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Business Services Training Package

ASSESSMENT TOOL Version 2.2 January 2021

Training Package

BSB – Business Services Training Package Release 6.1


BSBMGT617 Develop & implement business plans


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to run a business operation and covers the steps required to develop and implement a business plan.

It applies to individuals who are running an organisation or who take a senior role in determining the effective functioning and success of the organisation. As such, they may oversee the work of a number of teams and other managers.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.



Graduates at this level will have broad knowledge and skills for paraprofessional/highly skilled work and/or further learning




Assessment must be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the management and leadership field of work and include access to:

appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace

strategic, business and operational plans

business information and data

interaction with others.


☒ APSI campus

☐ Training kitchen

☐ Workplace

☒ Offsite/E-learning

☐ Other (please specify)



(Refer to your timetable):


☐ 1st submission

☐ 2nd submission

☐ Final Submission


Business Plan

Verbal questions may be asked throughout the assessment to ensure your work is your own and represents your knowledge. If there is a concern regarding your knowledge you may be asked to be re-assess by written questions under test conditions. All assessments are to be submitted by the above due date and satisfactorily completed in order for competency in this unit to be demonstrated.


All completed assessments must be submitted in WORD .doc or .docx ONLY and rename the file with unit code and your full name.

Assessment are to be sent to assessment@apsi.edu.au

Please retain the reply email as proof of your submission


Please allow at least 2 weeks for assessments to be marked by the Trainer/Assessor after submission. Results and feedback on unsatisfactory assessments will be emailed to your registered email account within 3 weeks of the completion of the unit.

It is your responsibility to check your results on a regular basis to check your unit result.




APSI does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen assessments. APSI reserves the right to request a copy of your original assessment at any time after you have submitted your assessment. Students MUST keep a copy of their submitted assessment or the confirmation email as a proof of submission.


If your first submission was marked Not Yet Satisfactory, you will be given the opportunity to resubmit your assessment without any fees. If after two re-submissions you are still deemed not yet satisfactory, you are required to be either re-assessed or re-enrol in this unit. Those students whose participation in class is 80% or higher, and where students have shown a genuine effort to perform satisfactorily, will not be required to pay a re-assessment fee. If you are absent on the date of assessment, you are required to pay the unit re-assessment fee unless you present an approved absence for the day of the assessment. Fees are payable at Student Services (except government funded students) and you are required to produce an official receipt before your trainer will conduct the re-assessment. Please note unit re-assessment fee varies depending on the nature of the assessment. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule


In order to deem as competent in this unit, you are required to demonstrate current performance; therefore assessments MUST be submitted within five (5) weeks of the Unit being completed. If you have not submitted your assessment or re-assessment or absent for more than 50% on the delivery dates, you will be deemed Not Yet Satisfactory in this unit and will be required to re-enrol. A separate timetable will be given to you upon payment of the required fees at Student Services. Please note unit re-enrolment fee varies depending on the nature and schedule delivery of the unit. Please refer to miscellaneous fee schedule. For government funded students, you are required to re-enrol in this unit as fee for service student. Refer to terms and conditions of enrolment.


Please use the Assessment Appeal Form if you are not satisfied with the assessment outcome. Refer to the Complaints and Appeals process in your student handbook.


You must ensure that the evidence you submit for this assessment is your own work, and/or that you acknowledge the work of others appropriately (see referencing guide). In an educational environment, cheating means to act dishonestly in an attempt to mislead the Trainer/Assessor to accept the work of others as your own work. You are not allowed to upload this assessment tool and any supporting materials onto any public website or you will be deemed NYC in this assessment.


You are required to provide the source of information or references using APA style for the answers/ research//projects. A guide for APA referencing is available in the link below.



☐ I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment have been clearly explained to me and I am ready for assessment.

☐ I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process. The criteria to be used for this assessment have been discussed with me and the consequences and possible outcomes of the assessment.

☐ I have accessed and understood the general assessment information provided. I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and other arrangements for this assessment.

☐ I confirm that my trainer has provided information regarding time lines for assessment include workplace training, additional fees on unit re-assessment and unit re-enrolment.

☐ I declare that the following work is my own and that no part has been copied from another person or written for me, except where clearly noted on documents or work submitted.

☐ I am aware that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action by APSI.

☐ I am aware that APSI keeps all assessments once they are submitted and I must keep a copy prior to submission.

All assessments – Develop and implement a business plan BSBMGT617

Assessment Due Date: See Moodle

Assessment Criteria:

Do NOT leave ANY of the questions inside this assessment, this is a formal Business Plan (BP) that you would be getting paid to write if you were working in the industry for the owners of the business and or to the bank for the application of receiving funds to support the business (project/expansion).

REMOVE all questions, examples, page numbers, weblinks and rows or columns in tables not required.

Therefore, this is not a question and answer exercise, and must not be presented in a question and answer format.

Assessment Case Study:

Refer to the Aussie Fitness Case Study on Moodle

Final Product:

Your final assessment submission will be an individual professional business plan answering all the questions that will be presented to the owners of Aussie Fitness so that they can make informed decisions for the betterment of the organisation.


Students are to pre-read/watch and look at the resources provided before commencing the assessment:

  • Moodle Videos and Links
  • BSBMGT617 Student Learner Guide (LG)
  • See the following resources on Moodle Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617
  • Opening a gym
  • Successful trainers’ advice on how to open a gym
  • 6 ways to efficiently grow your business
  • How to open a gym
  • What’s in a business plan

Assessment Layout:

  • Student must complete the assessment cover page, with their full formal name, unit commencement (start) date and assessment due date (provided on Moodle)
  • Student to indicate submission (e.g. first, second, final)
  • Electronic tables of contents
  • Table of tables
  • Table of figures
  • Students to submit with black font, trainers will mark in red and highlight in yellow, students to resubmit in blue font
  • Acronyms must be written in full and then acronym e.g. Board of Directors (BOD)
  • Questions/Numbered Headings Only (Ensure you answer ALL parts of the question – check back over your work before you submit your assessment.
  • Labelled Tables: Above ALL of your tables you need to DISCUSS the information contained inside it, this is NOT where you provide definitions or copy and paste from the internet, ALL your information MUST relate back to the project/Case Study/Business idea concept
  • ALWAYS remove the examples the trainer has provided
  • Remove the learner guide page numbers that have been suggested for you to follow
  • Detailed conclusion
  • Electronic References (Explanation provided on Moodle)

Important Assessment Notes:

  • The following MUST be removed:
  • All questions, suggested page numbers, examples and links
  • The following MUST be provided:
  • Detailed description/discussions and explanations must be provided where requested
  • Written paragraphs must be provided to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic (No bullet points – unless informed in the question)

1. Introduction/Background

From the detailed case study provided, in your own words discuss the background of Aussie Fitness (AF) (Pg. 52 & Pg. 132 LG.).

Discuss the following key points in your introduction:

  • Background of the AF business
  • Background/experience/ knowledge, skills of the owners
  • Whether AF business is declining, maintaining, expanding (Pg. 5 LG)

2. Outline steps to developing a Business Plan (BP)

(Answer a & b)

There are formal steps to producing a business plan (Pg. 48 LG).

  1. Complete the table below using the See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617 - How to develop your business plan and Business plan template.

Identify the steps required to completing a business plan, under each heading provide two (2) key bullet points for each step.

Table 1 - Business Plan Steps

Steps 1-7

Key Points of BP Steps

Step 1

Determine who the plan is for?

Step 2

Research (develop goals)

Step 3

Update finances

Step 4


Step 5

Get Help

Step 6

Review Regularly

Step 7

Protect plan

In the tables provided below DISCUSS 1. strengths and the value of AF having a business plan in place (Pg. 4 LG) and what could be the weaknesses identified in a business plan e.g. It could be identified that the business idea/concept might not be financially viable – See strengths and weaknesses of a business plan Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617

Table 2 - Strengths/Values of BP

1. Strengths and Value of BP for AF



Table 3 - Potential Weaknesses of a BP

2. Weakness identified in a BP

Operating strategy

3. AF Business Profile

Complete the table below, remove the information in the right-hand side column and place your answer.

Table 4 - AF Business Profile

Business Name:

Enter the business name

Type of industry:

Describe the industry AF operates in

Business structure:

Provide the business structure is it:

Owner/Operator, Sole Trader/Partnership/Company/Trust


Read the information on ABN See Moodle Useful weblinks BSBMGT617 then provide a fictitious number


Read the information ACN on Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617 then provide a fictitious number IF you know that the business requires one


Read the information on GST Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617 then state here if Aussie Fitness would be required to register for GST or not

Business Commencement Date/year:

Provided in the case study

Business Locations:

e.g. Suburban or Central Business District (CBD) (Pg. 133 LG)

Business Status/Bought/Leased:

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617 Buy or Lease then State here whether the fitness centres are:

1. Bought or leased?

2. Explain your reasons for why they are leased (Pg. 132 LG)

3. Outline the requirements of buying or leasing a premise (Pg. 42 & 43 LG).

4. Operating Strategy

(Answer a-e)

Complete the below table identifying the following:

  1. Identify the details of the majority of the AF facilities e.g., Cardio area, weight machines ….
  2. Description of the facility e.g., Close to shopping centres
  3. Describe the parking situation e.g., free/paid/street/restricted/number of spaces available/ease of access?
  4. Customer profiles/demographics (Pg. 17 LG) e.g. who are the potential members for the AF? Rehab/injury management, consider diversity in ages/gender See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Customer Profiling
  5. Above your table provide a paragraph discussion about the importance of identifying customer profiles so that the AF marketing team can develop strategies for the product and services towards these identified needs.

Discuss how the location of the facilities and the ease and amount of car parking will impact the decisions of whether a potential member would attend the gym or not.

Even an existing member might attend less because parking is too difficult and ultimately cancel their membership.

Table 6 - Location and premises

a) Description of the standard AF gym facilities layout

b) Locations

c) Parking

d) Customer Profiles

5. Social media

(Answer a&b)

a. Identify what advertising/marketing methods would AF likely have within the organisation for promoting their products and services?

Provide a minimum of four (4) methods and two (2) benefits for each method in the below table See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Social media trends for 2021 and beyond

You can use the website example I have provided just delete the e.g. and complete the benefits

b) Above the table discuss the importance of AF having various styles of advertising/marketing methods in place (attract different demographics).

Table 5 - AF Advertising/Marketing Methods and Benefits

Advertising/Marketing Method


E.g. Website: www.Aussiefitness.com















6. Vision statement

Write a vision statement for AF (Pg. 8 LG) a vision is a statement of what you would like the business to become. E.g. To become the leading name in fitness throughout Australia by 2022

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: How to write a vision, Vision, Mission and Values, Trainers Example Vision, Mission Values, Risks

7. Mission statement

Write a mission statement for AF (Pg. 131 LG) - a mission is a statement of how the business will accomplish the vision. E.g. To positively change people’s lives by providing an inviting, functional, educational and innovative experience, with uncompromising quality for the entire community.

See above Useful Links

8. Values

(Answer a&b)

  1. Identify four (4) values with a brief explanation next to each e.g. (Pg. 8 LG) the below are EXAMPLES ONLY, you need to create your own.
  2. Above your values discuss why does AF have values in place? What do the values you have provided represent when interested people read about AF?





See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Business values

  • Community: The courage to shape a better future for the entire community.
  • Passion for fitness: Sharing passion for a healthy lifestyle of all stakeholders

9. Performance Objectives

(Answer a&b)

a) Develop a minimum three (3) performance objectives and measures and discuss how you would consult with AF key stakeholders (e.g. internal/external personnel) to be part of creating these SMART goals (Pg. 22, 26 & 130 LG).

SMART goals must ALWAYS have a measurement which is in the form of a number.

b) Discuss above you table the importance of identifying SMART Objectives (Key performance indicators KPI’s) and why stakeholders need to be consulted in developing KPI’S.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Performance Objectives and How to develop KPI’S

Table 6 - Performance

Performance Objectives

Measure (KPI’s) (%, $,#)

Stakeholder Consulted

E.g. Increase Memberships

15% by March 2021 (Date changes according to when unit runs)

Sales Department, Sales Staff, CM’s and ACM’s, Department Heads




10. SWOT analysis

(Answer a&b)

a) Populate the below SWOT table and provide four (4) key points in each box

b) Above your table discuss the relevance of the SWOT analysis for AF

  • Discuss keys areas of information that might adversely threaten AF.
  • Discuss opportunities AF could potentially take advantage of (Pg. 121 & 140 LG). Opportunities are always EXTERNAL to the business.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: SWOT

Table 7 - SWOT























11. PESTLE Analysis

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Scanning the environment PESTLE Analysis

Answer a&b

a) Complete the PESTLE analysis, provide four (4) points in each box.

b) Provide a description above your table of key points that you have identified in your table by addressing the following:

Political: Identify any political and legal factors that may affect AF. Is the fitness industry highly regulated or is it under the government radar? What impact does regulation have on the industry and success of AF?


What are some of the economic factors that may affect AF? For example, unemployment rates, exchange rates, availability of labour.


What are some of the social and cultural factors that may AF? For example, ageing society, education levels, and residential trends.


What are some of the technological factors that may affect AF? For example, growth in e-commerce, internet access, and emerging digital technologies.


Although these factors may have some overlap with the political factors, they include more specific laws. It is clear that AF will need to know what is and what is not legal in order to trade successfully and ethically.


In the context of PESTLE analysis, environmental factors — which are also sometimes called ‘ecological factors’ — refer to variables regarding the physical environment (the climate of Earth, for example)

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: PESTLE Analysis Video

Table 8 - PESTLE































12. Market position

(Answer a&b)

a) Provide three (3) fitness/gym competitors in the table below (remove the first row, once you have completed your analysis).

b) Above your table discuss AF Unique Selling Point (USP) what is that AF do different from their competitors. Additionally, discuss the importance of identifying competitors for the business to be aware of so that they can remain highly competitive and at a high standard. Delete the first row, this is guidance for you to complete the table.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Unique selling point and Responding to competition

Table 9 - Competitor analysis


Established date

Value to customers



[Competitor name]

[When were they established?]

[Unique value to customers. For example, is it convenience, quality, price or service?]

[What are their main strengths?]

[What are their main weaknesses?]




13. Stakeholders Communication strategy

(Answer a&b)

  1. Complete the table below, and identify
  2. Two (2) AF key internal and two (2) external stakeholders
  3. What information AF will inform this particular stakeholder about or what information they require from this stakeholder
  4. Within what timeframe/when? This will depend of what the information is that is required e.g. if it is for a project starting Mid-year 2021, you might not require the information until March 2021
  5. What method of communication will be used, formal (face to face meeting, recorded), informal (brief conversation not recorded)

Discuss above your table the importance of consulting with particular stakeholders to e.g. efficiently have information communicated in the right amount of time leading up to a project.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: What are stakeholder communications

  • Who are the key stakeholders? – Owners, Board, Logistics Manager, Finance Manager, HR, Sales Manager, Admin Manager, Union Representative

Table 10 - Stakeholder communication

1. Stakeholder

2. Information

3. Timeframe

4. Communication Method

e.g. Finance Manager

Marketing Budget for first quarter of 2021

End of Dec 2020

Face to face – verbal conversation (meeting)

Follow up Email





14. Resources

(Answer a&b)

a) Identify what three (3) of each financial, human and physical resource requirements are needed for the business (Pg. 31 LG) remove the examples provided.

b) Discuss above the table the importance of providing resources for AF internal stakeholders in order for them to able to conduct their roles in an efficient manner

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Resources – Human, Physical, Intellectual and Financial and Key resources – 5 essential resources for a successful business model

Table 11 - Resources



E.g. Information Technology (IT) Experts





E.g. Physical building





E.g. Employee Skill





E.g. Marketing budget




15. Pricing

(Answer a&b)

Aussie Fitness understands that convincing consumers to try a new product or service is one of the biggest challenges that the business faces. Marketing can be especially difficult for membership companies like gyms because consumers may be wary of committing to a recurring fee. Aussie Fitness have therefore used a variety of pricing tactics to help build a base of members.

Aussie Fitness understand the importance of knowing what their competitors are charging, it’s equally important to know what the competitors include in their membership packages. Having an understanding of what the competitive fitness centres charge in respect to what they offer, provides a basic framework for how memberships will be priced at AF. Aussie Fitness offer high quality experiences in all of their centres, this is therefore reflected in the value of the membership pricing.

  1. Complete the table below using the AF Price Strategies Jan 2021 document on Moodle/Under Aussie Fitness Resources. Provide advantages/benefits of the pricing strategies to Aussie Fitness.
  2. Using the AF Pricing Structures Jan 2021 document on Moodle/Under Aussie Fitness Resources above your table discuss how memberships are not just a one size fits all style, therefore memberships in AF require to be variable according to individual requirements:

Your discussion must include:

  • Importance of analysing the competition to determine pricing
  • Point 3 - knowing how often your members will use the centre (refer back to bundling pricing options)
  • Point 4 – single visit pricing

Table 13 - AF Pricing Strategies

Pricing / Marketing Strategy

Benefits/Advantages to Aussie Fitness

Free Trail

Introductory Rates

Off Peak Pricing/FIFO (Fly In Fly Out)

Family and Friends

Membership Plan Options:

Bundle Pricing

Optional Pricing

16. Products and Services

(Answer a&b)

a) Complete the below table complete the FIFO and Physio examples and provide a further two (2) AF products and two (2) services as per the example shown below.

b) Above your table discuss how AF products and service benefit their customers.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: What motivates customers to buy

Table 14 - Product and Services



Average Price range

1. FIFO Membership





Average Price range

1. Physio



17. Marketing budget and promotional strategies

(Answer a&b)

a) Outline five (5) promotional strategies that AF can use to increase brand awareness such as online, networking, printed material, direct marketing, print advertising, content marketing, public relations. Identify what the expected business outcome of these strategies would be.

b) Above your table discuss the important benefits of increasing brand awareness with regard to growth of the business.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Marketing Methods

Table 15 - Marketing Strategies

Promotional strategy

Expected business improvement

E.g. Direct Marketing

Having a stand at the Fitness Expo in each state

Brand awareness

Sales Increase

Networking/Relationship Building






18. Licences, registrations, permits and insurance:

List a three (3) in total of: licences, registrations and permits AF would require having in the fitness centres.


List three (3) insurances that AF are required to have in order to operate legally.

All of the above will vary depending on the location of the facility, as each state have their own legislation requirements.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Business insurance, Fitness Industry Regulations, Music License Fitness Industry

These may also include:

  • Registering a business name
  • High risk work licence
  • Domain name
  • Trademark registration (Pg. 44 & 137 LG).

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Permits and Licence Finder, Fitness Industry Regulations

Table 16 - Licence





Table 17 - Insurance

Type of insurance




19. Business support team

(Answer a&b)

a) Provided a minimum of three (3) support team/business advisors that AF would have, these may include: accountant, banker, lawyer, insurance agent, broker and business advisers, one example is provided in the table.

b) Discuss above your table the importance and value of having the expertise of support teams/business advisors to assist AF in making informed business decisions.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Types of business advisors

Table 18 - Support Team

Support Team Personnel


E.g. Accountant

Advice on managing cash flow and keeping overheads in check is essential. The financial support will look beyond the numbers and help with a strategy to grow the business and improve cash flow.




20. Corporate Environmental strategy and Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

See case study Triple Bottom Line – AF Corporate Responsibility

(Answer a, b & c)

a). From reading the section in the case study and the links below with regard to Eco friendly gyms, remove the example provided and complete Table 1. By providing four (4) more environmental practices that Aussie Fitness could implement into their centres.

b). Above the table discuss the benefit of AF conducting a sustainable audit of the organisation, in order to see what sustainable practices, they can implement to improve the TBL.

See Useful Weblinks BSBMGT617: Green your fitness business, The 3P’s of the Triple Bottom Line and 5 ways going green can transform your health club

Table 19 - Environmental Practices (Table 1)

Sustainable Suggestion


Responsibility for implementation

E.g. Water filtration machines

Members can refill their own bottles, saving on plastics

CM’s, ACM’s, Maintenance





b). Bring down your sustainable suggestions and complete Table 2 identifying the benefits to the Profits, People and Planet (TBL).

Table 20 – PPP (Table 2)

Sustainable suggestion




Water filtration machines

Less rubbish being thrown away – less garbage bags being used.

More space in the bins

Cleaners can be more productive in other areas rather than emptying garbage bins more frequently

People like to re-use their own bottles; they feel they are contributing to the environment.

Saving plastic going into landfill





21. Future Labour Requirements

Read the detailed section in the Aussie Fitness Case Study – Labour Sourcing

(Answer 1, 2, 3 & 4)

Discuss in a paragraph(s):

  1. The importance of recruiting qualified staff
  2. How will AF know/assess what staff are required in the future?
  3. Where will AF source qualified personnel from?
  4. How do AF intend to recruit the required qualified staff, e.g. advertising in the local paper, online advertising, and/or training current staff members? (Pg. 33 LG)

22. Coaching and Training (Retention)

Discuss in a paragraph the following key points:

  1. How by training new staff this will likely result in them staying longer with the business
  2. How by continuously training current staff will also result in them feeling valued and likely to remain with the company
  3. What strategy the business has in place for individuals who are under performing (e.g. further training, performance appraisals) (Pg. 38 &41 LG).
  4. What other strategies AF can implement to help retain existing and new staff (e.g., Rewards/Incentives).

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks - How to identify training needs of employees, Managing under performance – Fair work Australia, Recruitment and retention video, Skills matrix to develop your team (Training plans).

23. Marketing Approaches of AF Product & Services

a) Provide two more marketing approaches for informing (distributing) information to the public about the availability of AF products and services.

b) Discuss above your table the benefits of having different methods of distributing the marketing message to reach various audiences.

Table 21 - Distribution channel

Marketing Approach




E.g. Onsite – corporate consulting

Offer corporate gym memberships upon 10 employees signing up

Group audience/owner attention

Time consuming




See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks - What Are the Different Distribution Channels in a Service Business

24. Financial strategy

(Answer a, b & c)

a) Research two (2) Australian gym software packages and complete the table below to compare a minimum of four (4) specifications from each software.

b) Above the table provide a final recommendation to AF which software you suggest that they use to suit the AF business model.

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks – Club Fit Software and Perfect Gym

Table 22 - Financial Software Comparisons


Software 1 (Title Name)

Software Title 2 (Title Name)

Track Revenue

Tracks all revenue streams, no limits of member contracts, personal training sessions, classes and retail

Tracks only sales revenue, tracks a limit of member contracts, tracks maximum 10 personal training sessions. Does not track sales of merchandise or café items.





c) Go to Aussie Fitness Resources on Moodle and use the AF Financial Strategies WorkBook and open the High Estimate tab in the excel workbook, only complete the 5 yellow highlighted boxes with estimated amounts, embed the workbook back into your report:

  1. Gym Equipment
  2. Responsive website
  3. Equipment repairs and maintenance
  4. Equipment lease and payments
  5. Marketing

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks - Breakdown of gym start-up costs and 7 Cash flow management tips for small business owners

25. Review performance indicators

(Answer a&b)

a) Bring down the performance indicators you created earlier on in the assessment and specify what method/measurement (e.g., sales increase) you will use to review the KPIS to see if they are being achieved.

b) Above your table discuss the importance of REVIEWING KPI’s is to see if they are being achieved.

Discuss by engaging AF employees in creating objectives/KPIS’s they are more likely to want to achieve the KPI’s set (Pg. 22 LG).

See Aussie Fitness Resources: Share your KPI’s with stakeholders

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks – Guidance on setting and introducing KPI’s

Table 23 - Objectives

Objectives / KPI’s

Method of Review

Review Period

Resourced Required

Increase market penetration by 25% within a year

Brainstorm workshop (Toolbox meetings) with CEO and GM’s


External marketing specialist

26. System and Product Failures

(Answer a&b)

a) One of the final stages of monitoring performance is to report on system failures, and product failures and who they affect answer the following by completing the table below:

  • Provide two potential gym system failures - See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks – Five gym management software mistakes
  • Provide two general potential failures with a gym facility – See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks – Why do fitness business fail

Supply suggested recommendations for improvements to the failures and how the Internal and External stakeholders are impacted.

b) Provide an explanation above the table about the importance of identifying failures within AF facilities and the overall impacts on the internal and external stakeholders. Discuss the importance of actioning the recommendations within the shortest timeframe possible so that no risks occur.

Table 24 - Variances

System Failures

Identified Issue


Impacted Stakeholder (Internal/External)

Membership reminders failed to flag renewals

Loss of repeat/continued membership revenue

Ensure that the software system flags any memberships that are up for renewal.

Change memberships so that they are rolling, until member ceases membership and provides the agreed notice per the terms and conditions in the contract.

Internal stakeholders – sales loose memberships and have to find a replacement member which will cost to acquire or need to convince the member why they should return to AF instead of a potential competitor.

External stakeholder - potentially feel like the fitness centre are not loyal to them to follow up – disappointed in the lack customer service level.



General Failures

Identified Issue


Newly purchased High tech cycle bikes in group spin room not working

Screens becoming damaged from high usage.

Seat and handles bars becoming loose due to high usage resulting in member complaints

Ensure bike issues ae reportedly at the end of each spin class to Management.

Ensure bikes are maintained on a regular basis to avoid damage.

Check contact of purchase of the bikes to view maintenance agreement.

Internal stakeholders – Members complain to the fitness instructor regularly.

Word of mouth and reviews are posted with negative feedback – could impact increase in memberships/sales = KPI’s

External stakeholders - Members becoming frustrated with broken equipment and will not recommend the facilities to friends/family.



27. Reporting

Write a paragraph about the importance of AF having access to timely reports (see the below links for examples of various reports), such as sales reports. In your discussion consider for example if sales are showing a drop what continuous improvements would AF implement. If employee absentness is increasing what would be the suggestion?

Discuss how when information is being reported that it must be user friendly in terms of financial and non-financial data [Pg. 83 LG].

  • Consider in your discussion that reports should be written at the appropriate level for the receivers of the information, it must be presented in a readable and logical format and should include graphs, charts or other methods of presenting data. See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblink - Six tips for making a quality report appealing

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks: Fitness Business - The reports you need to know and why and Member attendance, adherence, drop out and retention reporting patterns

28. Review of system process and continuous improvement

(Answer a&b)

a) Complete the table below by providing four (4) innovative ideas for:

Continuous improvement suggestions for AF to consider and

The strategy for your suggestion.

b) Above your table discuss the importance of involving the internal stakeholder workforce team in creating these innovative ideas and continuous improvements and how this should be embedded as part of the AF culture.

See BSBMGT617 Useful Weblinks: Improving employee innovation

Table 25 - Continuous Improvement

1. Continuous Improvement

2. Strategy

e.g. Membership Renewals

Set up Dashboard from the suggested CRM system to flag membership renewals.

Ensure the customer service team are trained to call up the member personally to arrange a suitable time to discuss continuation of membership.





29. Conclusion

Your conclusion should be detailed and summarise each key section in the business plan and why it should be supported including (Pg. 68 LG):

See Trainer Video on Moodle

  • Description of the business
  • Products/services
  • The market
  • Operations
  • Management
  • Financials
  • Risk
  • Continuous improvement


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