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BSBDIV601 Develop and Implement Diversity Policy Assessment Tasks

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VIA-BSBDIV601-Develop and Implement Diversity Policy

Assessment Task-1

Assessment Task-2

Assessment Task-3


Portfolio and Roleplay

Evidence to be submitted

Q.1 - Diversity policy and procedure briefing report

Q.2 - Draft Diversity Policy and Procedure

Q.3 - Diversity Action Plan

Q.4 - Diversity Questionnaire

Please read the following scenario and answer the above 4 questions-


Ausacc is an accountancy firm with 25 staff, ranging from senior management staff to administration staff. The company currently has one office located in Sydney.

The company is in a period of expansion and needs to ensure that it can access a sufficient number of qualified staff. The company has been struggling with this over the last 12 months. The CEO has therefore decided that one of the strategies used to try and access staff will be to develop a formal diversity policy and procedures as well as an action plan, which will give the company access to a larger pool of staff, as well as reap

all the benefits of diversity.

You are the General Manager of this company and you will meet with the CEO to discuss diversity policy requirements to develop a diversity policy and procedures and associated documents for Ausacc.

Q.1 - Diversity policy and procedure briefing report



Purpose of the report, including current organisational diversity practices.


For the 1st paragraph- Search in Google for the purpose of diversity policy and procedure briefing report

For 2nd paragraph-Please rewrite the following sentences into your own words-

Ausacc does not have a formal diversity policy and procedure but is committed to diversity, especially to improve access to qualified staff, as well as to reap all the benefits that diversity brings to an organization. The company does have a recruitment, selection and induction policy.

Diversity facts and figures

Hints:- Please write answer for the following sections:

?      Australia’s multicultural society, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and percentage of people born overseas and major countries of origin

?      Religions

?      Age structure

You can use the following sources to find answers to the above questions :


Demographics of those with a disability and types of disability http://www.and.org.au/pages/disability-statistics.html

Impacts of Diversity

Benefits to the workplace generally, and the benefits to Ausacc in regard to business objectives.


Search in Google for “the benefits of workplace diversity and list these down” For instance:

        -     Low risk of discrimination and harrasment in the workplace

Benchmarks and other measurement indicators

Hints: choose 5-6 from the list and explain each in one or two sentences-

•               Degree of participation of staff on steering groups, Boards, working parties and committees and in the development and achievement of work plans.

•               Extent of promotion of workplace diversity issues in the Department.

•               Satisfaction of management with the outcomes of the Workplace Diversity Program.

•               Degree of change in the Department’s employee profile.

•               Level of satisfaction with the selection process.

•               Degree of satisfaction of staff in balancing their work and personal life-style responsibilities, through feedback received via performance appraisal.

•               Extent of flexible work practices in place to balance work and personal lifestyle responsibilities.

•               Feedback on the results of specific initiatives.

•               Number of grievances and incidents of workplace harassment and their resolution.

•               Availability of relevant documentation to deal with incidents of workplace harassment and feedback on the adequacy of the documentation.

•               Attitudinal surveys/culture audits

•               Peer reviews to help provide an accurate and objective assessment of how well employees and managers are doing.

•               Requests for review of actions.

•               Turnover and absenteeism statistics.

•               Diversity surveys that identify issues in connection with job satisfaction, career development, management, support and discrimination or harassment in the workplace.

•               Focus groups.

Legal requirements in relation to workplace diversity.

List and explain key legislation related to diversity. List at least five Acts and briefly explain the purpose of each.


?       Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)

?       Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth)

?       Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

?       Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)

?       Sex Discrimination Act 1984. (Cth)

?       Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

?       Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)

Example diversity policies and procedures Hints:

Please choose any three diversity policies and procedures from the following list and explain each in few sentences:

?      Anti-discrimination and harassment policy, it is designed to protect against both individual discrimination and from structural discrimination. It also protects the employee from harassment at work.

?      Grievance handling policy

?      Discipline and termination policy

?      Equal Employment opportunity

?      Recruitment and succession planning

?      Commitment to gender diversity

Example diversity actions to inform action plan.

Include example actions that could be undertaken to improve diversity within the organization.

Please choose any five from the following list and explain each in one sentence:

?     Monitor staffing profile on an annual basis for gender balance

?     Consider options for people with a disability in how they deliver work, like job sharing and seeking input from disability support services

?     Encourage all managers to work closely with new recruits to identify issues early, like ease of access, and implement solutions.

?     Promote awareness of reasonable adjustment policy.

?     Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees to participate in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander networks within Federal Government

?     Incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander charities in the Workplace Giving Program. Increase Finance’s involvement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander local and regional communities.

?     Encourage employees, within identified groups, to disclose their diversity status. Disclosure of diversity data will enable Finance to improve its focus on support, advice and training through a better understanding of its workforce.

?     Implement a development program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees.

Explain the concept of reasonable adjustment and give three examples of reasonable adjustments that workplaces can make to facilitate participation by people with a disability.

For example: Please read the following paragraph as an example of reasonable adjustment, but You should rewrite it in your words-

Reasonable adjustments are changes to the work environment that allow people with disability to work safely and productively. Under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, 'disability' includes: physical, psychological or neurological disease or disorder.

illness, whether temporary or permanent. Some examples of  this are listed as follows:

?     Reallocation of a duty a disabled employee cannot do

?     Providing a nearby parking space for disabled employee

?     Redeploying  a disabled person to a non-public facing role

?     Swapping two pieces of equipment

Q.2 - Draft Diversity Policy and Procedure


Introduction Hints:-

        -     Please search in Google for - What does Diversity Policy and procedure promote?

And then fit “Ausacc” into this description.

For instance: Diversity policy and procedure promote equality to all in employment, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age, nationality, national origin, sexuality, religion or belief, marital status and social class. Ausacc oppose all forms of

unlawful and unfair discrimination. It helps the companies, including Ausacc to grow its talent pool.

-       Secondly, please search “how Diversity Management can benefit”

-       Thirdly, please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

Ausacc believes in treating all people with respect and dignity. We strive to create and foster a supportive and understanding environment in which all individuals realise their maximum potential within the company, regardless of their differences. We are committed to employing the best people to do the best job possible. We recognise the importance of reflecting the diversity of our customers and markets in our workforce. The diverse capabilities that reside within our talented workforce, positions us to anticipate and fulfil the needs of our diverse customers, both domestically and internationally, providing high quality products and services. Ausacc is diverse in many dimensions. Our diversity encompasses differences in ethnicity, gender, language, age, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, physical and mental ability, thinking styles, experience, and education. We believe that the wide array of perspectives that results from such diversity promotes innovation and business success. Managing diversity makes us more creative, flexible, productive and competitive


Diversity is about recognising, respecting and valuing differences based on gender, ethnicity, colour, age, race, religion, disability, national origin and sexual orientation. It also can include a vast range of individual characteristics and experiences, such as leadership and communication styles, career path, life experience, educational background, marital status, parental status, and other variables that influence personal perspectives. A diverse workforce is one that recognises and embraces the diverse skills and perspectives that people bring to the organisation. The wide array of perspectives resulting from such diversity promotes innovation and business success. Embracing and managing diversity will enable Ausacc to be creative, responsive, productive and competitive that in turn creates value for its customers and shareholders


Hints: please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

As a responsible community member, Ausacc recruits people from all backgrounds. We believe that our employees from many different cultural, linguistic and national backgrounds provide us with valuable knowledge for understanding and reflecting our customers in local markets. To achieve and fully benefit from a diverse workforce We have established outreach programmes to identify individuals from under-represented backgrounds for recruitment.

Or, please rewrite in your own words the following sentences

The organisation operates in a highly competitive industry sector where there is a demand for high calibre employees. Ausacc will ensure that selection and recruitment decisions are based on merit and that no person or group of people are treated less favourably or more favourably than another

Career development and promotion

Hints: please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

Ausacc rewards excellence and all employees are promoted on the basis of their performance. All managers are trained in managing diversity to ensure that employees are treated fairly and evaluated objectively

Or, please rewrite in your own words the following sentences

Ausacc the importance of providing training opportunities to employees and enabling them to realise their full potential. Executive mentoring programs and other training opportunities for employees wishing to prepare for senior management opportunities will be made available to relevant employees based on merit and skill set. Direct and inferred discrimination will not be utilised or tolerated in any training opportunity selection or practices

Community programmes

Hints: please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

Ausacc recognises that there are distinct demographic groups that have long been disadvantaged. We recognise that racism, ageism, sexism and other forms of discrimination are problems both for our organisation and society as a whole. Ausacc is committed to tackling cultural stereotypes both within and outside our organisation. We have clear reporting procedures for any type of discrimination or harassment combined with follow-up procedures to prevent future incidents. Ausacc combats discrimination in the wider community through partnerships with community based groups. We work closely with a range of community groups

Or, please rewrite in your own words the following sentences

Consistent with Ausacc’s values and strategic goals, diversity will be managed by:

• Facilitating equal employment opportunities based on relative ability, performance and potential

• Complying with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation

•              Building and maintaining a safe work environment by taking action against inappropriate workplace and business behaviour, such as discrimination, victimisation, harassment, vilification and bullying

•              Developing flexible work practices to meet the differing needs of employees at all levels and at different stages of their life cycle in the context of business requirements and domestic responsibilities

•              Attracting and retaining a skilled and diverse workforce as an employer of choice

•              Enhancing market reputation through a workforce that respects and reflects the diversity of our business partners, suppliers, clients and customers

•              Making a positive contribution to the economic, social and educational well-being of the communities in which we operate

•              Ensuring the decision-making process provides opportunity for a diversity of views to be considered, leading to improved teamwork, productivity and more robust outcomes

•              Creating an inclusive workplace culture that is pleasant for employees to work in and conducive to good workplace relations

Diversity bodies

Hints: please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

Our commitment to diversity is led by our diversity champions who come from all levels of the company, from top management to the shop floor. The diversity champions make up a diversity committee, which is responsible for ensuring that our diversity policy is articulated in the day to day running and the strategic direction of the company.

Or, please rewrite in your own words the following sentences

Leaders/Managers are responsible for understanding their role in promoting diversity, communicating and implementing policies and procedures effectively and working with staff to integrate the values of diversity into employment practices. Employees are responsible to ensure that they:

•             Comply with the guidelines of this policy

•             Promote the spirit of diversity and equal opportunity

•             Report any questionable business practices that may breach this policy to the Group General Manager Human Resources or in their absence the Chief Executive Officer so that an investigation can be conducted as soon as possible.

Human Resources will lead and approve policy review, revision as appropriate and monitoring of data collected

Diversity practices

Hints: please rewrite in your own words the following sentences-

All employees undergo diversity training. Diversity training encompasses raising awareness about issues surrounding diversity and developing diversity management skills. Ausacc provides a safe and pleasant environment for our employees.

Ausacc offer: please choose and explain any 3 from the list-

• Flexible working time arrangements

• Employee education assistance

• Employee network and support groups

• Open communications

• Childcare assistance

• Mentor programmes

Q.3 - Diversity Action Plan


Key Result




Responsibility- choose from the list - Choose any 2 for each row-

( Learning and Development

Manager,Learning and

Development consultant,

Learning and Development

Coordinator, Human Resource

Manager,Human Resource

Officer,  Operations Manager, Industrial relations manager,Safety representatives)



Measure of


Recruitment, selection and retention

(Choose any 2- please rewrite in your own

( Choose any 2- please rewrite in your own


Roughly Any date 2 weeks from

( Choose any

2-please rewrite in your own words the

words the following sentences)

- Additional of female recruitment and retention

-Additional of younger employees recruitment and retention

-Additional number of recruitment of people with disability.

words the following sentences)

-Training, induction and probation for female employees

-Apprenticesh ip and scholarship program


specific advertisemen t with explanation of eligibility to apply


Now. For instance-



following sentences)

-Job advertisements made with such specific message

-Increase of young people and females applying for jobs

-school based apprentices employed by last quarter

-Scholarship program offered in 2021

Work/life balance

( please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)

- provides a flexible

employment framework which enables employees to effectively balance their work, family, caring, other responsibiliti es and interests

( please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)

-Create flexible rostering program by


employees give their availability.

-Create program of employee assistance



Any date 4 weeks from


( please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)

-Policy and procedure in place for staff to request flexible arrangements

- 3%of staff with arrangements in place by the end of 2021


( please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)



Diversity Policy is accessible and its principles are understood and supported by Managers and employees

( Choose any 2-please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)

- Including the diversity policy into induction training

-Staff’s opinions are incorporated into diversity policy making

-Monthly group meeting on diversity issues

-setting up of suggestion boxes for staff to drop in suggestions and concerns relating to diversity



Any date 1.5 months from


( please rewrite in your own words the following sentences)

-staff turn up for the education session

-staff attending induction training

Q.4 - Diversity Questionnaire

Hints:- Please prepare at least 10 questionnaires-

To find sample questionnaires, please search online for “Diversity related survey questions” Please tick one response for each statement

(SD – Strongly Disagree, D – Disagree, N-Neutral, A – Agree, SA – Strongly Agree)







This company is committed to diversity


There is a career development path for all employees at this company


The company's policies or procedures discourage discrimination


What improvements, if any, can be made to improve the level of diversity at this company


Presentation and Portfolio

Please read the following scenario and answer the following 3 questions-


In the role of the General Manager at Ausacc, you are required to present the new diversity policy and procedures and action plan to the Ausacc staff for information and for their feedback. After the presentation, you will need to include their ideas on diversity actions and update the draft diversity policy and procedures and action plan

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted

Q1 - Presentation slides

Q2 - Final Diversity Policy and Procedure

Q3 - Final Diversity Action Plan

Q1 - Presentation slides


Please prepare at least 8 slides and include some images, tables or charts.

Make sure that You address the following aspects in Bullet Point forms to your presentation slides

  • Diversity facts and figures ( Please refer to Assessment-1-Q.1)
  • Explain the benefits of diversity ( Please refer to Assessment-1-Q.1)
  • Intended outcome of policy and procedure ( Please refer to Assessment-1-Q.2)
  • Diversity policy and procedure ( Please refer to Assessment-1-Q.2)
  • Diversity Action Plan ( Please refer to Assessment-1-Q.3) 2 - Final Diversity Policy and Procedure


Firstly, Please copy and paste Your Diversity policy and procedure (Assessment-1-Q.2) which You have prepared in the Assessment -01.

Secondly, Now please make some minor changes in this policy and procedures. For example - Add one or Two  more sentences into the Recruitment section, Add one or Two  more sentences into the Career development and promotion section, Add one or Two  more sentences into the Community programmes section, Add one or Two  more sentences into the Diversity bodies section, Add one or Two  more sentences into the Diversity practices  section.

Q3 - Final Diversity Action Plan


Firstly, Please copy and paste Your Diversity Action Plan (Assessment-1-Q.3) which You have prepared in the Assessment -01.

Secondly, Now please make some minor changes in this Action Plan. For examplechange the timeframes, Change/Add the responsible people, Add one or more Actions into the Action column, Add one or more Measures of success into the Measure of Success column.


Roleplay and Portfolio

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted

Q.1- Best Practices Report

Q.2 - Revised Diversity Policy and Procedures

Q.3 - Responses to Case Studies

Q.1- Best Practices Report


Student please choose One from the following list to write report on-

  • Acknowledge And Honor Multiple Religious And Cultural Practices
  • Welcome A Multilingual Workforce

-Foster Diverse Thinking

-Build A Multigenerational Workforce

-Strengthen Anti-Discriminatory Policies

-Talent management and diversity

-Diversity induction for employees

Appendix 4 – Recommended Changes Report

This report contains information on the changes recommended to the policy.

Identified Unintended Impacts of the Policy


Please explain in two to three sentences - what might happen if You don’t include Your chosen One best practice from the above list into the diversity policy.

For example- Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t Welcome A

Multilingual Workforce”

Or, Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t Foster Diverse Thinking”

Or, Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t Build A Multigenerational Workforce”

Or, Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t Strengthen

Anti-Discriminatory Policies”

Or, Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t recognise Talent management and diversity”

Or, Search in Google- “ What might happen if we don’t incorporate diversity orientation into induction”

Recommendations for updating the policy and procedures.


You need to recommend How you are going to implement Your chosen One best practice from the above list into the diversity policy.

1st Line- A staff orientation policy on ( Select Your One chosen Best Practice

only- Acknowledge And Honor Multiple Religious And Cultural Practices,or Welcome A Multilingual Workforce, or Foster Diverse Thinking, or Build A Multigenerational Workforce, or Strengthen Anti-Discriminatory Policies, or Talent management and diversity, or Diversity induction for employees) should need to be implemented to assist with the incorporation into the existing diversity policy. For instance- A staff orientation policy on welcome a Multilingual Workforce should be implemented to assist with the incorporation into the existing diversity policy

2nd line to 4th/5th line- Discuss in two or three sentences the benefits from implementing the ( ( Select Your One chosen Best Practice only- Acknowledge And Honor Multiple Religious And Cultural Practices,or Welcome A Multilingual

Workforce, or Foster Diverse Thinking, or Build A Multigenerational Workforce, or

Strengthen Anti-Discriminatory Policies, or Talent management and diversity, or

Diversity induction for employees)

5th/6th line- Please mention that Your Chosen Best Practice needs to be linked to the diversity policy to ensure that the culture of having a diverse workforce is continually supported, encouraged, promoted and integrated into workplace practices. For instance-Welcoming a Multilingual Workforce needs to be linked to the diversity policy to ensure that the culture of having a diverse workforce is continually supported, encouraged, promoted and integrated into workforce practices.

Communication Plan-

  • ( please rewrite in your own words this sentence) A communication plan is inevitable to ensure that the strategies of new policy are outlined and the right message is shared across the Organization.
  • Search in Google for “ Key Elements of Communication plan” and explain very shortly.

Q.2 - Revised Diversity Policy and Procedures


Firstly, Please copy and paste Your Diversity policy and procedure (Assessment-2-Q.2) which You have prepared in the Assessment -02.

Secondly, Now please Add the following Two lines into the bottom section of this Diversity policy and procedure Document -

  • 1st Line- A staff orientation policy on ( Select Your One chosen Best Practice only- Acknowledge And Honor Multiple Religious And Cultural Practices,or Welcome A Multilingual Workforce, or Foster Diverse Thinking, or Build A Multigenerational Workforce, or Strengthen Anti-Discriminatory Policies, or Talent management and diversity, or Diversity induction for employees) should need to be implemented to assist with the incorporation into the existing diversity policy. For example- A staff Orientation Policy on Welcome A multilingual Workforce should need to be implemented to assist with the incorporation into the existing Diversity Policy.
  • 5th/6th line- Please mention that Your Chosen Best Practice needs to be linked to the diversity policy to ensure that the culture of having a diverse workforce is continually supported, encouraged, promoted and integrated into workplace practices. For example- Welcoming a multicultural Workforce needs to be linked to the diversity policy to ensure that the culture of having a diverse workforce is continually supported, encouraged, promoted and integrated into workplace practices.

Q.3 - Responses to Case Studies

Case Study One- Please read the Case study on Page 16 of the Assessment manual and answer the following aspects-


Issues to Consider - Please choose any two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

  • No existing work flexibility arrangement is considered discriminatory
  • Can there be arranged an alternative worker to get her work done
  • What impact might this create within the work team if she is allowed to leave early

Is this a reasonable request from a permanent employee like Valarie to seek flexible work arrangements

Legal Requirements- Please search in Google for - “ Legal consequences for not permitting flexible working arrangements”

Manager’s responses- Manager could accept the request if it does not affect the company’s operations


Manager could decline the request if due to ( Choose any Two from following list - planned structural changes, or burden of additional costs, or quality or standards will suffer, or they won't be able to recruit additional staff, or performance will suffer, or they won't be able to reorganise work among existing staff, or they will struggle to meet customer demand, or lack of work during the periods you propose to work)

Case Study Two- Please read the Case study on Page 16 of the Assessment manual and answer the following aspects-


Issues to Consider - Please choose any two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

  • Would this not shaking hands with females be considered discriminatory
  • What impact might this create within the work team if this is allowed not to shake hands
  • Is this reasonable for an employee to be allowed not to shake hands due to the ground of religion
  • Verifying the requirements of the faith regarding shaking of hands with opposite sex

Legal Requirements-

  • Religion encourages men and women to act humbly with each other
  • Not shaking hands with opposite sex falls in the category of acting with decency

Manager’s responses- It would be discriminatory to encourage the muslim employee shaking hands with the other staff as it is considered modesty of not shaking hands

Case Study Three- Please read the Case study on Page 16 of the Assessment manual and answer the following aspects-


Issues to Consider - Please choose any two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

  • Would this be considered discriminatory if she is still asked to deal with this racist customer

What impact might this create within the work team if she is allowed not needing to deal with this customer

  • Is this a reasonable request from Delores to decline dealing with this racist customer
  • What support could she get in dealing with this customer if there is no one else to replace her duties

Legal Requirements- Please choose any Two from the following list and explain in One or Two sentences

  • Harassment under WHS legislation
  • Racial Discrimination Act
  • Racial Hatred Act
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act

Manager’s responses- Please choose any Two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

  • Personally look into the matter to identify problems and corrective actions
  • If customer is found to be acting in a racist manner, the manager needs to communicate with the customer of the concern
  • Stop anymore dealing with the customer if the customer is found to be acting continuously in a racist manner
  • Seek help from Law and enforcement agencies

Case Study Four- Please read the Case study on Page 17 of the Assessment manual and answer the following aspects-


Issues to Consider - Please choose any two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

  • Is refusing a colleague’s sexual orientation considered discriminatory
  • Is this required at work to treat each work mate with respect and dignity
  • What impact might this create within the work team and work atmosphere
  • Is this acceptable to disclose any objection about anyone’ sexual orientation

Legal Requirements- Please choose any Two from the following list and explain in One or Two sentences

  • Sex discrimination Act 1984
  • Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
  • Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
  • Equal Employment opportunity

Manager’s responses- Please choose any Two from the following list and rewrite these in your own words-

Personally look into the matter by talking with Jill to identify problems and find corrective actions

  • Explain clearly Company’s zero tolerance policy on racist behavior
  • Make an arrangement with Jill to monitor her behavior
  • Reminding Jill of the legal consequences if she continues to show such unacceptable behaviors
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