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Bsbwor502 Lead And Manage Team Assessment Answers


1 Prepare a briefing document that outlines your understanding of the team purpose, role, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organizational goals, plans and objectives. This document should be appropriate to distribute to team members as a consultation process to establish a common understanding.

2 Prepare a performance plan to establish the expected outcomes, outputs, key performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for the work team.

3 Outline what strategies you will use to support team members in meeting expected performance outcomes. These strategies should address any formal and informallearning requirements.

4 Outline the strategies you will use to ensure team members have an input into the planning, decision-making and operational aspects of their work.


The best thing that a business must do under all circumstances is to satisfy customers’ needs and their lists of preference. A lot of customers have been raising alarm about communication process offered by Olym. From the information provided in the case study, the phone communication network has not been efficient to a level of customers’ satisfaction. In that connection, there have been drawbacks associated with a single phone line.  The single-line system has limited the channel over which customers’ air out their feedback on the product under consideration. Therefore, the fact that Olym recommended installing a better phone line system tend to demonstrate their concerns towards satisfying customers’ lists of preference. It is a clear indicator that Olym care about services and products offered to their customers. In that case, the customers will be able to reach out the services of Olym when they fall due.

The other recommendation on reviewing delivery schedule process demonstrates how Olym value time of their customers. In that case, customers will be receiving gas supplies at the appropriate time without anticipated delays. This recommendation will reduce inconveniences that had been subjected to those customers. 

Olym management needs to put their customers as their first priority. Through customers and potential consumers, the business will be exposed to many market ventures which in return will result in business growth and development. Thus, my recommendations are based on a team of customer services. Olym needs to ensure that customer service providers are excellent so as to convince customers when issues arise. It takes time to cultivate trust with your customers. Unfortunately, a small mistake in a single instance may lose potential customers. Another recommendation is based on the quality of the gas. Despite competition in this business, Olym needs to continuously supply the gas at admirable prices without compromising the quality of the gas. Otherwise, they may end up losing potential customers in case they realize that the quality supplied has been compromised. Let that customer based strategy remain in operation so as to achieve competitive advantage. 

In any business, the main aim is making profits so as to promote business growth and development. However, in the process of carrying out business transactions, challenges emerge and the business needs to mitigate those challenges without affecting the main goal of making profits. In this case study, a customer returns a blender to the business after successfully using the blender. The customer returns the blender and in return require his money back. It has become a challenge to convince the customer that the business only accepts products before they have been used. The main problem is the language of communication so as to convince the customer. As a manager, I have an obligation to deal with issues that customer service staffs are unable to handle. The best strategy to apply in this case study is based on win-win situation strategy. I would request customer service staff to forward the customer to my office. This first step will assist in removing the attention created by that scenario. Other customers will not be affected. There is a probability that the blender broke down in the process of its functions. Thus, the customer did not realize the terms of engagement with the business ended the time he used the blender the first time. I will make the customer understand terms of sale of products using the best language he understands. Again, the blender just had a mechanical problem that can be fixed through the repair. I would facilitate the customer to repair the blender so as to maintain the trust he had when buying the product. This strategy will result in a win-win situation.

Finally, I will reach out to customer care staff. Such a scenario can cause stress, especially to inexperienced customer service staff. I will make him understand the nature of his work so as to mitigate such challenges in case they appear again in future.  

I would make Tim understand the terms of contact. That contract was very productive and Tim should not let go. I would monitor Tim’s performance by ensuring that such promising contracts do not fall under the management of his competitors. Offering such a chance to his competitors may make Tim lose competitive advantage in the market. He needs to ensure that all contacts tabled before him need to be executed and delivered within terms of contact without compromising on the quality of his services. 

I would tell Tim to contact the rural fire commander so as to take that contact. In that case, Tim needs to reschedule other contacts of other clients so as to deliver the present contract. He can communicate to other clients so as to notify them of the reschedule programme.

  1. What steps would you take to determine how your organization could deliver the service to the customer?
  • We first consider terms of engagement.
  • Then we set delivery time so as to lay down strategies on how to execute the contract.
  • Allocate resources.
  • Finally, we work towards that target putting into consideration on quality and delivery standards.  

The problem arises from service delivery by our workers at Jolly Airlines. There is a possibility that the employees assigned the task of providing services to clients do not work towards achieving the objective. In that case, there is negligence of our workers towards executing duties. Negligence is a tort (Fletcher 2012). Another problem could be lack of teamwork at Jolly Airlines. Such a scenario need to have been reported to the management team. This affect travel schedule. In return, Jolly Airline is likely to experience low returns thus unable to sustain the workers. It also affects booking procedures. 

This problem needs to be fixed to avoid future recurrence. I would arrange a meeting to notify the workers. I would make them realize that our clients are our first priority. For those customer service staff who fail to deliver quality services, Jolly Airline will sponsor them for training so as to adhere to our expectations. 

I would consult top management team so as to resolve the issue once and for all. A would also consult the head of customer service staff so as to take note of those staffs that may result in such scenario in future.

Scenario 5 

Hans should assure the customers that their issue will be considered and fixed to their satisfaction. In that case, the bike and accessories bought by those customers will be provided based on the new model specified by the customers. 

Hans can expose Sarah to training on skills needed to understand how bikes and accessories work. In that case, Sarah will be able to respond to queries raised by customers on bikes and corresponding accessories. 

Hans needs to write a memo communicating a message to all workers on how to address issues. In case any work is not sure about queries raised by customers, there is need to consult other workers before processing a particular transaction. 

There is need to keep records of transactions offered to frequent customers. This will be important so as to compare products purchased by these customers. This record will assist the business to deal with mechanical problems faced by customers on products they purchase. Customer records, sales records, and delivery records are among the records that need to be taken so as to improve services provided. 

Hans needs to conduct research via interview so as to get feedback from the repair customers. He can as well conduct a market assessment on repairs made.

Research plan.

Hans needs to research on the qualification of repair technicians so as to ascertain their credibility. The questions that need to be asked include. 

This information can be collected by conducting a direct interview with the repair customers. 

The plan consists of the provision of quality repair services without overcharging the repair customers.

The assumptions to be made include.

  1. The spare parts are genuine.
  2. Repair personnel is credible.
  3. A large number of bikes riders.
  4. Roads are not well accessible which cause breakdown of bikes.
  5. What resources might Hans require to deliver the recommendations in the customer service plan? How should he secure these resources?

The resources needed include human resources such as repair technicians. There is a need for raw materials for repair such as spare parts. The credible repair technician can be hired. Spare parts can be accessed from the stores selling spare parts.  

In any business transaction, there is need to ensure proper mode of communication despite misunderstanding between customers and working staff. The methods to be applied in such as case include negotiation and ethical communication skills. There is need to apply ethics in performing business transactions. Ethical considerations must be put into consideration to communicate appropriately in business transactions. Techniques to improve customers’ relation include training on ethical issues so as to cultivate positive relationships in business operations. 

Future staff members need to consult top management when such cases arise rather than involving themselves in unfavorable conversations with abusive customers. 

The appealing technique is important to attract customers with special needs. They will feel appreciated to transact business with the company.

Persuasive technique. This will make these customers like our services and return make them potential customers. 

The customer needs to identify the areas that need to be improved. Then, Travel Agency Business will assess those claims and attempt to fix them so as to satisfy the customer. Competitive advantage strategy needs to be applied in this case so as to attract customers. We can schedule their travels so as to avoid delays and offer discounts to frequent customers. I would interview the customer so as to check whether the issues have been addressed. 

Our business monitors the customers on ongoing customer service quality by listening to their feedbacks and responses towards products and services provided.

To improve on current and future systems, the business will conduct product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and technological innovations so as to satisfy consumers’ lists of preferences. 

Effective record management assists the business to take stock of products and services demanded by customers. This also assists in recording feedbacks and responses offered by customers regarding products and services.

Our organization has three types of records. First, the transaction record is used to indicate the terms of the business transaction. Second, the customer record is used to record frequent customers and customer service record used to record issues raised by our customers. 

Public relations and promotions ensure all ethical considerations are adhered to when conducting business transitions with customers. It also ensures issues raised by customers are considered so as to satisfy customers and to ensure win-win situation in the business world. 

Role description -1

Customer service representative: (receiving a phone call from the unknown caller) Hallo. My name is Jane from ABC Company. How can I help you, please?

Customer:  ooh! I am calling to inquire about my delivery that the company was supposed to deliver three days ago. What happened?

Customer service representative: (noticing that the client is a male) ooh! I am sorry sir. Please provide me with your details sir. Your name, specification of your delivery, nature of products to be delivered and so on.

 Customer:  No! No! No! You already have may detail. The delivery is past deadline, I paid a lot of money and you assured me that delivery will be made in good time. What is the issue?

Customer service representative: sir I need your details so as to respond to your query. The company operates on a large scale and I need to verify your case. Please send your details for verification. I promise to resolve your issue once I access your information.

Customer:  Alright then. My name is Gideon. I purchased office furniture from your company and you promised to deliver the same three days ago. Up to now, now delivery has been made.

Customer service representative: Please provide your transaction id on the furniture you bought. 

Customer: (verifying id from receipt issued) Aw156376276.

Customer service representative: (verifying from transaction record) I am sorry sir. We had a breakdown of our delivery vehicles for one week now. But the management has resolved the issue. As we speak the delivery van is in transit so as to deliver your furniture as requested earlier.

Customer: (relaxing) for how should I wait for the delivery?

Customer service representative: I can promise you that the delivery will be made in the next two hours.

Customer: okay. I will be waiting.

Customer service representative thank you. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Customer thank you for responding to my query.

Customer service representative: No! We thank you for your patience. We promise it will not happen again. Welcome to our services once again.

Role description 2

Team member: (receiving a call from the manager) I am Mary from Innovative Widgets. How can I help you, sir?

Manager: ooh! Mary this James, the general manager of Innovative Widgets.

Mary: (panting) ooh! Yes, sir. What can I do for you?

Manager: It is about the client who complained about late delivery. What really happened?

Mary: He started conflicting me about delivery that was supposed to be made three days ago. When I crosschecked the delivery, the transaction was not adding up.

Manager: ooh! No! That was a mistake. The transaction was alright. The problem was from our side. The delivery vehicle was not in good condition. That why we canceled the delivery.

Mary: (panting heavily) what was I supposed to do?

Manager: (disappointed) Mary, listen. Any time you come across any case that you are not clear, it is important to consult top management. There is no point of operating out of emotions. Do you understand me?

Mary: yes I am listening.

Managers: remember those customers are our first priority. There is need to keep a proper record on any transaction that takes place in this company. Again, it is good to verify the credibility of queries raised by clients before dismissing them. What you did was unethical and made this company to lose a potential customer.

Mary: it won’t happen again sir,

Manager: listen, this is what you need to do so as to improve your skills in customer care service.

Mary: (attentive)

Manager: you need to be a good listener. Always verify all claims asserted by your customers before giving feedbacks. Once you are very sure on what to say, please respond ethically. In cases where you are not sure, it is important to refer that client to top management for further actions.

Mary: yes sir.

Manager: this is what you need to do. Call that client and apologize. Tell him that this issue is under consideration by top management. Can you do that?

Mary: yes sir. I will let him know that we are looking on his issue with ultimate regard. Thank you for your concern and continued support.

Manager: welcome 

Case study – 1

  1. Provide at least six suggestions on how Ron should recruit and select his team members.

Include the ideal size of the team and the knowledge and skills required by individual


  • Ron needs to announce an application for positions so as to gather a team from diversified areas.
  • Ron can train some members from current workers of the company so as to form a team.
  • Ron can select interested members from the company who had prior experience on customer-based skills and expertise.
  • Ron can request top management to offer him a team based on past performance records.
  • Ron can perform a random selection of company workers and then offer them training in the required field.
  • Ron can advertise the job in media so as to gather a team already in the field so as to start the objectives immediately.

The team should consist of five members such as two customer service staffs to be recoding claims raised by customers, one phone attendant to control communication process, a supervisor to delegate duties and represent the presence of the manager and a manager who will oversee the performance of the entire team.

  1. Set six goals Ron might establish with his team to improve customer satisfaction.
  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Quality production.
  • Standard delivery.
  • Contract binding.
  • Ethical consideration.
  • Effective and efficient communication along with instant feedback on customers’ issues.
  1. Provide at least three suggestions for Ron on how he should go about establishing a team and individual performance plans in order to meet the objectives of the team.
  • There should be close consultation with the team before processing transactions in questions.
  • Each individual need to work towards meeting individual targets.
  • There is need to cover gaps that individuals are unable to cover so as to facilitate smooth flow of events.
  1. Identify at least seven strategies that Ron would employ to fulfill his role in supporting team members to achieve their objectives.
  • Ron needs to motivate his team so as to meet targets.
  • There should be a division of labor and specializations.
  • The team needs to embrace the concept of opportunity cost.
  • There should be close consultations in the team.
  • Weak members need to be supported when faced with difficulties.
  • The team should place priorities of their customers first so as to enhance the peaceful relationship between the team and their clients.
  • Members should offered commissions as a method of appreciation and motivation.

Case study – 2

  1. Identify one positive and one negative group dynamic operating amongst the managers and provide a brief explanation of how each may support or hinder group performance.

Positive: All managers have a passion for what they do and want the organization to succeed.

This can be used to make these managers work as a team so as to meet the objectives of the organization.

Negative: Each manager has their own agenda and they gossip about each other.

This makes each manager feel superior and limits borrowing of ideas and consultations in different departments.

  1. Outline two strategies you would use to improve cohesion among these managers.
  • Take the managers for a team-building exercise.
  • Offer a training session on management and a workshop on the importance of embracing teamwork.
  1. Outline four strategies you would employ to hold each manager accountable for the team’s efforts.
  • I would base performance on an individual level.
  • I would reward performance per department.
  • I would question each manager for the failure of his department.
  • I would calculate average performance of the team and compare with individual manger’s performance.
  1. Explain two reward systems you could implement to encourage team effort.
  • I would offer commissions and tokens to top performance.
  • I would take the team for a trip so as to refresh their stretched minds.
  1. Explain five techniques you would use to resolve the personal conflict between the warehouse manager and the finance manager.
  • I would apply negotiation skills so as to make them reach a win-win situation
  • I would apply mediation process to gather details concerning their conflict and then resolve it.
  • I would apply arbitration process so as to gather findings and promote earlier relationship.
  • I would apply intercession process to ask questions about conflict and then resolve it.
  • I would apply intervention process so as to make them understand the importance of peaceful relationship in their capacity. 
  1. Establish a plan to encourage each Centre to take responsibility for their team activities.

Each training Centre needs to manage their own teams so as to address issues when they fall due.

The training team should consist of head trainer, supervisors, and team manager.

There is need to collaborate with other training centers so as to get consultations and clarifications on issues that go out of hand.

Junior trainers need to benchmark with what senior trainers do so as to have growth and development in the program.

  1. Outline the new roles you will take in supporting each training Centre.

Each training Centre will have a manager who will be reporting issues and progress of his Centre to head office for assistance.

Again, the head office will be able to monitor all training centers so as to identify if there is any need to shift management team. 

  1. Briefly, explain three strategies you would use to improve communication with the nonperforming retail outlet.
  • I would change management of non-performing retail outlets.
  • I would offer training on workers of non-performing retail outlets on skills to apply when performing duties.
  • I would promote teamwork and enhance communications skills of workers involved.
  1. Give two examples of who you would speak to for assistance in resolving the issues you have identified, and provide a brief explanation of the focus of the communication.
  • State manager. He will be in a position to offer directives to what needs to be done so as to improve communication in the affected area.
  • Other regional managers. They will share strategies they apply in their outlets while can be translated to the affected retail outlet.
  1. Outline three corrective actions you could take regarding these unresolved issues.
  • I would shift workers to other retail outlets.
  • I would meet the conflicting workers and solve conflicts before them.
  • I would dismiss aggressive workers so as to give chance to hardworking workers.
  1. Identify how these actions align with organizational policy.
  • Workers can be shifted to other places of work so as to facilitate smooth operations.
  • Method of solving conflicts such as negotiation, arbitration and mediations must be used instead of the litigation process.
  • Unmanageable workers need to be dismissed so as to allow smooth running of business operations. 

Project A

Subject: improving team effectiveness 

Team purpose: The main purpose of a team is to perform obligations allocated by top management so as to meet daily operations that will enhance growth and development at via individual and team performance.

Roles of a team: Roles are based on the division of labor and specialization according to an individual member of a team based on skills, expertise, knowledge, and capabilities.

Responsibilities of a team: The main responsibility according to a team is to ensure smooth operations of activities so as to achieve objectives outlined in the performance plan.

Accountability: This is a situation where team performance is subjected to individual effort. Each member of a team is accountable to team performance based on capabilities. 

Performance plan. A team needs to be successful in the execution of duties allocated by top management and duties must be executed through the division of labor and specialization. Key performance indicators include a positive response by observer and increase on output per individual performance. Finally, goals to be included in performance plan include the ability to meet targets and delivery standards without compromising on quality. 

I would apply team building activities so as to train team members on the importance of embracing teamwork.

I would employ relationship-oriented behavior strategy to motivate and inspire individuals and team performance. 

I would apply task-oriented behavior to subject individual members to the accountability of their work that culminates to team performance.

I would also apply consultation as a strategy where an individual member needs to consult the other member of sensitive matters so as to have a sound decision-making process and appropriate planning. 

I would use tokens of appreciation for best performance so as to recognize efforts made by each member and to create intrinsic motivation to these members.

I would employ relationship-oriented behavior strategy to motivate and inspire individuals and team performance. 

Policies and procedures to be employed by Bizops.

  • Individual performance must be considered when averaging team performance so as to promote transparency.
  • Team members must consult with other members so as to facilitate decision-making process and planning.
  • Individual performance will be rewarded so as to intrigue intrinsic motivation at the individual level.
  • Team building activities must be performed exemplary well which needs to be demonstrated during actual team performance. 

Leadership techniques and strategies applicable to providing feedback and motivation include goal scaling strategy. This strategy is used to provide feedback on part completed parts of the required goals so as to motivate the members to complete the remaining tasks.

Another leadership technique is recognition of an individual. This is important and makes members appreciate their efforts. It acts as motivating factors.

Again, positivism strategy is where leaders report positive progress at performance stage. Negative ideas are presented when the whole process is completed to avoid damaging morale of members during the actual performance. Task-oriented behavior is also a strategy to subject individual members to the accountability of their work that culminates to team performance. Relationship-oriented behavior strategy to motivate and inspire individuals and team performance. 

Issues and problems need to be spotted before they go out of hand. Thus, the following step will be applicable.

There should be a platform where issues and problem will be submitted probably a suggestion box.

Once these issues are gathered, they should be investigated so as to verify claims and credibility.

A team should be appointed to deliberated issues.

Finally, a meeting to be held and all resolved issues and problems to be documented for future reference. 

As a manager of Bizops Company, I would ensure that I adhere to policies and procedures set by the company so as to create a clear path to other members.

Again, I would execute my duties with ultimate zeal and vigor so as to meet targets and deadlines.

I would also be accountable as a manager and reliable to the company without any reservations whatsoever.

I would also consult on matters that need close observation and attention so as to make viable decisions and judgments.   

Communication is a key aspect of any organization. To achieve this, as a manager I will ensure reliable communication networks. There should be connectivity in all departments. Finally, there should be frequent meetings so as to communicate sensitive issues to members such objectives, way forward, current trend and performance. 

There should be communication channel that will be incorporated into my team and senior management. One channel is upward communication model where team members will be required to report issues to senior management. This include submission of tasks performed and seeking for clarification. On the other hand, downward communication model will be used by senior management to monitor team performance and to allocate duties to team members.  

The concept of team performance is subjected to individual efforts that in return translate to team performance. Each member of a team is accountable to team performance based on capabilities.

Performance plan. A team needs to be successful in the execution of duties allocated by top management and duties must be executed through the division of labor and specialization. Key performance indicators include a positive response by observer and increase on output per individual performance. Finally, goals to be included in performance plan include the ability to meet targets and delivery standards without compromising on quality.

Team purpose: The core purpose of a team is to perform obligations allocated by top management so as to meet daily operations that will enhance growth and development at via individual and team performance.

Roles of a team: Roles are based on the division of labor and specialization according to an individual member of a team based on skills, expertise, knowledge, and capabilities.

Responsibilities of a team: The main responsibility according to a team is ensure smooth operations of activities so as to achieve objectives outlined in the performance plan. 

Team members need to be motivated in their daily tasks. This can be done by recognizing their efforts at the individual level rather than at team level. This strategy will promote working culture that will make team members be task-oriented and objective oriented. 

I would also apply consultation as a strategy where individual member needs to consult the other member of sensitive matters so as to have a sound decision-making process and appropriate planning. A team needs to be successful in the execution of duties allocated by top management and duties must be executed through the division of labor and specialization. 

There is need to motivate team members so that they can take team responsibility seriously. This can be done by calling a frequent meeting so as to create a reflection of what needs to be done. During the meeting, the top management should point out areas of strengths and way forward. Application of SWOT analysis model will also be appropriate so that team members can reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.   

Policies and procedures to be employed by Bizops.

  • Individual performance must be considered when averaging team performance so as to promote transparency.
  • Team members must consult with other members so as to facilitate decision-making process and planning.
  • Individual performance will be rewarded so as to intrigue intrinsic motivation at the individual level.
  • Team building activities must be performed exemplary well which needs to be demonstrated during actual team performance. 

Positivism strategy is where leaders report positive progress at performance stage. Negative ideas are presented when the whole process is completed to avoid damaging morale of members during the actual performance (Daft 2015). Task-oriented behavior is also a strategy to subject individual members to the accountability of their work that culminates to team performance. Relationship-oriented behavior strategy to motivate and inspire individuals and team performance. 

Issues and problems need to be spotted before they go out of hand. Thus, the following step will be applicable.

There should be a platform where issues and problem will be submitted probably a suggestion box.

Once these issues are gathered, they should be investigated so as to verify claims and credibility.

A team should be appointed to deliberated issues.

Finally, a meeting to be held and all resolved issues and problems to be documented for future reference. 

I would execute my duties with ultimate zeal and vigor so as to meet targets and deadlines.

I would also be accountable as a manager and reliable to the company without any reservations whatsoever.

I would also consult on matters that need close observation and attention so as to make viable decisions and judgments.  

Communication is a key aspect of any organization. To achieve this, as a manager I will ensure reliable communication networks. There should be connectivity in all departments. Finally, there should be frequent meetings so as to communicate sensitive issues to members such objectives, way forward, current trend and performance. 

One channel is upward communication model where team members will be required to report issues to senior management. This include submission of tasks performed and seeking for clarification. On the other hand, downward communication model will be used by senior management to monitor team performance and to allocate duties to team members.  


Daft, RL 2015, Management, South-Western College Pub.          

Fletcher, F 2012, Business Problem Solving, Routledge.

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