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BUSN20016 Research Business 5 - Free Samples to Students

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Statement of the problem 

In the existing business scenario, organization is needed to increase their existing knowledge on cloud computing and their impact on small and medium sized enterprises.  It will offer an opportunity to SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to increase its demand for goods and services (Alshamaila, Papagiannidis, & Li, 2013).  It would also enable the organization to get many benefits like securing their information, data recovery employees efficiency, scalability, and integration. As a result, the organization will be able to build the relationship with their desire consumers and sustain their position in the marketplace (Gupta, Seetharaman, & Raj, 2013).           

Research aim and objectives/research questions 

Research aim and objectives

The key purpose of this study is to evaluate cloud computing and its implications in SMEs: Enabler or constraint for sustainability. The following objectives will be obtained

by the research scholar to attain specified aim of this research.

  • O1-To identify the impact that CC is capable of citing on the SMEs.
  • O2-The restraints that can cite problems post-adoption of the cloud services.
  • O3-To identify the impact of those restraints if not met adequately.
  • O4-To identify potential solutions to mitigate the identified restraints.

Research questions

  • O1-What is the impact of cloud computing on SMEs?
  • O2-Which restraints create problem in post-adoption of the cloud services?
  • O3-What is the impact of failure of restraints in SMEs?
  • O4-What could be potential solutions to mitigate the identified restraints?

Justification and potential output of the research 

The cloud computing is imperative to improve the existing performance of the organization in limited time and cost. It facilitates the workers to imply the internet in performing their activities and accomplish their task systematically. This research will offer the understanding of the factors that will restraint to the cloud computing application in the working pace. Further, it also facilitates to enhance the understanding in the context of strategies that will be eff

ective to eliminate challenges of cloud computing in a systematic manner (Stieninger & Nedbal, 2014, January).    

Literature review, conceptual framework and hypothesis development 

According to Tehrani and Shirazi, (2014, June) Cloud computing enables the organization to save their cost and make a reliable decision. It could also facilitate the organization to avoid the upfront costs of buying and installing the hardware and software systems. It could be more effective for the small and medium-sized business because it facilitates to operate the business effectively in limited resources that would be effective to sustain their position in the marketplace. Further, it is analyzed that the cloud computing changes the fixed cost into the variable cost for getting higher competitive benefits. It could also lead to declining the cost of fixed overheads in the business process.   

On the other side, Sultan, (2013) security and challenges could be a major issue for the cloud computing that would influence the performance of small and medium sized enterprises. Further, the information of consumers was stored and shared with multiple servers that may create the possibilities of data theft. Cloud computing could enable the organization to use the hardware and software systemic to secure data and get a reliable outcome. Apart from this, it is also analyzed that organization could sometimes fail to manage the huge amount of information in the same place that negatively reflects the organizational performance.

In support of this, Carcary, Doherty, & Conway, (2014) organization could consider certain techniques like IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS for successfully operating their business process in the least time and cost. It is analyzed that IaaS and PaaS permit the researcher to conduct many activities such as backup and recovery, storage of data, complex data analysis, web applications, and test & development. In addition, PaaS will allow to the organization to manage the huge amount of the data in the least time and cost.       

Research hypotheses
  • H1: There is a relationship between the cloud computing and the suitability of the small and medium-sized enterprises
  • H2: There is no relationship between the cloud computing and the suitability of the small and medium-sized enterprises


The research methodology section facilitates the research scholar to determine methods that lead them to collect valid information with respect to the current matter. The researcher could employ creation methods, approaches, and strategies for the accomplishment of the research aim and objectives in an appropriate manner (Doherty, Carcary, & Conway, 2015).  Furthermore, it is also analyzed that these research methodologies could consider creation sources to make a decision with respect to the research concern and obtain feasible data like philosophies, strategies, designs, data collection data analysis sampling research limitation, and ethical consideration. These are discussed as below:

Research philosophy

The research philosophy could be a belief about the methods by which the information about the research matter will be gathered analyzed and used in the research matter. There are creation methods that could be involved in the research like interpretivism philosophy, realism philosophy, and positivism philosophy (Assante, Castro, Hamburg, and Martin, 2016). Further, it is examined that the interpretivism philosophy is an effective tool that assists for collecting feasible data in the context of the current research matter and meet the aim of research in a reliable manner. Apart from this, the positivist philosophy is used to collect the factual information in the context of the research matter (Yeboah-Boateng & Essandoh, 2014). The realism philosophy is emphasized on the real data. In this research, the interpretivism philosophy is practiced by the researcher and accomplishes the aim and objective of specified study significantly. Moreover, other methods will not be considered by the researcher due to the inappropriateness of the research matter.    

Research approach

In the dissertation, approaches of research could also be essential in obtaining feasible information with respect to the research matter. The research approach could employ different methods in the study such as inductive and deductive approach. In this, inductive approach is practice to collect non-numerical information about the research matter (Hsu, F., Ray, & Li-Hsieh, 2014).  Apart from this, the deductive approach facilitates to develop the research hypothesis on behalf of the current matter as it would be imperative to meet the aim of research. In this research, the researcher will not use inductive approach because it facilitates the researcher to collect the conceptual information about the Green Cloud Computing and its implications in SMEs for sustainability. Moreover, the deductive approach will be used the researcher to conduct their research and meet the specified research objectives systematically (Garg, Versteeg & Buyya, 2013). Through this approach, the researcher will develop a research hypothesis and accept or reject them on behalf of collected data. In this, the researcher will be facilitated to get quality result with respect to the current research matter.   

Research design

Research design considers certain techniques to collect data in the context of the specified research matter like qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method. The qualitative research design is applied if the researcher has needed to collect theoretical information with respect to any specified research matter. Apart from this, the quantitative research method could be imperative in getting the factual information as it could be associated with any particular research. Moreover, the mixed method is practiced for collecting quantitative as well as quantitative information about the research matter (Gangwar, Date, & Ramaswamy, 2015).

For this research report, research scholar will practice mixed research design that facilitates the research scholar to obtain numerical as well as non-numerical data in the context of Green Cloud Computing and its implications in SMEs for sustainability. It could also be effective for eliminating the disadvantages of both qualitative and quantitative research design as it would be imperative to obtain the positive result in the favor of the desired outcome.             

Research strategy

Research strategy leads to the researcher to select an appropriate method and obtain a reliable result. There are creation strategies that could be imperative for the accomplishment of the desired outcome such as survey through questionnaire, literature review, interview method, content analysis. It leads the researcher to collect the reliable data about the research matter. For this dissertation, research scholar has use survey through questionnaire method that facilitates investigator to collect their responses towards the research matter and obtain reliable research (Brender, & Markov, 2013).  Besides this, Investigator has also used literature review tool for getting theoretical information about the research matter. It is analyzed that suitable research strategy facilitates to meet specified aim and objectives of research in a systematic manner.  

Data collection method

Data collection method is imperative in gathering the information of the research issue in the least time and cost. The data collection method could consider two kinds of methods like primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The primary data collection method could facilitate the research scholar to get the fresh information or first-hand data in the context of the current research matter (Ghaffari, Delgosha, and Abdolvand, 2014).  The primary data is gathered by entailing many methods like an interview, survey through a questionnaire, and observation method. Apart from this, the secondary data collection techniques are effectively used by the research by considering many sources like a journal, books, online and offline sources, articles, company web, and magazine (Lian, Yen, & Wang, 2014).

In this research both primary as well as secondary data collection tool to meet the aim and objectives of the research matter. The primary data collection techniques use the interview as well as a survey through questionnaire method and collect the direct responses of the research candidates about the research matter.


Data analysis method

Data analysis technique could be imperative in evaluating the collected information and reach at the valid conclusions. In the data analysis technique, two kinds of methods are considered by the researcher like qualitative and quantitative data analysis method. In this research, research will practice both data collection method to evaluate the gathered information as it would aid to meet aim and objectives of specified research (Saedi & Iahad, 2013, June). The qualitative data analysis technique could be considered by the researcher to examine the information by considering the literature review method and collect the reliable and valid outcome in the favor of the research outcome. In contrast to this, a quantitative data analysis method considers the MS- Excel software as well as a statistical method to evaluate the collected information. Consequently, the researcher will be able to obtain the feasible result in the favor of the research outcome.   

Sampling method

Sampling is also an imperative tool to select the sample size from the specified or targeted sample size. It could also facilitate to effectively conduct their research and meet aim and objectives. In this, there are creation methods that are considered by investigator to obtain reliable result with respect to the specified research (Carcary, Doherty, Conway, & McLaughlin, 2014).  There are certain methods like probability as well as non-probability sampling method are considered as the sampling method. It allows the researcher to select a suitable sample size for conducting their research.

 In this research, the probability sampling method is used by the researcher as it permits the researcher to randomly select the research participants for conducting the research. It also facilitates the researcher to eliminate the biases form the research. Further, invetigator does not use the non-probability sampling method to conduct their research as it permits the researcher to choose candidates on the basis of age, gender, experience, education, and region. It could create the biases in the research hence this method will not consider by the researcher.            

Research limitation

The research limitation could directly negatively impact on the obtained outcome of the research. Therefore, the researcher will focus on creation factors and eliminate the possibilities of failure from the research. These factors are time, cost, availability of information, and lack of resources (Mohlameane & Ruxwana, 2014).  In addition to this, it is also examined that specified time could force to the researcher to accomplish their task in the least time but at the same time, it is also analyzed that the data collection techniques take more time and cost that could negatively impact on the research outcome. Moreover, the lack of resources could also make bounded to the investigator to complete their research in the available resources that could negatively impact on the research outcome. Hence, it is also analyzed that a researcher should need to consider such factors before conducting the research to obtain a quality outcome.         

Ethical consideration is also an essential part of the researcher as it facilitates that research scholar to conduct their research in a systematic manner. Ethical consideration also permits the investigator to conduct suitable behavior with their research candidates at the time of conducting the research (Alkhater, Wills, & Walters, 2014, December).  The research candidates share their confidential information to the researcher during the researcher hence the researcher will be liable to secure the information of them. There are creation factors that could also be considered by the researcher to eliminate the ethical issues like plagiarism, references, citation, and university guideline.      

Organization structure of the study 

The organization structure of the study plays an imperative role to perform research. There are creation factors that are considered by the researcher to accomplish the aim and objectives of the researcher and meet quality outcome. These factors are an introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis and findings, and conclusion and recommendation. These are discussed as below:

The introduction section is also effective to discuss the basic factors that could be needed to meet the aim. This section mainly considered creation factors like research aim and objectives, research questions, problem statement, justification of research, and potential outcome of the research. These components could be an essential part of the organization as it could lead to getting higher profit. In addition to this, this chapter facilitates to offer depth information about the research limitation as it could be imperative in getting positive responses in limited time and cost (Abubakar, Bass, & Allison, 2014). It is also illustrated that the first section of the research could direct to the researcher to determine the direction of the research matter systematically.  

Under this section, the researcher is capable to explore the issues of research by considering different theories. Through this, the scholar would be capable to determine the range that will be delivered in the specified time and period. For this, the researcher will consider creation sources and collect the feasible information such as articles, journals, articles, online and offline sources, and books. It could be imperative for the researcher to identify the knowledge gap and develop a base for collecting the feasible information in the context of the specified research matter (Ross & Blumenstein, 2015).

In this chapter, a researcher could gain their understanding about creation approaches, strategies, tools, and methods that will be effective meet the aim and objectives of the research matter. Apart from this, the researcher will also be capable to understand about many data collection tool that leads to meet aim and objectives of the research matter. These are research philosophies, strategies, research designs, purposes, strategies, data collection methods, data analysis methods, and sampling method. Consequently, through this, the researcher will be capable to make valid and reliable outcome. In this, it is also examined that the selection of researcher techniques are based on the objectives of the research matter (Makena, 2013).


Data Analysis and Findings

In the research study, the data analysis and findings section are imperative for making an effective and valid result. This chapter enables to select an appropriate tool in the context of separating the collected information of the research matter.

It could be effective for the attainment of the research aim and objectives. In this, it enables the researcher is capable to evaluate the data by examining the data analysis tool. Furthermore, the researcher is able to represent the data in a reliable way of collecting the reliable result (Sultan, 2013).

This section is supportive to build a link between the research findings and make a valid and reliable summary with respect to the current matter. Furthermore, this section also suggests many strategies that could be imperative to eliminate the research issues and support to get a result in the favor of the specified matter.

In this section, it supports to summarize the whole research in the concise form and get a reliable outcome. Towards the last section, it presents the practical implication of this research for conducting the research in the future (Sultan, 2014).


The research timeline of this study is discussed by following table and chart:  

Activity name

Start Day

Last Day

Duration (Days)

Research aim and objectives




Literature review




Data collection method section




Research writing and proofreading




Final report submission




With respect to the above table and chart, it is illustrated that there are creation research activities that would be accomplished by the researcher named proposal of the investigation, literature review, pooling of facts and figures, assessment of data, and final submission of the report. In this, it is also analyzed that data collection method more time as compared to other research activities   


The estimated could be shown by following table and chart:

Research Purpose

Estimated Amount ($)

Literature Review


Data Collection


Data Analysis


Estimated financial plan





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