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BUSN20016 : Research in Business : The Poor Organizational Job Perfo

A detail statement of the problem that you would like to investigate.

Research aim, objectives and research questions: What are the potential research objectives and questions that can address the problem?

Justification and potential output of the research project: Why is your chosen project important both theoretically and practically? What are the potential outputs and outcomes of your research?

Conceptual framework: An analysis of the literature relevant to the research topic that will give you the conceptual basis for conducting this research.

Methodology and presenting secondary data: Based on the conceptual framework, research aim(s) and objectives, you need to provide a detail description of the data collection methods and tools, data sources and the methods/tools that you will use to analyse the data.

Organisation of the study, project budget and schedule: Write the names of the chapters/sections of your research report, and briefly discuss what you will write in those chapters/sections followed by a brief description of budget for conducting this study and project schedule i.e., Gantt Chart.

This is an individual research task. You are required to demonstrate your understanding of the relevant body of works to a real-life business research. We expect you to read and reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles on your topic supported by any other evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate conceptual framework and the methods of data collection and analysis. Please see detailed guidelines about specific research requirements on the unit Moodle site.



1.1 Statement of the problem

Organizational job performance is an aspect of workforce which is rampant in almost every sector in the world. The poor organizational job performance is being brought into firms because of workers low payment. The payment that workers get cannot be satisfy their needs which are insatiable. Ahn, Lee and Yun (2018) mention that due to low payment by the different and deserve organizations is what has led to poor job performance among employees, hence low company productivity. Subsequently, when workers cannot satisfied their needs and desire they will have to perform poorly instead of well performance has being expected by the company. Though, companies are focusing on how to increase profit it is advisable for the companies managerial team to consider all aspect of improving job performance that can enhance high productivity to the company (Lietz & Julien-Chinn, 2017). Organizational job performance can be attained when workers psychology have been changed to a positive temperament that can enable worker to carry out task in a particular approach. With this kind of approach workers will be able to be dedicated and motivated to increase the organization job performance despite of the varying job performance from company to the other.

1.2 Objectives and aims of the study

The key objectives of the study will be to investigate how managers can maintain and accomplish organizational job performance in BCB Company in Australia. The specific aims of the study will include the following;

  1. To determine the main cause of employees turnover in various companies.
  2. To identify if workers motivational aspects is being done well and how it stimulates employees to do their work appropriately.
  • To find out the connection between maintain and managing workers satisfaction and its influence on the job performance.

1.3 Research questions

The research proposal will be guided by the three main questions which are;

  1. What is cause of employees’ turnover in various organization?
  2. What is the influence of motivational factors in organizational job performance?
  • Is maintaining and managing of employees’ satisfaction a hindrance to organizational job performance?

1.4 Justification of the study

  The study of how managers can maintain and manage organizational job performance will be necessary because it will bridge the gap that have existed for many decades (Wang & Reger, 2017). The study is also relevant because it only a few number of researcher’s who have put more emphases on how organization can maintain and manage workers in order to maximize job performance in the companies involved. In addition, most scholar are only interested on the positive impact of managing and maintaining organizational job performance which has resulted to existence of the gap that t

he current study will have to fill. This study will also help managers and recruiters to understand how they can hire great workers who can help in maintaining and managing company job performance.  

1.5 Significance of the study

The study will be important has it will help various organizations and financial institution on how to manage workers by use of motivational aspects. It will also be significant because it will generate and increase knowledge on how human resource will be maintain and manage by the employees in order to maintain high level of job performance that will raise company’s productivity.



2.1.1Organizational job performance and Commitment

According to Bartlett and Beamish (2018) is that companies should utilize different managerial strategies and leadership plans to increase job performance and level of obligation of the workers. Because, when workers are obligated to the organization the employees will produced high level of performance in the organization. Also, high obligated employees can help the company to attain its more in every year compared to workers who are committed averagely or low. It is therefore for the organization to select plans that will increase workers commitment based on the company current objectives and based on working place environment (Bartlett & Beamish, 2018). Organizational managerial team have to analyze what the individual’s level of obligation based on employee performance. Workers commitment is linked to the significant aspect of job performance has most employees have to be satisfy in order to be productivity. If an employee have a low level of obligation, the employees will not work the best and it can even turn to workers turnover in the organization. Employees may leave the company leading to loses out has the cost of replacing workers is high and production will be temporary affected. Hence, it upon the organization to look at the dissatisfaction and find how to fix them before it incur the cost (Christopher, 2016).

Creation of ideal working conditions for the employees will make them to be more committed towards the organization, be motivated and more satisfied to perform their roles accordingly. Creation of ideal working condition begins when the company has hire has recruit more and well qualified personnel’s who is matched to the job. This means that organization have to clearly define what kind of employee to be hired despite of their educational background. Organization have to provide tools in order for the workers to succeed. An employee will only take the job offered once he/she find it satisfactory level in manner of compensation and reimbursements in exchange to the work being done. Hence, the company have to offer training session, coaching session as well as motivational talks to keep workers more satisfied. Sometime, workers may have to maintain a balance between inducements and the organization. Employees normally do this in order to determine if they can maintain satisfactory balance, and whether to become a long-term worker or not.

Organizational managerial should acknowledge that an employee can spend time or stay with the employer even if he/she is not satisfied with some aspects of the work offered by the employer. Motivation of the workers changes and varies that reflects different levels of organizational performance, however, if an employee is obligated towards the job offered he/she may stay longer in the organization than it was expected. The company may develop dissatisfied employee to become an asset (Wang & Reger, 2017). The development of the worker can be done by giving difficult task to the employee to allow him/her to be more influential and descend intrinsic advantage to the organization. In addition, company human resource manager can keep on motivating the worker through dialog to make him/her understand the plans of the company its employees.

2.1.2 Role of Managers in Maintaining Job Performance in an Organization

Drucker in his book described the key objectives of managers on how to make workers productive. Drucker added the managers can maintain employees, job performance in the organizational setup by performing various managerial functions(Wang & Reger, 2017).

The first managerial role that have to be play by human resource team in an organization is hiring great individuals’ who have great abilities, ambitions and talents. Some managers tend to hire individuals who cannot perform. Human resource manager incline to use short cut such as employing their own friends or relatives who do not have skills and experience of the job being offered. Thus, for the managers to maintain high level of performance in the company it is mandatory for them to outsource people who are productive. Performance administration is another great role of managers despite of its broad grouping. It is upon the HR or recruiter to manage workers performance in an organization. Conversely, performance management of job performance include clarification and setting up of expectations and objectives, training, watching of the workers, coaching and explaining performance problems. Hence, it depends with the number of direct and indirect report the organization manager have that can be considered in maintaining of job performance inside the company (Dawson,Veliziotis & Hopkins, 2017).  

Development of team among individual workers is significant despite of the administration and development. The manager has a key role and responsibility in developing a high performing workers team in the organization. The inter-dependent team is normally productive compared to group of persons who are working individualistically and independently. Setting of the overall direction by the managers is another great approach of maintaining job performance. Therefore, managers have to set both long-term and short-term directing the company workers. Setting of direction involves the following activities, having a clear vision and mission, and well-defined goals and objectives or well-organized strategies. Strategic human resources mangers do spend a lot of time to think about the vision and mission also there are always on time and on look-out of prioritizing changes (De Clercq, Haq & Azeem, 2018). Hence, they have to include other team members but it is upon them to take ultimate responsibilities in making final choices. The managers have to manage the available resource by making use of the team members has the resource accessible. By managing the available resources in the organization will be able to maintain its job performance that will result to high-level of productivity.

Manager have to ensure that the organization has an effective communication channel in order to maintain organizational job performance. They have to make sure that information is being dispatched in both horizontally, vertically and diagonally. In addition managers should make sure that no bottleneck exist when giving information because shareholders, stakeholder, potential investors and employees depend on the message the mangers will be addressing.  Hence, communicating information effectively is an element of organizational job maintenance in an organization (Jang et al., 2017). Self-development have to be determine to develop themselves instead of developing employees alone. Self-development action that managers can take to maintain organization job performance include stretch taking, self-assignments developmental, participation in management training and seeking of other people advise specifically mentors. By taking of the mentioned action mangers will be able to be role model of continuous development and improvement in the organizational job performance (Demerouti,Bakker & Leiter, 2014).

Lastly, managers can improve quality and procedures of the workers in spite of believe that every worker has the responsibility of taking his/her own procedures and quality. Henceforward, managers are in a good rank to see whether the overall work follow is being maintained or not (Demerouti,Bakker & Leiter, 2014). Managers will have to make adjustments and enhancements to improve the organizational job performance.

2.1.3 Workers Satisfaction and Organizational Performance

In today’s fast paced growing world and increasing competition in the market it is significant for the companies than ever to motivate workers and engage workers who are the company greatest asset. The workers who have passionate and enthusiastic may remain cynical and disengaged in the company work performance policy. Hence, it being deduced that workers who are satisfied leads to organizational successfulness.

Workers satisfaction lead to higher level of productivity. The results from various companies indicates that satisfied and happy workers are more productive when contrasted to dissatisfied and unhappy employees (Shalawati & Hadijah, 2018). Consequently, satisfaction and happiness are the approach of increasing companies’ productivity. For instance, company like BCB have invested in workers support and contentment to help them create happier employees that result to highly active and productive workers. Workers satisfaction can be through intensive creativity and collaboration. It is being suggested that when employees have positive emotion they tend to perform well because the brain is present at the work (El-Shishini, 2017). By making employees more inclined is the more they become more creative and even be better problem-solver. But if the employer will not collaborate the worker they will not be creative. On the same point, it has been indicated that happy employees tend to be more creative and collaborative to working towards achieving common organization objective.

The company’s management may appreciate workers at workplace to ensure that workers are satisfied, that result to increase in organizational job performance (Schermerhorn et al., 2014). Since, people like recognition at the presence of other, recognizing in front of other colleagues will make them to be actively engaged and more focused to attain the organizational objectives. The company’s manager can decide to ask the worker about what they have attained with other co-workers which will result into recognition of the other employees (Ferris et al., 2015). Recognition of other worker in the team instead of only one worker will be of more advantage to the companies because all worker will be working to achieve what there are required to accomplish. Through, general recognition of the employers it is assumed that organizational job performance will increase over a given period of time.  

Conceptual Framework/ Model


Conceptual model above illustrate the objective, research questions and the problem of the statement. (Hensel, 2018).


3.1 Research Design

  The research design of this study will be qualitative research design (Wang, Lu, & Siu, 2015). The design will be founded on the social aspect constructivism and perception of the study such as how managers are impact and equip workers to perform better thus enhancing productivity of the BCB Company. By, using the qualitative research the research aims will change to be the research questions (Hensel, 2018). Also the sample size of the study will be minimal. The data collection involved in this design are observation and archival content which are both primary and secondary sources of data.

3.2 Data Collection Tools and Techniques

Data collections tools and techniques that will be used in the study include interviews, questionnaires and surveys, observations and focus groups, and documents and store information records. Interviews techniques will be conducted through emails or mobile phone, it can also be done via structured or informed interviews (Mulki et al., 2015). Questionnaires and surveys will also be used because it will be based on qualitative techniques analysis of the data. Questionnaires and survey are will be effective since the research will be founded in the case study of BCB Company in Australia. In addition, observations is a source of information that can be used to obtain different aspect related to the study. For instance, a researcher’s will use a video recording to collect information while observing the source of the information. Focus groups and document stored records will be retrieved by the researcher to interrelate the information of the current study and those of the past studies (Singh, Jha & Kumar, 2018).

3.3 Data Sources  

Data source to that will be used in the study are both primary and secondary sources of data. The two data source will be used when collecting data to be use in the research. The primary sources of data include use of surveys, performing of various experiments to determine effectiveness of how managers are working to maintain organization job performance at BCB Company in Australia (Singh, Jha & Kumar, 2018). Primary sources may also involve observations of how workers will be working to attain the objective of the company (Robertson & Kee, 2017). On the other hand, secondary sources will including gathering of information from various and diverse data source. The secondary sources of information may include company documents, related research article and journal, electronically stored data, market place studies and performed census related to the current study.

3.4 Data Analysis

  The data analysis of the study will both include qualitative research and quantitative research. Each of the method techniques will to analysis the data collected by the researcher (Singh, Jha & Kumar, 2018). In the research study interviews and observations will be qualitative forms of data analysis whereas surveys and direct observation will be the form of analyzing data under quantitative. In addition the data analysis through qualitative will only concentrate on the characteristics of both workers, managers and stakeholders of the BCB Company. Quantitative data analysis will focus on how BCB Company use the numbers of the available workers to increase or to improve the organizational job performance.

3.5 Ethical Issues and Considerations

 The ethical issues and considerations to be applied in the study will include informed agreement, beneficence not to ham respondents in any way possible, regarding the sample and correspondents’ anonymity and concealment as well as, respecting of the respondents privacy (Safdar et al., 2018).   


Research project proposal will have six chapters which will be systematized.

Chapter one explain research proposal as outlined in the assignment.

Chapter two will be focusing on how to maintain and manage organizational job performance.

Chapter three constitutes of the conceptual framework and literature review relevant to the study.

Chapter four encompasses the research methodology including the research design, data collection, and data sources and data analysis.

Chapter five constitutes outcomes that are related analysis of data collected.

Chapter six summary of the key findings linked to job performance in various sectors.



                                                   Figure 1. Activities of the research proposal project. (Ahn, Lee & Yun, 2018).

Gantt chart Sample for the project


Figure2. Sample Gantt chart for the research proposal activities. (Ahn, Lee & Yun, 2018).

The illustration of the budget required for the proposed research study include the following;

Literature review is estimated to take about cost $ 500 for the all research project, whereas, questionnaires to be used in the first phase of data collection will approximately cost $1,000 and second phase of data collection to cost $ 800 respectively. Hence, data analysis will approximately cost $ 600 by the end of the project.

The table below indicate the summary of expenditure to be incurred;



Estimated Cost


Literature Review

$ 500


Data Collection; questionnaires

$ 1,000


Data Collection; observation and surveys

$ 800


Data Analysis

$ 600

Total Estimated Budget

$ 2,900

Table 1. Summary of the project expenditure. (Wang & Reger, 2017).


According to Wang and Reger (2017), organizational job performance is termed as an undefined and enormous perception being linked to business successfulness in the modern business world. Wang and Reger (2017) has added that numerous factors and desires of an organizations are being generated to increase its job performance, that means if the organizational job performance is not achieved the company will be affected in both production capacity and in satisfaction of consumers’ needs. This is a perception that tends to provide accounts of how companies can be encouraged and be self-driven to attain a particular objective it wants to achieve. It is also difficult to explain various aspect that an organization can be affected with either directly or indirectly to reduce or to increase company job performance has mentioned by (Li & Van Ryzin, 2017).

 Maintaining and managing organizational job performance can be achieved when the company’s management team holds workers motivation. The motivational can be done by implementing plans that can inspire employees to work hard towards the achievement of the company key objective. Li and Van Ryzin (2017) has define motivation as the aspect that guide employees in an organization workplace environment. In addition, humankind has desires and needs that should be satisfied in spite of their insatiable traits which can be improved by motivating workers. The insatiability of the desires and needs by workers leads to low and poor productivity hence low or no maintenance of organizational job performance the company will attain. Furthermore, unprecedented situation, statuses, time and conditions of workers may make the company job performance to reduce lowly or rapidly. Li and Van Ryzin (2017) has mentioned that numerous organizations over the decades have been trying to increase their production by either increasing the human workforce or even by maximizing the job performance of the potential and capable machinery that were available in those industries. The two effort has not resulted into anything big, but into a minimal outcome of the job performance. Conversely, automation and mechanization which were innovated by the industrial engineers has failed despite of the perception that it will improve the production industry and job performance within the organization. The machinery that were brought by the industrial engineers did not increase organizational productivity bur they lead to workers dissatisfied and other jobless hence effected the job performance has the management of the problem appears to be more human than mechanical. When the companies realized this, companies have to put greater effort to increase productivity through humankind approaches instead of the mechanical approaches by use of inducements.

The use of inducements or incentives to increase organization job performance by motivating worker. The use of incentive to motivated employees had no recent means before but it has acquired a lot of popularity in the current years, whereas, the parameters of inducements employed have increased and widened economic through the provision of social amenities (Ahn, Lee & Yun, 2018). Thus, the study will therefore, discuss the how organization can maintain and manage job performance in the organizations with committed to ascertain the connection


Ahn, J., Lee, S., & Yun, S. (2018). Leaders’ core self-evaluation, ethical leadership, and employees’ job performance: The moderating role of employees’ exchange ideology. Journal of Business Ethics, 148(2), 457-470.

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Shalawati, S., & Hadijah, S. (2018). Teaching Practicum Current Practices: Challenges and Opportunity. JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC, 5(1), 113-123.

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