BUSI 600 Business Research Methods and Quantitative Procedures
Indicate which methodology (such as survey, case study, action research) you wish to employ and why
Explain how this is consistent with your epistemological stance
Discuss the threats to validity and reliability contained in this research design
Describe the data collection method(s) you will use (such as questionnaire, interviews, focus groups), and justify how these will be sufficient to answer your research question
Describe your sampling technique and the reasons for the profile of your respondents when collecting primary data
What are the problems that you may encounter in gaining access to your data? Provide strategies that can be useful to help you solve these problems
Are there any ethical issues that you need to consider?
Research Methodology
The recent research intends to investigate the impact of lean strategies implementation for enhancing healthcare operations within the United Arab Emirates. Within the recent scenario, the research has made huge attempts in order to evaluate the desired challenges dealt by the selected sample respondents that are the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City.
Research Philosophy empowers the specialist to distinguish the embodiment of the examination by utilizing viable research worldview. Research reasoning involves four unique sorts, which primarily incorporate positivism, interpretive, authenticity and pragmatism (Ryan et al. 2014). Therefore, in the present case, the specialist has made an endeavour to investigate the difficulties confronted by the experts in outlining new programming by keeping up unrivalled quality. Such pragmatism paradigm within the case study approach that might have a considerable role in the research results due to the subjective views of the certain contexts. It will facilitate in acknowledging vital experiences and outcomes of interest that may not be exposed when examined with pre-determined questions (Ryan et al. 2014). It will best fit the current research in comparison to other qualitative methods. It is also understood that such approach is deemed to attain high conceptual validity, strong measures for promoting new postulations, effectiveness for investigating the hypothesized role of contributing means in the situation of individual cases closely along with attaining the ability for tackling underlying complexity. As the present examination concentrates on assessing the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City in detail, pragmatism is the most significant theory for analyzing the reactions of the experts (Saunders 2015). The analyst has not connected alternate methods of insight, as they are not in light of logically demonstrated speculations and models.
Research Approach
The researcher has considered using mixed approach that includes qualitative and quantitative research approaches. A qualitative approach regarding management (interpretive paradigm and descriptive methods) and a quantitative approach regarding the patients (positivist paradigm and quantitative/more experimental methods) was employed in the current research (Denzin, 2012). A case study with a qualitative assessment, which depends on a pragmatic primary data, is gathered from open-ended interviews with four managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City is deemed to be developed for the qualitative perspective. Mixed research approach is relevant to be used in the current research for the reason that there was sufficient time and resources for gathering and evaluating qualitative and quantitative data. Mixed research approach is significant for this research as this facilitates in framing procedures that applies quantitative and qualitative aspects in a better manner with similar or distinct samples. The fundamental research approach of the information has been considered with the utilization of different sorts of the quantitative research systems (Robertson et al. 2013). This has been done with a specific end goal to delineate the varying sorts of the variables that are believed to be in charge of the different sorts of the elements among the general population and the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City. The distinctive elements in charge of the representative fulfilment have been appeared with the utilization of the different sorts of the quantitative strategies, for example, Pearson relationship, Regression examination and enlightening measurements. The previously mentioned quantitative procedures will have the capacity to suffice the requirements of the investigation of the different sorts of the components, which are believed to be identified with fulfilment factor for the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (Bezzina and Saunders 2015).
The strategies utilized for the research approach will have the capacity to delineate the result for the implementation of Lean strategies For Improving Healthcare Operations in the United Arab Emirates. It will be further ready to delineate and relate the significance of the same with the private part. The quantitative techniques utilized with the end goal of research has been further ready to locate the distinctive sorts of the part, which will have the capacity to delineate the positive effect on investigation to the implementation of Lean strategies For Improving Healthcare Operations In The United Arab Emirates (Pfefferbaum et al. 2014). A portion of the other part of the examination approach can be straightforwardly found in type of the utilization of the information to see the pertinence of the compensation and advancement as a factor identified with portray the factor in investigation to the implementation of Lean strategies For Improving Healthcare Operations in the United Arab Emirates (Collis and Hussey 2013). The diverse sorts of the other importance of the information can be straightforwardly observed type of relating the discoveries in the research approach with the motivation behind the examination and the questionnaire survey of the investigation. A portion of mixed methods in the research approach can be additionally found in type of the utilization of the strategy, which is believed to be straightforwardly related to utilization of systems, which are identified with professional stability, and the wellbeing of the distinctive sorts of the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) (Bezzina and Saunders 2013). The quantitative strategy for the exploration has been likewise identified with the theory of the research. This has been finished by relating the different sorts of the discoveries of the research with the relapse investigation.
Research Strategies
The research has concentrated on examining the implementation of Lean strategies For Improving Healthcare Operations in the United Arab Emirates to track the way in which the coveted objective can be resolved. The researcher has considered using mixed research strategies that includes qualitative and quantitative research approaches (Gray 2013). In this manner, the examination concentrates on investigating the purposes for the managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) (Ingham-Broomfield 2015). Alongside this, the specialist additionally concentrates on building up a rundown of proposals for limiting the issues toward the finish of the exploration. In this manner, the analyst has connected the clear research outline for leading the whole research. Alternate outlines can't be connected on the grounds that they neglect to portray the reasons and issues behind the examination viably.
Data Collection
Since essential information is assembled from the survey reactions, it is more genuine in nature contrasted with that of the auxiliary information. Hence, concentrating on look into think about, the specialist has utilized both the essential and auxiliary information, without depending on a specific alternative (Klenke 2016). The essential information could likewise be ordered into quantitative and subjective information. For this specific research, the quantitative information has been utilized. The subjective information cannot be accumulated because of the absence of accessibility of time for directing the exploration. The respondents will be asked questions regarding lead times, quality, cost of processes etc.
By focusing on the four managers to collect data, such sampling approach will definitely allow researchers to answer my research’s questions. The research used thematic analysis for analyzing collected information about the factors that will be essential for implementing lean methodology in the healthcare operations in the country. Quantitative information was gathered by means of a questionnaire-based survey of patients and will be divided into three parts. In the first part, questions were addressed to characterize the sample (sex, age, education, with whom patients were living, district of residence, and mean time spent travelling between their home and the hospital). Thematic analysis is deemed to be suitable in the current research as this facilitates in analysing qualitative data along with gaining information regarding a person within a company and culture. Thematic analysis facilitates the researcher in attaining insight along with knowledge from collected data. Thematic analysis is deemed one of the common form of qualitative research analysis that focuses on analysing and recording patterns. The second part is addressed a set of questions about the perceived appropriateness of lean system in two departments. Included in this second part of the questionnaire, patients was the degree of satisfaction with the solution in terms of efficiency. Generally, questions was the parameterized in a 5-point Likert scale from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. Uni-variate descriptive analysis methods will be used to define the patients’ positioning by analyzing the percentage structure of the distribution of answers and calculating summary statistics as well as bivariate correlational and inferential analyses will deliver insight into the relationships among the variables.
Sampling is the strategy, in which the focused on respondents for the research are chosen from a bigger population. Research empowers the specialist to pick the most pertinent wellspring of essential information to mix applicable data, which coordinates the exploration points and destinations (Denzin, 2012). The straightforward arbitrary testing has been utilized to lead a review with the experts, as it gives parallel chances to the respondents of being chosen in the overview. In this manner, quantitative information has been gotten by utilizing irregular testing from a substantial specimen. The sampling technique is a nonprobability that is selected to address research objective. By adopting a quantitative approach, the researcher was able to validate the results obtained from qualitative method, where the results can be generalized and applicable to other hospitals in the country. Sample selected for the current research was 6 social insurance supervisors of SKMC. Among them information was gathered through 4 social insurance supervisors of Sheik Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) as rest of them did not provide with adequate information. 6 questionnaire forms were distributed among which only four were answered adequately.
The researcher also considered that makes the researcher look at a research question from different angles and clarify unexpected findings. The t-test or the Mann–Whitney test was used for data analysis. In case the variables are measured at a ratio or interval scale, a t-test was carried out to compare the samples and in case the dependent variable is either ordinal or continuous and non-normal, a Mann-Whitney test will be adopted. The researcher has also focussed on data such as age, number of patients admitted, delay in minutes, personal satisfaction with the comparative analysis of the two periods of before and after implementation of lean techniques, keeping in mind that the population will be comparable and homogenous. The p value was calculated being statistically significant or showing no statistically significant differences. The results was demonstrated whether or not if lean techniques and strategies when applied to hospitals will enhance healthcare operations and if they exert an effect upon the health outcome measures or not.
Keeping in mind the end goal to do the exploration, Sheik Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) in Abu Dhabi is chosen as it has officially actualized the lean administration procedure. A composed consent letter from the higher specialists was taken and the information was gathered through 4 social insurance supervisors of Sheik Khalifa Medical City (SKMC). The aces and the cons of the lean approach alongside the difficulties this healing centre has confronted will be utilized as a part of the investigation (Saunders, Sin and Dempster 2015). The assent from the present association was taken for the exploration. The discoveries acquired will be utilized as a part of the examination of different healing centres to watch whether similar advantages and difficulties can be connected to these doctor's facilities. Interviews will be conducted with the 4 managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC)
Subjective information gathering strategy will be utilized as a part of this examination. Meetings will be led with the 4 administrators of Sheik Khalifa Medical City (SKMC).Through the meeting, unmistakable information will be gathered which permit readers will understand the effect of globalization on assorted qualities administration systems of the association. The reactions gathered from the directors through meeting will be broke down independently (Ali 2015). The examination will be finished with the assistance of writing. Amongst likelihood and non likelihood examining strategy, just non likelihood testing technique will be received in this examination. Target participants of the research were approached through sending questionnaire to them through mail. Approval forms were also sent to them to gain their approval for answering the survey.
Validity, reliability and Ethical Issues
The researcher has attempted to gather relevant data from highly reliable resources along with the human responses. The researcher has attempted to sustain the data reliability if the information was gathered through employing excel applications in order to interpret the data. In addition, the researcher has also considered employing important and reliable websites in order to collect important data and select 4 managers of Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC). Moreover, the researcher ha also considered employing highly important and reliable websites in order to gather important data (Gray 2013).
In completion of the current research, the researcher has considered following proper ethical code of conduct in completion of the research. The research has considered following suitable code of conduct in carrying out tasks in several process of data collection. Important secondary data has been gathered from several valid and reliable sources in order to maintain the trustworthiness of the outcomes associated with results of the research. The researcher has also considered avoiding asking certain sensitive questions within the survey in order to motivate the participants in taking part within the survey through seeking mutual permission. In addition, the targeted respondent’s identity might not have disclosed for certain concerns associated with making certain recommendations in order to deal with them. Triangulisation can be understood as a process that can ensure reliability of the qualitative research. This technique is used in this research for the reason that it involves combination of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies as an effective solution in which logic is relied on fact that a particular factor can solve issues of rival casual aspects.
Reference List
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Bezzina, F. and Saunders, M.N.K., 2013, April. The Prevalence of Research Methodology Mis/conceptions among Business and Management Academics. In Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Reading, ACPI (pp. 40-47).
Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan.
Gray, D.E., 2013. Doing research in the real world. Sage.
Ingham-Broomfield, R., 2015. A nurses' guide to Qualitative Research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The, 32(3), p.34.
Klenke, K. ed., 2016. Qualitative research in the study of leadership. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
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Ryan, M., Saunders, C., Rainsford, E. and Thompson, E., 2014. Improving research methods teaching and learning in politics and international relations: a ‘reality show’approach. Politics, 34(1), pp.85-97.
Saunders, M., Sin, C. and Dempster, S., 2015. Evaluative research in higher education policy analysis. In Theory and Method in Higher Education Research (pp. 49-69). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Saunders, M.K., 2015. The (re) emergence of mixed methods research: to combine or not combine. In Keynote address ECRM conference, Malta, June(pp. 11-12).
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