BSBINM601 Manage Knowledge and Information Assessment 2
Appendix 1
CoffeeVille – your brief
Rufus and Emma Belcastran, CoffeeVille’s owners, have approached you for assistance. The business has been profitable and steadily expanding for the last 4 years but recently, expenses have started to climb and sales drop. In the last 3 months they have started to address the issue of rising expenses.
In the last 3 months they have started to address the issue of rising expenses by evaluating and updating procedures and work practices in an effort to reduce costs. So far, their efforts have not had a significant impact on expenditure and their sales revenue continues to be below budget forecasts.
It’s January 2016 and all four stores are closed for a summer break. Emma and Rufus are using the down time to assess their business’s operational and financial status in preparation for the year ahead.
They have asked you to help them analyse their business and the external environment to identify potential reasons for their declining sales. Now that the business issue or problem has been identified, they want you to analyse data and information to determine the potential causes of the issue.
You plan to use data and information identified in Assessment 1 and in the Appendices of Assessments 1 and 2, as well as conduct research into potential external environmental factors. You believe using statistical and sensitivity analysis techniques will enable you to identify relationships between data, clarifying potential causes of the business issue.
Appendix 2
Coffeeville business data and information
Business performance
General trends
● Sales for first 6 months of 2015 are down across all categories and stores. Overall, food sales are down 10%, beverages 12% and catering 17%. When combined with rising expenses, profits are down for the first half of the financial year by 19%
● After opening a year ago, the 4th store is slowly building customers but is still not performing to forecasted levels. Most of the marketing budget and Emma’s efforts have been focussed there.
● Productivity has increased with staff able to serve more customers per hour per person. Barista coffee preparation speeds have increased after all barista staff completed an advanced barista course in Jan 2015.
● Savings made in payroll and cost of goods due to productivity gains has been offset by rising wages and food prices.
Payroll expenses
Year |
Payroll expenses as % of total expenses |
2009 |
34.9% |
2010 |
35.3% |
2011 |
34.2% |
2013 |
39.8% |
2014 |
42.1% |
2015 |
45.3% |
Financial information – Organisation
Financial year July 2014–June 2015
July–December 2014
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
285,668 |
279,805 |
273,942 |
262,580 |
250,078 |
199,251 |
Beverage sales |
191,199 |
190,163 |
189,126 |
187,054 |
182,650 |
179,523 |
External catering |
82,360 |
83,540 |
81,980 |
81,480 |
77,500 |
74,370 |
Total income |
559,227 |
553,508 |
545,048 |
531,114 |
510,228 |
453,144 |
Total expenses |
482,190 |
470,934 |
483,431 |
451,683 |
461,746 |
404,986 |
Net profit/loss |
77,037 |
82,574 |
61,617 |
79,431 |
48,482 |
48,158 |
Jan–July 2015
Sales $ |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Year Total |
Food sales |
203,894 |
221,209 |
238,525 |
245,476 |
259,742 |
262,803 |
2,982,972 |
Beverage sales |
181,220 |
185,263 |
187,263 |
188,263 |
189,560 |
191,208 |
2,242,492 |
External catering |
57,284 |
60,926 |
67,853 |
68,853 |
51,853 |
49,137 |
837,136 |
Total income |
442,398 |
467,398 |
493,641 |
502,592 |
501,155 |
503,148 |
6,062,600 |
Total expenses |
413,064 |
421,865 |
442,733 |
447,512 |
464,198 |
478,630 |
5,422,972 |
Net profit/loss |
29,334 |
45,533 |
50,908 |
55,080 |
36,957 |
24,518 |
639,628 |
Financial year July 2015–June 2016
July–December 2015 (actual results)
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
231,391 |
226,642 |
231,865 |
227,105 |
202,563 |
154,300 |
Beverage sales |
148,065 |
147,262 |
153,192 |
158,323 |
135,088 |
129,705 |
External catering |
60,207 |
60,358 |
56,476 |
55,457 |
52,111 |
47,597 |
Total income |
439,663 |
434,262 |
441,533 |
440,885 |
389,762 |
331,602 |
Total expenses |
373,713 |
364,780 |
366,472 |
374,752 |
339,093 |
288,494 |
Net profit/loss |
65,950 |
69,482 |
75,061 |
66,133 |
50,669 |
43,108 |
Jan–July 2016 (adjusted forecast)
Sales $ |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Year Total |
Food sales |
177,388 |
201,300 |
224,214 |
208,655 |
233,768 |
233,632 |
2,552,823 |
Beverage sales |
152,225 |
163,031 |
161,046 |
167,554 |
170,604 |
170,175 |
1,856,270 |
External catering |
46,973 |
51,178 |
56,318 |
57,148 |
42,779 |
40,292 |
626,894 |
Total income |
376,586 |
415,509 |
441,578 |
433,357 |
447,151 |
444,099 |
5,035,987 |
Total expenses |
351,615 |
375,031 |
396,039 |
385,864 |
414,176 |
422,459 |
4,452,488 |
Net profit/loss |
24,971 |
40,478 |
45,539 |
47,493 |
32,975 |
21,640 |
583,499 |
Budget variance report – All stores
Summary of variance results for comparisons of budget to actual income for the period 2011 - 2015
A positive variance indicates the percentage above budget, a negative figures indicates the percentage below budget.
Financial year |
2011-12 |
2012-13 |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 | ||||
Jul-Dec 2011 |
Jan-Jun 2012 |
Jul-Dec 2012 |
Jan-Jun 2013 |
Jul-Dec 2013 |
Jan-Jun 2014 |
Jul-Dec 2014 |
Jan-Jun 2015 |
Jul-Dec 2015 | |
Food sales |
5% |
8% |
7% |
12% |
8% |
1% |
-3% |
-8% |
-10% |
Beverage sales |
8% |
2% |
4% |
5% |
5% |
-2% |
-4% |
-5% |
-12% |
External catering |
12% |
4% |
7% |
2% |
5% |
2% |
-8% |
-11% |
-17% |
Total income |
8% |
5% |
6% |
6% |
6% |
1% |
-5% |
-9% |
-12% |
Net profit/loss |
7% |
4% |
-1% |
6% |
6% |
-4% |
-5% |
-11% |
-13% |
Financial history by income source
*Note: Store 3 opened July 2014, Store 4 July 2014
Food Sales |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Total |
2013-14 |
224,580 |
212,965 |
208,695 |
210,589 |
209,568 |
189,655 |
175,250 |
186,752 |
198,765 |
209,632 |
218,655 |
225,892 |
2,470,998 |
2014-15 |
357,580 |
362,937 |
365,600 |
355,290 |
347,868 |
337,438 |
301,056 |
301,475 |
323,324 |
307,358 |
282,052 |
289,080 |
3,931,058 |
2015-16 |
257,101 |
251,825 |
252,027 |
244,199 |
225,070 |
175,341 |
177,388 |
201,300 |
224,214 |
208,655 |
233,768 |
233,632 |
2,684,519 |
Beverage Sales |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Total |
2013-14 |
150,469 |
140,557 |
137,739 |
138,989 |
138,315 |
125,172 |
115,665 |
123,256 |
131,185 |
138,357 |
148,385 |
151,348 |
1,639,437 |
2014-15 |
210,306 |
214,056 |
215,920 |
203,934 |
189,078 |
182,794 |
160,878 |
161,130 |
182,540 |
185,239 |
185,074 |
189,085 |
2,280,034 |
2015-16 |
168,255 |
167,343 |
170,213 |
172,090 |
157,079 |
152,595 |
152,225 |
163,031 |
161,046 |
167,554 |
170,604 |
170,175 |
1,972,210 |
External catering |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Total |
2013-14 |
51,650 |
52,890 |
54,820 |
59,850 |
65,890 |
60,150 |
39,550 |
41,330 |
42,580 |
46,450 |
49,620 |
51,230 |
616,010 |
2014-15 |
97,274 |
98,881 |
99,680 |
95,853 |
89,385 |
85,196 |
60,585 |
60,753 |
66,414 |
77,605 |
81,944 |
80,067 |
993,637 |
2015-16 |
70,418 |
71,009 |
68,043 |
67,221 |
63,550 |
59,496 |
46,973 |
51,178 |
56,318 |
57,148 |
42,779 |
40,292 |
694,425 |
Total income |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Total |
2013-14 |
426,699 |
406,412 |
401,254 |
409,428 |
413,773 |
374,977 |
330,465 |
351,338 |
372,530 |
394,439 |
416,660 |
428,470 |
4,726,445 |
2014-15 |
665,160 |
675,874 |
681,200 |
655,077 |
626,331 |
605,428 |
522,519 |
523,358 |
572,278 |
570,202 |
549,070 |
558,232 |
7,204,729 |
2015-16 |
495,774 |
490,177 |
490,283 |
483,510 |
445,699 |
387,431 |
376,585 |
415,509 |
441,578 |
433,357 |
447,151 |
444,099 |
5,351,154 |
Net profit |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Total |
2013-14 |
93,874 |
85,347 |
92,288 |
98,263 |
99,306 |
78,745 |
62,788 |
77,294 |
85,682 |
94,665 |
91,665 |
89,979 |
1,049,896 |
2014-15 |
83,501 |
108,019 |
121,333 |
100,609 |
77,095 |
70,695 |
83,373 |
61,305 |
76,724 |
73,854 |
72,457 |
66,266 |
995,231 |
2015-16 |
68,296 |
73,126 |
55,426 |
72,312 |
42,350 |
41,174 |
24,970 |
40,478 |
45,539 |
47,492 |
32,975 |
21,641 |
565,779 |
Financial information - Store 2
Store 2 Financial results July – December 2014
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
64,364 |
65,329 |
65,808 |
63,952 |
62,616 |
60,739 |
Beverage sales |
37,855 |
38,530 |
38,866 |
36,708 |
34,034 |
32,903 |
External catering |
17,509 |
17,799 |
17,942 |
17,254 |
16,089 |
15,335 |
Total income |
119,728 |
121,658 |
122,616 |
117,914 |
112,739 |
108,977 |
Total expenses |
104,164 |
102,192 |
106,676 |
100,227 |
98,083 |
95,900 |
Net profit / loss |
15,564 |
19,466 |
15,940 |
17,687 |
14,656 |
13,077 |
Store 2 Financial results Jan – July 2015
Sales $ |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Year Total |
Food sales |
54,190 |
54,266 |
58,198 |
55,324 |
50,769 |
52,034 |
707,590 |
Beverage sales |
28,958 |
29,003 |
32,857 |
33,343 |
33,313 |
34,035 |
410,406 |
External catering |
10,905 |
10,936 |
11,955 |
13,969 |
14,750 |
14,412 |
178,855 |
Total income |
94,053 |
94,204 |
103,010 |
102,636 |
98,833 |
100,481 |
1,296,851 |
Total expenses |
79,005 |
82,900 |
89,619 |
89,294 |
85,984 |
88,424 |
1,122,467 |
Net profit/loss |
15,048 |
11,305 |
13,391 |
13,342 |
12,848 |
12,057 |
174,384 |
Store 2 Financial results July – December 2015
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
$51,289 |
$50,664 |
$49,413 |
$46,912 |
$46,286 |
$42,908 |
Beverage sales |
$34,158 |
$33,827 |
$29,836 |
$28,515 |
$28,183 |
$26,178 |
External catering |
$10,448 |
$8,064 |
$7,872 |
$7,776 |
$10,112 |
$9,363 |
Total income |
$95,895 |
$92,555 |
$87,121 |
$83,203 |
$84,581 |
$78,449 |
Total expenses |
$86,655 |
$82,660 |
$82,920 |
$80,392 |
$82,176 |
$72,560 |
Net profit/loss |
$9,240 |
$9,895 |
$4,201 |
$2,811 |
$2,405 |
$5,889 |
Store 2 Budget variance report July – December 2015
A positive variance indicates percentage above budget, a negative figures indicates percentage below budget.
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
-2% |
-3% |
-5% |
-9% |
-10% |
-14% |
Beverage sales |
3% |
2% |
-4% |
-11% |
-12% |
-9% |
External catering |
-12% |
-16% |
-18% |
-19% |
-21% |
-23% |
Total income |
-11% |
-12% |
-8% |
-19% |
-20% |
-17% |
Total expenses |
1.50% |
1.78% |
2.10% |
1.45% |
1.32% |
1.70% |
Net profit/loss |
-31% |
-36% |
-41% |
-86% |
-59% |
-69% |
Financial information - Store 3
Store 3 Financial results July – December 2014
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
71,516 |
76,217 |
76,776 |
78,164 |
76,531 |
77,611 |
Beverage sales |
42,061 |
44,952 |
45,343 |
44,865 |
41,597 |
42,043 |
External catering |
19,455 |
20,765 |
20,933 |
21,088 |
19,665 |
19,595 |
Total income |
133,032 |
141,934 |
143,052 |
144,117 |
137,793 |
139,249 |
Total expenses |
115,738 |
119,224 |
117,303 |
122,499 |
121,258 |
122,539 |
Net profit/loss |
17,294 |
22,710 |
25,749 |
21,618 |
16,535 |
16,710 |
Store 3 Financial results Jan – July 2015
Sales $ |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
April |
May |
June |
Year Total |
Food sales |
69,243 |
72,354 |
77,598 |
70,692 |
64,872 |
63,598 |
901,685 |
Beverage sales |
37,002 |
38,671 |
43,810 |
42,605 |
42,567 |
39,708 |
523,870 |
External catering |
13,935 |
14,581 |
15,939 |
17,849 |
18,847 |
16,814 |
227,342 |
Total income |
120,180 |
125,606 |
137,347 |
131,146 |
126,286 |
120,120 |
1,652,897 |
Total expenses |
100,951 |
110,533 |
119,492 |
114,097 |
109,869 |
105,705 |
1,425,544 |
Net profit/loss |
19,229 |
15,073 |
17,855 |
17,049 |
16,417 |
14,415 |
227,353 |
Store 3 Financial results July – December 2015
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
$71,922 |
$71,140 |
$71,922 |
$70,358 |
$68,795 |
$40,657 |
Beverage sales |
$37,309 |
$36,894 |
$37,309 |
$36,065 |
$35,236 |
$28,407 |
External catering |
$10,560 |
$9,440 |
$9,080 |
$10,320 |
$11,920 |
$12,768 |
Total income |
$119,791 |
$117,474 |
$118,311 |
$116,743 |
$115,951 |
$81,832 |
Total expenses |
$108,959 |
$103,853 |
$103,752 |
$103,752 |
$105,927 |
$87,464 |
Net profit/loss |
$10,832 |
$13,621 |
$14,559 |
$12,991 |
$10,024 |
-$5,632 |
Store 3 Budget variance report July – December 2015
A positive variance indicates percentage above budget, a negative figures indicates percentage below budget.
Sales $ |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Food sales |
-8% |
-9% |
-8% |
-10% |
-12% |
-15% |
Beverage sales |
-10% |
-11% |
-10% |
-13% |
-15% |
-17% |
External catering |
-12% |
-13% |
-16% |
-14% |
-13% |
-16% |
Total income |
-16% |
-18% |
-18% |
-19% |
-21% |
-23% |
Total expenses |
2.10% |
2.30% |
2.20% |
2.20% |
2% |
2.30% |
Net profit/loss |
-43% |
-45% |
-46% |
-51% |
-56% |
-59% |
Appendix 3
Research data and information
Melbourne demographics – City of Melbourne
General and industry specific information is available on City of Melbourne website.
Two main areas of the website to investigate are:
● City of Melbourne, ‘Doing business in Melbourne’, viewed January 2016, < >
● City of Melbourne, ‘Research and statistics’, viewed January 2016, < >.
City of Melbourne has been producing a report called Daily Population Estimates and Forecasts for many years. It was updated in 2015. Among other information, it includes statistics on past and future trends for City of Melbourne’s workforce and residential population.
You can find it at:
● City of Melbourne, ‘Daily population estimates and forecasts’, viewed January 2016, < >.
Economic activity
Summary Australian interest rates – Reserve Bank of Australia
All rates expressed as percentages.
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
June |
Jul |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec | |
2014 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2.5 |
2015 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.25 |
2.25 |
Melbourne CBD retail information
Commercial property rental rates per square meter Melbourne CBD
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 (forecast) | |
Gross average rent |
$7,000 (h 5.7%) |
$7,750 (h 10.1%) |
$8,250 (h 6.4%) |
$8,800 (h 6.6%) |
Commercial property vacancy rates – Melbourne CBD
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 (forecast) | |
Vacancy rates |
8.2% |
8.5% |
9.1% |
9.5% |
Cafe / restaurant / bistros in Melbourne CBD as at June 31st 2015
Note: figures based on registered businesses, closures and permit applications lodged by June1st each year.
Year |
No. new cafe / restaurant / bistros opened |
No. cafe / restaurant / bistros closed |
No. cafe / restaurant / bistro seats |
Total café / restaurant / bistros in CBD |
2011 |
37 |
12 |
169,983 |
2585 |
2012 |
41 |
13 |
178,320 |
2613 |
2013 |
39 |
18 |
206,031 |
2634 |
2014 |
52 |
19 |
213,272 |
2670 |
2015 |
45 |
21 |
217,157 |
2694 |
Media articles
Business News Aug 2014 New era looms as CBD office boom ends Property developers and investors are facing diminished returns and an uncertain future as the CBD commercial property market stalls. Coinciding with a slowdown of economic activity and low business confidence, particularly in the retail and professional services sector, applications for new development projects fallen to their lowest levels in 5 years. Mr Kenneth Staines, from Placement Properties, indicated this trend is also occurring in most other capital cities in Australia and many other Western countries. Consumer confidence is down, people are not spending and this is affecting businesses everywhere. Everyone is sitting tight on their money – consumers and investors, he stated at a business forum this week. One of the reasons he believes applications are down is the recent rise in vacant office space within the central CBD. Rents have remained relatively high and many businesses are struggling as income has not risen in tandem, he said. A recent survey conducted by the Property Institute shows the number of tenants in the CBD falling, particularly in small to medium business categories. New tenant enquiries has been flat with most enquiries coming from larger businesses interested in acquiring recently vacated adjoining office space. |
Melbourne moves: businesses shift out from the city December 2014 There’s a shift on in Melbourne, with many medium and small businesses moving out of the CBD to its fringes and suburbs. A new report shows 16 small and 10 medium sized companies moved from the CBD to its fringe and nearby suburbs in the past 12 months, continuing a trend that started in 2013. The annual Johnson report Melbourne Property 2014 says there are several factors behind the move, including cost savings and changes in the way people are working. Johnson’s Research Manager Kim Rayner says their analysis shows 85% of these businesses who moved out of the CBD this year have relocated to properties in the periphery or within 5 km of the CBD, with very few locating further than 10 kms. Johnson’s Director of Office Leasing (Victoria) Andrew Mahji says Melbourne’s CBD office vacancy rate has substantially increased this year. “We have a vacancy rate of 10% in the Melbourne CBD,” Mahji says. “It coincides with a lot of new buildings going up in Docklands and Richmond.” |
Softer demand drives up office vacancy rates in all CBD markets Vacancy rates for offices is expected to peak in most Australian CBD markets in 2015–2016, with Brisbane expected to have the peak vacancy of nearly 14% according to forecasts from REAC. REAC’s Research Director for Australia, Millie Kearney, said the latest Property Council of Australia vacancy statistics highlighted that demand had decreased across all CBD markets with negative net absorption driving up vacancy rates in every major capital city. CBD Office Total Vacancy rate % - July 2015 |
Appendix 4
Decision Analysis Report
Part 1 – Decision / Issue Name Name decision, issue, problem, project, plan or strategy the decision is linked to. | |||
Decision required Describe the decision that must be made. It should outline what are the expectations or parameters of the decision to any decision-makers or recipients of the document. Include any timeframes the decision must be made in. | |||
History A brief history of events, reasons or causes that necessitates the decision. This should be an overview only and only contain information relevant to the required decision. It should briefly describe the who, what, when and where of the situation requiring a decision. | |||
Part 2 – Analysis Summarise the analytical processes used, the results of the analysis and their implications – do they support or disprove the issue or problem, what further questions were raised as a result of the analysis. | |||
Analysis |
Results |
Implications | |
Part 3 – Decision options List all viable, genuine courses of action that address the issue. Briefly list actions to be taken, any costs associated with the option and potential positive and negative outcomes. | |||
Option 1: | |||
Positive outcomes / benefits |
Negative outcomes / Risks | ||
Option 2: | |||
Positive outcomes / benefits |
Negative outcomes / Risks | ||
Option 3: | |||
Positive outcomes / benefits |
Negative outcomes / Risks | ||
Part 4 – Recommendation / Action taken Indicate which course of action is recommended (if making a recommendation to a higher decision-maker) or the action to be taken. Briefly outline the reasoning for choosing this option. | |||
Confirmation / Approval Names, titles, signatures and date of decision or granting of approval Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date Name Title Signature Date | |||
Appendix 5
Assessment questions
1. What is your objective/s for the analysis processes you plan to undertake?
2. Briefly describe how management information or decision support systems can assist you when analysing information and identifying trends and patterns.
3. Briefly describe how management information or decision support systems can support the analysis of proposed courses of action and their impact on the business.
4. List two types of adjustments you might have to make management information or decision support systems to help you meet your stated objectives.
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