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Bsbsus501 Develop Workplace Policy | Assessment Answers

Task1 Sustainability Case Study

This assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

For this assessment learners are required to review existing policy documents and compare them to regulatory documents and current organisational usage. A report is required that outlines revised policy documents and describes the implementation process.

Assessment description

You are required to examine and review the MacVille policy and procedure doc

uments determine the shortfalls between required sustainable practices and documented approaches to the same. In doing this you will need to review current usage of resources to gain an understanding of potential for recommending change to organisational practices. After evaluation of this information, you will need to outline revised policy documents for MacVille together with a description of the approaches that can be taken to implementation of the revised policy documents. 

Task 2 –Sustainability Policy

Your task is to write a sustainability policy for your business, a business you are familiar with or a simulated business. This policy must be formatted and professional and can be based on any sustainability area you would like to see implemented. To complete the task,

  • Define scope of sustainability policy

  • Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy

  • Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development process

  • Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employing life cycle management approaches

  • Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost

  • Develop policy that reflects the organisation's commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity

  • Agree to appropriate methods of implementation

You will then need to identify how you will:

Communicate the policy to stakeholders including:

  • How will you promote the workplace sustainability policy, including its expected outcome to key stakeholders?

  • How will you inform those involved in implementing the policy as to outcomes expected, activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned?

Implement the policy including:

  • Developing and communicating procedures to help implement the workplace sustainability policy to staff and clients

  • What strategies will you use for continuous improvement in resource efficiency

  • Establish and assign responsibility to use recording systems for tracking continuous improvements in sustainability approaches

Review the policy implementation including:

  • Documenting outcomes and providing feedback to key personnel and stakeholders

  • Investigating successes or otherwise of policy

  • How you will monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance

  • How you will modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made


Part 1


The 20th century marked the emergence of concept of Sustainable development and has gained popularity during the last three decade. The major reason for wide implementation of sustainability in businesses is due to fallouts and irresponsible practice by businesses that often results in degradation of environment and misuse of ecological resources. This paper is about MacVille Enterprise which was established in 2009 and headquartered at Melbourne. The aim of this is to become a well known established retail brand for premium quality coffee and other hot and cold beverages serving Café within a span of 5 years. This report is going to analyze the use of resources and form comparison between best sustainable work practices in the business highlighting shortfalls and suggesting new plans for implementation. Through this report we are also going to focus on triple bottom line approach containing environment, economy, and socio – political factors.

Sustainability Initiatives for MacVille

MacVille Enterprise aims to become leading coffee retailers along with other cold and hot beverages serving different cafés in the next five years. From the time this enterprise came into existence, it has drawn out strategic plans for development of business as well as its sustainability policies. Sustainability policies bridge the gap between value and models of governance and its real life application in the business. Number of measures related to eco – friendly sustainable practices are designed by the company to get along with its mission of expanding business in every state of Australia. There are various sustainability intitiatives take up by the organization which includes:

  • Electrical Resource Sustainability: Air Conditioners in the enterprises are switched off manually by the last member who leaves the office. This result in Air Conditioners left running for 24 hours in the firm causing wastage of energy and resource and increase in expenditure of the firm.

  • Recycle and composting Initiatives: The recyclable papers are not getting sorted out from general rubbish and other waste material.

  • Lights in the workplace are not getting switched off at night to save fuel and electricity.

  • Water sustainability initiatives: Employees are not using dual flush capability toilets in order to save water resources.

Current practices/usages of resources of MacVille Enterprise

Usage of electricity is considered to be a low cost expense and hence, it was neglected as Air Conditioners in the enterprises are switched off manually by the last member who leaves the office. This result in Air Conditioners left running for 24 hours in the firm causing wastage of energy and resource and increase in expenditure of the firm. Old refrigeration system was consuming more and more energy and on top of that lights in the workplace are not getting switched off at night to save fuel and electricity. The HVAC system of the entity has also come under scanner as a result of manual modus operandi. The recyclable papers are not getting sorted out from general rubbish and other waste material. Employees are not using dual flush capability toilets in order to save water resources.

Apart from this the sustainable policy of MacVille enterprise revolves around pollution prevention, waste management and sustainable use of resources. However the practices related to sustainability are not carried out at ground level in the enterprise. According to ISO – 14001: Environmental Management System, sustainable policy at workplace should extend to Green purchasing life cycle, Green office program, supply chain management etc.  there are policies related to sustainability existing in MacVille but the company needs to take out further amendments because they are inefficient and lacks practicality on ground zero.  

Revised Set of Policy Document

CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is considered to be the best practice model for any company seeking to effectively install sustainability policies in its organization. Corporate Social responsibility in a nutshell refers to when an organization do not just focus on making profit but also empowers itself to give back benefits to the society and the end users that it takes so much from.

For the holistic development of a society and environment a company has to integrate 3 factors into its policies i.e. Planet which is concerned with Environmental issues, Prosperity of the society along with the business which are concerned with economic issues and people of the society and end user which are related to social issues. This is the triple bottom line approach which needs to thoroughly analyzed and understood for amalgamation on CSR approach in a business.

Triple bottom line approach of MacVille Enterprise includes buying coffee beans from farmers who uses eco friendly approach for growing them and paying proper consideration for the same. Reduction of Carbon dioxide emission in air by 10% is another strategy for triple bottom down approach by the business. Other areas where MacVille enterprises can adhere with sustainable practices are effective waste management, Separating and composting techniques, discounting customer to encourage them to use disposable cups, and other recycling techniques.  

Shortfalls in the Model

In MacVille there are number of evidences available that are pointing towards non compliance to the standards that are being set in the sustainability policies of the company. There were some discrepancies found in the sustainable policies of a business when examined by business manager. The enterprise has failed to maintain adequate waste management policy, or place in action appropriate recycling and composting program. On top of it, the cups, plates and other utensils used in various outlets of the organization are of non biodegradable nature. Decisions related to buying coffee beans from farmers and other raw material is totally based on the profit motive of the company. At present the company does not have a definite regulation over the use of resources such as electricity and water in the organization which can only be maintained by educating its own employees about sustainable use of resources and policies regarding it. The HVAC system presently working in the organization is currently manually operated.

Change recommendation

The organization is required to bring about a lot of changes in the way it is adhering with the sustainability and waste management policy in its day to day working. It needs to encompass changes keeping in mind the stakeholders, farmers, society, environment and its own human resources. The seeds and other products should be brought from organic farmers and biodegradable products should be used as cups, plates and straws. One of the major things that are hampering sustainable policy of a business is wastage of resources such as water and electricity and their increasing amount of bills. In order to decrease the wastage of these resources policies must guide the employees to switch off the lights, fan and AC when the work is done as the company is currently operating on manual operating system. Subsequent environmental awareness campaign is needed to be carried out regarding this.

Implementation plan for new policy document

The first and foremost thing that is required by the enterprise to implement the required changes recommended to bridge the gap of proper sustainable practices is to analyze the area where the policies are needed to be implemented. Requirement of personnel who can outline, implement and monitor sustainable policies in the enterprise are needed to be educated regarding this role. The CEO of the company can initiate the drive related to new policies and decentralize the authority to different managers of the department who can further delegate the authority to subordinate staff. This process will enforce sense of accountability and responsibility in the employees. Proper communication with stakeholders, consumers, human resources and society is required to be established.

Furthermore, MacVille is opined to develop plans of sustainability and waste management keeping in mind the cost effectiveness and their CSR responsibility towards society. Accomplishment of targets like reduction in emission of CO2 by 10% in next 5 years and increase in recyclability level by 10% in next six months needs to be carried out seriously.


In this paper we have identified MacVille enterprise’s existing as well as new required policies related to sustainability of resources, recyclability, use of organic resources, and composition and outlined and discuss them very well. The best policy model of CSR and triple bottom line approach regarding the grey areas of the business are determined which can efficiently uphold the sustainability practices in the organization. In this paper the sum of holistic approach and implementation of new policy plan is illustrated that defines continuous improvement in the organization.

Part 2 Walt Disney’s Sustainability Policy


“We feel responsible for anything that has Disney name attached to it” According to Walt Disney. Walt Disney is a company which ranked at top position in Australia when it comes to sustainable use of resources or sustainable development.  In 2008 they published their first report on their environmental targets and have some really solid environmental protection and sustainment plans till the year 2020. They believe in long term investment of social responsibility towards environment and society which is benefitting them today and will surely benefit them in the future decades to come.

As the technology is advancing and business are growing rapidly, the scarcity of valuable natural resources, loss of biodiversity and unmanaged waste material pose a big threat on the ecosystem of the planet. Walt Disney aims at establishing a positive and environment friendly legacy for its future. The company encourages all its cast and crew, guests, employees as well as associated business towards sustainable development and use of natural resources as well as efficient waste management techniques. In this task we are going to discuss


The company aims to conserve energy, water resources and ecosystem as a whole in order to reach its environmental targets. Walt Disney seeks to identify, establish, measure and understand the effect of use of natural resources and effects of environmental sustainability and also aims to find innovative and practical solutions for minimization of these impacts.

Finally the company is committed to release its final report related to progress of the implemented policies and achievement of targets in the fiscal report every year.

 Gather Information

Gathering information is a very crucial step in order to formulate plans and policies related to environmental performance of the business. There is a range of sources available that helps in setting up an ideal environmental sustainability policy for any business such as:

  • Vision and Mission Statement of a company
  • Financial, social and environmental objectives of a business
  • Workplace health and safety policy
  • Purchasing policies
  • Waste management policy
  • Integrated Marketing Communication policies
  • Human resource management policy
  • Environmental reports of a business

Walt Disney is a company which is very focused and serious about their environmental sustainability policies toward three major goals:

  • Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission
  • Zero Waste
  • Water resource conservation

The research for explicit goal of Walt Disney on zero greenhouse gas emission and sustainable ecosystem began by measuring and valuing functions of ecosystem and philanthropy system of environment. In 2009 they also developed a paper sourcing policy and an Environmental Responsibility Index to gather information on major environmental impacts and strategies. They also gather information through labor standards, various laws related to environmental sustainability in different countries, environmental index etc. the company  has even received a LEED Silver Certification for their new data center in North Carolina.

 Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholders of the company are increasing becoming an important part of main stream policies of business, decision making and environmental performance review of the businesses.  Stakeholder of the company may include:

  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Government and public agencies
  • Investors of the business
  • Society or community at local level
  • Regulators and suppliers

Walt Disney has a dream of getting admired as good corporate citizen in the community. Disney Conservation Fund has directed more than US$ 70 million in order to save wildlife and planet. A dedicated staff of 120 professional working in 12 different countries all over the world has been formed to initiate the Disney’s International Labor standards. In order to create suitable and long term investment in improving the standard of working conditions of labors and empowering people DILS has also initiated Supply chain Investment Program with the help of NGOs and UN Agencies. A good and stable environmental sustainability policy is achieved with the involvement and consultation of people who are supposed to deliver it i.e. the stakeholders of the company.

Policy-making strategies (principles)

There are various appropriate strategies or principles related to the policies of the firm in every stage that help and provide guidance in planning and implementing policies and procedures related to environmental factors in a firm. There are a number of strategies that can be included to assess the environmental performance of a company, such as:

  • Assessment of waste
  • Purchase improvement
  • Improvement in storage
  • Conservation of energy
  • Water conservation
  • Reduction and management of waste

In case of Walt Disney, there are some key focus areas that the company includes in developing their procedures and policies related to environment as guiding principles or strategies.

Conservation of waste and energy: to establish and sustain an environmental legacy of the company, Walt Disney focus on conservation of natural resources like water and increasing energy efficiency. They are investing in new technologies that aim at enhancement of water and energy conservation for their future projects.

Reduction in Greenhouse Gas emission: Reduction of GHG emission is one of the main environmental goals of Walt Disney. In the year 2009, the company drafted separate goals for Direct and Indirect impacts of greenhouse emission. They have a target of reduction in 50% emission by the end of year 2020

Waste Minimization: In order to create a positive impact on the ecosystem Walt Disney has also adopted an explicit goal of minimization of waste material. They have creatively drafted the policy of 3 R’s “Reuse, Recycle, reduce” for this purpose.

Eco System Conservation: Conservation of eco system is another important strategy adopted by Walt Disney in order to save wildlife and protect bio diversity on the planet.

Develop Policy

Once a company is done with gathering information, formulating a plan and consulting its stakeholders, they are required to develop a sustainable environmental policy for the business. The steps required to build a sustainable environmental policy for the business are:

  • Identification of target material
  • Designing the program for environmental sustainable policy
  • Education of employees or people who are involved in the process of delivery
  • Establishing company policy or goal
  • Purchasing of environment friendly material
  • Agree to appropriate method of implementation
  • Delegation of Responsibility
  • Ensure well resourced team to achieve objective

Walt Disney adopts a very subtle policy in order to achieve its objectives concerning environmental sustainability. The portfolio of projects related to environmental sustainability has been taken into consideration such as emission reduction projects, Cruise waste management project, energy efficiency measures, fuel cell, geothermal walls etc.

Next step is to influence the behavior of employees of the company by issuing guidelines regarding the policy and plan. After that focus on research and development efforts on renewable resources and waste management is made. To grow the portfolio of efficient sources of energy, continuous efforts are made. Investment on forest carbon project and strategy to reduce carbon emission is done.

Policy Implementation / Important Guidelines

Guidelines for the implementation of policy in a business require a sustainability coordinator for all the capital intensive programs. During the implementation of policies some of the guidelines are that are adopted:

  • The implementation of the policies are to be broken down into small pieces of information such as Resources required, cost of items, availability of resources, potential benefits, completion of task, preparation of implementation of plan
  • Cost and benefits of each step is assessed
  • Logical sequencing of different stages of implementation
  • Monitoring of implemented plan
  • Development of procedures to help the implementation of ESP


The Walt Disney Company needs to focus more on its CSR policy and general code of ethics because current programs related to corporate social responsibility of the company are not sufficient as of now in terms of its size and impact that they have on the minds of our younger generation. This company has the power to inspire kids, their parents and families to make a very huge and lasting change in the world and hat it why the company need to make amendments in its current CSR model. These changes and incubation of new and impactful ideas will strengthen CSR policies of the company. Minimizing the environmental footprints, 0% emission of greenhouse gases and replacement of electric power motors will do wonders to the environmental sustainability initiatives of the company.

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