BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resource Services
Task 1 - Knowledge
1. Why should HR Professionals consult line and senior managers about human resources needs in their areas? Provide at least five reasons.
HR managers needs to have some important skills to provide an interpret business objectives into RH policy and procedures. HR professionals need to have knowledge of business operation, and the ability to influence and management the stuff.
2. What are the ten HR services that might need to be delivered in accordance with a service agreement or plan?
Some of HR services include the full range of activities, such as: strategic advice, procedural advice, employee training, auditing session processes, staff recruitment, induction and selection, workers compensation, competency selection and development and industrial relation advice.
3. What skills, knowledge, experience, qualifications, and abilities might be appropriate providers of one HR service (e.g. EAP [employee assistance programs] Services) need to have? (75-150 Words)
4. What is a ROI? Why can calculating ROI be difficult when it comes to the provision of HR services? Why is it important to make an effort to calculate ROI in relation to HR services? (100-175 words).
ROI (Return on investment) means how you can invest in your employees to get a better work environment and from that point on to reduce cost. It is not an easy task to calculate ROI. A very common metric the absenteeism rate every absent person is costing money. For example, absents workers put a heavier strain on other lower overall productivity and delay. However on the other hand, there are three important strategies to lead to a better quality for workers, such as, Developments of people and careers opportunities, flexible working arrangement and offering counseling to support work-life balance. All of those benefits can have a huge impact on absenteeism witch in turn translate directly to business results.
5. Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative information that might be gathered to evaluate the organization’s human resource service delivery. (150-200 words).
We can use both, qualitative and quantitative report to evaluate the work performance of our employees, business units, etc. Qualitative data refers to statistics; meanwhile qualitative report refers to observations.
6. Identify the key provisions of legal and compliance requirements that apply to managing human resources?
The legal and compliance requirements can be: Anti-Discrimination Act, Work Health and Safety Act and Fair Work Act.
7. Briefly explain how human resource strategies and planning processes link to business and operational plans.
Human resource strategies and planning processes link to business operational plan from the staff
Performance and the resource for business. The HR is in charge of the induction and selection of the appropriate staff to work in several departments, and then the company has qualified people to work inside the company and know how to manage it properly.
Then HR Manager is also helping in making procedure, policies and sustainability code of conduct for
A staff to implement and ensure it is going well. So in order to get and achieve the goal of the
Company, the staffs must to follow and obey the rule from HR Manager.
8. Briefly describe performance and contract management.
Performance and contract management is in charge of reducing financial risk, that means improve company performance.
9. Briefly describe how feedback is used to modify the delivery of human resources.
Feedback is the key to improve performance in HR from the performance of the staff. After a feedback, people know what they need to improve and what they are doing well. Absolutely feedback will help them in giving better strategies in the evaluation process.
Task 2 – Knowledge
1. In one sentence explain what each of the following is:
- Self-study : Learning by yourself, using writings from another person.
- On-site training: Training that is made in a meeting room.
- Off-site training: training that is made outside of the building.
- One-on-one training: Training where is just one coach and one employee.
- Mentoring, It is the guidance for a person who need a review of their performance
- Action learning sets, the activity that needs to be done in a require for learning in the future.
- Job rotation, the rotation if a job in the office.
- Job shadowing, a visit with one person to stay allowing interaction with the stuff.
2. For each value listed, describe three of the behaviors you could display to ensure you reflect the organizational values.
- Behaviors might include: Honest, accountable, willing to do and help others.
Caring for others
- Behaviors might include: respect, harmony and help each other.
Civic virtue
- Behaviors might include: volunteering, voting and giving opinion
Justice and Fairness
- Behaviors might include: doing according the legislation, treat other fair, and respect anti-discrimination
- Behaviors might include: give appreciation, listen while someone wants to share, give the response on the question given with humble attitude
3. You are the HR Manager of an organization that uses an external agency to delivery training modules to employees.
You are concerned that the agency is underperforming. They are not complying with the service agreement governing the delivery of HR Services. You decide to take remedial action.
What action might you take? Provide at least five examples.
Please note the following example as a method on how to answer this question:
You could provide the training supplier with formal notification of non-compliance with quality assurance standards.
4. You are a HR Manager of a large organization. Your department provides HR services to internal and external clients. You have decided to survey the department’s clients to determine their satisfaction levels of the services being provided to them.
Undertake your own research to locate information about:
- Client satisfaction surveys
- Service usage surveys
- One other type of survey which should be used.
Describe each type of survey in one or two sentences. Provide two examples of questions used in each type of survey.
Please note the following example as a method on how to answer this question:
Service usage surveys are used to identify which client use which services, as well as, the reasons the client uses it.
Do you ask an HR representative to be part of the selection committee when applicants are interviewed for a vacant position?
5. Explain each of these analytical methods in one paragraph:
- The audit method
- The analytical method
- The budget method
- The ratio method
- The balanced scorecard
Please note the following example as a method on how to answer this question:
The audit method
This method requires an audit of the outcomes of HR services, initiatives, and projects. By using this method, information regarding KPI and client satisfaction can be determined.
Task 3A - Application
Prepare a detailed checklist
Induction Checklist
Prior to yours employee starting work
It’s a good idea to start planning early for your employee’s first day, as there are a few things you’ll need to organize.
Ensure you have:
Told the employee before their first day where, when and who they should report to and whether they need to bring any tools or equipment.
Organized building and IT access as well as any uniforms (if necessary)
A returned, signed copy of the letter of engagement (or employment contract)
A completed Tax file number declaration form (unless declined by employee)
A completed Superannuation choice form you can get copies of the Tax file number declaration form and the Superannuation choice from the ATO at
The employee’s bank account details
The employee’s emergency contact details
A copy of any licenses held by the employee needed for the job e.g. Drivers License, Forklift License
Given the employee a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement
If a working visa is required –a copy of the employee’s passport and visa –you will need to do a visa Check.
It’s a good idea to ask the employee to sign a register or return a signed copy of the Fair Work Information
Statement and any relevant business policies or procedures as proof that they were provided to the employee.
This may help avoid disputes in the future.
Also, make sure you keep all staff paperwork in secure personnel file.
On the first day (or soon after)
To ensure your employee gets off to a good start, it’s important that they feel welcomed, well-informed and equipped to do their job.
Orientation and housekeeping:
Introduce the new employee to other staff
Show the new employee the kitchen/meal, toilet facilities and where to store personal items (bags, jackets etc.)
Ensure you have: given the employee copies of relevant business policies or procedures e.g. codes of conduct and work, health and safety policies or procedures.
The history of the business and its role
Who the employee reports to
The employee’s duties and what training will be provided
Performance expectations and when and how performance will be reviewed
Hours of work and the procedure for recording hours of work
Meal breaks
The applicable award or enterprise agreement, and where to find a copy
The payment method, first pay date and how payslips are distributed
Any workplace policies and procedures including:
Uniform or dress code (if any)
Procedure if the employee is sick or running late
Procedure for applying for leave
Rules regarding personal calls, visitors and/or use of social media at work
Any bullying, harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
Completed a workplace health and safety induction
Task 3B - Application
In what way did Bowen breach confidentiality that is required when dealing with all HR information? What would Bowen do differently? (100-200 Words).
Answers can include the following:
Information about employees should never be discussed outside of work
He made use of information given for a different purpose (address of potential employee)
Task 4 – Summative
1. Identify 5 key pieces of legislation that apply to managing human resources. Provide 5 examples of what the key provisions of industrial legislation relate to.
Five legislation that is for managing human resource:
- Anti-Discrimination Act: This is the act to protect the performance of no discrimination of sex, age, nationality, racial, religion and disability. This is to ensure the staffs in the workplace are going to respect each other.
- Equal Employment opportunity: The legislation is to let the recruitment is possible for anyone even for the disability person. The opportunity is equal for every differences of age, sex, nationality and the visa holder.
- Diversity principle: This is the legislation requirement to implement the diversity and fair treatment toward anyone working inside the company. The performance will make the diversity and let the trusting of each other.
- Fair Work Act: The fair work is the standard of performance that must be implemented by the company in order to give the fair treatment toward the remuneration, superannuation, rule of work and payment.
- Work Health and Safety Act: This is the legislation that ensure the staff is provided and supported of the healthy and keep the safety in the workplace.
2. Summarize the seven elements that are found in a well-written code of conduct.
- Conflict of interest,
- Outside employment and private practice,
- Use and security information,
- Health, safety and welfare,
- Harassment and unlawful discrimination,
- Responsibilities of Managers and nominated supervisor
- Related legislation and policies.
3. Explain how human resource strategies and planning services relate to operational plans, particularly in relation to labor requirements. (250-300 words).
Operational plans focus on the organizations goals over one year à this means that each work group will have a yearly KPI and a budget and strategy under which to work. HR managers will aim to hire suitable employees since they implement strategies competently. Long – term and short term labor requirements must be known through forecasting, analysis of the labor market, and actual supply in the market. Job design, to recruitment, to succession planning will be impacted here.
4. Describe the problems with performance that might be identified when managing contracts. Identify two possible root causes of performance problems. (15-200 words).
5. Explain how feedback can be used to modify the delivery of human resource services. Provide at least 10 examples.
Feedback can be used to modify the delivery of human resources services, if the feedback is positive, the employees are going to be proud of them, but if the feedback is negative the employees could improve their performance. It is very important to be polite and gentle when the feedback is negative. Some feedbacks examples are:
- Encourage teamwork
- Manage to motivate staff
- Increase the target
- Fix the policy and procedure
- Manage the safety in the workplace
- Increase the security of the work performance
- Manage better scheduling of teamwork
- Manage better follow up process to the customers
- Make the better communication of the internal and external team
Examples can include reduction of costs, identify training needs, & strengthen relationships between HR, line managers, employees.
Please provide 7 more examples.
Task 5 – Summative Project
You are a HR manager for a bank. You have been asked to manage the development and delivery of HR services in one area. Complete the tasks using information gathered from your own research and knowledge you have obtained during your study.
Outline your ideas in a report to submit to your trainer/assessor via a negotiated method.
- Choose either the delivery of HR client services or recruitment services. Provide a description of your chosen service area, including a list of services which can be delivered in that area and the aims or purpose of your chosen service area.
- Explain how the bank’s strategic and operational plans would be used to develop and manage human resource services.
- Explain how what is happening in the external business environment might affect the development and management of human resource services.
- Explain how you would manage diversity.
- Develop a client needs assessment form which could be distributed to line managers to identify their needs in your chosen HR service area.
- Describe the requirements of legislation which applies in your chosen area and explain how you can ensure those requirements are met.
- Develop an action plan/strategic plan that could be used to implement HR services in your chosen area.
- Describe the ethical obligations relating to your chosen service area which HR Managers should observe.
The new service is managing a better explanation of a new serving founds programs to clients. The main objective of this service is to train the bank staff to learn how is going to work the new program, thus it will be easier to catch new possible new clients.
In this case the plan for the development of the HR services is mainly to be clear about the goal and the main objective of the service. It also important to write the information which it is going to be use to make the project. Finally, we have to make a pamphlet to inform to the client and a small survey to open the mind of customer before going inside.
There are some possibilities that the external business environment that might affect the human resource service, for example: the society development of technology and trend of work, changing of rule for working and changing of the politic that will cause less service for human resource.
A good way to manage diversity at workplace is creating a nice environment, where all the employees feel that they have the same importunities.
A client need assessment must be from the survey to the client. The survey could be about lifestyle interest and the financial source of the customer.
Legislation that must be implemented to the human resource service in the bank must be:
- Anti-Discrimination Act: This is the act to protect the performance of no discrimination of sex, age, nationality, racial, religion and disability. This is to ensure the staffs in the workplace are going to respect each other.
- Equal Employment opportunity: The legislation is to let the recruitment is possible for anyone even for the disability person. The opportunity is equal for every differences of age, sex, nationality and the visa holder.
- Diversity principle: This is the legislation requirement to implement the diversity and fair treatment toward anyone working inside the company. The performance will make the diversity and let the trusting of each other.
- Fair Work Act: The fair work is the standard of performance that must be implemented by the company in order to give the fair treatment toward the remuneration, superannuation, rule of work and payment.
- Work Health and Safety Act: This is the legislation that ensure the staff is provided and supported of the healthy and keep the safety in the workplace.
Finally, the ethical obligation that is chosen by the service in the bank by HR Manager must be using the ethical principle that is made by the company and following the standard of Australian government. The performance of the service must ensure no discrimination, no pushing of the staff and could encourage customer to join the investment.
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