the ideas and representation of the thinking’s (Dezuanni, 2015). In foundations to the year 2, the curriculum was associated with building the EYLF where the main results included the development of a strong sense of identity and wellbeing. This also included the gaining of capability related to getting connected to the world along with making contributions for the world as well (Nielsen, Hoban & Hyland, 2017). This is mainly focused upon the play based learning and intentional teaching along with recognizing the rights of the children’s so as to stay as active participants in each and every matter which are responsible for affecting their lives. The play has been defined as the creation of imaginary situations for the personal needs and creation of communications.

Another curriculum known as the F-2 is associated with focusing upon the personal forms and the usage of the technology in the immediate environment of the children. This helps in recognizing the diverse experiences that the children’s are having regarding the technologies especially regarding the various kind of digital technologies. The curriculum is also associated with providing support to the changes taking place in the perspective, which are needed for the purpose of engaging the children in the process of design thinking.

Likewise, the technology curriculum which is particularly present in the primary years is associated with allowing the integration and support to the various learning area knowledge so as to have a development of the various kind of concepts and the skills across the entire learning areas (Churchill, 2018).

For the year 5 and 6, the students have to broaden their scope related to the investigations so as to make sure that the technologies are being used in a safe and ethical way. This also includes reaching out to those technologies which are present across the global and local settings, and this is to be used for various purposes and audiences along with the end users, clients, and the consumers. This is very helpful in understanding the relationship that exists between the responsible design and the design which is appropriate, needs of the end user, clients, and functions and aesthetics (Jones, Chik & Hafner, 2015). Solutions and the technological ideas are evaluated by the students by considering the ethical effects upon the local and the global settings. The students are associated with the usage of technology from the other learning areas which helps them in working in a more formal and collaborative way.

For years 7 and 8 the Australian curriculum states that technologies would be provided which would be helping in getting learning opportunities for the students so as to make them get engaged with the various kind of technologies. The curriculum mainly focuses upon the including of various personal and local community along with providing opportunities for the national and for the global perspectives (Greenhow & Lewin, 2016). This curriculum helps the students in developing capabilities for thinking and acting in a technological way so as to solve the problems which move in a progressive way from individual interest toward the problems which are of more concern. This would be helping in providing a greater opportunity so as to have a collaborative design and opportunity for getting engaged with the others would also be provided.

According to the curriculum for the years 9 to 10, it is seen that most of the students are associated with commencing the senior secondary pathways as well as programs. Technological curriculums are developed in the years 9 and 10 and this is mainly done for two subjects which include the Design and Technologies and the Digital Technologies. It is entirely dependent upon the students if they would choose some other technology to study about that are provided by the territories or states and are not duplicating any of the Australian Curriculum (Mapua Lim, Novo de Azevedo & Cooper, 2016). The technological learning area would be consisting of the students who would be associated with the implementation of the knowledge’s related to the technologies along with understanding the various technological processes and the production skills. Besides this, it would also be including the design or the computational thinking which would be helpful in solving and production of the solutions needed for the purpose of identifying the various problems or the opportunities. This type of problem-solving activities are generally considered to be very sophisticated and along with this acknowledging of the complexities present in the contemporary lives are done. This is done so as to make connections with the related and specialized occupations (Miles & Jenkins, 2017). Global perspective would be achieved by studies which would be associated with the providing of opportunities so as to understand the interdependencies which are complex and are involved in the process of developing the new technologies. The students would be associated with the incorporation of the understandings related to the interdependencies while developing the new technologies.

2. Exploration of the digital literacy practices for the young children’s mainly includes two type of challenges. The first challenge includes the defining and delineating literacy in the digital age. The second challenge that is faced is considering of the younger learners for the related researches (Mirra, Morrell & Filipiak, 2018). But despite of this certain calls have been made for developing the definitions, which are enough for considering not only the particular skills and the competence but also considers the situation of literacy in the local as well as in the broad sociocultural and political contexts, the scarcity of the research both within the like the theoretical framework and on the young learners has been persisting over time.

Few of the authors affirmed the fact that while doing research upon the literacy and on the new or digital technology as well it is seen that the early learners are radically under-represented as compared to the other age groups (Ilomäki et al., 2016). Besides this, by making use of the various theoretical constructs it was concluded that most of the studies are associated with reviewing and promoted the usage of the tokenistic and instrumentalist view of the digital literacy. In this most of the things were assumed regarding the potential that the particular technologies were having for advanced literacy and literacy learning.

There also exists computer-based stand-alone technologies that are associated with facilitating the development of particular aspects related to literacy (Leach, 2015). Idea gathered from the early year's curricula some of the researchers whose works have been reviewed have been associated with considering the potential that the particular pedagogical frameworks for the development of the children’s related to digital literacy include some assessments. These researchers have been associated with suggesting the need for certain child-centered and inquiry-based pedagogies which would be associated with the engagement of the children. This would be having a powerful environment which would be helping in creating a direct link with everyday lives. In accordance to Bruce and Casey (2012), the practice of enquiry is to be implemented which would be helping proving support to the children so as to ask, investigate, create, discuss and reflect in a better way so as to get fitted in a better way than the traditional pedagogical practices that are needed for teaching and learning in the world which is mediated by various technologies. So there is an essential need of framing the experiences of the children while providing primary education.

In relation to the above concept another author Mills (2010), was associated with analyzing the cross-disciplinary repertories of the children related to the knowledge that has been facilitated by the productions of the networked digital media. The author have been associated with the usage of the Kalantzis and Cope’s framework related to “Learning by Design” in which he argued about the fact that by making use of the production of digital media the children in their early primary classrooms would become capable of experimenting, conceptualizing, analyzing and applying the combination of technologies which are new (Arnott, Palaiologou & Gray, 2018). This helps in the expansion of the funds of knowledge along with increasing the possibilities related to success in the new era. By having a special focus upon the young children digital activities Edward and Bird (2015) also argued on the fact that utilization of the learner-centered pedagogical framework is associated with providing support to childhood settings in order to explore, solve the problems and acquisition of the skills. For this reason, Digital Play Framework was introduced which acted as a tool for understanding the usage of the technology as a tool and this can be classified n two forms.

3. Digital technology pedagogy is associated including the various axiomatic changes taking place in the traditional pedagogy. This is almost similar and common with the constructive approach where it is seen that the students are associated with the construction of their own knowledge in a social context (Hutchison & Woodward, 2014). But despite all this, the digital pedagogy has gone beyond that so as to include the teaching about as well as for digital technology for learning. Co-construction of knowledge is generally considered to be the central portion of digital pedagogy.

The digital pedagogy is associated with including the planning that is needed for learning which is of low content than depending upon the solving of the problems. This is also associated with presenting the knowledge as one of the problematic aspect rather than a fixed one (Pereira, Ramos & Marsh, 2016). For this reason, it is associated with promoting the higher order of thinking skills and the students are associated with moving from the remembering of contents towards gaining of a deep understanding of the different kind of concepts. A critical analysis is developed along with metacognition as well as reflection, which is done by creation, editing, and online publishing. The digital pedagogy might also be including the usage of the Web 2.0 technology so as to access the social networks by usage of the blogs, wikis and many more. In this way, it is possible for the digital pedagogy to promote connectedness to the wider world (Flewitt, Messer, & Kucirkova, 2015). For the purpose of embracing the digital pedagogy the teachers might also find that they are no longer are the experts and for this, there is a need of changing themselves that is from being the users of the technology to co-creator of the technology.

There exist many students who are having navigation skills or access to the whole range of ICT completely and for this reason, the teachers need to demonstrate the ways of identifying, selecting, analyzing and usage of the ICT information (Rowsell, Morrell & Alvermann, 2017). This is to be done so as to make sure of the fact that students are capable of developing critical digital literacy. Besides this, it is also to be made sure that the teachers are accepting the fact that, fundamental changes might occur in the activities.

There exist various studies which have been associated with investigating classroom practices existing around the digital pedagogies related to the literacy. One of the authors was associated with investigating this by making use of the language experience approach associated with the digital storytelling by means of power point presentation (Walsh, 2017). Some other studies were also associated with discussing the electronic storybooks for the purpose of increasing the reading motivations. This helped in showing the fact that the electronic storytelling methods are very much successful in providing motivations to the students along with teaching an aspect of literacy (Miller, 2015). In order to investigate the professional development model numerous studies were conducted and this studies were generally related to the up-skilling of the teachers present in the classroom which was assisted by various pedagogical practices and ICT so as to teach literacy.

Another study indicated the fact that as literacy purposes and its uses outside the school are changing gradually so the pedagogy associated with teaching literacy also needs to be changed so as to capitalize the on the skills that the students are going to develop in some other contexts (O’Brien et al., 2018). Besides this, the teachers need to be extra aware of the increased number of processes that are associated with making of meanings along with the production of digital texts. Besides this, the accessed digital texts are also of a different type. The digital texts are associated with encouraging the browsing, selection, and sampling of the strategies b incorporation of the images, sounds and interactive elements.


Arnott, L., Palaiologou, I., & Gray, C. (2018). Digital devices, internet-enabled toys and digital games: The changing nature of young children’s learning ecologies, experiences and pedagogies. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(5), 803-806.

Churchill, D. (2018). Transformation of Teaching through 3D Learning-Outcomes Based Curriculum Approach in Higher Education. Educational Access and Excellence, 1, 66.

Dezuanni, M. (2015). The building blocks of digital media literacy: socio-material participation and the production of media knowledge. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(3), 416-439.

Dieterle, B., & Vie, S. (2015). Digital First-Year Composition: Integrating Multimodality into a Writing about Writing Approach. Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, 3(1), 276-289.

Flewitt, R., Messer, D., & Kucirkova, N. (2015). New directions for early literacy in a digital age: The iPad. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(3), 289-310.

Greenhow, C., & Lewin, C. (2016). Social media and education: reconceptualizing the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Learning, media and technology, 41(1), 6-30.

Hutchison, A., & Woodward, L. (2014). A planning cycle for integrating digital technology into literacy instruction. The Reading Teacher, 67(6), 455-464.

Ilomäki, L., Paavola, S., Lakkala, M., & Kantosalo, A. (2016). Digital competence–an emergent boundary concept for policy and educational research. Education and Information Technologies, 21(3), 655-679.

Jones, R. H., Chik, A., & Hafner, C. A. (Eds.). (2015). Discourse and digital practices: Doing discourse analysis in the digital age. Routledge.

Leach, A. M. (2015). Literacy Learning and Assessment for the Digital Age. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition (pp. 2555-2571). IGI Global.

Leach, A. M. (2017). Digital Media Production to Support Literacy for Secondary Students with Diverse Learning Abilities. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 9(2), 30-44.

Mapua Lim, R., Novo de Azevedo, L., & Cooper, J. (2016). Embracing the conceptual shift on new ways of experiencing the city and learning urban design: pedagogical methods and digital technologies. Journal of Urban Design, 21(5), 638-660.

Mercer, N., Hennessy, S., & Warwick, P. (2017). Dialogue, thinking together and digital technology in the classroom: Some educational implications of a continuing line of inquiry. International Journal of Educational Research.

Miles, A. P., & Jenkins, K. (2017). (Re) Born Digital–Trans-Affirming Research, Curriculum, and Pedagogy: An Interactive Multimodal Story Using Twine. Visual Arts Research, 43(1), 43-49.

Miller, S. M. (2015). Teacher learning for new times: Repurposing new multimodal literacies and digital-video composing for schools. Handbook of research on teaching literacy through the communicative and visual arts, 2, 441-453.

Mirra, N., Morrell, E., & Filipiak, D. (2018). From digital consumption to digital invention: Toward a new critical theory and practice of multiliteracies. Theory Into Practice, 57(1), 12-19.

Nielsen, W., Hoban, G., & Hyland, C. J. (2017). Pharmacology students’ perceptions of creating multimodal digital explanations. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(2), 329-339.

O’Brien, L. M., Salinas, A., Reinhart, K. C., & Paratore, J. R. (2018). Pre-service Teachers’ Use of Multimodal Text Sets and Technology in Teaching Reading: Lessons Learned from a Design-Based Study. In Best Practices in Teaching Digital Literacies (pp. 123-136). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Pereira, I. S. P., Ramos, A., & Marsh, J. (2016). The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children: engaging with emergent research: proceedings of the first Training School of COST Action IS1410, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 6th-8th June, 2016. 1st Training School of COST Action IS1410-The Digital Literacy and Multimodal Practices of Young Children (DigiLitEY), 1-247.

Rowsell, J., Morrell, E., & Alvermann, D. E. (2017). Confronting the digital divide: Debunking brave new world discourses. The Reading Teacher, 71(2), 157-165.

Walsh, M., 2017. Multiliteracies, Multimodality, New Literacies and…. What Do These Mean for Literacy Education?. In Inclusive Principles and Practices in Literacy Education (pp. 19-33). Emerald Publishing Limited.

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