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BSBHRM501 Manage HR Services Sample Assignment

Assessment 1

Develop HR delivery strategies


Human Resources requirements of JKL

JKL industries is an Australian based company which retails forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry and also emphasize on their operational plans that is expand their existing branches, withdraw from the rental division and continue their selling and services for forklifts. It believes in promoting and developing the potential of its customers to allow the company to become the dominant suppliers of range of forklifts i.e. Small, medium and large trucks in Australia.

Analysis of business documentation

To analysis the business it is necessary to consult with sales and service manager to determine the needs of the team and department they manage. When employees come to work for the company it the responsibility of the company and managers to provide safe and sound workplace and comply with relevant laws of the country to keep records up-to-date and also to pay benefits and salaries to industrial standard.

It is highly recommended that the proper selection and recruitment process for the new and existing employees of the company to ensure proper training and keep up-to-date with all ins and outs of the company and any new installations in the company. Analysation of underlying problem is must to figure out the conflicts among the employees and departments of JKL is an important. There are several conflicts discussed in 4 different cases of JKL industries. So, the company is required to analyse those conflicts and solve it by identifying the needs of human resource services to meet all the strategy and goals of the company.

Consultation with internal stakeholders

JKL Industries intends to employ from within the company and up-skill or reskill exiting staff presently working in rentals who wish to remain with the company. Different communication methods were used by JKL industries to consult with internal stakeholder.

Function Lunch meeting:

This way of communication is used by top level management member as for a monthly meeting in order to take counsel in major issues. This type of communication is good way of relationship building and getting key stakeholders together but it may cost higher. However, the intention of this meeting is not only to give out information but also to prepare the management for answering questions and handle any obstacles.

Online Newsletters:

It is fast and easy dispatch of news to staff and the receipts can easily forward to others who might be interesting. It should be used for all staff member within organization where online newsletters will be sent out to different branches. Staffs who wish to remain with the company will have an option to apply for new position. They will be train and reskill for the new job.

Company website:

This way of communication aims to publish all organization’s news and updated information for our customers. The company website shall publish the news about the restructure so that the public will be informed about the changes. it is a great information resource, excellent for breaking news and announcements with 24/7 accessible to everyone.

External business environment

JKL have certain strategies to hire consultant to ensure compliance with the requirement of the laws and regulation relating to human resource including different government regulations, economic condition, technological advancement and workforce demographics.


The two options to meet human resources needs are:

Labour market shortage:

Nowadays it is very hard to find the skilled human manpower who can operate the advance equipment’s and cope with the changes and it is one of the biggest challenge for the human resources to select the right person for the job as there is continuous enhancement of technology.

Uncertainty in environmental regulatory environment:

When the government is unstable and changing its policies often, its very tricky and uncertain for HR to predict the changes in the regulation and make a strategy according to it.


Return Of Investment(ROI)



=33.33% with risk of 10%


=25% with risk of 20%


=500% with risk of 30%


 =1400% with risk of 10%


=1000% with risk of 10%


=233% with risk of 20%

Therefore, d) & e) with the highest ROI and low risk of 10% would be the best option.

Option a) & b) has lowest cost and low ROI

Option c) has the medium ROI but the risk is moderate.

6. Action Plan to communicate and implement recommendations over next four weeks.



Strategy/application of policy




Problem solution

1 week

Arrange mandatory meetings

given cases

Manager and Staff

Review legislation, policy and procedure

1 week

Strict rules and regulations

Companies policies and procedures.

Human Resource manager

Anti-discrimination Act

Evaluate the performance

1 week

Collect feedback from the client and staff

Feedback/evaluation forms

Human resource Manager and staff

Hierarchical restructuring

1 week

Horizontal and vertical restructure

Mode of communication

HR manager and outsourced organisation


1 week

Importing external manpower and subcontracting the company

External manpower

HR manager

Outsourcing policies

Assessment 2



The purpose of the SLA is to establish a cooperative partnership between JKL industries/HR strategy and its customers. This SLA will:

  • outline services to be offered and working assumptions between HR Strategy and its customers
  • quantify and measure service level expectations

define mutual requirements and expectations for critical processes and overall performance


HR strategy will provide a shared business environment for the JKL industries. The business environment will continuously enhance service, compliance and productivity to its customers and core business practices. The primary goals for the service centre include: integrate people, processes, and technology to provide a balances satisfaction to all customers.

Service performance


To provide the services to meet or exceed the service level performance measure for each level performance criterion.


The supplier acknowledges and agrees that any service credit is a price adjustment reflecting the value of any lost service caused by failure to meet a service level. Supplier and customer, both parties agree that the service credits are reasonable method of price adjustment to reflect poor performance.

Hours of operation:

In support of service outlines in the service Level Agreement, the service provider will respond to service related incidents and requests submitted by the customer within time frame such as:

  • 0-8 hours for issues classified as high priority.
  • Within 48 hours for medium priority
  • 5 working days for low priorities.

Performance expectations

Service expectation:

Meeting response times associated with service related incidents. Appropriate notification to customer for all scheduled maintenance.

Service process/Area


Performance Metric

Performance monitoring schedule

Supplier and customers


Key Indicator

Performance measure

Documentation for changes in services

Service level performance measure

Service credit for each service period

Service level threshold


Incentives and rewards

Higher level performance. Satisfactory feedback.

Feedback and response from client


Working assumptions:

The assumption is any changes in the services are communicated and the service is provided according to the agreement between two parties.

Service constraints:

The assumed services or facilities are not covered by SLA.

Service Level Agreement maintenance:

Effective support of in-scope services is a result of maintaining consistent service levels.

Terms of agreement:

The Agreement remains valid until superseded by the revised agreement mutually endorsed by the stakeholders. The agreement outlines the parameters of all JKL industries’ services covered as they are mutually understood by the primary stakeholders.

Periodic quality reviews:

The agreement is valid for certain date. The agreement should be reviewed at a minimum of (specified time) per fiscal year; however, in lieu of a review during any period specified, the current Agreement will remain in effect.

Issue resolution:

Meeting with both parties, raising the issues and resolving it in mutual understanding ad good communication.

Signature to agreement:

Both parties sign in the agreement accepting the terms and conditions of the agreement and agreeing to follow the rules and regulations.

Provider: JKL Industries

Client/s: Stakeholders

Action plan for delivery of SLA and to address the underperformance of JKL team.



Strategy/application of policy




Case2-Proper instruction of the duties

At Commencement

Provide the copy of job description and benefits.

Contract paper with job description and benefits

Manager/ supervisor

Fair work Act

Case2-Held timely meeting


Discuss the problems and confusions face to face

Feedback, communication

Manager and staff

Anti-discriminatory Act.

Case2 Performance appraisal

Six month

Performance versus incentives

Feedback, comment and complaints

Manager and supervisor


review of managers performance by senior management


Supervise the performance and act of management level

Feedback form, meetings

CEO, Management Team


Assesment 3

Executive summary

The objective of this Review is to improve service delivery and performance management in the JKL company. The Service Delivery and Performance Management Review was conducted from 10 June to 30 September 2018. An extensive consultation process was undertaken including internal and external stakeholders consulted and various responses received to a management level staff survey.

The JKL has made significant advances for past five years in forklift and trucks sales and there are a number of areas of positive performance where the organisation is demonstrating best practice. This includes work within a number of specialist areas such as rental market which focus on analysing and the investigating in current organisational structure. The Operational Performance Review initiative, which places an emphasis on the analysis of crime trends and local problems provides the focus to establish operational and organisational priorities for improved performance has also received favourable comment from both within and external to the JKL.

The operational policing role is complex and subject to continuing pressures from government, the community and other stakeholders. While the performance of the JKL in this area has improved significantly it is once again confronted by many of the same issues. There continue to be increasing demands for service created by changes to legislation and policy, the JKL taking on roles for other government agencies and increasing community expectations. The Review found that to date the JKL has taken on these additional demands resulting in resources being stretched to the limit and recruit employee from within the company and upskill existing employees in rentals. While the preferred approach for police in terms of service delivery is an effective mix between reactive policing, prevention and targeted problem oriented policing, in some high workload areas there is currently little opportunity to provide more than a reactive response. The current approach of increasing police resources to manage both population growth and these additional responsibilities is not sustainable.

As there are many services option which are available to choose for HR mangers, service level agreement is best way to be in a superior position because everything terms are mentioned in SLA and ought to get compensation if there is conflict by parties

It is anticipated that with successful progression of initiatives already underway within the JKL and the implementation of the Review’s recommended improvements in the next few years, the organisation will be better positioned to improve its service delivery, reach an embedded level of maturity for most elements of performance management and become an organisation that combines good policing, good governance and good business practice.

Develop the survey on HR service delivery:.

Client / Employee

1. What is your gender?

  • Female
  • Male

2. What is your ethnicity?

  • Hispanic or Latino
  • White (Not Hispanic or Latino)
  • Black or African American (Not Hispanic or Latino)
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Not Hispanic or Latino)
  • Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino)
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native (Not Hispanic or Latino)
  • Two or more races (Not Hispanic or Latino)

3. How many years have you been in work force?

  • Less than 1 year
  • 1-5 years
  • 6-10 years
  • 11-20 years
  • More than 20 years

4. Which of the following general categories best describes your work?

  • Executive/senior-level official or manager
  • First/mid-level official or manager

Line managers / senior management

5. I have good access to HR employees for advice and assistance.

  1. Strongly agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
  5. Do not know

6. When I contact my HR department, I usually receive help: 

  • Within 1 workday
  • Within 2 or 3 workdays
  • Within a week
  • After more than a week
  • Never

7. Have you found that getting HR information is more difficult than you believe it should be because of a lack of sufficient skill in the HR staff? 

  • To a great extent
  • Somewhat
  • To a small extent
  • Not at all

8. Have you found that getting HR information is more difficult that you believe it should be because of a lack of sufficient staff resources in the HR department? 

  • To a great extent
  • Somewhat
  • To a small extent
  • Not at Not at all

9. Have you had any problems finding or obtaining access to the right person in the HR department to get the information or service you need? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • I have not attempted to contact the HR department

10. Do you believe the HR department made sincere attempts to solve your problems or answer your questions?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I have not attempted to contact the HR department 

Assessment 4

1. what are two pieces of legislation that may apply to managing human resource?

  • BSBHRM501 Manage HR Services Sample Assignment VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 and subsequent amendments, including the Civil Rights Act of 1991.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

2. How do human resource strategies and planning processes relate to business and operational plans?

  • Human resource strategies and planning processes are related with business and operational plan. Recruiting, training selecting the employees for the organisation is the process to select capable candidate who can align with the goal of the company and work on day to day operational basis according to the plan and procedure of the company to attain the target.

3. What is performance management for the delivery of HR services in your own words?

  • Performance management for the delivery of HR services is managing the day to day activity in an effecting manner in order to select, hire, and train the right candidate for the right job so that the organisational goal can be made achievable.

4. What is contract management for HR service delivery in your own words?

  • The contract created between two parties for the shake of the development of the company and to achieve the goal of the company and to maintain the quality of HR services.

5. How is feedback used to modify the delivery of human resources?

  • Feedback is the tool which helps the management to know how the performance is going or what is the level of performance by using particular strategy so if the feedback is not good the strategy can be changed so that better result will be obtained so in this way, modification in the delivery of human resources is done with the help of feedback.

6.a) requirement of the organisation’s code of conduct?

  • Employees and officers of JKL Industries are expected to respect and support the core value of the organisation
  • Respect and treat others with fairness
  • Act honestly to protect the reputation of JKL Industries; avoid the fact or appearance of conflict of interest
  • Protect the privacy of others in accordance with organisational privacy and recordkeeping policies.

6.b) How would you communicate the code of conduct?

  • In the written form, providing the copy of code of conduct. The strategy to achieve the aim of communication strategies is implementing the plan that is prepared in order to achieve the goal. Email or letter or meeting, computers and mobile phones are the media to achieve the goal of communication strategies.

6.c) Who would you consult and why?

  • Consult with the related person such as manager, supervisor in order to be clear with the subject matter.

6.d) How would you monitor employee adherence to the code of conduct?

  • Communication with each other, proper meeting including all level staff.

6.e) How would you incorporate the code of conduct into HR policies and practices?

  • Communicating the code of conduct at the time od recruitment and making an agreement between employee and the company that the new employee has to follow the terms and conditions of the company as long as the employee works in the company.

6.f) How would you incorporate the code of conduct into service level agreement?

  • Making an agreement between two parties to follow the terms and policies and signing the contract.

6.g) How can the effective implementation by HR of a code of conduct contribute to business and operational success?

  • The proper implementation of code of conduct abide employee to remain within the company’s regulations and follow the strategy of the company to achieve the goal of the company which will help in the day to day activities promising the betterment of the company and this will lead to the business and operational success.

6.h) How would you personally ensure that you adhered to (and were seen to adhere to) the organisation’s code of conduct?

  • By making sure I follow the rules and regulations of the company as long as I remain in the company. Any breaches of the company’s terms and conditions will result to the disciplinary action of the company.

7.a) what action would you take as the human resource manager?

  • Personally talk to the people involved in the act. That is unacceptable activity from the staff member which need an immediate action because there might me negative impact of such act in the company.

7.b) What could be the consequences of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

  • The disciplinary action might have to be taken by analysing the case, if it has a greater impact on the organisational rules and organisation culture.

7.c) What could be the business impact of failing to act promptly and appropriately?

  • There will be negative impact and rumour about it in the organisation. Privacy, confidentiality will be breaches and will have negative impact.

7.d) How can you ensure all human resources staff are clear about ethical expectations and behaviours?

  • Provide the copy of code of conduct and organise the meeting regarding the issue and show the consequences of not following the policies and procedures. Make it clear that each and everyone is expected to follow the code of conduct.

8.a). Anti-Discrimination Act 1975

8. b) Verbal discussion and Legal action.

8.c) The code of conduct and the organisations policies and procedure while doing contract with the company at the time of employment where it is mentioned about all the laws and regulations.

8.d) Conduct mandatory meeting to discuss about what is not acceptable and what is expected to follow from the employees and provide the copy of all regulations and code of conducts.

8.e) Arrange a meeting with the management level, discuss the issue and and make it confidential without letting people to know about the matter who were not involved in the act.

9. This comes under Recordkeeping procedures, file management and filenames. While using the computer to store data and important data of the company ensure you have saved it remaining under the confidentiality act and policies and procedures of the company.

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