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BSBMGT517 Plan and Manage Resource Acquisition

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BSBMGT517 Assessment 2 - Plan and manage resource acquisition

Part A

Question 1

In this modern age of networking, most of the business have their own online websites. These online websites are able to provide their customers to purchase their product in a easier way. In the case of BBQfun, they have a website but it lacks of e-commerce strategy, their customers are able to purchase their products through normal store only. This may makes their customers to choose other similar products form other business that provides e-commerce website as it provides them an easier way. This will have effects on the business revenue. Therefore, the BBQfun Board of Directors and CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy in order to maintain of increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company strategic directions.

Currently, BBQfun have the following human resources at each of the two locations:

  • Brisbane (Head Office)
    • 30 full-time casual sales and customer service people
    • 5 senior management team
    • 1 store manager
    • 4 sales team leaders
    • 1 delivery truck driver
    • 1 warehouse workers
  • Gold Coast Operations
    • 30 full-time and casual sales and customer service people
    • 1 store manager
    • 3 sales team leaders
    • 1 delivery truck driver
    • 1 warehouse worker

However, it still have manpower gaps as stated below:

  • 8 online sales and customer service people to manage increased online customers (4 of them will be sourced from existing employees at the two stores)
  • 4 warehouse workers to manage increased inventory volume
  • 6 delivery truck drivers to enable distribution as fast as possible

The human resource the must be hire first is the online sales and customer service people. This is because these people requires longer time for training compare to the truck drivers and warehouse workers. The online sales and customer service people are required to deal with the customers, have knowledge about the products, have to be familiar with the website and many other tasks that required training. All these training are time consuming but it will ensure they provide the best services to the customers.

Question 2

The human resources planning to recruit are:

  • 4 online sales and customer services people
  • 4 warehouse workers
  • 6 delivery truck drivers

The budget for recruitment of four online customer service and sales representatives is $30,000. The



Recruitment consultant


Your time




breakdown of costs is as follows:

After interviewing and shortlisted the candidates, decision should be made base on the information in the application, the interview, and in any selection tests that assessed against the person specification and a selection decision to be made. Moreover, specific and honest feedback will be offer for each applicant.

The next step would be pre-employment check. It is required to be undertaken before a formal offer of employment can be made. It must be ensured that any offer of employment given is a ‘provisional’ one, subject to receipt of documentation as follow:

  • References
  • Asylum and immigration
  • Criminal conviction information
  • Pre-employment health check
  • Qualification

After that, the manager will issue letter of appointment and places individuals on the payroll. Induction and probation period will be done for the new staff in order to introduced them their main duties and responsibilities. An induction program will be set out in the form of induction checklist which covers information about the organisation and their check post.

Question 3

The sources methods for the online sales and customer service representatives are internal applicants, recruitment agency, and direct advertising. Candidates will be sourced through internal applicants because they will have relevant knowledge about BBQfun. Candidates will also be sourced through recruitment agency and direct advertising in social media. By this way, the recruitment will be spread out wide in a short period. This may attract the qualified person for this position to made application on the recruitment process. Moreover, it will be cost-effective when advertise through the most appropriate pool.

The sources method for warehouse workers will be through school leavers and work experience programs. Warehouse workers does not requires specific knowledge or experience and therefore it can be sourced through school leavers that does not want to continue their studies. Through experience programs, some candidates may have experience or have the talent to become warehouse workers will be founded. This will makes the candidates familiar with this position in shorter period and can perform though their experience and talents.

The sources method for truck drivers will be direct advertising and employee referrals. Truck drivers requires relevant license and it always a better choice if have relevant experience. Therefore, through direct advertising in social media which spreads in wide area, the qualified candidates may saw the advertisement and applied this position. Through the way of employee referrals, the candidates introduced by the employees may be the right one to choose as the employees know the requirements of the drivers. Moreover, this will also increase the motivation of the employees if they are working in the same place.

Question 4

General approach for assessing candidates in:

  • Online sales and customer service representatives

Interview plan for online customer sales and services representatives

Developmental sequence



1. Type of interview

selection interview

2. Objectives

Collect information to assess:

potential to perform the job

willingness to perform the job

provide information about online customer sales and

services representatives job description and company

Check suitability of applicant to fit the work environment

3. Approach and style


Tailored to online sales and customer service job

Flexible and conversational

4. Schedule


Establish rapport with the applicants

3 mins


Set agenda

5 mins


Collect information about the applicant

5 mins


Provide questions for applicants to answer

10 mins


Discuss job relevant and company in details

10 mins


Invite applicant’s question

5 mins


Terminante interview

3 mins

5. Topics

Previous work experience in specific job functions

Previous training and education

Hints of career plans and interests

Explanation of the job and company benefits

  1. The questions are designed in advanced by marketing manager and operations general manager based on Recruitment and Induction Policies. The human resources manager will be the interviewer together with marketing manager and operations general manager for the interview session.
  2. Additional question will be asked to have further information or clarification where answers are incomplete or ambiguous.
  3. Care will be taken to avoid questions that could be constructed as discriminatory.
  4. A simple test will be given to the applicants in testing their language and communication skills.
  5. Interview notes include the applicants’ knowledge, skills, experience and abilities in relation to the person specification for each applicant will be taken to help making decision based on the content of the interviews.
  6. Decision will be made after interview all applicants. The decision made in choosing the most suitable applicant will be made in a fair and square manner and will get the consent from all interviewers.
  7. The decision made will be based on Interview Scoring System which include the information obtained in the interview session for each applicant based on the questions asked and the answers given by the applicant.
  • Warehouse workers

Interview plan for warehouse workers

Developmental sequence



1. Type of interview

selection interview

2. Objectives

Collect information to assess:

potential to perform the job

willingness to perform the job

provide information about warehouse workers’ job

description and company

Check suitability of applicant to fit the work environment

3. Approach and style


Tailored to warehouse workers job

Flexible and conversational

4. Schedule


Establish rapport with the applicants

3 mins


Set agenda

5 mins


Collect information about the applicant

5 mins


Provide questions for applicants to answer

10 mins


Discuss job relevant and company in details

10 mins


Invite applicant’s question

5 mins


Terminante interview

3 mins

5. Topics

Previous work experience in specific job functions

Previous training and education

Hints of career plans and interests

Explanation of the job and company benefits

  1. Based on Recruitment and Induction Policies and Procedures, question on the areas of warehouse workers will be decided for all applicants.
  2. The questions are designed in advanced by the operations general manager and the store managers for the two stores. The human resources manager will be the interviewer together with the store managers for the interview session.
  3. Additional question will be asked to have further information or clarification where answers are incomplete or ambiguous.
  4. Care will be taken to avoid questions that could be constructed as discriminatory.
  5. Interview notes for each applicant will be taken to help making decision based on the content of the interviews.
  6. The interview notes should include the applicants’ knowledge, skills, experience and abilities in relation to the person specification.
  7. Decision will be made after interview all applicants. The decision made in choosing the most suitable applicant will be made in a fair and square manner and will get the consent from all interviewers.
  8. The decision made will be based on Interview Scoring System which include the information obtained in the interview session for each applicant based on the questions asked and the answers given by the applicant.

Question 5

Induction and training introduces the new employees to both the organisation and the job. it can be vary in length and types of activities involved. It is very effective for the employees for the employees to become a productive contributor to the team when the induction is designed effectively. Induction program for new employees is essential in order to ensure success of new recruits. Without induction program, the new employees may not success in performing their duties as they would not know how should they perform in their duties. They may get discharge from the organisation although the employees have the ability to perform will in that position.

Therefore, it is important to have an effective induction program which ensures:

  • the candidates are engaged and motivated when they commence inter role
  • money and time invested in the recruitment process is not loss through turnover of new hires through resignations or terminations
  • new employees are working productive in their role quickly
  • less errors due to new hires lack of knowledge

Orientation and induction program for the sales and customer service representatives will be:



Day 1

introduction to online sales and customer service team

overview of the organisation, department and team

tour of working place

provide equipment necessary for the online sales and customer service staff,

eg: computer, desk, stationery, etc

introduce the website of BBQ fun

provide security information, eg: login ID and password, security pass

register with the attendance record, eg: using thumbprint or punch card for


discuss policies and procedures and where to access

assign a ‘partner’ and introduce the new employee to the partner

Week 1

discuss objectives and KPIs with the manager

one-on-one meeting with clients/colleagues about their standard operating

procedure on a daily basis

commence job specific training as a online sales and customer

representatives using coaching and mentoring method

introduce the flow chart of the work place and online sales and customer

service team in details

have welcome party with the team after work

Week 2-11

Continue job specific training

Have off-the-job training for the staff in order to improve their skills needed

such as problem-solving and communication skills.

Attend one-day formal company induction program

Have practical training in dealing with the customers

Have meetings with the staff to have improvement on the work performed

Start to provide services to customers together with the partner

Week 12

Complete job-specific training

new hire evaluation completed to provide feedback on the recruitment and

selection and orientation and induction program

Orientation and induction program for the warehouse workers will be:



Day 1

introduction to warehouse workers team

overview of the organisation, department and team

tour of working place

provide security information, eg: login ID and password, security pass

register with the attendance record, eg: using thumbprint or punch card for


discuss policies and procedures and where to access

assign a ‘partner’ and introduce the new employee to the partner

introduce the products of BBQ fun to the workers

have welcome party with the team

introduce the equipment necessary for the warehouse, eg: forklifts, inventory

list, etc

Week 1 - 7

discuss objectives and KPIs with the manager

Attend one-day formal company induction program

one-on-one meeting with clients/colleagues about their standard operating

procedure on a daily basis

commence job specific training for warehouse workers using on-the-job

training method or coaching and mentoring method, it is based on the

training contents

Have meetings with the warehouse workers to have improvement on the

work performed

Week 8

Complete job-specific training

new hire evaluation completed to provide feedback on the recruitment and

selection and orientation and induction program

Part B

Question 1

The physical resources required by BBQfun are:

  • 6 delivery trucks to enable distribution
  • 3 forklifts
  • E-commerce website

All resourcing requirements must be acquired undertaken in accordance with relevant internal and external standards. For example: intellectual property (IP) rights and responsibilities, legislation and codes of practice; and organisational policies and procedures.

The requirements for physical resourcing are as follow:

  • The money use to purchase the physical resources must be cost effective and efficient in use.
  • The best supplier will be select which brings the best value of money in procurement in objective and transparent manner in accordance with BBQfun requirements for features and cost of e-commerce facility.
  • All potential contracted supplier will be treat in procedural fairness based on their suitability for intended purpose.
  • The principle of finance management should be applied for all procurement of physical resources.
  • The procurement of physical resources should have Expenditure Payment Approval Form from the management – in accordance with procurement policy
  • The procurement of physical resources should be approved by the top management
  • Each procurement process must be planned well and conducted with the principles, policies and procedures of BBQfun and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  • The suppliers should be recognised in relevant industry regulation and licensing requirements
  • The process of procurement should be comply with BBQfun’s Delegations Policy
  • There will be competitive process for all tenders.
  • All tender respondents will be inform in writing results of the tendering process immediately after a contract has been awarded.
  • All the process for procurement of physical resources will be done before 1 October 2014

Question 2

In order to acquire physical resources, there are some methods to acquire physical resources such as purchasing, leasing and renting. Decision have to be made in choosing which method before acquire the resources.

For purchasing, it is usually a significant upfront investment which require one time payment for the physical resource.

For leasing, it usually have two types chichis operating lease and finance lease. It requires you to make payments over a period of time and does not require upfront investment. Operating lease is the lease that required the resource to be returned or re-leased. Finance lease is the lease that require to pay a lump sum in order to have ownership of that resource.

For renting, it is very similar to leasing but the business can have the access to the resource by renting. It does not require any additional services.

Resourcing Option




ownership is within the company

have higher initial cost compare

able to dispose the resources

with monthly payments methods

tax incentives - able to have

stuck with outdated equipment

depreciation for some equipments

that will outdated quickly

Don’t have to deal with

responsible for all maintenance

agreements or contract

including costs

have 100% control on the

resources purchased


avoid being stuck with outdated

higher costs over the time


compare with purchasing up-front

less expense up-front

have interest on payment

100% tax deductible as an

no ownership

operating expenses

uncontrolled length of lease terms

flexible and more option when

maintenance depends on leasing

choosing the type of equipment


no maintenance costs

availability of products may be

limited, this depends on the stock

of leasing company


don’t have to pay full cost of the

may have to make deposit or

resources up-front

payment in advanced

access higher standard of

higher costs over the time

equipment which may be too

compare with purchasing up-front

expensive to purchase outright

uncontrolled length of rental

have budget for the future as the


resources is pay over a fixed period

may be subjected to annual rental

of time


fixed interest rates and monthly

rental costs

100% tax deductible as operating


Question 3

The option implemented to acquire physical resource are listed as follow:

Physical Resource

Resourcing Option


E-commerce website


Have 100% ownership within BBQfun

Able to control the website which is depends on

the requirements of e-commerce strategy of


It is the core element of BBQfun’s e-commerce


Delivery trucks


no maintenance costs

able to have the latest trucks

low initial cost

have more choices in deciding type of the trucks

may have the ownership if using finance lease

have more budget for the future



no maintenance costs

low initial costs

able to have the latest forklifts

the lease payment is 100% tax deductible

Question 4

The potential suppliers for the two physical resources are listed below:

Physical Resources


Suppliers’ Website



Delivery Trucks





Australasian Transport News




Owner Driver


Trade Plant And Equipment


Question 5

Evaluation table for delivery trucks suppliers:

Delivery Trucks Supplier















(W x S)

(W x S)

(W x S)

Delivery Speed

x 2







Range of options

x 1








x 10








x 5















(% of budget)

Total score/price




The most appropriate supplier would be Farmmachinerysales. BBQfun should choose this supplier because it has the highest total score/price and it is the cheapest with the best services.

Evaluation for forklift suppliers:


Trade Plant And

Forklifts Supplier

Transport News

Owner Driver














(W x S)

(W x S)

(W x S)

Delivery Speed








Range of options

x 1








x 10








x 5















(% of budget)

Total score/price




The most appropriate supplier would be Trade Plant And Equipment. BBQfun should choose this supplier because it has the highest total score/price and it is the cheapest with moderate quality and services.

Question 6

Competitive tender process is a widely used procurement method within government agencies and private sector agencies. It involves a purchasing organisation advertising its interest to acquire services or supplies and request tender to respond and to compete for the opportunity to win the business. Each organisation have different tender process which comply with their own organisation policy. The type of competitive process can vary depending on the size and characteristic of the contract to be awarded. Therefore, the competitive tender process designed for BBQfun should also follow BBQfun’s policy.

  1. The process of determining which supplier for e-commerce website will have to go through the competitive tender process. There are two main types of competitive tender which is ‘open’ and ‘restricted’. In the case of BBQfun, the process of restricted tender would be used. This is to avoid a large number of replies which results in a large evaluation method. Moreover, the suppliers chosen for competitive tender are the suppliers who have expressed interest in tendering and are capable of meeting the requirements of the scope of work.
  2. After that, BBQfun should also have include the overview of typical tender documents. The tender documents are provided to the tender selected informing what are the requirements of BBQfun to be delivered and under what conditions. The documents should have contain at least:
    • statement of the parties involved: name and address of the company, descriptive title of required work, location of required work
    • legal matters that will govern the contract when drawn up
    • specification e-commerce website to be delivered to BBQfun
    • conditions relating to the website requirements, responsibilities of the parties, method of payments and any other administrative conditions
    • the method of the deliverables will be accesses, incepted and subsequently accepted
  3. Other than the tender documents, the specification of e-commerce website according to organisation requirements should also be included. It should be clear and complete. An affective specification should:
    • include a clear statement of the website needs
    • does not contain unnecessary details
    • include essential performance criteria and describe any contents that must be net
    • be constructed logically to allow easy analysis
    • make effective use of standards that are relevant in specification for copyright, safety procedures, et
    • state criteria for tender evaluation, contract performance and final acceptance
  4. Statement of terms and conditions should also be included in competitive tender process. It should consists a set of conditions, statements and constraints about the e-commerce website.
  5. The competitive tender process should have also include statement of acceptance methods and criteria in the tender documents. It should be clearly stated so that the potential suppliers are aware of any requirements or constraints that may results in time consuming and costly. The list below gives some points that should be considered:
    • What has to be accepted for e-commerce website?
    • What are the methods of acceptance for e-commerce website?
    • Who will carry out the acceptance procedure?
    • What are the standards apply to e-commerce website?
    • What are the documents required?

The procedures and requirements stated above are the approach of competitive tender process that will be undertaken to determine the most suitable supplier.

Part C

Intellectual Property (IP) is a term used to describe something new or original that has been develop by an individual, group or organisation. Intellectual property rights exists to protect ownership and revenue associated with company’s assets, no matter the assets are tangible or intangible. For example, computer programs, names, brand, etc.

IP rights are important in avoiding theft, unauthorised distribution or misuse of intellectual property. It can leads a company to failure if the company fails to protect their IP. Moreover, an organisation have the responsibilities to consider what measures should be implement to ensure that employees and contractor do not infringe upon a third-party’s intellectual property.

The risk management strategies implement for human resource to ensure that BBQfun IP is protected and does not breached the third party’s IP will be:

  • Have a contract signed between the employees and BBQfun to indemnified against breaches of third party’s contract
  • Explain to employees the seriousness of breaching third party’s IP during induction
  • Have a contract between employees and BBQfun to ensure the employees does not provide any securities information to competitors
  • Have limited access on the information that shouldn’t be shared to the outsiders
  • Develop an infringement strategy

The risk management strategies implement for physical resource to ensure that BBQfun IP is protected and does not breached the third party’s IP will be:

  • Ensure the e-commerce website is licensed for exclusively use by BBQfun
  • Have a contract signed between the developers and BBQfun to protect ownership of the e-commerce website content
  • Ensure the login and accessed to e-commerce website are removed when the developers leave BBQfun company
  • Have a backup to the physical resources that are important to BBQfun
  • Have insurance protected with the IP
  • Search the patent, trade mark and design databases to ensure ideas for e-commerce website are new and avoid infringing the rights of others



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