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CHCDIS007 Facilitate The Empowerment of People With a Disability



Facilitate the empowerment of people with a disability


  • There are two parts to this task:
  • Part A: You are to interview two people with a disability, as well as their family/ guardian or direct carer to identify the person’s needs and goals.
  • Part B: Based on the information gathered from the interview, you are to develop a plan to help the person to achieve their needs and goals.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to your work placement service
  • Access to two clients with a disability and/or their family member, guardian or carer
  • Approval from your work placement supervisor
  • Access to individual plans and equipment outlined in the plan
  • Interview questions (provided)
  • Access to a computer (if you prefer type out your answers)
  • Access to the Internet (for conducting online research).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your work placement service.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor:

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

  • If your assessor identifies that you did not complete all parts of each template correctly, you will be asked to fix the parts that are wrong and resubmit.


You must obtain permission from your supervisor to work with each client. Use the permission form at the end of this task. You will be supervised at all times during your work with these clients.

Your supervisor will sign each of your interview templates to support that each is a true and accurate account of what occurred.

  • Note: You must not use identifying information in this assessment. Please refer to clients as either ‘the Client’ or ‘Client X’, ‘the carer’, ‘the mother’, etc.

CHCDIS007 – Permission Form Client 1

Client approval


My name is

and I am studying the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability

As part of my study I am required to interview a client with a disability to develop a strategy and empower each client

I am asking for your permission to interview you for this project. The interview will consist of no more than 6 questions about the following:

  1. Your needs and goals
  2. Current options or services you use and their effectiveness
  3. Communication preferences
  4. Challenges faced in exercising your rights

I will be supervised at all times during this task.

I would welcome your participation in this project.

Please sign below to show your agreement.




Supervisor’s approval – Client 1


<supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<client’s name>.

 Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.

The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name: 



CHCDIS007 – Permission Form Client 2

Client approval


My name is

and I am studying the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability

As part of my study I am required to work with a client with a disability to review and monitor person-centred responses.

and I am studying the CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability

As part of my study I am required to interview a client with a disability to develop a strategy and empower each client

I am asking for your permission to interview you for this project. The interview will consist of no more than 6 questions about the following:

  1. Your needs and goals
  2. Current options or services you use and their effectiveness
  3. Communication preferences
  4. Challenges faced in exercising your rights

I will be supervised at all times during this task.

I would welcome your participation in this project.

Please sign below to show your agreement.




Supervisor’s approval – Client 2


<supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<client’s name>.

 Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.

The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name:




  • Use the following interview questions to interview each client.
  • You may also wish to interview family members and/or carers depending on the situation.
  • You will use the information gained from these interviews to develop a strategy for each client.
  • Interview each client separately.
  • You can write your answers in the templates provided or use Microsoft Word or a similar program to type them out.

Client 1

What are your needs and goals?

What current options or services are being used to help you reach these needs and goals?

Are the current options effective? Why or why not?

What are your communication preferences?

What challenges have you faced in terms of exercising your rights?

How are you supported to make your own decisions?

Now answer the following question about your interview technique:

What communication strategies did you use when interviewing the client? Remember to include verbal and non-verbal communication in your answer.


I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of the student’s client interview.

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature:


Client 2

What are your needs and goals?

What current options or services are being used to help you reach these needs and goals?

Are the current options effective? Why or why not?

What are your communication preferences?

What challenges have you faced in terms of exercising your rights?

How are you supported to make your own decisions?

Now answer the following question about your interview technique:

What communication strategies did you use when interviewing the client? Remember to include verbal and non-verbal communication in your answer.


I confirm that this is an accurate and true account of the student’s client interview.

Supervisor name:

Supervisor signature:


What do I need to hand in for this task?

Have I completed this?

Notes from Client 1 interview

Notes from Client 2 interview

Permission form for Client 1

Permission form for Client 2


  • After you have completed both interviews, you need to use the information you gathered to develop a strategy or plan as to how you could assist to:
  • facilitate access to services
  • advocate for the client’s rights
  • support their independence to help them achieve their goals.

Use the following template to guide you in developing your plan for each client.

Client 1

Suitable options/services

Communication strategy

Decision making (who will be responsible for decision making?)

Relationships and key people

Client 1

How will the client access services?

Strategies for maintaining positive relationships

Client 1

Does the client require advocacy services? (Provide detail.)

Client 2

Suitable options/services

Communication strategy

Client 2

Decision making (who will be responsible for decision making?)

Relationships and key people

Client 2

How will the client access services?

Strategies for maintaining positive relationships

Client 2

Does the client require advocacy services? (Provide detail.)

What do I need to hand in for this task?

Have I completed this?

Developed strategy outline


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