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Bsbldr511 Develop And Use Emotional Assessment Answers


You have been asked to submit a document that addresses the following points:

1. What are your emotional strengths and weaknesses?

2. What are personal causes of stress in your work life and how do you deal with them?

3. What are your emotional triggers and how have you learnt to manage them?

4. What would you do to act as a role model to workers in your department in the management of emotions?

5. Are you open to feedback from others in relation to your EI? How would you go about getting and using it?

6. How does self-reflection factor into the continual development of your EI?

7. How would you respond to a worker who is:
a.    Extremely angry?
b.    Extremely stressed?
c.    Extremely upset?

8.    How much knowledge do you have about the cultural expressions of emotions? How would you use that knowledge?

9.    How would you adapt your leadership style to workers experiencing different emotions?

10.    How would you factor the emotions of workers into decisions that you make?

11.    How would you provide opportunities for workers to express their feelings and emotions?

12.    How would you make workers aware of how their emotions and behaviours affect others and how would you encourage them to manage their emotions?

13.    What would you do to encourage others to develop their EI?

14.    What would you do to create a positive emotional climate in your department?

15.    How would you use the strengths of workers to achieve workplace outcomes?
You are required to provide a detailed response (at least half a typed, single space page) for each point listed and to use examples to support your responses wherever possible.


Project 1

One who identifies his or her own emotional strengths and limitations can actually be an effective manager of the team. Thus, my strengths and weaknesses revolve around the four dimensions like self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management (Ryback 2012). I can quickly identify my mood as well as the emotional expressions of the person in front. As I can understand my moods and emotions, thus it has become easier to rule them. My weakness regarding here is that as a person I am not that outspoken about my emotions, I understand it but I cannot share it with anyone that feeling I have. Empathy is another strength point that I have where I can put myself in someone else place and analyze the situation. In addition, another major weakness is that when though I am a good listener but I cannot analyze what to say when others are upset.
My causes of stress in a workplace can be blame culture. There can be failures at times in strive for success and innovation thus the company should encourage at that point of time rather than blaming and de-motivating. Poor physical working environment like inadequate lightning, uncomfortable seating arrangements, and excessive temperature can bring stress. High workloads or insufficient workloads can be equally stressful. There can be personal stress as well like illness, financial commitments, sitting in peak traffic hours. These can be managed by taking support from the team members if workload is excess, talking to the supervisors in case of any issues or challenges. Work should be limited only to office. Most importantly fresh mind is needed for better work performance thus relaxation is must and techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercise helps a lot (Beehr 2014).
Emotional triggers can result in stress and high level of interpersonal conflict that can holdback people from developing relationship and career succeed as desired. Triggers that can affect me includes disloyalty, lying, being laughed at, people not doing something they said they would and lack of communication (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). I have tried managing these by thinking something positive and directing my anger coming from it, thinking about the perspective putting myself in another person place, focusing on the situation rather than the emotion. Finally I try to be optimistic than going over the top with things.
Being a role model means to become an inspiration for the rest of the employees. Thus to be a role model positive behavior is what one needs. Thus as a manager that person I should know how to control anger. In a workplace, working with different people will definitely trigger anger at times, which I have to express constructively. Feedback and self-reflections should be used to improve the developments of my emotional intelligence. Feedbacks should be taken from the employees and colleagues regarding my behavior and emotional intelligence. Feedbacks can be every affective which will guides the behavior in future (Kaplan et al.2014).

Feedback is something, which I think, can show me paths for success or rather improvements in my workplace. Thus, I keep myself open for feedbacks so that my colleagues feel free to come and tell me where I am wrong and where I am better. If I am asking for feedbacks for small things then my colleagues will also feel that there will be no problem if they want to come and tell me about any genuine opinion they have. Trying to be specific when I am asking for the feedbacks is another kind of openness because if asked for something and getting response on some other domain will definitely not help me so I need to be specific on what kind of feedback I want on what (Sheldon, Dunning and Ames 2014).

Self-regulation is mainly controlling the emotions of one self and responses towards the situations and peoples. However, it is also a way in which we show positive emotions to one and towards others. Some of the abilities that helps to develop in emotional intelligence trough self regulation are controlling impulses, honesty and trust worthy for others as well as for oneself, adaptability, optimistic thought process, to have a self standards of excellence to be met and to have that initiative for taking the necessary actions when needed (Vohs and Baumeister 2016).

extremely angry- In dealing with an extremely angry coworker it is important to firstly, ask the person about his or her feeling. Without going at the defensive point at very beginning we should ask about his feelings .Then after knowing the feeling we should take a step forward and be a little considerate that why things happened. After that in that situation it is worthy to apologize and lastly to explain with the steps to resolve the issue.

extremely stressed- To minimize the stress of an employee I must encourage breaks, which will definitely refresh their minds. Being a good listener to them will definitely help them come up at the time of stress and understand that they have someone to listen. I will encourage team bonding so that each one will have a trustworthy healthy relationship. Lastly allow flexible work schedule.
extremely upset- When dealing with upset employees I should be calm myself acting like a good listener. It should be kept in mind that different individuals are different in their personality and so I should be personal but in a professional manner. I should be encouraging him in a positive way and keep things in private (Cox and Patrick 2012).
Different people from different culture have a different way of expressing their emotions. Individuals from cultures that tend to give importance to social cohesion are to suppress their own emotional outbursts in order to first analyze what kind of response is more appropriate in that situation. Cultures do differ in social consequences. There might be certain challenges when dealing with culturally diverse people but it can be deal with if proper and clear communication is there along with the right environment in which the person is working and emphasis on the work like participation, empowerment and understanding and definitely an environment of complete fairness among all (Tracy et al. 2013).
Leaders with high emotional intelligence can actually hold themselves responsible for their own behavior. They are never found blaming others and flight away from the any difficult situation. They are found to be optimistic and have the ability to empathies with their employees. The leadership style I would have opt will be democratic in nature where the employees will be having the freedom to contribute to the decision making and feel that their views also has equal weight. A leader who is having a cordial relationship with them must be easily approachable when having any emotional problem (Sadri 2012).
The best way is not to show any kind of emotion in workplace because showing frustration if any decision were not going our way then it would be unprofessional. Company cannot fully ignore emotions in workplace because no decisions can be making without it, emotions guide workplace relationships because it cannot work without healthy relationship among peoples, Companies these days wants employees who are emotionally attached to the company through motivation and engagement. Most importantly, emotions are important to creativity and innovations. People are huge learners when they are stressed, upset or scared. It is not possible for any person to leave their emotion at work and come (Lerner et al. 2015).
Employees should be provided opportunities where they can express their emotions because suppressing it every time can actually harm them. I will definitely want to communicate emotions with the colleagues which can built strong relationships among team members and an understanding will be built about the feelings they have. There will be an understanding between us where they can actually explain the emotional reasons behind the decisions taken and by bringing them at par with those decisions can actually be helpful. Expressing one is feeling in the workplace in appropriate time in a effective way and work-appropriate manner can help identify and resolve conflicts when they are still in a state of managing (Pennebaker 2012).
Employees can be aware from how they are behaving an expressing their emotions in workplace by effective feedbacks. Feedbacks are always helpful and a guidance that helps a person knows where his strengths and limitations lie. By giving them feedbacks politely and letting them know will definitely help them. Then another way can be good communication. If the workers have clear communications then definitely they are going to be aware of their emotions and behaviors that are affecting others in the workplace. Friendly relationship with teammates or colleagues can help directly to know how the behaviors are affecting others. If we have a cordial relationship with our employees then without hurting the sentiments we can directly let the other people know that about their behaviors and emotions. Taking the feedbacks positively, communicating directly, discussion issues, and challenges coming their way (Khalili 2012).
In the workplace, I would encourage people to develop emotional intelligence. Firstly, I would ask them to release the stress when they recognize the stress then they must identify the stress response by using the stress reducing activities, they must take the help of the stress managing techniques that are best suitable for them and most important is the emotional awareness. People must polish the awareness that they must not feel disconnected from the strong feelings or emotions rather they must have that self-awareness where they can actually encounter their emotions, feelings, and the reasons behind it and can interpret the effect that can have on others (Serrat 2017).
To create a positive emotional climate in the workplace the things that is already in my mind and I need to apply them they are there will be a connection between each member to establish a position of caring and bond that will keep them motivated. Showing that their works are being appreciated is another important thing I feel. If they feel appreciated, they will definitely be more efficient and productive. Different people in the group will have different thinking processes and thus they will come up with variety of ideas, which I should listen to to make them feel valued. There must be a feeling o trust for the team members that will make the bond stronger and efficient. Only work will make the employees feel fatigued and monotonous thus there must be a little fun time as well to refresh their minds (Laschinger et al. 2014)
Employees who use their strengths are more likely to make improvements in their jobs. It is the best way for any employee to grow and develop in their workplace by identifying how people think, feel and the special talents they have. The following points suggest how the strengths can lead an employee in a workplace: 
  • Flexibility; like for example in a writing job an employee is from psychology background gets to write on those topics related to his domain but one day due to some urgent task he has to write on history. Thus, an employ should be flexible enough to shift and manage.
  • Teamwork &; Working with a team not only strengthen team environment but also helps to relate with others.
  • Communication – For example, employees who are good listener and can clearly convey a message is a dependable employee.
  • Skills – example like a person who is good at history cannot be given mathematics tasks. Therefore, employees should be given jobs according to their expertise to extract productivity.
The ability to point out and manage own emotions and the emotions of others are known as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence mainly comprises of three skills that are emotional awareness, the ability to tackle emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving, and the capacity to guide emotions or regulating one own emotion and cheering or calming the person in front (Batool 2013).

Self-awareness and self-regulation are the ability where one can correctly perceive the level of knowledge, skill, value and responsibility of emotions. It is the awareness of what impact the emotion has on one behavior. People with this potential can easily pick up emotional signals and feel comfortable socially (Vohs and Baumeister 2016).

Emotional intelligence is a key element in effective leadership. The ability to relate behaviors;and provocations of emotional intelligence on performance in a workplace is a massivelead in developing an efficient team. Common factor that guides to retention affair is lack in communication that creates disengagement and confusion.
Emotionally effective leaders can guide and inspire their team well. They usually do not lose their temperament over their team members, are usually trusted. They listen patiently to their teammates, easily approachable and are careful and informal in decision-making. These types of leaders always look for the brighter side and have empathy for their teammates, which inspires their staffs (Thiel, Connelly and Griffith 2012).
Communication is a learned act, which requires research and practice as well. However, knowing and understanding the emotions of others from another culture will diversify this skill. One should be keeping an open mind and be alert in the different way people interact, show a little more willingness to learn and adopt will definitely help to communicate in diverse workforce (Goutam 2013).

In a number of Asian cultures, social harmony is given importance over individual gain, whereas Westerners in Europe and the United States gives importance on individual self-promotion. Research shows that individuals from the United States are more likely to convey negative emotions like fear, anger, and disgust both solo and in the presence of others, while Japanese are more likely to do so only while alone.

Cultural diversity greatly affects the way in which one interacts with other people from some other culture. However, there can be massive misunderstandings if a businessperson expresses strong emotion in the organization of employees who feel that such behavior is out of place (Tsai 2014).

In the workplace, the way one manages stress not only has an impact on the self but also on others generating a positive or negative culture within the workplace. Stress has several impacts on both body and mind and thus effects work as well. Stress affects health and wellbeing, communication, relationships, creativity, performance and productivity, clarity of thought, motivation and sense of control in the employee. Thus, stress highly affects work and so to deal with it one must understand and control stress by applying the following four management techniques:
  • Exercise- by engaging oneself in some physical exercise then surely that person can release stress.
  • Breathe- Breathing relaxes the body. Thus, breathing exercise reduces blood pressure.
  • Physical relaxation- Body mainly holds stress in neck and shoulders and so each part should be relaxed.
  • Positive thinking- By positive thinking one can reduce the immune system and be effective and bring clarity in thinking

Emotional intelligence guides people to control emotions and manifest oneself in a sustainable manner. It is used to identify when one is angry, accept that one is angry and control the anger so that one can act suitably. However, skills of self-awareness are the first step in managing and controlling emotions (Zeidner, Matthews and Roberts 2012).;


Batool, B.F., 2013. Emotional intelligence and effective leadership. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 4(3), p.84.

Beehr, T.A., 2014. Psychological stress in the workplace (psychology revivals). Routledge.

Cox, E. and Patrick, C., 2012. Managing Emotions at Work: How Coaching Affects Retail Support Workers' Performance and Motivation. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring, 10(2).

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R.E. and McKee, A., 2013. Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press.


Kaplan, S., Cortina, J., Ruark, G., LaPort, K. and Nicolaides, V., 2014. The role of organizational leaders in employee emotion management: A theoretical model. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), pp.563-580.

Khalili, A., 2012. The role of emotional intelligence in the workplace: A literature review. International Journal of Management, 29(3), p.355.

Laschinger, H.K.S., Wong, C.A., Cummings, G.G. and Grau, A.L., 2014. Resonant leadership and workplace empowerment: The value of positive organizational cultures in reducing workplace incivility. Nursing Economics, 32(1), p.5.

Lerner, J.S., Li, Y., Valdesolo, P. and Kassam, K.S., 2015. Emotion and decision making. Annual Review of Psychology, 66.

Pennebaker, J.W., 2012. Opening up: The healing power of expressing emotions. Guilford Press.

Ryback, D., 2012. Putting emotional intelligence to work. Routledge.

Sadri, G., 2012. Emotional intelligence and leadership development. Public Personnel Management, 41(3), pp.535-548.

Serrat, O., 2017. Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. In Knowledge Solutions (pp. 329-339). Springer Singapore.

Sheldon, O.J., Dunning, D. and Ames, D.R., 2014. Emotionally unskilled, unaware, and uninterested in learning more: Reactions to feedback about deficits in emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(1), p.125

Thiel, C.E., Connelly, S. and Griffith, J.A., 2012. Leadership and emotion management for complex tasks: Different emotions, different strategies. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(3), pp.517-533.

Tracy, J.L., Shariff, A.F., Zhao, W. and Henrich, J., 2013. Cross-cultural evidence that the nonverbal expression of pride is an automatic status signal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(1), p.163.

Tsai, J., 2014. Culture and Emotion. Introduction to Psychology: The Full Noba Collection, pp.1095-1115.

Vohs, K.D. and Baumeister, R.F. eds., 2016. Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. Guilford Publications.

Vohs, K.D. and Baumeister, R.F. eds., 2016. Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications. Guilford Publications.

Zeidner, M., Matthews, G. and Roberts, R.D., 2012. What we know about emotional intelligence: How it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health. MIT press.

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