BUS206 Information Systems : About Urban Environment
1.Discussion board assignments: Please post an original response of between to each of the following discussion questions (DQ).
Hunger is an important issue that is faced in this 21st century. Over one billion people are hungry chronically in this whole world. The solution to this hunger is movement of people to urban areas. It has been stated that “By 2050, 70% of the world’s population will live in an urban environment”. This is a solution that is found globally to mitigate the issue of hunger. This leads to issue of producing food for all its residents those who are in the densely populated areas. Havana and Cuba are such cities those who are able to produce their own food for all the residents and provides habitat that are self sufficient. Havana produces almost 50 percent of all its production within the boundaries of the city. As people are moving to the urban areas leading the cities in more densely populated, the land for producing food is reducing. Cites cannot provide protein based food to its residents. Cities that are situated along the riverside are not able to provide their residents with protein rich fish because of the increasing population.
The challenges that arise due to increase in population in the urban areas are:
- Due to rise in population, cities become more congested for which cultivation and farming is not possible for the city farmers. No barren lands are available because of the increase habitat in the cities.
- Another problem that comes due to increase in population is that less availability of jobs in the cities. As there are fewer jobs available in the market, people remain unemployed. Mostly people migrate to urban areas for the need of money. But due to this increase in population, people are unable to earn the required amount of money.
- The government is also unable to give service to all the people in the cities because of the number of population.
- Due to increase in population, pollution also increases in the cities. Traffic also increases due to increase in cars and vehicles.
1.I agree with the point argument that by 2050, almost 70 percent of all the people around world will live in the urban areas. Due to increase of hunger in rural areas, all people are shifting to urban areas so that they will able to arrange food for them. People move to urban areas in search of food and job. But due to increase in population in urban areas, the cities are unable to provide all its residents with all the requirements that they need to survive. Due to increase in population, the pollution in those urban areas also increases. To tackle all the people of the city, the government also faces difficulty to provide service to all the citizens of the city.
2.I agree with the statement because due to rise in population in urban areas, many challenges are faced by the urban cities. People think that there are ample amount of jobs available in the cities. But due to increase in population at a tremendous rate, the availability of jobs also decreases. There avails less amount of job and the residents suffer from unemployment. People generally migrate from rural area to urban areas in search of food and job and also to make their life better. But increase in population does not allow people to live a better life. The cities also face many challenges due to increase in population. Due to increase in population, the cities get polluted and the government is unable to provide service to all its citizens. As the population increases, land of cultivation also decreases because the lands are captured for the dwellings of the residents.
Gabel, Medard. "The design science/global solutions lab: interdisciplinary problem/project-based research and learning." ASEE American Society For Engineering Education Spring(2010).
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