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Bss060-6 | Use And Application Assessment Answers

Evaluate the Use and Application of Project Management Theory and Methodologies



Thames card has undertaken and completed a project with Tesco in launching the first contactless loyalty card programme. The contactless cards are proving to be a huge hit of the consumer. Therefore, this project was a milestone for Tesco. The new card that is being designed increases the security and value for the customers. The increase in the security and the value of the card gives Tesco a better brand recognition and actionable data. The report aims at evaluating the application of PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) methodology in contactless Clubcard project of Tesco. The Project Management Body of Knowledge is a set of standard methodology that provides proper guidelines for managing a project (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). This process provides the project managers with the fundamental practices that are needed to achieve the organizational results and excellence for the practice of project management. The use of PMBOK helps in managing and leading the project in a more effective way. The use of PMBoK will therefore help in implementation and management of the project in a strategic and planned manner ensuring project success (Turner 2014). It is a publication of project management institute (PMI). The project involves development of a new Tesco loyalty card that will be able the shoppers to simply tap their card at check out for payment thus making the entire process even simpler (Atkins 2018). The following paragraphs evaluate the Tesco loyalty card project on basis of PMBoK project methodology.

PMBoK Project Methodology: Definition and Components

What is PMBoK project methodology 

PMBoK was first published in the year 1987 by the project Management Institute. It acts as a project management guide that encompasses all the theories and the processes related to project management. This project management methodology includes a dynamic and integrative process that is updated on a frequent basis. This makes this project management methodology an improved and updated one. The content of the PMBoK is accurately defined and tested by the project management team making use of the methodology. The PMBoK guide is used by a number of project teams across the world. With this guide, the project manager who is leading a project can stay organized. There are a total of 47 individual processes that is organized by PMBoK guide (Kerzner 2018). Apart from the process groups, there are ten knowledge areas that help in managing the projects in an integrated environment. Out of the ten knowledge areas, the project integration management, time management and scope management is very important. PMBoK ensures that a project, irrespective of its complexity is delivered within a scheduled time. This is possible because PMBoK does not allow change in scope after the project has been initiated. This helps in completing the project within a given schedule. Another significant knowledge area of PMBoK is project quality management. A project cannot be considered successful if a poor quality work is delivered. PMBoK establishes a specific set of policies and objectives that make sure that the project is completed is completed in a manner that is useful for the organization or the project owner.

The PMBoK project methodology further makes sure that good communication is maintained among the project team members (Jeston 2014). Good communication is important in any organization especially when it comes to the management of the project. With an appropriate communication plan, the PMBoK project methodology ensures that all the project stakeholders are informed about the project progress.   

PMBOK Components 

The project management body of knowledge is a guide that helps the project managers by providing knowledge of certain fundamental practices that is needed to obtain a particular project goal. This project methodology has five process groups, which include Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and Controlling and project closing. The PMBoK project methodology further deals with 10 knowledge areas and 47 processes that make the process of project implementation easier (Heagney 2016). However, this methodology is a bit complex and therefore, adequate experience is required to work with this project methodology. The 10 knowledge areas of project management include project integration management, project scope management, project time management, cost management of the project, quality management, Human resource management, communication management, risk management, procurement management and stakeholder management (Heldman 2018). The PMBOK project methodology is a globally recognized standard that act as a guide for the project management profession (Bylok and Cichoblazinski 2016). The Tesco loyalty card project will be evaluated on basis of this project management methodology and the 10 knowledge areas associated with it in order to understand whether the project was implemented in an appropriate manner or not.

One of the significant advantages of implementing a project with PMBoK project management methodology is that, in PMBoK the entire project is divided into a number of phases, which in turn helps in easier management of every phase of the project. The seven process groups of the project further ensure that the project is implemented in a controlled and manageable environment (Al Matari 2014). The seven process groups of PMBoK project environment include starting up of a project, directing a project, initiating a project, controlling the project stages, managing product delivery and managing the project closure (Kuster et al. 2015). PMBoK further ensure proper scope management, time, quality cost human resources and communication management (Karaman and Kurt 2015). The following paragraphs give an idea how the Tesco loyalty card project can be handled by making use of PMBoK project methodology.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of PMBoK project management methodology 

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages of making use of PMBoK project management methodology in any project (Too and Weaver 2014). The PMBoK project management methodology includes dynamic processes that offer the benefit of continuous improvement throughout the project implementation phase (Todorovi? et al. 2015). A project management methodology ensures that any project is delivered in an acceptable condition to the users. Use of PMBoK in the Tesco card project can certainly help in management of the project and in ensuring its timely completion.

The advantages and the disadvantages of this methodology are discussed in the following sections.

Advantages of PMBoK

In this section, the advantages of PMBoK project management methodology will be discussed.  One of the significant advantages of PMBoK project methodology is that, this methodology is globally accepted and offers an effective business model through which the project management plan can be formulated quite easily (Kerzner 2018). Project management plan helps in easier project implementation as it acts as a guide for easier project implementation (Skogmar 2015). Another significant advantage of making use of PMBoK project management methodology in any project is that since it implements a project in a planned manner, it reduces the overhead cost of managing a project (Joslin and Müller 2015). Since PMBoK acts as a guide to project management, having a proper knowledge of the contents of the guide further helps in easy breakdown of the project management steps. Since PMBoK is a complex process there can b certain steps which might be difficult to understand or implement. This problem can be easily mitigated with the help of PMBoK guide thus making the process of project implementation through PMBoK project methodology quite easier. PMBoK project management methodology further offers tested methodologies and evidence based processes and practices to ensure accurate project implementation (Roudias 2015). This further helps in understanding which methodologies might work and which methodologies may not work. Above all, the use of project management body of knowledge increases the accuracy of the project management process. Therefore, PMBoK is one of the project management methodologies that can be implemented in every project type. Therefore, the choice of project management methodology in Tesco contactless card project is appropriate.

Disadvantages of PMBoK

The disadvantage of making use of PMBoK project management methodology is that the methodology is quite complex and the project manager is needed to be experienced enough to handle the project with the help of PMBoK project management methodology. An inexperienced project manager might not have a proper knowledge about all the knowledge areas and the process groups of PMBoK project management method and therefore it is essential to engage an experienced project manager for the job of managing this project. Furthermore, since the project management body of knowledge is quite complex, it is essential to train the project team members accordingly (Seymour and Hussein 2014). This is one of the main disadvantages of executing a project with the PMBoK project management methodology. Implementation of the project in PMBoK project management methodology is that proper communication is necessary in every project stage (Larson et al. 2014). The training program requires a huge investment and lack of appropriate communication among the team members might result in failure of the project. Therefore, it can be said that the implementation of the project with the help of PMBoK project management methodology requires good knowledge and experience.

Tesco loyalty card project

The aim of project is to design and develop a Tesco Clubcard to provide more benefits to the customers. The aim of the project is to make the Clubcard simpler to use by introducing a brand new contactless card. The card will be managed by a Smartphone application which is very simple to use. The project will be making use of PMBoK project methodologies that will ensure proper implementation of same. Tesco, the super market giant launched its contactless Clubcard on 7th July 2017. The new Clubcard has been made easier for the customers to use. The upgraded Clubcard application helps in easier management of the card. The upgraded card provides most uniquely helpful things to the customers giving the company greater brand recognition. Millions of customers are making use of this card with 66% global shoppers who are enrolled in loyalty programmes (Atkins 2018). One of the significant enhancements that are made in this card is the enhanced security that increases the customers’ trust and provides the brand recognition. Since the new ClubCard is made simpler to use as it is made contactless. It is a milestone for Thames, Tesco and UK loyalty. With the increase in the technological enhancement, contactless Cards are a huge hit among the masses. Design, innovation and simplicity comes together to shape the Tesco contactless card project. With a tight security and ease of usage, the contactless cards are adopted by a number of customers. Thames has already completed the personalization, processing and the issuance of 750000 cards per week over the course of the project (Atkins 2018). The Tesco Clubcard scheme was mainly based on the existing customers so that existing customers can help in attracting the new customers. The main aim of this project is to make the shopping experience thrilling for the customers. The new project accredited to several factors, among which the increase of the customer base system is quite significant.

The Clubcard project of Tesco is a reflection of the different attributes of the Company and commitment. This project if implemented with PMBoK project management methodology, the project could have been implemented in a structured manner. The application of PMBoK in Tesco project is discussed in the following section.

Application of PMBoK in Tesco Project

The application of PMBoK project management methodology in Tesco Project could have helped in implementation of the project in a more structured manner. PMBoK describes an idealistic project management environment that helps in implementation of the project in planned approach. In the initiation stage, the project must ensure that a structured project plan is made, that will be used in the implementation stage as well. Good communication among the team members is an essential consideration of successful project (Sánchez 2015). PMBoK project management methodology ensures that a communication plan will be made at the beginning of the project so that proper communication among the team members is possible (Gonçalves, Drumond and Méxas 2017).

This is a customer based project and therefore proper requirements gathering are essential. The requirements gathering are done at the beginning of the project so that development of the project plan is easier. The project management body of knowledge contributes to the better understanding of the different processes of the project. The PMBoK project management methodology ensures planned project monitoring so that the flaws in the project are detected at the right time. The project manager’s responsibility is to ensure that the project is rightly tracked and monitored.

One of the significant aims of the Tesco contactless card project is designing a card that will be simple to use. The project initiation phase therefore focuses on the setting up the objectives of the project that will be followed in the implementation phase. The planning stage includes scheduling the project till its release (Karaman and Kurt 2015). The use of PMBoK methodology in this project therefore ensures the processing of the cards of the interested customers so that the cards can be delivered to them in promised time frame.

The aim of the project is to let the shoppers have a hassle free shopping experience. The Tesco loyalty card is rewarding and therefore, it is expected that the customer base for this product will increase. The PMBoK project management methodology therefore proves to be advantageous for the Tesco contactless card project (Elhameed 2017). The closing phase of the project will be associated with the project release where the cards will be issued to the customers which they can use right after the issue (Luiz, Souza and Luiz 2017). The pros and cons of making use of PMBoK in Tesco Project are discussed in the following section.

Pros and Cons of PMBoK in Tesco Project

With the number of advantages that PMBoK might offer to the Tesco project, there are a number of disadvantages as well (Drob and Zichil 2013). This section will focus on the pros and cons of implementing the Tesco project with project management body of knowledge.

The advantage or benefit of making use of PMBoK in Tesco project is that the entire project is implemented in a planned approach (Huang 2017). The project will be delivered in the set time which is a significant advantage of making use of this methodology.

One of the cons of PMBoK that might affect the project implementation is that proper knowledge and skills are required for its implementation. An inexperienced project manager might not be able to handle the project.


The report gives an idea of the project management and PMBoK project management methodology. The report gives an idea of the process of project management, its advantages and disadvantages. The aim of the report was to implement the PMBoK methodology in the Tesco contactless card project. The Tesco project is discussed in the report and process of implementing this project with the help of PMBoK is discussed in the report.


It is recommended that an experienced project manager should be considered for the project. The Tesco loyalty card project can be implemented with the help of PMBoK project management methodology provided the project is monitored on a regular basis and each and every stages of the project is implemented in a controlled environment. The PMBoK guide can help the team members in project implementation.


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