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BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resource Services Sample Assignment

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Human Resources

Unit of Competency covered

Unit 1 – BSBHRM501 Manage human resource services

Unit 2 – BSBHRM506 Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction

Assessment Task 1

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

You must answer all questions.

Activity 1.

You are the new HR manager of a national transport company. The transport company has recently updated its five year strategic plan.

After reviewing the new strategic plan, you obtain this information:

  • The organization owns a fleet of trucks, cars, ships and planes which it uses to transport goods including food, grocery items and mail throughout Australia
  • The organization plans to move into the Pacific and Asia region within three years; once this occurs, it will be expected that goods will be transported within and between all countries
  • Currently, most customers telephone the organization to request its services
  • If customers want an update on where their goods are, employees in the administration department review paperwork and make telephone calls to those responsible for transporting the goods
  • Customers of the organization are becoming more reliant on technology; within three years, the organization plans to offer an online service for booking and tracking goods to be transported
  • The community is becoming more concerned with safety, and the organization is hoping to use its safety record as a competitive advantage
  • The lease on the organization’s main business premises used for administration in the centre of Sydney is soon to expire, and the organization will be moving its headquarters to Adelaide, where rent is cheaper
  • Findings from a recent survey indicate that those customers who deal with long-term employees are more satisfied; the organization plans to reduce employee turnover by 10% each year of the strategic plan’s operation

Analyse the information from the strategic plan and review the external business environment to determine what, if any, impact it will have on HR requirements. (200–300 words)

Analysing the organization’s strategic and operational plans, the organization need to consider what is happening in the external business environment. This may affect the way an organization manages its business. In relation to HR services, the external environments will mainly affect workforce planning.

The plans could point out that the organization has new goals. Sooner or later, employees might need different skills, knowledge and abilities. This will have an effect on HR requirements concerning to recruitment, assessment and development centres, career managements/planning, professional development programs, flexible work practices, counselling and health and safety managements. The organization strategic and operational plans may offer information about the expansion plans which will end result in hiring more employees. This will have an impact on training and induction programs and the delivery of other HR services.

So, HR requirements may increase in the relocating process of the organization as HR will need to hire more no. of employees for the area of air and sea department as with the location change it might be possible that some of the existing employees may refuse to move to the new place so It would be necessary to hire new drivers and workers. HR will have to take care of proper overseas equipment needed for sea and air transport. Also, HR will be responsible for taking care of the relocation of the existing employees if the employees agree to and if they not it will be the duty of the HR to hire new staff and new workers with enough experience to work in the organization and further need to carry out the training programmes for them in Adelaide. Moreover, HR have to keep the organizational policies and procedures in mind while recruitment, selection and training of the new as well as existing workers. As the organization is going to introduce online ordering and tracking system, HR need to take care of set up of proper infrastructure for online system and need to hire more experienced IT personnel for handling the technological equipment and handling the online server at the workplace and also need to arrange training programme for more technical staff to respond to the ordering and tracking data. Also, may be due to the introduction of online system organization will have to close the call centre but they can transfer the call service to the customer service front staff, So HR may need to reduce the staff no. at the call centre and keep few no. of top performing employees and train them about the customer service and reception duties so that they can also handle the reception duties and could also handle the customer enquiries and complaints at the same time. This would be beneficial for the organization as if they will close the call service for the customer enquiries just due to they launched the online system, they may face lot of problems as may be some customers may enquire about the service and enquiries on phone instead of online system and may be sometimes there may be a problem which could only be solved by talking. So HR have to keep the call service along with the online system by balancing the staff number at the organization. In terms of safety, HR may need to hire more safety personnel for extra safety for its workers at different stages like hiring extra drivers for transport shifts, career counselling of the workers and employee assessment programmes in order to extract any physical or mental problem employees have at the workplace and giving possible solution for their problems for their safety.

Activity 2.

1. Why should HR professionals consult line and senior managers about human resources needs in their areas? Provide at least five reasons.

HR professionals are determined to provide services to the internal clients like employees, senior managers, line managers and team leaders and should work together as both have vested interest in ensuring organization’s success. So, It is important for HR personnel to consult with the internal clients before implying the human resource strategies in the respective client areas they manage in order to identify what are their respective HR needs. As they are the personnel who will have the proper and crystal clear understanding about which type of HR needs they will need to meet their organizational objectives. Moreover, HR professionals could take their opinion and gather their ideas as they may have thoughts on the beat way for those services to be implemented. Furthermore, a consultative and cooperative relationship permits HR professional to promote their services and suggest managers round the services they can provide. So, HR professionals’ acts as facilitators not the dictators and this leads to efficient relationship and partnership between HR professional and managers. Additionally, consultation is beneficial for developing a shared understanding and commitment of HR personnel among the managers in order to provide HR services in such a way so that it meets the real needs of department.

2. You are the HR manager of an organization which operates 16 fast food outlets. Design a detailed 3–4 page questionnaire you could use to seek information from the managers of each outlet to determine their human resources needs.

The questionnaire should demonstrate that you have considered the areas where human resources might be needed in a fast food organization and should not include generalised questions like:

  1. What are the most significant actions HR can take to help you meet your business goals?
  2. What should HR be doing that it is not doing now?
  3. What is HR doing now that it should not be doing?


1. To provide better customer service is there any need to recruit new employees?

2. Are the employees happy and satisfied with the amount they are being paid for their work at the organization?

3. How much appropriate and experienced is the staff recruited by the manager for the food outlet?

4. Do the food outlets have proper availability of resources which are being used for preparing food?

5. Are the employees really following the work health and safety legislation and rules?

6. How do the employees feel about the workplace safety and ethics?

7. Do managers talk about the job expectations with the employees on the basis of their direct reports?

8. Do employees feel that they are sufficiently rewarded?

9. Do employees feel that their hard work is being known to the organization and is being appreciated?

10. Do the outlet need any more safety equipment?

Activity 3.

3. Your organization understands the need for a diverse workforce. It also understands that those organizations who are serious about achieving diversity will have a diversity policy in place. Explain how would you review organization requirements for a work force Diversity? (1–2 pages)

A workforce may employ a range of people that exhibit a number of these differences. Management needs to ensure that the differences benefit the workplace and everyone works harmoniously. Having a diverse workforce means there is a range of abilities and skills to draw on, people can learn from each other’s different experiences and skills, new ideas and innovation are generated and people learn tolerance, compassion and to view situations from perspectives other than their own.

The policy may also include supporting documentation in an organization such as an ethics guide, code of conduct, workplace behaviour guidelines, guidelines for managing poor behaviour in the workplace or a complaints procedure.

A diversity policy guides an organization when:

  • Hiring and promoting staff
  • Allocating tasks
  • Allocating overtime
  • Providing information about workplace behaviour
  • Managing complaints about harassment and bullying
  • Developing other policies such as a human resources policy.

For reviewing organization requirements for a work force diversity. The HR managers and other managers must include these tasks:

  • How many skilled workers they have in an organization and how many they still want?
  • Reviewing is there any opportunity for new employees.
  • Always identified is there any job or requirement for specific women.
  • Make sure all employees have their own place in workplace for example; everyone has on their right place.
  • Ensuring all employees has access to the document both at induction and as needed.
  • Making and maintaining records of all employees who have been inducted to the policy and when they receive refresher training.
  • Reviewing all policies and procedures of an organization, if is there any change or new update then retraining the employees.

At last, whenever the opportunities arise, manager should help promote the organizations workforce diversity in both internal and external forums to enhance the organization’s image and reputation. I recommend that when organization promoting diversity seek as many examples as you can that demonstrate the organization commitment – For example

  • The number of older workers employed and increased vibrancy of different cultures
  • New ideas put forth by people from other countries that have been implemented.

Activity 4.

You are the HR manager of an organization which provides a data management service. You work in Melbourne. Your organization has been retained to review and index 600,000 documents on behalf of a client. The documents are currently stored in a Perth warehouse. They cannot be moved. Your organization will need to employ 30 staff to complete the work within the required three month time frame.

You need to consider options for the delivery of human resources services relating to this project.

Options include:

  • You (the very busy HR manager) flying to Perth for the length of the project. Once there, you will obtain assistance from two junior HR employees to deliver appropriate HR products and services.
  • Retaining a Perth-based external human resources agency to deliver the HR services which will be required.
  • Assigning a manager from the Perth office to deliver the human resources services. The manager has no HR qualifications or experience, but is well-liked and very knowledgeable about the process which will be used to review, scan and index the documents.

1. What are the HR services and products that need to be delivered? (30–40 words)

HR services and products that need to be delivered are:

  • Browsable data accessed from end to end personalized entrance
  • Routine transactions powered by secured self-service environment.
  • 24 hour easy to access services from anywhere anytime
  • Intellectual hunt down of employee inquiries
  • Deducting on board administrative costs and risks
  • Over all compensation to attract and retain talent via communication.

So, It is the basic duty of a HR manger to deliver accurate services and products. The quality and cost of the products and services following the risks involved should be kept in mind while delivering.

2. You have decided to analyse the options in terms of risk and to weigh up the costs and benefits of the options.

Prepare a formal memo you could provide to the board of directors of your organization to set out the risks, costs (in general terms) and benefits involved with each delivery option. (1–2 pages)

To : Board of directors

From : HR manager

Subject: Explanation about the risks, costs and benefits involved.

Option 1: You flying to Perth for the length of the project. Once there, you will obtain assistance from two junior HR employees to deliver appropriate HR services and projects.

Risks: If the manager will fly from Melbourne to Perth then there is risk of poor performance at the Melbourne office and the whole system at Melbourne office may get messed up and also there is wastage of time as well.

Cost: If he will fly from Melbourne to Perth then he has to extra money for the ticket, and if he will be living there will be accommodation costs and food costs and if he will travel his work remain pending then he might have to pay extra cost to get work done.

Benefit: He can check all services and products if they are appropriate or not in Perth and definitely there will be very less chances of any imperfection in the project.

Option 2: Retaining a Perth-based external human resources agency to deliver the HR services which will be required.

Risks: If the services are delivered by the agency there will be a huge risk of some imperfections in the project as the company may not have enough knowledge about the organisation and also there is a risk of information leak as organisation has to tell all their information to the external agency which sometime may get leaked accidently and also there is no guarantee if the services will be delivered on time or not.

Cost: If the manager will hire an agency then he has to pay extra money to them.

Benefits: If the manager will hire an agency then there is no need to go Perth and he can concentrate on his job at Melbourne and manager will not be having much stress about the Perth’s project.

Option 3: Assigning a manager from Perth office to deliver the human resource services. The manager has no HR qualifications or experience, but is well- liked and very knowledgeable about the process which will be used to review, scan and index the documents.

Risks: As the manager has no experience about the HR services and products then he might deliver the wrong services which will not be require and there could be imperfections as whether the Perth office manager may be experienced but still he cannot see and deliver services from a HR manager’s point of view and there are chances of delay in services.

Cost: It will cost less because there will be no need to pay extra money to the manager.

Benefits: As the manager is very knowledgeable about the process so he will deliver the appropriate services which are required and there will be no risk of information leak and no risk of delay in the project.

Recommendations: So, in concern with risks and benefits and costs involved with all the options, I think the third option would be most beneficial and appropriate and is least risky and more cost effective among other options.

3. You are the new office manager of an accounting firm. The firm operates in your state/ territory. It is owned by 10 partners. They employ 45 accountants. Another 65 employees are employed to undertake administrative tasks. The accounting firm retains an external provider to provide HR services. The contract is due to expire.

You have been asked to undertake a review of HR services to determine whether it would be appropriate to:

  1. Continue utilising the services of the external provider.
  2. Employ a manager and four people with HR expertise to provide HR services internally.
  3. Retrain six current administrative employees without HR expertise to provide HR services internally under the supervision of a partner of the accounting firm with an interest in HR.

Prepare a detailed checklist of legal requirements that HR providers would need to take into account when providing HR services. The checklist should provide details of the actual obligations and details of specific Commonwealth and state/ territory legislation. There is no need to complete the checklist






Have the total obligation for Health and Safety act for that specific state have been fulfilled, inclusive of WHS/OHS?


Have you come across and fulfilled the organization’s obligations?


Has employment offer and contracts been studied to detect gaps?


Did the new employees go through induction training to become familiar and acquainted with the workplace?


Have the Health administration act 1982 been followed?


Have all the workers been informed about the values and expectations at the organization?


Have you trailed the Anti-discrimination Act 1991?


Have you revised and analysed legal requirements on continuous basis?

4. Which option do you think would be least likely to allow the organization to comply with its legal obligations and which option you think would be most likely to deliver a service which complies with organizational policies. Explain why. ( 50 to 100 words)

According to my point of view, employing a manager and four people with HR expertise to provide HR services internally would be the most suitable option as by adopting this option, organisation will not have to tell its private and internal information to the external HR agencies and hence it will eradicate the risk of information leak and hence a safe and secure option to choose from and also by doing this, the new HR personnel will be trained with the deep knowledge about the organisation’s policies and procedures and hence will provide better services based on organisational and operational strategies.

However, Retraining six current administrative employees without HR expertise to provide HR services internally under the supervision of a partner of the accounting firm with an interest in HR is the least likely option for organisation to comply with its legal obligations as the whole retraining process may lead to extra costs for training programmes and a lot of time consumption also and organisation may have to hire new administrative employees if the work load on new HR personnel will be increased and if the new administrative will not be hired then it may cause problems for the new HR personnel as they may get confuse in their administrative task and HR services and may leads to a messed up situation which will not be good for the organisation’s environment and could be proved fatal to the organisation’s status and image.

Activity 5.

1. You are the HR manager of a large shire council (local government area). The council has adequate funding for HR services delivered by a dedicated HR department.

Your organization’s strategic and operational plans call for the council’s organizational structure to change; with the employees to be divided into new sections. This is likely to cause significant disruption and it is expected that some employees will be dissatisfied with the restructure.

Together with the HR team, CEO, managers and a selection of employees, you agree to work toward these objectives to allow for the delivery of the required HR services:

  1. To identify current competencies.
  2. To develop and implement professional development programs for all employees.
  3. To recruit employees as required.
  4. To assist current employees adjust to the restructuring program.
  5. To provide information to line managers to help them minimise risks to the health and safety of employees.
  6. To develop and implement suitable health and safety policies.
  7. To improve the management of workers’ compensation claims and facilitating return to work for injured employees.



To identify current competencies

An operational skill strategy establishes the stage for organisational achievement. So, the key links between the strategic goals and composition of the leadership should be determined, leader consensus around competency strategy should be build up and the leadership culture should be defined properly.

To develop and implement professional development programs for all employees.

Required essential training should be provided to employees, a well-crafted job description should be given, a good understanding of knowledge should be enhanced, skills and abilities of employees should be developed and explanation about the employee’s development process should be given to each and every employ.

To recruit employees as required

Arrangement for group attractions should be done and dream candidates should be handpicked and self-selection should be operated and after that show them you want them and talent search should be conducted at unlikely places.

To assist current employees adjust to the restructuring program

Take time to watch and listen, prove your sincere concern, fix what you can, be optimistic and look for opening and train and make them ready.

To provide information to line managers to help them minimise risks to the health and safety of employees.

Detect risks and assess them if needed, handle risks and review control procedures and checking with workers.

To develop and implement suitable health and safety policies.

Program commencement, launch a synchronization mechanism, conduct a requirement assessment, go through and fill in programs, monitor and evaluate and put the action plan into effect.

To improve the management of worker’s compensation claims and facilitating return to work for injured employees

Retain and keep employees healthy, prevent office injuries and health, keep employees happy, promote early statements reporting and handle medically.

Prepare suitable strategies to allow each objective to be achieved. Provide details of performance indicators you could use to measure whether or not the strategy has been effective. (50–75 words per objective/strategy)

The performance indicators are:

1: Observation: By detecting the presentation and performance of the workers, manager will be known if the employees are working properly or not.

2: Profit: This essential performance indicator can easily evaluate the performance by relating and comparing the organization’s profit with past.

3: Customer satisfaction: This fairly straightforward performance indicator will determine the number of customers and then manager can check if the customer’s needs are being fulfilled or not.

Activity 6

This is an example of a position description for a current job. It documents the responsibilities of a member of the HR team. Read it carefully and complete the activities.

Job title: Junior Clerical Assistant

Grade: 2

Job purpose

To provide routine clerical support.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Assist with the processing of incoming and outgoing mail for the human resources (HR) department.
  • Manage the administration of current vacancies; this will include photocopying and mailing-out of details and application forms, processing applications on the computer and sending-out cards to unsuccessful candidates.
  • Retrieve and record messages from the recruitment answering machine.
  • Maintain manual and computerized personnel records. This includes the preparation and upkeep of personnel files and maintaining lists or databases for a variety of purposes.
  • Update computer records of absences of staff across the organization due to illness; liaise with personnel from other departments for information when needed.
  • Transfer appropriate files and documents to microfilm.
  • Manage the HR department’s stationery—order stationery, ensure a satisfactory supply and maintain a record of the stationery budget.
  • Ensure a satisfactory supply of routine paperwork and documentation used by the HR department by regularly photocopying and replenishing appropriate documents.
  • Assist with enquiries received by the HR department, both by telephone and in person. This will include dealing with members of the general public, members of staff, potential employees and external organizations; there may be minimal contact with students.
  • Undertake general clerical duties such as routine photocopying and filing.
  • Undertake other duties as requested.


Supervisor: Senior Secretary Regularly supervised, or left to work within established guidelines, subject to scrutiny by supervisor.

Special conditions



This position description was last updated 8 February, 2015

1. What are eight of the aspects of the position description used to document the responsibilities of a HR worker that could be improved?

The eights aspects of the position description that could be used to document responsibilities of a HR are:

  1. Recruitment: Job descriptions are being put into action to flourish an employment campaign that visibly demonstrates the liabilities to be executed and qualifications mandatory by the organization for the spot.
  2. Selection: Interview questions, employing criteria and screening process are established on the basis of the responsibilities and requirements bounded for the job description.
  3. Orientation: A job description aids the workers understand how their job position is relevant to other job positions in the organization.
  4. Training: The job description could be taken into account to determine areas where the employee does not fulfil the required qualifications of the position and hence, could be headed for the training.
  5. Supervision: The job description could be taken into account by the employees and supervisor to help set up work plans.
  6. Compensation: Job descriptions could be operated to advance a constant salary structure, which is based on relative level of duties, responsibilities and qualifications of each position in the organisation.
  7. Performance management: The job description and the work plan could be put into action to keep track of employee’s performance.
  8. Legal defence: If an employee is fired for negative performance, a precise, thorough and valid job description will help the organization secure its decision.

2. Create a job description that outlines the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals. (1–2 pages)




The HR Professional is in charge for giving provision in the several human resource tasks, which comprises of employment, staffing, training and progress, performance monitoring and staff counselling.


The HR Professional usually advice and assist line managers, supervisors and staff in and about their training needs and prospects, performance reviews, personnel policies and job description and make sure that they have precise and appropriate info to make operative decisions. As inadequate advice or assistance may lead to consequences like lost chances for staff progress, poor staff determination, economic loss and a loss of sincerity for the organisation. The job position directs the staff employment process.


HR professionals are usually, involved in a high-ranking position with obligation for the following:

  • Leading and training the HR team to provide an ample HR service to the organization’s business
  • Managing healthy relationship with employees
  • Assessing employee fulfilment and finding areas that need enhancement
  • Coaching managers regarding the issues and processes in their performance management
  • Guiding managers and their teams for further development.
  • Executing the training and progress program and identifying areas that require attention and upgrade
  • Handling talent and sequence planning and captivating total accountability for recruitment goings on and campaigns
  • Execution of new HR policies and procedures
  • Generating business and people solutions
  • Dealing with HR budgets



  • HR management
  • Job descriptions
  • Performance evaluation techniques
  • Employees and workers training, progress and appreciation
  • Allocation
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Have knowledge about relevant legislation, policies and procedures, northern cultural and political environment and land claims and self-government


  • Guiding skills
  • Team building skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Basic analysis and advising skills
  • Compromise and cooperation skills
  • Operational and effective verbal, written and listening communications skills
  • Technological skills including
  • Active public relations and public speaking skills
  • Program and research development skills
  • Stress and time management skills

Activity 7.

1. Your organization runs a chain of mobile dog-grooming service. As one of its services and strategies, the HR department is running health and safety training for all employees who are involved in grooming dogs. Create a one page word processed document in which you communicate with internal stakeholders about the need for health and safety training.

Health and safety tips

Health and safety at the workplace is the top priority and it doesn’t matter what job you are doing, it is very crucial to minimise the risks regarding health and safety. As our organization deals with the dog grooming services, so team members daily come in contact with dogs while grooming them either inside or outside which may sometime increases the risk of flu or diseases getting transmitted to the workers. So following tips could be implemented on for improvising the health and safety for the team members that are:

  • After the particular hazards of the job are known, effective steps could be taken in order to cut down the risk of work related injury or infections.
  • Most basic causes consist of long hours, large workload, job insecurity and differences and fights with co-team members and the boss which could result in depression, sleeping difficulties and partial concentration. So, it is imperative to lessen the stress.
  • Hanging around being fresh and alert will help to avoid injury or burnout.
  • Use comfortably designed furniture and equipment
  • Rearrangement of the work area is very important in such a way so that everything needed is easily reachable.
  • As an alternative of carrying a heavy object, a wheelbarrow, conveyor belt and crane could be used.

Health and safety tips for Outside workers

  • Outdoor work should be carried out in a shaded area.
  • In case of hot and humid weather, the heavy work should be terminated or should be replaced with light and manual work.
  • Outdoor workers should take an hourly breaks and should relax in shade and drink water to prevent dehydration if they are working in severe weather conditions.
  • When working at the distance from their base, an insulated flask should be provided by the organisation for a handy supply of cool water or drinks.

Health and safety tips

Health and safety at the workplace is the top priority and it doesn’t matter what job you are doing, it is very crucial to minimise the risks regarding health and safety. As our organization deals with the dog grooming services, so team members daily come in contact with dogs while grooming them either inside or outside which may sometime increases the risk of flu or diseases getting transmitted to the workers. So following tips could be implemented on for improvising the health and safety for the team members that are:

  • After the particular hazards of the job are known, effective steps could be taken in order to cut down the risk of work related injury or infections.
  • Most basic causes consist of long hours, large workload, job insecurity and differences and fights with co-team members and the boss which could result in depression, sleeping difficulties and partial concentration. So, it is imperative to lessen the stress.
  • Hanging around being fresh and alert will help to avoid injury or burnout.
  • Use comfortably designed furniture and equipment
  • Rearrangement of the work area is very important in such a way so that everything needed is easily reachable.
  • As an alternative of carrying a heavy object, a wheelbarrow, conveyor belt and crane could be used.

Health and safety tips for Outside workers

  • Outdoor work should be carried out in a shaded area.
  • In case of hot and humid weather, the heavy work should be terminated or should be replaced with light and manual work.
  • Outdoor workers should take an hourly breaks and should relax in shade and drink water to prevent dehydration if they are working in severe weather conditions.
  • When working at the distance from their base, an insulated flask should be provided by the organisation for a handy supply of cool water or drinks.

Activity 8.

1. You are a senior HR manager employed by a telecommunications company with 250 employees. You have been asked to develop, negotiate and document a service agreement between the human resources department (to be known in the agreement as Human Resources Central) and a new department which has been established to develop a new social networking product (to be known in the agreement as Project Flitter).

In your discussions with interested parties, you determine that the agreement should include:

  1. Delivery of HR client services including:
    1. preparation of job and position descriptions
    2. advising on job classification levels
    3. managing workplace changes
    4. managing equal opportunities website
    5. managing induction processes
    6. managing training programs (approx. 30 per year delivered by specialised trainers)
    7. managing promotions
    8. administering the performance management system
    9. processing travel claims
    10. processing wage/salary payments
    11. administration of leave entitlements
    12. administration of workers’ compensation processes
  2. Delivery of recruitment services including:
    1. preparation of recruitment advertisements (approx. 300 per year)
    2. checking and paying accounts from recruitment agencies
    3. receiving, recording and short-listing applications
    4. handling applicants’ queries
    5. convening selection committees
    6. ensuring selection committees comply with policies and legal obligations
    7. arranging interviews
    8. checking references and obtaining referee reports
    9. making selections in consultation with selection committees
    10. obtaining approval for appointments
    11. preparing offers
    12. liaising with successful and unsuccessful candidates
    13. obtaining visas for non-Australian appointees
  3. Delivery of strategic planning services including:
    1. planning for new broad banding of positions
    2. reviewing reporting lines
    3. undertaking a review of approximately 40 current HR policies

Prepare the service agreement, making sure you include appropriate performance standards and time frames for delivery of the services. Explain what are the steps you will take to negotiate the service agreement with the service providers? (1–2 pages)


Subject: New Social Networking Product

This Project Agreement has come into the organization via human resource section and the new department as of the effective date. This agreement is made in enactment of the project mentioned and described on a social networking product. All exploited terms are not explained in this agreement and explanation for unmentioned terms of this agreement are available at organization’s site.


State of work: The service provider has cooperated and agreed to a documented statement of work, written project plan or other written communication to identify more details about the project scope, required features or functionality, resources, communications and training. Further such writing is integrated and made a part of agreement.

Client services: The client services must take account of ground work for job and position descriptions, guidance on job classification levels, managing workplace changes, equal opportunities websites, induction processes, training programs and promotions.

Recruitment services: The recruitment services must consist of grounding of recruitment services, checking and paying accounts from recruitment agencies, handling applicant queries, assembling selection committees, arranging interviews, checking references and obtaining referee report and preparing offers.

Strategic planning services: There should be planning for new expansion of jobs and analyse the broadcasting lines timely and commence the review of approximately 40 current HR policies.

Entire agreement: This agreement is the final and exclusive agreement with respect to the subject matters. No modifications or amendment to this agreement, or any waiver of any rights under this agreement, will be effective unless in writing and signed by both departments.

Signature: Signature:

Human resource department new department

Activity 9.

1. What is a Training Needs Analysis (TNA)? (50–75 words)

A training need analysis (TNA) is generally a process used to assess employee competencies against required competencies. TNAs are organized to ensure if the training programs are upgraded and developed based on identified needs. They are usually conducted to assess the knowledge and skills held by employees who are required to deliver HR services. Gaps in their knowledge and skills are identified. It is these gaps which are addressed as part of targeted professional development activities and programs.

2. List three training methods which you think would work best for you and explain why you think they would be most effective. List three training methods which you think would be least effective and explain what arrangement you will make to support the training. (200–300 words)

1: Interactive training techniques: Interactive training techniques retain the employees busy, as a result they become more receptive to new information. These methods contain group discussion, which is one of the best ways for experienced and educated employees to pass their skills onto new employees and provide open and effective communication among the trainees and the trainer.

2: Computer based training: Computer based training could be conducted by using CD-ROMs, text only as well as multimedia training equipment offering audio, video, inspiring graphics. Trainees can learn these training programs by taking their time at their own pace due to the effectiveness, cost effectiveness, reliability and ease to use of these training programs.

3: Online based training. Online training system is most preferable and effective method of training used by now a days organisations to provide essential training to its employees and workers and helps keep employs involved in their respective work as well and providing training through online sources at the same time.

The arrangements that manager will make to support the training are:

  1. Manager should direct a clear idea of the training program goal to the workers.
  2. Manager should give a clear declaration of roles, responsibilities and restrictions to prospects to the workers.
  3. A coordinator with duty for daily and regular management of the training program.
  4. Intended involvement for both mentor and coaches.

Activity 10


1. Your organization has agreed to deliver the human resources services:

Service 1: Provide advice on complaint handling and conflict resolution

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Analysis of quarterly employee surveys shows that in 20XX/XX, an average of at least 70% of employees considered that complaints are handled appropriately and conflicts are properly resolved.

Service 2: Provide advice on reducing harassment and discrimination

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Twenty percent reduction in complaints relating to harassment and discrimination in 20XX.

Service 3: Provide advice on the use of flexible working arrangements

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Five percent of employees utilizing flexible working arrangements by July 20XX.

Service 4: Review equal opportunity policies

Proposed delivery of service: Collection and review of policies.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: All policies to be reviewed and recommendations made by July 20XX.

Service 5: Deliver programs intended to promote diversity in the workplace

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Programs including:

  • Pathways for Women
  • Employees as Carers
  • Dignity and Disability
  • Understanding Cultural Differences

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: An increase in the participation of women in the workforce to at least 35% by July 20XX. All buildings to be accessible by wheelchair by July 20XX. Complaints about discrimination due to religion reduced by 50% in 20XX/XX. At least 10% of employees who identify themselves as carers utilizing flexible work arrangements.

(i) Prepare a document which could be used to help you monitor whether the human resources services have been delivered to the appropriate standard. The document could be in the form of a detailed checklist but should contain provision for all relevant information to be included. Also explain how what strategies will you use for all stakeholders to agree on the process? (2–3 pages)







Complain handling and conflict resolution

Asses the complaint

Select the appropriate approach

Communicate with the customers

BY 20XX- 20XY


An average of 70% employees agreed that their complaints have been handled and conflicts have been resolved properly.

Reducing harassment and discrimination

Number of workers belonging to different religion





Harassment and discrimination related complaints dropped by 20%

Use of flexible working arrangements

Check the performance

Individual meetings with employees

On request by employees



Only 5% of employees and using the flexible working arrangements

Review equal opportunity policies

Fair and equitable process

Workplace behaviour

Communicate policy with employees



Still policies are pending to be reviewed and recommendations needed to be made by deadline.

Promote diversity in the workplace

Number of employees

Number of male and female workers

Different age groups



Participation of women workers have been increased up to 35% and all buildings to be accessible by wheelchair and religion related discrimination complaints reduced by 50%.

Quality assurance standards are considered as bunch of standards that have been selected and executed by businesses globally to demonstrate assurance to deliver quality products and services to the clients. Precisely, quality assurance refers to standard for fulfilling client needs and requirements. A lot of organizations consider a abstracted department ardent to quality commitment. This system is effective in increasing customer’s confidence and a organization’s sincerity, to develop and upgrade work procedures and productivity, and making organization competitive to other organizations. Some of the quality standards are:

  • Proper and accurate global and associated precise quality documentation inclusive of qualitative policy and efficient management plan.
  • Employees will be provided with written job descriptions for crystal clear definition of their roles and responsibilities at the organization.
  • A system is put into effect in order to supervise customer audits, monitoring goings-over and organization certifications as valid.

(ii) In one concise sentence explain what quality assurance standards are?

Activity 11.

Consider this statement:

As long as a service agreement is properly detailed and contains an effective dispute resolution mechanism, there is no need to spend substantial amounts of time and money to choose an appropriate service provider. Service providers must fulfil their obligations under the agreement.

(a) Explain how would you ensure that services are delivered by appropriate providers according to service agreement?

In order to make sure that the services are being delivered by appropriate providers in reference with the service agreement, the organization should refer to ask details of the qualifications and related experience from the personnel who will deliver the services. And in case if the personnel do not have the required qualification then they could inquire whether the personnel responsible for providing services has worked with similar organizations in the past or not. Also, organization can enquire if the personnel have expertise in the competencies where training may be required. Moreover, Organization should ask for references and testimonials from the previous clients and customers in order to detect whether they were satisfied and happy with the service provider or not

(b) If they do not, the organization can use the dispute resolution clause to resolve the issue.

A dispute resolution clause in actual fact identifies how the different organizational parties to a contract will proceed about resolving a dispute. The main purpose of a dispute resolution clause is to allow two respective parties which are contracting with each other to set your guidelines as to how you will resolve any potential issues. So I totally agree with this as the guidelines of Dispute resolution clause can not only help in maintaining the business relationships but can also help in cutting the time and costs associated with any argument and can also be helpful in solving the dispute before formal court proceedings will be needed.

Do you agree? Explain. (100–200 words)

Activity 12.

1. You are the HR manager of an organization that uses an external agency to deliver training modules to employees.

You are concerned that the agency is underperforming. They are not complying with the service agreement governing the delivery of the HR services. You decide to take remedial action.

How would you identify any performance gap and what action might you take? Provide at least five examples for each.

Performance gap could be identified by following methods:

1. Create and Conduct a survey: Conduct a survey in a way that makes it easy to find out the performance gap and its best if relevant person’s other existing skills could be identified, not just those for their current role. Hence, Surveys are one of the best way to identify the performance gap.

2. Assemble the results: The outcomes need to be assembled in two different ways. For respective person, it’s important to identify either skills they already have or number of the people who have those skills.

3. Analyse the data: Analysing the data is the best way to identify performance gap in specific roles, within the organisation, people who embrace essential skills and future skills.

4. Other considerations: There are number of considerations and techniques that would apply in identifying the performance the performance gap such as, we should have a reasonably sized workforce, we want to measure skill level and we need to validate the responses.

5. Observations: By observing the employee’s performance we can also identify the gap. Is they are working right or not? Is they are following the training procedure or not?

Actions that could be taken to crack the problem of performance gap could be:

  1. Provide additional training to the employees. Explore with them whether they have the actual skills required to do what’s expected.
  2. Create a motivating environment for the employee.
  3. Provide them detailed explanation of the goals.
  4. By observing their performance time to time.

2 (i) What is ROI? Why can calculating ROI be difficult when it comes to the provision of HR services?

Return on investment is a performance calculator to analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of an investment or to relate the productivity of several different figures of investments. ROI trials the sum of return on an investment qualified to the investment’s cost. It is hard to estimate and measure ROI when it is relevant to HR services because the information and data does not always result in measurable data and it is sourced from different investments.

(ii) Explain how you would identify appropriate return on investment in providing human resources services? (100–150 words)

Following are some of the different ways to calculate the ROI while delivering HR services:

1. Collecting data: Data is gathered during and after the inauguration of HR programs by using questionaries, interviews, focus groups and performance monitoring. Isolating the effects of HR program. This step is quite important as several factors will affect the performance data after the implementation of an hr program.

2. Convert data to financial values: To identify the return on investment, the gathered data need to be converted to financial values and further be compared with HR program cost. This needs a value to be positioned on each part of data linked with the HR program.

Arranging the cost of HR program: The denominator of the ROI formula is the cost of the HR program. The typical cost mechanisms are primary analysis, developing and designing cost for the HR program, time needed by people involved for the HR program. Implementation, maintenance, administration and evaluating costs. The conventional tactic is to take in all these.

Activity 13.

Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative information that might be gathered to evaluate the organization’s human resources service delivery. (150–200 words)

Qualitative data is based on human observations. Human resource manager will silently observe the team members and other employees and then will record information about how they behave with each other, their work habits and the problems they face usually that employees need to overcome to give an effective performance at their job. The final decisions to be made by HR should not be completely based on observations. So, HR should take a decision by proper evaluation of these records and can further decide if he need to recruit more or new staff or not?

Quantitative data is usually utilised for ranking employees based on effectiveness of their work and work portions, and to award the best employees and provide promotion to the best employee if needed. Furthermore, such data could be used to explain the termination of employees who did not perform well at their job. Data could be gathered over long period to evaluate the production data regularly to make sure that employees are being creative always. This data could be further used to evaluate the human resource services at the organization.

Activity 14

1. You are a HR manager of a large organization. Your department provides HR services to internal and external clients. You have decided to survey the department’s clients to determine their satisfaction levels of the service being provided to them.

Undertake your own research to locate information about:

  1. Client satisfaction surveys.
  2. Service usage surveys.
  3. One other type of survey which could be used.

Describe each type of survey in one or two sentences. Provide two examples of questions used in each type of survey.

2. Critically examine this statement:

It is very hard to capture ongoing feedback for review process with surveying clients to determine their level of satisfaction with the delivery of HR services. Explain which strategies you will use to:

  1. To capture on going feedback from the survey
  2. Analysing the feedback and making recommendation for changes
  3. To obtain approval from appropriate managers for the variation in services.

a) To capture ongoing feedback from the survey

  1. Have good questions to ask: Delivering an open ended response field to the clients and customers so that they can share their thoughts about what they want. For conducting these type of surveys, it is important to ask the customers to provide their email/ contact info if they are ready to follow up with organization. Furthermore, conduct interview sessions with customers and gather their feedback by asking effective questions or provide them with a feedback form.
  2. Make it easy to participate: It is quite important for the organization to simplify the participation by avoiding logistics as much as possible in the feedback process so that they can mostly provide positive answers. For instance, these days’ organizations usually conduct digital surveys and sometimes they even send non optimized invitations in their mails which may make the customers frustrated and they might choose to out of surveys.

b) Analysing the feedback and making recommendations for changes:

  1. Monitor and evaluate: Monitoring delivers a very important check on the truthfulness of the contributions and estimations from the studies conducted and utilised for the organisation’s strategic direction. Development in the organization is basically based on the monitoring and evaluation of feedback. They are quite helpful to identify whether the plan is being implemented correctly and what kind of changes occurred in the organization after implementation.
  2. Monitor the productivity and profitability of the business: Take on appropriate monitoring to update organizational objectives efficiently based on the feedback gathered from the employees. And can further monitored if there are any changes to be made in the organization or not.

c) To obtain approval from appropriate managers for the variation in services;

  1. Understand the approval process: A lot of organizations have proper guidelines, policies and procedure for providing authority to the employees to commend changes in the services. So, it is really important for the authorised employees to completely understand and ensure the process. After the employees have gained enough understanding of the process, they should explain everything and clearly about all the changes and ensure that all the changes are beneficial for the organization.
  2. 2. Determine the business needs: It is very important to be well known about the organization’s vision and strategic goals before consulting with the manager. For attaining the approval from the manager, authorised employees need to provide detailed information and data about the effectiveness of the changes and how it will benefit the organization.

Activity 15.

You are the manager of a HR department. You work with a large team. On occasion, they are required to obtain approvals for variations in service delivery from appropriate managers; however, they often encounter strong resistance to change.

Write an article which could be posted on the organization’s intranet which:

  1. Describes the reasons why managers might be resistant to change.
  2. Describes signs that a manager is resisting change.
  3. Provides some strategies which could help to overcome resistance to change.


Due to unstoppable invasion of technology over our lives and the global economy, changes are now integral part for the organizations carrying out different businesses. There could be a number of reasons due to which managers might become resistant to change.

Firstly, In case of managers might be resistant to change sometimes, ego of the personnel may interfere making them resistant to change. Usually, managers want to attain the status where they can only advance their ideas and thoughts properly. Or in other words we can say that they act in such a way for their own interest neglecting benefits to the organization and hence resisting the change. Other fact could be when managers become resistant to change could be that they may feel that the change is interfering autonomy and like they have no power or control over his team members and sometimes they may feel humiliated and may resign and recommend other personnel for their job role. So to overcome this situation, a change may need to get to grips with new skills. Resistance is expected to be specific when it comes to new technology. So, by offering training and proper education to the personnel resisting to change, organizations can overcome this problem.

Furthermore, When managers are not happy with changes happening at the organization, they will try taking opinions of other team members and workers to check if they think the same showing their signs that they are resistant to change. Managers will usually communicate with the employees if they need any changes in their work or they are satisfied with the job they are doing right now. He may try to check the ability and skills of employee to work and observe at what point they resist the changes either by conducting tests or staff meetings.

So, in order to combat this problem, organizations can adopt several methods and measures. Some of the methods they can choose is communication sessions, meetings or seminars and tying successful implementations to the compensation. Organizations can make a way to communicate with the manager or personnel resistant to change regarding the new initiatives and the progress happening due to the change and can also overcome this problem by providing employees with daily updates through team meetings or conferences about the development organization has seen after implementing the change and discuss with them about the market strategies. Moreover, organization can make reports on the employee’s performance regularly and can publicly reward those employees who performed well and met goals. So that employees can get encouraged and they will cooperate with the organization whenever the changes will be made in the future. Hence, decreasing the risk of resistance to changes that will occur in the future.

Activity 16.

1. You work as a HR manager for an organization that provides aged care facilities.

This is their code of conduct:

Code of Conduct

Personal attributes

Employees display reliability, personal integrity, loyalty, open-mindedness, and honesty with regard to the residents, other employees and members of the public.

Responsibility towards the recipient of aged care

Employees approach all residents with respect and have regard for their individual situations. Employees shall not discriminate on the basis of race, illness, disability, national origin, age, gender, sexual preference, religion, political beliefs or status in society. The residents’ personal preferences and ability to participate will be taken into account in the planning of service provision. Confidentiality of clients’ personal information is guaranteed and any personal details are passed on only with their consent.

Relationship with other members of the team

Employees cooperate and accept responsibility by supporting organization goals that have been set. Employees provide other members of the team with assistance as required.

In your first year of employment, you must deal with these ethical issues. State whether, in your view, you consider that those mentioned in each scenario acted ethically and in accordance with organizational values. Explain. (20–50 words each)

a. Junior employees within the HR department consider that one of their colleagues, Liza, makes no effort to do her share of work. Becoming annoyed, the other employees now refuse to let Liza do work they have begun and they do not pass on useful information which could help her complete required tasks more easily. Whilst they do not refuse to give Liza anything she requires to undertake her role, they simply do not provide further information which could assist.

In concern with the scenario, they have proceeded unethically. As the other employees resist to share the useful information with Liza which could have helped her commence her work accurately. They are violating the commons ethics of treating the team members fairly, supporting each other, working cooperatively, respecting one another’s view and making the work environment easy to work. Instead they should have followed the common work ethics that will help to achieve organisational goals in a better way.

b. A female employee called Joey asks whether her partner, who is also female, can attend a cocktail party for residents and employees of the aged care facility. The function is intended to promote communication between employees and the very conservative residents. If Joey’s partner was male, he would have been invited. Joey’s manager says her partner cannot come.

As the manager didn’t allow Joey her female partner, he is acting unethically. It is strictly right of every employee to be treated fairly and free from discrimination and no matter if the employees have female or male partners, the manager didn’t have any right to discriminate on the basis of the sex of Joey’s partner.

c. An employee called Yudi has been chosen to be on the selection committee to determine upcoming promotions. The head of the committee has decided that it will meet on Friday afternoons. Yudi is Jewish. As part of his employment contract, he begins and ends work early on Fridays to ensure he is home in time for Sabbath. When he explains this to the head of the selection committee he is told that as he will not be able to fulfil his duties, another committee member will be chosen in his place.

In this case, the head of the committee has totally acted out of mind by discriminating with YUDI on the basis of his race and his religious background. As it’s a breach of government legislation to not to discriminate with any employee based on their race, gender or ethnic background. So abiding the legislation, the head of committee should understood and respected other religion and its practices as well.

d. Your colleague has been counselling a long-term employee who has been displaying strange behaviour. Your colleague reports that they are concerned the employee might have a mental illness which needs medical intervention. The employee’s husband, too, is concerned, and telephones your colleague(b) to seek information which will help him decide what to do next. Your worried colleague provides it.

The colleague completely acted unethically as she violated the privacy act and provided all the information about employee to employee’s husband without consulting with her. Even if he was her husband, the colleague breached the privacy act to which she is obliged.


1. In approximately 200 words explain why it is necessary to develop clear recruitment, selection and induction policies. Use the information in this manual and your own experience or research to answer the question.

It is very important to develop clear recruitment, selection and induction policies, as the policies of an organization directly have an impact on the organization’s culture like how workers are commend their work and possibilities of things happening at the organization in a way they believe, their actions and values and what the customers, employees and other stakeholders are expecting?. Clear recruitment, selection and induction policies intends to show the capability of the organization and in what way the management is running it. Policies can be either in form of procedural documents or in digitalized online folders or at organization’s website which demonstrates what actions, jobs and specific tasks will be carries out by organization’s staff in a specific way following the legislation. Furthermore, these policies particularly support the organization’s goals and objectives and helps the organization to build its positive image among the community in which it operates, to all of its stakeholders and other people concerned.

2. List at least six key elements that need to be taken into consideration when developing a recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures.

The main six elements that should be taken into consideration while developing a recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures are:

  1. Identifying if there is a vacant position at the organization
  2. Identify what you want in a person to be recruited
  3. Develop a proper and accurate job description by consulting with the related manager to that field in which the person need to be hired.
  4. Finalise the most suitable people and decide on selection process and criteria.
  5. Select the most appropriate candidate who meets all the requirements in the job description by conducting the interview, then assessment, then doing reference check and medical of the respective candidate.
  6. Organize induction for the candidate in order to make the candidate familiar with the organisation’s work environment, other employees and organisation’s policies and procedures.

3. Make a list of 15–20 documents or forms that would support the recruitment, selection and/or induction policies and procedures in an organization.


The following documents are helpful while conducting the recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures in an organization:

  • Application forms
  • Checklists
  • Working hours and conditions
  • Recruitment and selection manuals
  • Interview questions and guidelines
  • Descriptions of qualifications and skills
  • Evaluation forms
  • Organizational legislation
  • Acknowledgement forms
  • Response mails or letters to unsuccessful candidate
  • Contracts
  • Feedback forms
  • Job offers
  • Job and candidate specifications
  • A range of position descriptions
  • Document for seeking authorisation for advertising and appointing
  • The selection committee
  • Induction procedure
  • New employee handbook
  • Forms acknowledging participation in induction

Activity 18

1. List three technological applications that can improve efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.

The top technological inventions which are really helpful in improving efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment selection process are:

  • KRONOS Workforce ready
  • Clear Company HRM
  • The Applicant Manager

Activity 19

In 250-300 words explain why and how the HR department must always obtain support for policies and procedures from senior managers.

When developing policies and procedures, it is very important for HR department to seek support from senior managers as they may have better knowledge and information about their specific field at the organization. In detail, it will be better to consult managers as they have better knowledge about their work process and their team members and what are the necessary policies and procedure they want for their specific work field. And after consulting, HR department can make amendments or any adjustment in the policies and procedures before finalising them.

So, while seeking the support of management, following points needs to be discussed with management:

  • Policies and procedures Implementation costs
  • Objectives of policies and procedures
  • Additional costs if the implementation is unsuccessful
  • Reasons for the need for the policy
  • The wording
  • Referring to legislation on which policies and procedures will be based
  • Mention Storage location of the documents
  • Mention access way to the documents and reviewing of the documents and personnel involved in reviewing process.
  • How will be the policies and policies presented to the employees to whom they will apply.

Activity 20

The policies and procedures which are newly developed are usually implemented on a trial basis in order to check if it’s working properly or not and will provide clear idea if its working properly. On the trial basis, all the employees at the organization involved in recruitment process will have a clear understanding of the policies and procedures and it will also help in increasing their knowledge regarding new policies and procedures. The trial basis system will also early indicate the organization if there will be need to do any update in the policies and procedures.

After a trial period, a feedback from management and employees concerned should gathered in order to identify If there is ineffective or almost zero result after following the specific procedure with purpose for which the procedure was implemented OR if the procedure require a specific employee that are unreliable with purpose of the policy or the specific policy is inconsistent for the other policy which is being applied on the same area.

Why is it a good idea to implement the recruitment and selection policies and procedures and the forms and documents that support them on a trial basis and under which circumstances might policy or procedural adjustments be required after a trial period? Use your own experience and conduct suitable research to develop your answer. (100 – 150 words)

Activity 21

1. You have been asked to communicate requirements regarding organizational policies and procedures to staff. Identify at least six options that you might have to do this.

Communication plays a very important role in development and maintenance of a safe and efficient workplace environment. The following six options could be effective to communicate requirements regarding organizational policies and procedures to staff:

  1. Email: Email is the most easiest and convenient way to communicate about the new policies and procedures with the staff. Manager should prefer using polite and formal language and should explain very well so that it is easy for everyone to understand.
  2. Whiteboard: Whiteboards are often used for writing imperative notices for the employees at an organization. HR Manager could convey to information about new policies and procedure on the noticeboard in the form of a notice so that each and every passing by employee could read it.
  3. Handovers: Handovers are used mostly for the verbal passing of information in the written form from one or more persons. It is duty of manager to make sure that all the information regarding new policies and procedures is passed on and if the employees understood it completely or not.
  4. Telephone: Manager can communicate with the team members about new policies and procedures by calling them time to time. Since this is least effective but if the manager manage to speak clearly and at the speed that enables the other person easy to understand, this method may work.
  5. Forms: Manager can provide staff members with forms indicating information about new policies and procedures written in a clear and understandable form. He should gather views from each and every staff members by making them fill the forms to check if they understood the policies well enough or not.
  6. Meeting: Manager can conduct staff meetings or seminars and can communicate with the staff members about the new policies and procedures.

2. Under what circumstances might it be necessary for staff to attend some form of training relating to new policies and procedures for recruitment, selection and induction? (Approximately 200 words)

It might be important for staff to take part in some form of training relating to new policies and procedures for recruitment, selection and induction under the following circumstances:

  1. Training provides workers the essential skills and knowledge to do their work to the greatest of their capability, and enhancing the productivity and quality of work.
  2. It is very important for the workers to attend the training to get conscious regarding health and safety procedure. As only proper training could assure that the workers are handling the job equipment properly and perceiving accurate health and safety practices at the organization.
  3. Workers need to have specific training and qualification for their respective and specific job roles. The type of Training referred here the training to meant for the workers to have the proper and accurate skills to carry out their respective work effectively and by law.
  4. Moreover, the external and internal type of training helps the workers develop the basic working functions and strengthening the internal worker relationship with each other.
  5. Workers with efficient skills could help organisation provide superior level of customer satisfaction by enhancing the reputation at the organization and helps in the ways for best customer maintenance.

Activity 22

You have been asked to determine the future human resource needs for your organization. List at least eight things you might take into consideration when doing this.

The following 8 things might be taken into consideration when determining the future human resource needs for my organization:

Job description: Frame all the essential skills and needs for the job and remember if it is meeting all the expectations regarding the employees.

Consider the business goal: It is essential to determine the organisation goal before finalising the objectives and should try to bring the development plan for HR into line with organization’s need.

Training programs: As per the organization’s requirements and expectations conduct training programs so that the workers are being ready for their specific job roles in the organisation.

Health and safety procedures: Organise and prepare health and safety procedures to provide enough knowledge about these procedures to the workers.

Recruitment process: Choose a proper recruitment process to employ the correct candidate meeting all the requirements as mentioned in the job description.

Develop timelines: Make timelines and put them into progress as per the need of the organisation to employee effective staff.

Strategic planning: Develop a strategic plan including a budget analysis, forecasting and finding out a new mix for staff.

Gap analysis: Carry out a gap analysis to distinguish between an organization’s existing state and its upcoming strategic employment plan which will identify the future HR needs.

Activity 23

1. You are involved in the recruitment process to hire a receptionist for your organization. Why might it be necessary to develop and use appropriate person and position descriptors when doing this? (200 words) [ Source page 32 : MANAGE RECRUITMENTR SELECTION AND INDUCTION PROCESSES]

The main concept of a job description is to set out the key features of the job position and to explain the competencies and features that the organization would like the new employee to mention and convey. So, it might be important to develop and use suitable person and position descriptors when hiring a new reception for the organization.

Talking a little about the job description first, a job description for this type of job should be attractive enough catch the accurate qualified job applicants to fill a vacant position and should define at what level in the organization the job position stands out. Also, it should make part of the legal binding contract of employment between the employer and the employee. Moreover, it should properly describe the job title of the advertised position and name of the position to whom post holder is liable to and what will be the responsibilities of the post holder and basis of the post holder and what the post holder is expected to achieve and the terms of employment. Lat but not the least, a job description should include a brief description of the post explaining the principle areas of responsibility.

2. List and discuss at least three strategies that might be followed to ensure that appropriate job specifications and person descriptions are available for recruitment purposes.

To ensure that appropriate job specifications and person descriptions are available for recruitment process, following three strategies could be followed:

1. Suitability: An accurate recruitment and selection policy would need the writing job descriptions to give priority to the proficiencies that would contribute positively to the organisation’s requirements and expectations. Continuously check the enterprise job conditions and job descriptions are appropriate for the recruitment procedure.

2. Consistency: A decent and proper recruitment and selection policy will also involve that employing new staff using pre-known conditions at all phases of the recruitment process. The main selection process should be uncovered before the job being advertised and clearly displayed in the commercial and in the job description.

3. Legality: The main purpose of a privacy and equal opportunity that the recruitment process is organized in a fair and proper way. Job specifications and person descriptions should be planned as per the legislation and the recruitment process should be conducted non-discriminately.

Activity 24

You have convened a selection panel to be involved in hiring an accounts clerk for your organization. Several people on the panel have not been involved in the recruitment process before. In approximately 200 words explain what training and support might be required by these people.

The personnel who will be involved in the recruitment and selection process should be trained relevant to the roles they will undertake. They should be well known about the specific policies to follow, relevant legislation and procedures they must follow while the selecting. They need to be well conscious about what they must do, when to do and how to do their part safely and accurately. The policies, procedures and legislation about which the selection panel personnel need to be informed properly could be:

  • Enhancement of job and person specifications
  • In what way, the organization’s needs to be focused on properly
  • Formation of Job advertisements
  • Specific places for posting the advertisements about the vacancy
  • Following the access, equity and equal employment opportunity legislation.
  • In what way, the interview panels need to be setup
  • Analysing and assessing candidate responses in a proper way
  • How to ask non-discriminatory interview questions that should also elicit the required information
  • Type of information need to be recorded and in what way it should be recorded
  • Writing and including job offer letters in specific ways
  • How to develop and use suitable selection criteria
  • When and how to give feedback to unsuccessful candidates

The type of support they need could be about what is expected of them. The support could be in any form either it is in form of time to deal with selection process, in the form of money needed for advertisements or for necessary payments, in the form of extra staff they may need for help to fill unavailable HR roles, in the form of access to the personnel who can proof read documents, in the form of opportunities to consult with the expert or in the form of getting necessary information from managers or supervisors related to their specific fields. Moreover, the selection panel people should be allowed to attend the day workshops or information sessions to prepare them for the task assigned to them.

Activity 25

1. You have been tasked with placing an advertisement for a vacant position. What are the two most important legal aspects that you must address when doing this? (40–50 words) 6.4

It is very important for an organization who is placing the advertisement that the respective advertisement must have the language, style and images that should be broad and tempting to the candidates from different backgrounds and that demonstrates the organization as an equal employment opportunity employer EEO. Also, there should be no discrimination between men or women from diverse backgrounds and both sexes should be encouraged to apply for the job position.

2. When might it be necessary to utilise a recruitment and selection specialist? (100–150 words)

It might be necessary for an organization to utilise a recruitment and selection specialist like recruitment agents, medical specialists, remuneration specialists or vocational psychologists because this might help the organization to cut off its extra costs and specialists are usually the first options for the organization, when specific organizations does not have time to manage and carry out the recruitment and selection process or when they fail to recruit and select the staff by themselves.

Activity 26

1. You want to send timely responses out to all unsuccessful candidates after the recruitment process. A colleague tells you that you are causing unnecessary work for yourself. What reasons would you give them for doing this? (100 words)

First of all, I will make my colleague understand that responding out to all unsuccessful candidates is not a waste of time at all. It is quite important to response to all the unsuccessful candidates per the policies and procedures of the organization. Moreover, responding them back helps to motivate them to keep on trying and work hard in their life and improve their skills in order to get that specific job they are interested in and further helps in building a positive attitude towards our organization and they will never stop applying at the organization for job vacancies.

2. You have chosen a preferred candidate for a job. Why is it important to ensure that a job offer and contract of employment be executed promptly? (100 words)

It is quite important for an organization to execute the job offer and contract of employment promptly, because till the time these documents are not signed, the employee can negotiate the terms and conditions like they can negotiate on when the wages should be paid to him or the first date of payment, or demand of wage in advance or how much they should be paid annually. So in order to avoid these type of situations organizations should execute the job offer and contract of employment between the organization and the candidate prompltly.

Activity 27

List at least six forms of training or support that might be offered to persons engaged in staff induction.

The training and support strategies that might be offered to the people involved in staff induction could be:

  • Delivering a general forum where the staff involved can talk about their respective experiences with each other and can develop further strategies and training tactics for carrying out the induction process properly.
  • Encouraging the people involved to properly utilise suitable policies and procedures.
  • Enabling a learning culture that motivates people involved to exchange knowledgeable ideas and experiences with each other of their previous induction processes if any.
  • Training the staff involved about managing the diversity at workplace and different learning styles.
  • Organizing a skills audit to find out any unused capabilities and training needs of staff.

Activity 28

1. Why should management check that induction processes are followed across the organization?

It is very important for the management to check that induction processes are being followed across the organization to check up to what extent the post has been successful. Organizations can gather feedback from the new employee and can make sure that the business has been successful in providing the services effectively during the recruitment process. Moreover, the induction policies help in promoting the awareness and the understanding the induction processes so that the employees engaged can simplify the most effective introduction for the new employee. Checking of induction processes time to time helps the employee to clear all doubts about roles, support and encouragement as well as enough organisational information to upgrade their effectiveness of their specific new job role.

2. List at least five methods of providing feedback to probationary employees.

The five methods of giving feedback to the provisional employees are:

  1. Non-verbal feedbacks like in the form of mails, written notes
  2. Questioning the employees
  3. Stating the facts clearly
  4. Chance to respond
  5. Staff Meetings.

Activity 29

1. List 10 possible signs the induction process is meeting its objectives.

When an induction process is meeting its objectives, new employees shows some positive signs:

  • Employees follows the legislation, policies and procedures and guidelines.
  • Employees never hesitate to commence their duties in an effective and operative manner.
  • Employees understands how their roles affects others in the business
  • Employees always report to the manager whenever they face any problem
  • Employees have stayed consistent on their jobs and does not want to leave the job.
  • Always reports the sick leaves and provide reasons for their absence.
  • Always complies dress codes and standards
  • Always work in a regular and timely manners
  • Employee has mixed up with the other employees.
  • Employees always stick to scheduled breaks or lunch periods.

Assessment TASK 2

Case Study

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

You are a HR manager for a bank. You have been asked to manage the development and delivery of HR services in one area. Complete the tasks using information gathered from your own research and knowledge you have obtained during your study.

Outline your ideas in a report to submit to your trainer/ assessor via negotiated method.

1. Choose either the delivery of HR client services or recruitment services. Provide a description of your chosen service area, including a list of services which can be delivered in that area and the aims or purpose of your chosen service area.

Client service is a delivery of services to clients before, during and after the purchase. The insight of accomplishment of such collaboration depends upon employee who’ll be able to fit themselves to the nature of the client. Customer service is an essential part of HR services and is always a top notch for an organization and organizations allocates to customer service related to the product innovation and pricing. In other words, a good organization that provides good customer service may invest more funds for training employees as compared to any other average organization. Also, organizations can interview or chit chat with the customers for feedback.

I have chosen delivering the HR services by handling the customer services department as this is the most important area in an organization. It is very important to deliver good customer services to all the potential existing as well as new customers. Also, if the customers is happy, this will result in helping the organization’s business to develop and flourish more.

Organizations usually provide the following type of customer services:

  • Respecting the customers
  • Gathering feedback from the customers innovatively
  • Handling customer complaints and returns elegantly
  • Understanding customer’s needs and expectations
  • Performing beyond customers’ expectations
  • Helping the customers is always a priority.

2. Explain how the bank’s strategic and operational plans would be used to develop and manage human resources services.

The bank’s strategic and operational plans are mainly responsible for the further development of bank and these plans helps a lot in managing the HR services effectively.

Well talking about the strategic plan, it concentrates on an organisation's vision and top priorities due to any change occurring at organisation and to make sure that all employees at the organisation are focussing and working to achieve the same goals. In sequence, A strategic management binds an organisation's full potential by including daily operational verdicts in the framework of the strategic plan. So, strategic planning is the work of the whole organization and in my bank, all the staff work cooperatively to make different strategies for the organization’s development and helps in achieving HR goals.

Whereas, the purpose of an Operational Plan basically is to deliver organisation employees a clear idea of their respective tasks and responsibilities in concern with the goals and objectives confined within the Strategic Plan.

Operational plans helps to simplify the co-ordination of the bank's Human resources so that goals and objectives in the strategic plan can be achieved.

3. Explain how what is happening in the external business environment might affect the development and management of human resources services.

The external business environment might affect the development and management of HR services sometimes. The external environment usually refers to the legislation and competition. There are number of banks out there which means there is a huge competition in the industry and the legislation [ WHS/OHS] keeps on changing with new bills passed and old ones rejected by the government time to time. And any change happened or will happen directly affects the HR department at the organization.

Talking about the Legislation, it usually effects all HR activities. Federal and state legislation characteristically prescribe an organization must keep and maintain personnel records and other employee data for a specific period and how the data can be stored and what type of data needed to be recorded. So, with the change in legislation, HR professionals need to provide training to their managers on their changed responsibilities and it may cost additional costs and time causing some problems for the HR department.

Furthermore, if we talk about the competition going on in the market, whenever a new much effective competitor enter in the industry, so sometimes the bank has to change its strategies and policies in order to not to lose their clients and if they lose their clients due to the competition, So all the pressure goes on the HR department, as they have to make new effective strategies in order to bring back the organization’s turnover on track and if they fail, organization may ask the HR department to deploy some of the staff in order to cope up with the losses. So sometimes, it could be very hard for an HR to explain all these things to the employees.

4. Explain how you would manage diversity.

As an HR manager, handling the diverse workforce might be hard sometimes. So, it is important to ensure first that all the employees from diverse backgrounds, sex, colour and different nationalities, understand the policies and procedures, safety rules and other important information to avoid any kind of discriminative act by any employee towards their colleagues. It is very important to avoid both positive and negative stereotype and never judge the employees on personal basis. Always judge an employee’s successes and failures individually and in private. Furthermore, train the employees to work cooperatively and treat each other nicely and can help the employees mixing up with each other and understanding each other by conducting staff games, staff meetings, outdoor staff events etc.

5. Develop a client needs assessment form which could be distributed to line managers to identify their needs in your chosen HR service area.


1. Is there any need to manufacture some products as per client’s demand?



2. Are the clients pleased with the products and services provided?



3. Which technique is most effective to gather feedback from clients?



Feedback form

4. Do the organization need to recruit more candidates to deliver better customer service?



5. Do the products require additional features?



6. What ranks customers provided for the offered services?




7. How the customers think about the behaviour of staff?




8. Who is responsible for managing and handling problems at organisation?



6. Describe the requirements of legislation which applies in your chosen area and explain how you can ensure those requirements are met.

Providing fair and equal services to every employee is the main responsibility of the organization in the client service department.

The fair work act 2009 creates a national workplace relation system for an organization which is completely fair to working people, flexible and enhances productivity and economic growth. This act has some specific requirements set for an organization about which big as well as small organization’s must be aware of. These fair work act requirements are:

  1. The safety left of minimum employment conditions
  2. Obligations to store the records and providing Pay invoice receipts.
  3. Dismissal of discriminative and illegal laws
  4. Allocation of organization’s rules.

Furthermore, to ensure if the requirement have been met or not, As an HR, I will consult with a specialist and will check the workplace agreement. I can also check if the requirement is met by considering the records I kept before and I can observe all the employees on daily basis if they are obliging with the legislation or not.

7. Develop a service agreement for the delivery of human resources services in your chosen area.

Timing- 7 months

Subject: Client needs

Service agreement

1. Services: There are some standards to clearly understand what the organization can expect from the client need services. So, first standard is that any call received at the organization’s office before 4.00 p.m. will be returned by the advisor only. And if there will be any problem in the services, it will be resolved within 24 hours on business days.

2. Client education: Our main priority is to best serve the interests of the clients. While we are serving client’s interest, it will be helpful if clients have acquainted the services we discussed. On specific points, the clients will be pointed towards the articles of specific relevance with the client’s services.

3. Full range of services: We do provide the services like good quality products, exciting offers on special occasions and discount on various products to support our clients as much as possible.

HR signature: Authorities Signature:

Amanjot Kaur

8. Develop an action plan/ strategic plan that could be used to implement HR services in your chosen area.

Action Plan For Client Service Needs









Identify specific career development needs




50% complete



Provide training equipment




25% complete



Organize refreshment courses for staff




Not started



Promote awareness of flexible employment




Not started



Handling complaints and grievances




Not started


9. Develop a set of quality assurance standards that might be used to monitor the delivery of human resources services. What would you do if it were determined that quality standards were not being met?

The following quality assurance standards might be used to monitor delivery of human resources services:

1. Feedback: To improve its services and products organizations will listen to certain things their customer will say and can further gather feedback from the customers in different ways.

2. Initial meetings: For gaining good understanding of the operations, team, quality and other requirements, organizations will conduct initial meetings and seminars within the organization.

3. Consulting with staff: The manager usually consult with employees who have access to the services in the organisation for understanding their needs properly.

4. Results from survey: The manager can monitor the delivery of client need services by conducting a survey within the organisation

5. Number of termination: The manager find out if the Client need services are successful at the organization or not by looking at the no. of employee terminations.

If the quality standards are not being met at the organization, following steps an organization can take:

1. Setting up a clear communication with the employees.

2. Give contribution in the planning and further executing the organization’s operations.

3. Analyse if there is any improvement in existing working practices.

4. At the appointed time transform your ideas into action.

5. Always oblige with the organization’s standards and try to understand them as much as possible.

11. Explain how you would calculate the ROI of providing human resource services.

For calculating the ROI of human resource services, several methods could be used like dividing the organisation’s total revenue, gross revenue after withholding implementing and operating costs, salaries and gains by the salary cost and profits. Furthermore, the cost of the specific program should be calculated firstly in itself, then divide it by the costs of implementing the specific technique.

12. Create a written survey that could be used to collect feedback from clients about their satisfaction with the services in your chosen area. (Use business technology if possible. If not, explain how business technology could have helped to make the process more efficient and how it could have assisted in the information management and planning process.) Explain how you would use this feedback.

Client feedback form

Ø Did you get the information about the specific product or the needed help? If not, In what way we would have been helpful to you?

Ø Did the HR personnel responded to your request or complaint within 24 hours? If not, please provide the details.

Ø Were you completely satisfied with the services you received? If not, in what way possible we could have met your expectations and needs at the best?

Ø How will you rate the professionalism of our organization?

Ø Give your opinion on our best and the least effective services you received from us and how could we further improve those for providing the effective services next time.

To completely utilise the above feedback, I will firstly analyse and then further evaluate the feedback gathered and will point out the drawbacks in the services we are providing and will make effective strategies to improve those services. I will also keep the record the feedback gathered to compare the success of new strategies that will be implemented for comparing with the future feedbacks and for getting an idea about the improvement level at the organization.

Assessment Task 3 - Project

A. Policies and procedures -

1. Develop a range of policies and accompanying procedures for

  • recruitment
  • selection
  • and induction in a new organization.

Recruitment policy for Airlite group

· The policy targets to attain the employment of highly talented staff.

· The recruitment and selection process must not begin until a full assessment of the requirement for the role in contrast to the area’s deliberate plans and budget has been finalized.

· The recruitment of employees will consider the Airlite’s need for innovative ideas and tactics and moreover should sustenance the Airlite’s commitment to make sure a assorted workforce by actively looking towards attracting categories that are under-signified in the Airlite’s profile to increase its ability to fulfil direct customer requirements.

· Recruitment should system an essential part of the employment strategy for the area and should take responsibility of the need for any ‘encouraging action’ enterprises in process.

· Entirely new or altered posts must be properly role revised and categorized before they are presented to help certify equal wages for work of equal value.

Selection policy of Airlite group

· All relocation applicants who fulfil the needed criteria for the vacancy will be presented an interview.

· The new candidate should be interviewed by at least of two people, one of them should be the Recruiting Manager.

· Selection is a two-way procedure in which applicants are assessing the role and Airlite group.

· It is suggested that a series of selection procedures, that are appropriate for evaluating both the important and required criteria in the person description are recognized as this will improve impartial decision making which is very hard through interview unaccompanied.

· Interview questions and the assembly of the interview should be constantly applied to all candidates and must be grounded on the person specification.

· Notes having the data about striking facts of the interview should be occupied, preferably by the interviewers, so that they can assess candidates against the person specification by using those notes and then make final decision.

Induction Policy of Airlite

· Making sure that employees have the proper and accurate induction at job, section and Airlite’s levels.

· Assigning time for induction methods and activities.

· Permitting new employees to be hands-on in leading their own induction

· Sustaining induction records which provision the trial procedure.

2. Describe the organization and its core business then explain how and why you would analyze strategic and operational plans and policies before developing recruitment, selection and induction policies and procedures.

Airlite initially provided cleaning services to the viable property segment. Over the years Airlite has advanced and progressed, proficiency has increased, and end to end with a widespread capital of experience, Airlite now delivers a much comprehensive range of services to even more big range of clients.

In October 2016, Airlite Group turn out to be a part of the Millennium Services Group Limited company and with headquarters in every major city now offer fully Combined Cleaning, Security and Maintenance Services nationwide and in New Zealand.

Evolving strategy and operational plans consumes time as well as resources and the further development needs the time and assurance of the highly-experienced employees at the organization with the most highly wages. Airlite managers must analyse strategy and operational plans to establish the guidelines and significances for the organisation. As Airlite have different departments working to accomplish different aims, or profitable in different orders, then the organization seriously need some strategies. Furthermore, if Airlite’s leadership team has any kind of problem resisting to new ideas or potential creativities then Airlite must analyse the development and planning and should reward hard working employees giving their best into sectors that have petite to no effect on strategic accomplishment.

3. Make a list of the legislation and the regulations that are relevant to the policies and procedures.

The legislation and the regulation relevant to the policies and procedures could be:

o WHS/OHS legislation

o Sick or annual Leave policy

o Health and safety Act

o Privacy Act

o Discrimination Act

o Flexible working hours

o Fair work Act

4. Develop and list the supporting documentation or forms you will need to create, explaining the function of each. These support documents and forms should be industry relevant.

To create the policies and procedures, following supporting documents will be needed:

1. Job Descriptions

  • Recognizes duties of post
  • Systematizes work proficiently aiding supervisors to better control job
  • Supports in recognizing employee training needs
  • Contribute in assessing and examining employee performance and expectations
  • Assists as recruitment tool
  • Evades possible out-of- class circumstances

2. Checklists

A checklist would be a timetable, which arrange tasks to be completed per time of day or other aspects.

3. Service agreement contracts

Service agreement contracts are very important for an organization because it starts a single document that comprises the terms of the contract as in regard with both the organizations. It would be very difficult for any of the organizations to claim ignorance due to any dispute.

5. Explain:

  • who you will consult with and why
  • how you will gain support from senior management
  • what technical applications will be of benefit to the development process

Line managers need to be consulted as they are mainly accountable for providing results via their employees; accordingly, they put a direct influence on the assignation, performance and maintenance of their employees.

When developing policies and procedures, it is very important for HR department to seek support from senior managers by consulting them as they may have better knowledge and information about their specific field at the organization. In detail, it will be better to consult managers as they have better knowledge about their work process and their team members and what are the necessary policies and procedure they want for their specific work field. And after consulting, HR department can make amendments or any adjustment in the policies and procedures before finalising them.

All the employees will have full entree to a technical care team that was elaborated in the development procedure, so all the problems which come up while they work would be resolved in an effective way.

6. Will you base the policies and procedures around the utilization of internal staff in the recruitment, selection and induction procedures or will you use external recruitment agencies? Explain.

I base the policies and procedures around the utilization of internal staff in the recruitment, selection and induction procedures instead of using the external recruitment agencies as I think there is some kind of risk to the organization’s private information as while using the external recruitment agencies organization have to provide all the privacy and internal information to them and there is a risk they may disclose it to the competitors or they may not find a suitable candidate the organization is looking for. Whereas if I recruit the people for Airlite by basing policies and procedures to be utilized by the employed staff to carry out recruitment, induction, selection process then there is no risk of leakage of organization’s private information and organization can emphasize more on hiring a perfect candidate for the vacant job position.

7. When and how will you trial forms and documents that support policies and procedures to identify any need for adjustments?

Usually the guidelines and the procedures explains how the policies of the business are to be implemented and all documents such as leave forms, work requests and templates etc., must be prepared about the approved strategies and policies. However, in some situations a policy or procedure may need an adjustment if the forms and documents don’t really result in the desired outcome. These kinds of situations happen when the documents are not clearly expressed or are not up to date etc. So, at this point I will trial the forms and documents and I can communicate with the colleagues and stakeholders to identify issues associated with policy and procedures.

8. Once you have finalized the policies and procedures they will require authorization by senior management and you will need to present them to employees in the organization. How will you do this?

As, whenever there is any change made to policies and procedures of an organization, it is very important to seek authorization from senior managers and all employees need to be informed about them and for communicating the policies and procedures with staff, I will firstly make the copies of all policies and procedures available for all the employees to read normally in the form of a hard copy or electronic. Another way for communicating these policies with staff is written communication such as inter office email, a memo, notice on the organization’s notice board. Furthermore, I will interact with the senior management as well as employees by conducting meeting with individual staff and separate meeting with the management or stand up meetings on the floor or organizational newsletters.

9. What action will you take if employees need extra training to comply with the policies and procedures for recruitment, selection and/or induction?

If in some cases, the employees or team members need training regarding implementation, I will firstly conduct a training needs analysis [TNA] to detect any knowledge or skill gaps. Further, a checklist could be used as the basis for a definite training or re training analysis with the employee. I can talk to the Airlite’s employees about the time they have available to participate in training and instructional methods that can be executed within the time which is available and this whole process will be done beginning of the training. I will arrange workshops for the employees which could support interaction and could be problem solving. Additionally, I will engage the employees in role playing which allows them to practice new procedures and I can also demonstrate them on the job about the new procedures so that they can practice it and it will be easy for them to implement them.

Submit the policies and procedures you have developed and the answers to all the questions.

(2,000–2,500 words)

1. Recruit, select and induct staff

Part of the HR function is to work with management to determine future human resources needs.

Explain in 2,000 words, how you would do this and how you can ensure that managers and supervisors involved in recruitment, selection and induction:

  • comply with policy and procedural requirements
  • develop and use current position descriptors and person specifications
  • are given the training needed to help them perform well in the role/s
  • advertise vacant positions in compliance with organizational policy and legal requirements
  • follow selection procedures that accord with organizational policy and legal requirements
  • execute job offers and contracts of employment promptly
  • provide all new appointments with accurate advice about salary, terms and conditions
  • follow appropriate induction procedures
  • manage probationary employees and provide them with feedback until their employment is confirmed or terminated
  • How could you identify any issues with the induction process?
  • Under what circumstances might it be necessary to make refinements?

Assume you are responsible for forecasting recruitment requirements and filling any vacancies.


Airlite initially provided cleaning services to the viable property segment. Over the years Airlite has advanced and progressed, proficiency has increased, and end to end with a widespread capital of experience, Airlite now delivers a much comprehensive range of services to even more big range of clients.

In October 2016, Airlite Group turn out to be a part of the Millennium Services Group Limited company as The Millennium company bought the Airlite group of companies for $25 million and with headquarters in every major city now offer fully Combined Cleaning, Security and Maintenance Services nationwide and in New Zealand.

Importance for introduction of recruitment, selection and induction process at Airlite

Recruitment, selection and induction is a kind of procedure of finding, hiring and initiating the employees. This can also be named as a full life cycle recruiting, selection and induction. This process is administrated and formed by the employers to ensure effective and efficient recruiting then further selection and induction and furthermore they carry out this process to make sure that the hiring managers oblige with the policies and procedures like affirmative action, nondiscrimination and equal opportunity employment.

Benefits of recruitment, selection and induction process

Benefits of recruitment

Assigning suitable time and properties to choose the accurate person for the job position is expected to have numerous positive effects:

  • Suitable Employees have a higher retaining percentage.
  • Good performing workers deliver great client service raising more client gratification.
  • Talented employees are good team workers and require less courtesy from management. Once the employees completed their work they will need less hours of practical direction.
  • Employees with a good performance will be attentive in enduring learning and self-progress.
  • Talented employees are to be expected to have innovative ideas that advance efficiency and work practices.

Benefits of selection

  • In the process of selection including the recruiter and the interviewee gets to acquire knowledge from each other. Recruiters are the only one left at the end who will be accountable for selecting the best applicant.
  • Selection is a kind of process where one come to the opportunity to know the applicant better and examine them properly.

Benefits of induction

  • Organization will be expected have an advanced maintenance rate from accurately inducting personnel since the procedure is new personnel’s' first impression of their respective job and commercial atmosphere will be alike.
  • Proper induction turns as support to new workers that their choice of coming to work for organization is correct.

Strategies to ensure that the recruitment, selection and induction process complies with organizational requirement

To ensure the recruitment, selection and induction process complies with the organizational requirement and policy, the employer need to consider the existing policy, procedures and legislative guidelines and all the information about this could be found in employee manuals or in a shared electronic registry. Moreover, the policies, procedures and legal requirements such as advertising for vacancies, interview process, auditions, selection testing etc., must be publicized and provided to all staff and training must be provided with an explanation as to how they can compliance. And if there is any case of non-compliance, the related consequences must also be clearly defined.

Position description and person specification

Position- Commercial cleaner

This is a fantastic opportunity to use your cleaning experience and join a company who promotes longevity and career growth amongst its staff.

Various positions & schedules available.

Offering diversity, each day will bring different tasks and a schedule of duties will be supplied.

Our team requires experienced and trustworthy general cleaning staff with a “Make It Happen” attitude. A commitment to provide premium overall general cleaning service along with outstanding customer service to key clientele is a priority.

We are seeking to recruit many general cleaning candidates to join the cleaning team for our many sites throughout the Perth CBD, northern suburbs & southern suburbs in Perth metro area.

Responsibilities and duties of cleaner -

  • Have a high standard of presentation and workmanship
  • Be reliable, punctual, tidy and hardworking
  • Be self-motivated with a stable work history
  • Be a good communicator, both verbally and written
  • Be a good time manager
  • Be able to work independently and as part of a small team
  • Have a keen eye for detail and good customer service skills is important and the ability to maintain high work standards.

Ensure that managers and supervisors are been given the training needed to help them perform well in the role.

As a HR Manager, I will conduct a TNA Training needs analysis to find out the skill gap or performance gap of the managers and supervisors and will provide them with the extra training if they will be needed. To ensure if the training is accessible for the managers and supervisors, I will, provide them ongoing support by distributing it fairly and transparently across all the organization. I will provide them with a regular forum so that they can share their experiences and develop strategies and training approaches. Furthermore, I will provide training to them to make them explore how to manage diversity training and different learning styles.

Legislation that managers and supervisors need to consider when advertising vacant position

  • Fair work Act 2009

The Fair Work Act 2009 circles out the guidelines and obligations for workers and employers under the national workplace relations system. The purpose of this fair work act is to make available a stable basis for creative and productive workplace relations that encourages national economic success and social presence for all the employees at the organization.

  • Sex discrimination Act 1984

It is in contradiction of the law to discriminate against anybody in the organization’s workplace for the reason based on their sex. Employees are covered from discrimination at all processes of employment including recruitment, workplace terms and conditions and dismissal.

  • Equal opportunity act 2010

The purposes of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 are to inspire and encourage the identification, documentation and abolition of discrimination, sexual harassment and ill-treatment and their causes, and to endorse and simplify the broadminded realisation of equivalence.

  • Racial and religious tolerance act 2001

The main objective of this act is to encourage and promote cultural and religious acceptance by not allowing the specific conduct involving the abusing of employees based on race or religious belief and to deliver a way of reparation for the victims of racial or religious abuse.

Organizational requirements that needs to be considered when advertising a position online.

When advertising a job vacancy online, HR manager need to consider the following organizational requirements:

  • The vision, goals, objectives and priorities of the organization
  • performance plans
  • systems, processes and requirements for the online advertisement
  • Following the occupational health and safety and anti-discrimination legislation
  • ethical behaviour standards and procedures
  • privacy and safety requirements

Ensure that the managers and supervisors follow selection procedures as per organizational and legal requirements and monitoring strategies to identify that if manager and supervisors follow the procedures.

To ensure if the training is accessible for the managers and supervisors, I will, provide them ongoing support by distributing it fairly and transparently across all the organization. I will provide them with a regular forum so that they can share their experiences and develop strategies and training approaches. Furthermore, I will keep a check on them and will discuss with them about what do they understood about the selection procedures as per the legislation and I can get a idea about their thinking and could provide them re training if they still could not be well aware about the procedures properly according to the legislation

After that, I will monitor if the managers and supervisors are following the selection procedure as I will conduct individual and group meetings with the people involved in selection procedure and will ask them about their understanding of the procedure and will detect if there is still need to provide them training.

A job offer and contract for the commercial cleaner position

Offer of Employment and Employment Contract

Employee Name: Airlite group of companies pvt ltd

Date: 27/02/2017

Address: 52 Roberts Street, Osborne Park Western Australia 6017

Dear Susie

We are very happy to offer you a job position of the commercial cleaner with Airlite. Your start date, manager, compensation, benefits and other terms of employment will be as set forth below.


· Position and duties

Airlite shall hire you and you agree to competently and professionally perform such duties as are customarily the responsibility of the position as set forth in the job description and as assigned to you time to time by your manager in your job description.

· Outside Business Activities

During your employment with the Airlite, you shall devote competent energies, interests and abilities to the performance of your duties under this agreement.

· Employment classification

You shall be a fulltime employee and shall not be entitled to benefits except as specially outlined herein.

· Compensation

Airlite shall pay you the wage as set forth in the job description. You shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses paid or incurred by you in the performance of your duties. You will also receive Airlite’s standard employee benefits package and will be subject to Airlite’s vacation policy as such package and policy are in effect time to time.

For further organization’s legislation, please check the following Fairwork information sheet

Employees Signature Employer’s Signature

Advise that managers and supervisors can provide to new staff members based on salary and employment terms and conditions

  • Salary

The managers and supervisors can advise the following information to the new staff members about their salary:

  • When wages will be paid, and the date the first payment will be due.
  • Whether wages will be paid in advance or amount is overdue.
  • How much they will be paid including the annual rate.
  • Employment terms and conditions

The managers and supervisors can disclose the information to the new employees about the annual leave, long service provisions, sick leave, maternity or parental leave, bereavement leave, flexible working arrangements, agreed hourly requirement for part time, contract or permanent employment, home based employment, study assistance, salary sacrifice or a health and wellbeing program for staff.

Induction checklist that managers and supervisors should follow when inducting new staff members.

Source – Linkedconsulting.com.au

Employee Name:

Position/Job BSBHRM501 Manage Human Resource Services Assignment:

Employment Start Date:

Manager/Supervisor Name:


  • Framework of industry, nature & structure of the corporate
  • the role of key people in the business, jobs, tasks and responsibilities
  • Objectives of the business
  • Outline of key clients and other relevant information

Employee’s Position

  • How the job contributes to company’s goals
  • How the job links with other roles in the company
  • Specific duties and responsibilities
  • Support that is available to help them settle into the role

Job Introduction

  • Introduce to other team members
  • Show work area and relevant technology – provide passwords, keys etc – explain policies for their use
  • Familiarize them with the workplace layout, toilets, eating facilities etc.
  • Equipment/supplies - where found, how used
  • Where using equipment, demonstrate how to operate safely
  • Meal hours and tea breaks


  • Outline performance expectations for the role
  • Set any goals/deadlines for specific areas of the job
  • Establish communication channels to manage any issues that may arise

Work Schedule

  • Hours of work
  • Procedure for working overtime or additional hours
  • How and when holidays can be taken


  • Reporting absences/late arrivals
  • Importance of reporting
  • How to report

Safety & Security

  • Occupational Health and Safety Policy, company safety standards/expectations and OHS communication
  • Show any Safe Work Methods Statements pertaining to the work they will be doing
  • Show locations of exits and emergency equipment
  • Explain emergency evacuation procedure
  • Location of first aid supplies
  • Highlight any areas of caution
  • How to report hazards and accidents


Induction Conducted by:

I have acknowledged the above induction, I comprehend the basic requirements of my job role and come to an agreement to abide by Airlite’s policy and standards.

Employee Signature: Employer Signature:

Monitoring the probationary staff member

Supervisors and managers can monitor the probationary staff members in the following ways:

  • Managers can provide the employee with a clear job description.
  • Managers can deliver clear performance standards so the employee could have an idea what the organization expects from them.
  • Familiarize the employee with workplace procedures.
  • Managers can conduct a departmental alignment for the new employee and also evaluate the employees time to time when needed.
  • Managers can arrange follow-up sessions as often as necessary in order to get the idea if the employee is uncomfortable at the workplace or not.
  • Evaluate the employee's performance
  • Managers can further monitor the performance of the probationary staff member by giving the feedback to the new employee considering some of the following question like
  • Has the new staff member achieved excellence in understanding the clear performance standards?
  • Has the staff member understood his/her job duties and have already demonstrated their performance level?
  • Has the employee had sufficient time to correct deficiency in their work.

Providing feedback to new staff member regarding their performance on monthly basis

Managers and supervisors can provide feedback to the new employee based on their performance in different ways like

  • Specially describe the problem you have observed to the new employee in their job
  • Manager should try to Focus as much as on the problem not the employee
  • Indicate why it is a concern
  • Discuss the causes of the concern
  • Decide on specific action to be taken- by you and employee
  • Agree on a specific follow-up-date.

Circumstances under which it might be necessary to make changes in induction process.

Sometimes it might be necessary to make adjustments in an induction process if the process does not result in desired outcome due to a number of circumstances which may occur while the process is going on. These circumstances could be lack of clarity in the documentation, formatting mistakes, the policy is very hard to follow, the policy is out of date i.e. it doesn’t comply with the legislation and kit is not consistent with other business strategies, policies. Procedures, guidelines and forms.

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