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CHCCOM002 Assessment 2

Summative assessment 2

CHCCOM002_CareerKeys - Use communication to build relationships

Project 1

  • The community services sector is holding a conference focusing on how workers can better communicate with each other and with clients. You have been asked to give the keynote speech. A keynote speech is an opening address that outlines the issues to be considered and why they should be considered. In this instance, you will need to speak about a number of communication techniques and how to use them at the conference. Provide the transcript of the speech you would make. It should be approximately 3,000 words in length.

You will need to discuss such things as:

  • how to build rapport
  • barriers to communication and ways to address them
  • conducting interviews
  • giving feedback and advice
  • getting clients to tell their stories
  • communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds
  • legislative requirements
  • handling enquiries
  • giving presentations
  • channels of communication
  • networking
  • active listening
  • handling conflict
  • facilitating group discussions
  • working with involuntary clients

You can provide up to 3 pages of handouts that you might distribute to the audience to support speech or provide more information about some of the topics you have discussed.

You should discuss the topics that you have studied in this unit, but you can group similar topics together.

You will be assessed on the content of your speech and your ability to communicate information clearly to the target audience.

You can reference the information provided in this unit, but you will also need to demonstrate that you have undertaken your own research. Remember to properly cite and reference any material from other authors.

Good afternoon everyone, thank you to all that have attended our conference today.

Today we are here to talk about communication and ways that we can better communicate with each other and our clients, we will be addressing several matters all of which having good communication skills are necessary. Upon entry you would have received a pamphlet, this pamphlet contains tips and information on several of the topics that we will be discussing today so please keep them handy for reference purposes throughout the conference.

To start our conference we will start with talking about Building Rapport, It doesn’t matter what industry you are in or what position you hold, knowing how to build rapport can bring you countless opportunities, after all when you have a rapport with someone they will usually want to help you to succeed. Rapport forms the basis of meaningful, close and harmonious relationships between people. It is the sense of connection that you get when you meet someone you like and trust and whose point of view you understand. It is the bond that forms when you discover that you share one another’s values and priorities in life.

Rapport isn’t just a tool for building relationships, though it is often the foundation for success! When you have a rapport with someone you are better place to influence, learn and teach, particularly as the trust that you have built up means that other people are more likely to accept your ideas, share information and create more opportunities together! Rapport is similar to trust, you can build trust and rapport simultaneously, but rapport focuses more on establishing a bond or connection whereas trust relies more on establishing a reputation for reliability, consistency and keeping your promises. If you open your pamphlets you will see several tips and information on better ways to help you build up rapport with not only your clients but also your colleagues.

Now lets move onto communication barriers, their are several different types of barriers t communication of which include; Language Barriers, Psychological Barriers, Physiological Barriers, Physical Barriers, Systematic Barriers and Attitudrial Barriers. In order to improve your overall communication skills you need to be aware of and attempt to minimise any barriers to communication that are present. By developing your emotional intelligence you will become more aware of how to communicate with others in he most appropriate and effective ways. For more information on communication barriers please refer to your pamphlets.

Moving onto Feedback and Advice, Giving feedback and advice is key to engaging your people and keeping them on track, when done in the right way and with the right intentions, feedback can lead to outstanding performance. Employees need to know what they are doing well and what they are not, and for them t really hear your thoughts an suggestions on ways that they or you can improve that feedback needs to be delivered carefully and effectively. Giving feedback is a skill and like all skills it takes practice to get it right. For more tips on providing feedback and advice positively and thoroughly please refer to your pamphlets.

Lets talk about conducting interviews, When conducting interviews you need to be alert to the many factors that can disrupt an interview, hinder disclosure of information or even impact on the client in such a way that they will not participate at any point in the future. Strategies to minimise potential disruption and help the interview progress smoothly include; Minimising client discomfort, Being open minded, Minimise outside distraction, Avoid Stereo typing and Maintaining Focus! For more details on these strategies refer to page in your pamphlets.

Next we will talk about getting your clients to tell their stories, communicating with people from different backgrounds and Handling enquiries!

Whether you are pitching to a client or presenting at a board meeting you need to engage your audience or else risk failure to effectively communicate. Engagement matters as your intention in these meetings is to share your experiences with someone else in the hopes that it will move them to action. Research shows that engagement matters as it shows that we learn, remember and participate better when an activity is engaging. We share our experiences to show that we are open and honest in hopes that we can build up rapport and trust with the client so that they may open up to us and share their story and experiences.

Being able to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues od different cultural backgrounds will make your work easier and more enjoyable, an understanding of the factors involved in communicating provides a good base for improving communication between people who do not speak the same language. Whilst language is important to communication, especially for complex messages, it is possible to communicate without the use of speech, as actual words make up only a small portion of the process, Please see your pamphlets for more information on effective communication.

When handling enquiries all workers are bound by the standards and guidelines of the organisation, among these standards will be those of you required for responding to enquiries, I have provided a list in your pamphlets on ways to ensure that you have covered all that you need to when responding to enquiries. You should ask the enquirer how you can help and ask further questions so that you may clarify the nature of their enquiry and provide an adequate response, or if need be direct the enquiry to a more appropriate person.

Now moving on, Giving a good presentation begins with a clear objective and whether you want to make sales, win contracts, educate others or simply put yourself out there, Its all about the structure, the style and narrative, With these three things working together your presentation will achieve the results that you want and stand out from he crowd!

Our next topic is Handling conflicts, Conflict isn’t always a negative force, in fact it can actually push an organisation to find solutions that they would never have came up with if a conflict had not arisen. Working through conflicts gives colleagues the opportunity to exchange information and hear different ideas which ultimately leads to innovation! When handling conflicts you must address the issues immediately and openly, as ignoring conflicts allows them to fester and erode the credibility of the workplace, You must set clear expectations both in terms of what you expect and what is expected of you in return. This is one of the most important things a team can do to facilitate better communication. Lastly you need to recognise and respect personal differences. Opposing viewpoints, behaviours and work styles can cause many arguments and misunderstandings among colleagues. If clashing personalities are the root cause of most of your teams problems, you will need to work on being more aware of the differences in how you view a situation to avoid future conflicts over the same types of issues.

For our last topic this evening we will be discussing Active Listening! Active listening does not necessarily mean long sessions spent listening to grievances, personal or otherwise, It is simply a way of approaching those problems which arise out f the usual day to day events of our jobs. For active listening to really be effective it must be firmly grounded in the basic attitudes of the user. We can not employ it as a technique if our fundamental attitudes are in conflict with its basic concepts. But what do we achieve by listening you may ask? Well active listening is an important way to bring about changes to people, despite the popular notion that listening is a passive approach, clinical and research evidence clearly shows that sensitive listening is a most effective agent for individual personality change and group development. When people are listened to sensitively, they tend to listen to themselves with more care and to make clear exactly what they are feeling and thinking. For more information and tips on how to better you active listening skills refer to your pamphlets for some great information!

And that concludes our conference for this evening, i wold like to thank you all for your attendance today and your active listening! If any one has any further questions please do not hesitate to approach myself or my colleagues for more information or help on any of the discussed topics.

Thank you all, good evening.


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