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Bsbmgt502 Manage People Performance And Assessment Answers


Part A

After you have supervised your team, you must undertake a performance management review. This will require you to:

  • Design the performance management review which includes:

Policies and Procedures to be followed when undertaking the review o A performance management template to be used by the reviewer o A self appraisal form to be used by your team members

  • Train your assessor in your performance management system
  • Implement your review (assess performance of your team minimum 2 people)
  • Provide formal structured feedback sessions to your team

Part B You are to manage follow-up after your performance reviews.

This will require you to:

  • Develop performance improvement and development plans for your team
  • Seek assistance from HR specialists as required (your assessor)
  • Reinforce excellence with your team as or if appropriate
  • Provide additional coaching / re-training and monitoring for individuals not meeting expectations
  • Provide / recommend support services to meet your teams needs

Part C

Now that you have implemented your performance management system, you must review / evaluate your system.

This will be provided in a written report, which discusses

  • What worked, and what didn't
  • Recommendations for improvement
  • Self reflection of the process
  • Opinions from your team of the process



The review of the performance of the employees of the organisation is very important in order to ensure that the business operation of the organisation has been done successfully.  The assessment and reviews done by the supervisor encourage the motivation of the employees and help them to make their career planning.  The appropriate review of the employee brings alignment to the individual goals and with that of the organisation. This helps the supervisor to identify the need for the clear communication regarding the responsibilities and objectives of the work.  This helps to identify the needs of the training. This review helps to bring a positive relationship among the employees & management of the organisation.  The performance review also coincides with changes in pay and promotion policy of the organisation.

Allocation of work

A leader needs to be very capable of allocating the work balancing and distributing it across the team members.  The work allocation requires being done fairly. The allocation of work is done on some criteria.


Priority is very important for the leader. The work that is to be allocated should be based on the priority basis. The plan should be made on the need for the operation of the organisation.  Considering the objectives the allocation of work will be done. The priority is also given as per the requirement of the task. The priority is also given as per the requirement of the task. While allocating the task the management of the organisation sees the worker who can accomplish the task sincerely. The propriety is based on the situation and on the demand of the operations of the organisation  (Sandel, 2009). It is not based on the length of the services one does. It is based on the skills and efficiency one has in accomplishing the task given to him or her.

Skill sets

The right people with right skill will be given the task to perform.  The result will be always effective if the employees are skilled.  The allocation of work will be cost effective as no similar work will be done if skilled people will be employed in the right place. The work will be transparent and the people with no skill cannot produce the results.

Availability of the resources

The allocation of the work will be done when the resources are available. This will help the employees to perform in the right direction. The performance standard is determined when the organisation follows the right codes of the conduct and work outputs. The resources should remain available (George-Godfrey, 2012)..  If the employees do not find the required things then they get frustrated.  Appropriate work allocation will bring balance in the workplace and all will contribute as per the need.

Assessment of the performance

The performance review of the employees is done all through the years.  This has been done for various reasons.  This makes an assessment of the assignment or skills of the employees in a regular interval.  The performance review helps the management of the company informed about progress and helps to resolve the issues they come during the operation of the organisation. This fosters a positive link between the management and the employees of the organisation. The performance review will help the management and the employees to feel less burden and pressure of the annual review. That creates a culture that offers values and the feedback in the process of review. The performance review has been made in different ways.  There are evaluations made by the managers & the staff.  There is also a self-evaluation form and also evaluation form for the group.  There is also a requirement for the development plan to be prepared. A peer review format also helps the peer to assess the employees of the organisation. The formats of the evaluation give adequate knowledge about the respective individual, group and also give adequate knowledge about the self. Thus performance review helps the employees and the management of the organisation to perform well and assess their growth.

Assessment of the performance of the employees requires a lot of technical procedures. The employees are given to assess themselves and by this process, they can identify their strengths and weaknesses. The employers employ different tools and techniques. Peer assessment is also another kind of assessment procedure. This helps the group of workers identify their strengths and weaknesses. The assessment done by the reviewer is also very important. This is very helpful for the employee and the management. The reviewer gives the feedback to the employee directly and also writes the report about the performance of the employee to the management. This helps the management to take the decision to bring changes in the process and helps the employee to take decision for his or her improvement (David, et al., 2006)

Providing feedback

The evaluation of the work of the employees is a very critical process. It is very crucial when the management offers feedback to the employees.  The feedback is offered to the employees in a certain process.  The annual performance is reviewed as per the work done by the employees from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The end of the calendar year offers the output and it sets the expectation of the organisation in the next calendar year. Thus the feedback is given to the employees as per the schedule date. The evaluation is conducted during the first quarter of every year.  The reviewer will do the review well in advance and deposit the review document to the HR department by end of the first week of the April of every year.

In the annual review meeting the reviewer will present the assessment to the top management. Then the employees are communicated about the feedback (Delmas & Toffel, 2008)

The performance of the employees is identified through various parameters. The format of evaluation contains a list of ratings that are designed to assess the employees.  Each employee are rated as per the nine rated factors.  The supervisor writes his or her comments about the employees in about six lines of the text.  In this text the supervisor writes the detail assessment of the employees.

In the feedback report the supervisor writes the summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the employees and the areas where the employees require improvement.  In this section the HR department of the organisation indentifies the need of the training to be imparted to the employees  (guides.wsj.com, 2015).  Thus supervisor takes much priority to give his or her comments on the need of the area where the employees require much attention.

The poor performance of the employees is communicated by the supervisor in the written feedback form.  The rating of the employees reflects where the employee requires training and improvement.  

There is an urgent need of the supervisor and the employee to spend sometime to identify the appropriate goals of the organisation in the coming year. The review form will specifically be used to map these goals and will provide the scope to the supervisor to write in the three columns about the expectation of the organisation in the coming year. This becomes very useful as the employee gets a scope to improve his or her ability so that the next year will be a productive year for him or her (Nayar, 2013)

Column 1 of the feedback form includes the list of targeted performance that is expected from the employer in the coming organisation. These goals are very specific, measurable, realistic, and results oriented.  In this process the supervisor and the employee take the help of the HR department of the organisation to get more advantage so that they can design the appropriate goals.

Column 2 focuses on the need of the identification of the steps required for attaining the targeted goals. The supervisor and the employee take part in the process.  They also define if any training is required for the improvement of the skills.  This has been designed to enhance the ability of the employees.  In this column the supervisor writes what is the requirement for the employee for offering best services as per the allocation of work. In this column the supervisor writes around 38 lines on the requirements and report.

 Column 3 requests a timeline or date for the achievement of the goals. This indicates the target period of achievement of the goals of the organisation. This is to note here that the target requires to be achieved within the coming review period. In the column the supervisor writes 38 lines as per the requirements.

The structured feedback offers grate service to the manager and the employees of the organisation to work in a streamline. The manager identifies the appropriate feedback required for the employees.  The employee gets all feedback and works for the professional growth. The performance depends on the skills that the employee uses in his or her allocated task.

Managing follow up

Follow up evaluation is an important part of the performance evaluation.  This helps to bring purposeful relationship between employer and the employees of the organisation. This ensures the employees that the company is willing to invest for the success.

Schedule of follow up meeting

This has been done after the new employees are inducted in the company. After 30-60 days of their beginning of the work. This helps the employees to know about the style of supervisor in the functioning of the organisation. This creates a very friendly environment as the relationship between employees and the employer.

Asking questions during the early follow up evaluation to ensure that job is meeting the expectation. The knowledge about the workplace and policies and process of the company works for the development of the employees.

Conduct of the annual performance appraisal

The employees’ appraisal will be done as per the performance standard of the company.  Supervisor notes the performance appraisal and recommends the corrective measures required. The follow-up evaluation will help to determine the benefits of the employees. The managers need to make follow up work and the important feedback will be communicated to the employees  (Mayhew, 2017).During the follow-up work the supervisor supports the employees and works for the improvement of the individual needs.  Thus a process of follow-up work should be done to get the correct improvement of the employees.

The support of the supervisors is very important for managing the employees. The employees are allocated the jobs as per their skills. During the process of the work, the employees require the support of the management. The supervisor identifies the need of the support and works to bring adequate support. The supervisor also intimates the requirement of the improvement of each individual. The individual need is reflected in each column of the feedback form of the employee  (Herath & Rao, 2009). The feedback is given to the management of the organisation with a due intimation of the areas where the employee requires improvement. This helps both the management of the organisation as well as the employee to know about the requirements and this ultimately help them to achieve the goals. Initiation has been done taking all the stakeholders into confidence.  Here the management plays a vital role to motivate people to adopt the changes.

The counseling process is also very important for managing people. The supervisor makes an evaluation of the employee and offers support to the employee where he or she requires improvement. Thus it is very important for the organisation to conduct and training programme to make the employees realize the importance of their work. The employees are required to be conveyed the basic importance of the counseling (Huda, et al., 2012). The employees those who are underrated required to be encouraged through motivation. If this is found that the employee is not performing then the disciplinary process should be initiated. It is very important to convey the ultimate problem to the employee when he or she does not perform as per the need.

Assignment 3

Part 1

The performance review of the employees is done all through the years.  This has been done for various reasons.  This makes an assessment of the assignment or skills of the employees in a regular interval.  The performance review helps the management of the company informed about progress and helps to resolve the issues they come during the operation of the organisation. This is very important to make a plan and review the performance management.
Performance management template to be used by the reviewer

Performance review template helps the reviewer to take the note of the details of the employees. This will focus on getting all the information related to employees and their responsibility. This will help the reviewer to know what the qualities of the employees are and how they are contributing for the achievement

Figure 1: Performance Review Template

Employee Info

Employee Name


Employee Id

Reviewer Name

Position Held

Reviewer Title

Last Review Date

Today'S Date




Works To Full Potential


Quality Of Work


Work Consistency




Independent Work


Takes Initiative


Group Work










Coworker Relations


Client Relations


Technical Skills









Achieved Goals Set In Previous Review?

Goals For Next Review Period

Comments And Approval


Employee Signature

Reviewer Signature

Self appraisal form and its importance in the process of performance management review

The employees are the key players of the organisation. The skills and experiences of the employees contribute for the successful outcomes of the organisational goals. The self assed form helps to offer a scope to the employees to understand their contribution and the expectation of the organisation. This will help to know whether they are working in the right direction and meeting the objectives of the organisation (Holland & Light, 2009). This also helps to reveal the things that go in their minds. This assessment helps both the managers and the employees to identify the strengths and weaknesses. This form will help the team members to identify what goes in the mind of the employees and the correct reviews will be made at the end.

Figure 2: Employee Self-Evaluation Form

Employee Info

Employee Name




Employee Id


Position Held


Review Period


Date Of Review


Current Responsibilities

List Key Responsibilities.

Assess Your Performance In Relation To Your Key Responsibilities.

Performance Goals

List Performance And Work Objectives.

Assess Your Performance In Regard To Previously Set Performance And Work Objectives.

Core Values

Assess Your Performance In Relation To Core Values.

Comments And Approval

Include Any Additional Comments.

Employee Signature


Training for the assessors for the performance management system

The assessors will be given adequate training to assess themselves. It will make them successful during the review of the employees of the organisation. The assessors will note some valid points required for the assessment of the employees.

Interview with two assessors

The interview is conducted with two assessors. This offers to review the performance of them. This highlights how the review is done and the exact process of the review.


The feedback sessions will discuss all the reviews conducted by the reviewers. This will highlight the basic criteria required for assessing the employees. It will discuss how the parameter of the review will be met during the assessment. This will be discussed by the team leader in the feedback session  (Hoffman & Garrett, 2014).

Part B

Policies and procedures for undertaking the review

Figure 3: planning and procedure of review

(University of St. Thomas Human Resources Department , 2017)


The performance management process will have four important phases. These phases are planning, managing, reviewing & rewarding the performance.  

Planning phase

The planning phase is the key phase of the performance management process.  In this phase, the goals and objectives are set for every individual specifically for the defined period of the performance.  The goals that are to be reviewed are based on the SMART factors. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant& time-based  (Steinbart, et al., 2012). This encourages the employees to remain committed to the work. This will lead to the performance & productivity of the employees.

Managing phase

Communication between the manager & the employees is very important in the process of the performance management review process.  The employees and the managers keep the records of their performance and highlight the challenges occurred throughout the year.  This helps for the review done on the periodic basis.


The review I of the performance is done at the end of the evaluation cycle process.  The manager meets the employees to review the annual performance of the employees.  The annual review may sometimes give surprises to the employees.


The reward is given to the employees for their performance.  The overall performance of the employees determines the amount of reward they will receive.  The top performer gets more reward.

Part C

What worked and what did not work

The assessment offers different scope for studies on the effects of the performance management review. In the process of the review, this has been found that the review helped the people those who have the ability and skills to work. The faults and the weaknesses found by the reviewer helped both employees and the employer to make an improvement.

The most important thing that did not work in the process of the review is motivating those under performer. The feedback was taken negatively by the non-performer. This did not help the supervisor to achieve the goal.

Recommendation for improvement, self-reflection and overall opinion of the team

The employee should make self-evaluation before the review is done. This will make them know the correct thing about them. The review system should be treated as a surprise. This has to be conveyed to the employees that it is a regular work and this is required for the improvement of the employees and as well as the organisation. The reviewer should be honest and realistic in their approach. Likewise, the employees should be honest during the evaluation. There is always a need of setting the goals of the employees so that they will perform as per the needs. The performance management review should help the employees to get motivated and work for the improvement of the organisation.


David, W., Carvens, Nigel & Piercy, F., 2006. Strategic Marketing. s.l.:Mc Graw Hill Companies Inc.

David, W., Carvens, Nigel & Piercy, F., 2007. Strategic Marketing. s.l.:Mc Graw Hill Companies Inc.

Delmas, M. A. & Toffel, M. W., 2008. Organisational responses to environmental demands: Opening the black box,. Strategic Management Journal, 29(10), pp. 1027-1055.

George-Godfrey, E. S., 2012. The Role Of Follower in Leadership. [Online]
Available at: https://kaizenbiz.com/the-role-of-follower-in-leadership/

guides.wsj.com, 2015. What is the Difference Between Managemenet and Leadership?. [Online]
Available at: https://guides.wsj.com/management/developing-a-leadership-style/what-is-the-difference-between-management-and-leadership/

Herath, T. & Rao, H. R., 2009. Protection motivation and dererrence: a framework for security policy compliance in organisations. European Journal of Information Systems, 18(2), pp. 106-125.

Highsmith, J., 2009. Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products,. s.l.:Addison-Wesley.

Hoffman, F. G. & Garrett, G. P., 2014. Envisioning Strategic Options. [Online]
Available at: https://www.cnas.org/sites/default/files/publications-pdf/CNAS_MarineCorps_HoffmanGarrett.pdf

Holland, C. P. & Light, B., 2009. Global Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation, Hawaii: 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Holland, C. P. & Light, B., 2009. Global Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation, Hawaii: 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Huda, K. N., Karim, M. R. & Khan, R. S., 2012. An Empirical Study on Cometitive Distribution Management of Tea Brands in Bangladesh. International Journal of Marketing Studies.

Mayhew, R., 2017. The Importance of a Follow-Up Evaluation. [Online]
Available at: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-followup-evaluation-75064.html
[Accessed 14 03 2017].

Nayar, V., 2013. Three Differences Between Managers and Leaders. [Online]
Available at: https://hbr.org/2013/08/tests-of-a-leadership-transiti

Sandel, M. J., 2009. Justrice: What's the right thing to do?. New York: Farra, Straus and Giroux..

Steinbart, P. J., Raschke, R. L., Gal, G. & Dilla, W. N., 2012. The relationship between internal audit and information security: An exploratory investigation. International Journal of Accounting Information System.

University of St. Thomas Human Resources Department , 2017. PERFORMANCE ASSESMENT AND MANAGEMENT GUIDE BOOK. [Online]
Available at: https://www.stthomas.edu/media/humanresources/compensation/PAMGuidebook.pdf
[Accessed 04 03 2017].

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